963 resultados para Glucose-stimulated beta-glycosidase
Detailed microstructural evidence for the mechanism of the alpha-beta phase transformation in ytterbium SiAlON ceramics is presented. Grains, which show partial transformation, have been examined using transmission electron microscopy. We suggest that the transformation proceeds as a discernable reaction front and the accompanying lattice mismatch is accommodated be a series of complex dislocations. The stabilizing cation is ejected from the transformed alpha- phase and diffuse along the dislocation to accumulate as isolated pockets in a way similar to that observed in metal systems and termed pipe diffusion. High-resolution electron microscopy reveals the details of each of these features.
We have examined the basis for immunodominant or public TCR usage in an antiviral CTL response. Residues encoded by each of the highly selected genetic elements of an immunodominant clonotype recognizing Epstein-Barr virus were critical to the antigen specificity of the receptor. Upon recognizing antigen the immunodominant TCR undergoes extensive conformational changes in the complementarity determining regions (CDRs), including the disruption of the canonical structures of the germline-encoded CDR1alpha and CDR2alpha loops to produce an enhanced fit with the HLA-peptide complex. TCR ligation induces conformational changes in the TCRalpha constant domain thought to form part of the docking site for CD3epsilon. These findings indicate that TCR immunodominance is associated with structural properties conferring receptor specificity and suggest a novel structural link between TCR ligation and intracellular signaling.
Certain glycosidase inhibitors possess potent antiviral, antitