940 resultados para Guest Check


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Résumé : Une épidémie de gale sarcoptique (Sarcoptes scabiei) touche le canton de Genève depuis 1996. Nous avons étudié l'impact de cette maladie sur différents caractères comportementaux du renard roux (Vulpes vulpes) : l'écologie alimentaire, les comportements spatiaux et l'activité, ainsi que les contacts sociaux. Nous avons également évalué si la gale pouvait influencer la composition et la transmission de la communauté helminthique intestinale du renard. En effet, cette espèce est l'hôte de parasites qui sont liés à des zoonoses importantes, en particulier le ténia échinocoque du renard (Echinococcus multilocularis) pour lequel Genève est considérée comme une zone de haute endémie. Durant 5 années, des carcasses de renards ont été récoltées sur l'ensemble du canton. Nous les avons disséquées et avons conservé différents échantillons pour des analyses ultérieures. Des données sur le poids, l'âge et le statut reproductif des femelles ont ainsi pu être obtenues. Les contenus stomacaux ont été analysés pour déterminer le régime alimentaire, les intestins pour collecter des helminthes, des échantillons de sang pour faire des sérologies et des échantillons de peau pour récupérer les sarcoptes. Des renards sauvages ont également été capturés et équipés de colliers émetteurs afin de déterminer leur activité et leur utilisation de l'espace. Finalement, nous avons réalisé des affûts sur des terriers et des observations nocturnes à l'aide d'un détecteur thermique afin d'étudier les contacts sociaux. Nous avons ensuite considéré tous ces aspects pour comparer les renards galeux aux individus sains. Trois catégories de gale ont été prises en compte selon l'importance de l'infection. L'épidémie a traversé le canton en 8 ans environ et elle a provoqué une forte diminution des populations de renard. Les animaux malades étaient caractérisés par un poids réduit, ils utilisaient des domaines vitaux réduits et présentaient un rythme d'activité irrégulier. En ce qui concerne le régime alimentaire, les renards galeux avaient souvent des estomacs vides ou contenant peu d'aliments d'origine animale. Cette réduction de l'alimentation ne semble pas seulement être liée à des capacités de prédation réduite, mais également à un désintérêt face à la nourriture. Tous les changements de comportement cités étaient plus marqués chez les animaux soumis à une forte infestation. Dix taxons d'helminthes ont été identifiés dans les intestins des renards analysés. Deux d'entre eux représentent un risque de santé publique: Echinococcus multilocularis et Toxocara carvis. Pour ces helminthes, nous n'avons pas identifié de différences de prévalence entre les renards galeux et les animaux sains, mais la charge parasitaire était significativement supérieure chez les individus galeux, en particulier ceux souffrant d'une infestation importante. Ceci est probablement lié à une susceptibilité accrue des individus qui présentent une condition physique amoindrie et des défenses immunitaire affaiblies. Selon nos résultats, nous pouvons conclure que la gale induit des changements comportementaux importants et que ces changements ont une influence potentielle sur la transmission de la gale elle-même, mais également sur la transmission du reste de la communauté parasitaire de l'hôte. Les individus qui souffrent d'une infestation importante sont susceptibles de provoquer une contamination de l'environnement accrue en ce qui concerne des helminthes pouvant provoquer des zoonoses. La gale apparaît être un facteur à ne pas négliger dans le cadre de la gestion de la faune sauvage, mais également en ce qui concerne des problématiques de santé publique. Summary An epidemic outbreak of sarcoptic mange (Sarcoptes scabiei) has struck the canton of Geneva since 1996. The impact of the disease on various behavioural traits of the main host, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), was investigated: feeding ecology, spatial behaviour and activity, and social contacts. We also evaluated if mange might have an influence on the composition and transmission of the intestinal helminth community of foxes. Indeed, this species is host of parasites with potential zoonotic importance, particularly the fox tapeworm (Echinococcus multilocularis) for which Geneva is reported as endemic area. During 5 years, red fox carcasses have been collected throughout the canton. They were then dissected and various samples conserved for further analysis. Data on weight, age, and reproductive status of females were obtained. Stomach content were analysed for diet analysis, intestines to recover helminths, blood to proceed to ELISAs and skin samples to check for the presence of Sarcoptes mites. Further, wild foxes were captured and fitted with transmitters in order to determine their activity pattern and space use. Finally, we proceeded to direct observations at dens and using a thermal imaging sensor at night to gain information about social contacts. A comparison between healthy and mangy foxes was made for all these aspects. Three categories of mangy foxes were considered from moderately to severely infected. The epidemic wave crossed the canton in about 8 years and induced a significant reduction in fox densities. Mangy individuals appeared to have reduced body weights, to use more restricted home ranges and exhibited an irregular activity pattern. Regarding food, sick foxes often had empty stomachs and consumed less food items of animal origin. The reduction in food intake appeared to be linked not only to a reduced ability to hunt, but also to a reduced interest in food. The changes observed were particularly pronounced in individuals with severe infestation. Ten helminth taxa were recovered from the intestines on the analysed fox carcasses. Two of them have an importance with regard to human public health: Echinococcus multilocularis and Toxocara cams. The prevalence of these helminths did not differ between healthy and mangy foxes, however the worm burden was significantly higher in mangy foxes, particularly those with severe mange. This is probably linked to an increased susceptibility in individuals with a reduced body condition and weakened immune defences. From our observations, we can conclude that mange induces pronounced behavioural changes in the red fox, and that those changes influence the transmission risks of mange itself, but also of the rest of the parasite community of the host. Individuals with severe mange are for example likely to increase the environment contamination of free living stages of helminths with zoonotic importance. Mange appears thus to represent a factor not to be neglected for the management of wild species and for public health issues.


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Aquest Treball Final de Carrera té per objecte l'anàlisi, disseny i implementació d'una aplicació degestió de menjadors escolars. Aquesta aplicació neix de la necessitat de donar resposta a unademanda dels responsables d'aquests menjadors que es veuen desbordats per controlar totes lesincidències que tenen a veure amb el menjador d'un centre educatiu: des del registre d'un client (alumne, professor o convidat) que entra al menjador a dinar fins al cobrament dels serveiscorresponents.


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Abstract Pasquier, Mathieu, Noemi Zurron, Barbara Weith, Pierre Turini, Fabrice Dami, Pierre-Nicolas Carron, and Peter Paal. Deep accidental hypothermia with core temperature below 24°C presenting with vital signs. High Alt Med Biol. 15:58-63, 2014.-Background: According to the Swiss hypothermia clinical staging, patients with stage III are unconscious with preserved vital signs, with core temperature usually between 24° and 28°C. With stage IV, vital signs are absent with core temperature <24°C. Aims: To describe a patient presenting with HT stage III with vital signs but a core temperature of <24°C, and to search for similar patients in the medical literature. Materials and methods: MEDLINE was used to search for cases of deep accidental hypothermia (<24°C) and preserved vital signs. Results: We found 22 cases in addition to our case (n=23). Median age was 44 years (IQR 36; range 4-83) and median core temperature 22°C (IQR 1.7; 17-23.8). Vital signs were often minimal. Seven patients developed ventricular fibrillation (VF). Twenty patients survived with excellent neurological outcome. Conclusions: Vital signs can be present in hypothermic patients with core temperature <24°C. In deeply hypothermic patients, a careful check and prolonged check of vital functions should be made, as vital signs may be minimal. The clinical Swiss staging remains valuable in the prehospital evaluation of hypothermic patients; its correlation with core temperature should be better defined.


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This leaflet is given to all men who have attended screening through the Northern Ireland Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme and been diagnosed with a small AAA.The leaflet provides: �background information on the AAA screening programme; details on what a small AAA is; information on the monitoring process to regularly check the size of the AAA;lifestyle advice that may help those men diagnosed with an AAA. �Men who have been diagnosed with a small AAA will be invited to a monitoring scan once a year, unless their AAA increases in size to a medium AAA, at which point they will be invited to a monitoring scan once every three months.


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This leaflet is given to all men who have attended screening through the Northern Ireland Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme and been diagnosed with a medium AAA.The leaflet provides: background information on the AAA screening programme; details on what a medium AAA is; information on the monitoring process to regularly check the size of the AAA;lifestyle advice that may help those men diagnosed with an AAA. Men who have been diagnosed with a medium AAA will be invited to a monitoring scan once every three months, unless their AAA increases in size to a large AAA, at which point they will be referred to a team of vascular specialists for further assessment and the possible offer of surgery.


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A Neospora caninum 17 kDa protein fraction (p17) has been described as an immunodominant antigen (IDA) under reducing and non-reducing conditions. The aim of the present study was to investigate the diagnostic utility of p17 in cattle. In order to achieve this, p17 was purified by electroelution from whole N. caninum tachyzoite soluble extract and a p17-based Western blot (WB-p17) was developed. The p17 recognition was measured by densitometry and expressed as OD values to check the validity of the WB-p17. A total of 131 sera including sequential samples from naturally- and experimentally-infected calves and breeding cattle were analysed by WB-p17 and compared with IFAT using whole formalin-fixed tachyzoites as a reference test. The results obtained highlight the feasibility of using the N. caninum p17 in a diagnostic test in cattle. Firstly, the assay based on the p-17 antigen discriminated between known positive and negative sera from different cattle populations, breeding cattle and calves. Secondly, the p17 antigen detected fluctuations in the antibody levels and seroconversion in naturally- and experimentally-infected cattle. Significant differences in p-17 antigen recognition were observed between naturally infected aborting and non-aborting cattle, as well as significant antibody fluctuations over time in experimentally infected cattle, which varied between groups. Furthermore, the results obtained with WB-p17 are in accordance with the results obtained with the IFAT, as high agreement values were obtained when all bovine subpopulations were included (kappa = 0.86).


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This leaflet is used to support the Northern Ireland breast screening programme and explains the additional tests that may be offered at a breast assessment clinic following a mammogram that has shown a possible abnormality�


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This leaflet is used to support the Northern Ireland breast screening programme and help women decide whether to attend breast screening. Translations are of the 2014 version.This is also available in audio format by clicking�here.�


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Your baby will be given a series of routine health checks in the first few weeks of life. This will include a hearing screen. The hearing screen uses a quick simple test to check the hearing of all newborn babies. � .


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This leaflet explains breast screening for women with a higher risk of breast cancer.


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This leaflet is used to support the Northern Ireland breast screening programme and describes how women should check their breasts regularly for any changes that are new to themThis is also available in audio format by clicking here.�


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Desenvolupament d'aplicació per a iPhone que controla els esdeveniments d'un partit de futbol. Mentre es van registrant, es poden consultar en temps real les estadístiques individuals i col·lectives dels equips. En tot moment, es pot generar un xml que permetrà exportar les dades a altres equips.


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The reality of metabolic syndrome (MS) as a specific entity is debatable. However, the simple measure of waist circumference (>94 cm in men and >80 cm in women) is useful: (1) to check for insulin resistance by measuring serum levels of fasted glucose and insuline, cholesterol, triglycerides; (2) to look for diseases associated with MS such as hypertension, non alcohoolic steatohepatitis, sleep apnea, polycystic ovary disease, hypogonadism and to measure serum levels of ferritine, ALAT, ASAT, urate acid, CRP hs, testosterone and (3) to make obese people aware of their risk of becoming diabetic and to motivate them to change their life style. The utility of exercise and of various diets is discussed as well as the efficiency of drugs acting on different components of MS such as rimonabant, orlistat, metformin, glitazones, telmisartan and testosterone. The importance of political measures to fight the obesity epidemic is underlined.


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Validated in vitro methods for skin corrosion and irritation were adopted by the OECD and by the European Union during the last decade. In the EU, Switzerland and countries adopting the EU legislation, these assays may allow the full replacement of animal testing for identifying and classifying compounds as skin corrosives, skin irritants, and non irritants. In order to develop harmonised recommendations on the use of in vitro data for regulatory assessment purposes within the European framework, a workshop was organized by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health together with ECVAM and the BfR. It comprised stakeholders from various European countries involved in the process from in vitro testing to the regulatory assessment of in vitro data. Discussions addressed the following questions: (1) the information requirements considered useful for regulatory assessment; (2) the applicability of in vitro skin corrosion data to assign the corrosive subcategories as implemented by the EU Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation; (3) the applicability of testing strategies for determining skin corrosion and irritation hazards; and (4) the applicability of the adopted in vitro assays to test mixtures, preparations and dilutions. Overall, a number of agreements and recommendations were achieved in order to clarify and facilitate the assessment and use of in vitro data from regulatory accepted methods, and ultimately help regulators and scientists facing with the new in vitro approaches to evaluate skin irritation and corrosion hazards and risks without animal data.


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El treball té com a objectiu l'estudi de les propietats semàntiques d'un grup de verbs de desplaçament i els seus corresponents arguments. La informació sobre el tipus de complement que demana cada verb és important de cara a conèixer l'estructura sintàctica de la frase i oferir solucions pràctiques en tasques de Processament del Llenguatge Natural. L'anàlisi se centrarà en els verbs conduir, navegar i volar, a partir dels sentits bàsics que el Diccionari d'ús dels verbs catalans (DUVC) descriu per a cadascun d'aquests verbs i de les seves restriccions selectives. Comprovarem, mitjançant un centenar de frases extretes del Corpus d'Ús del Català a la Web de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra i del Corpus Textual Informatitzat de la Llengua Catalana de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans, si en la llengua es donen només els sentits i usos descrits en el DUVC i quins són els més freqüents. Finalment, descriurem els noms que fan de nucli dels arguments en termes de trets semàntics.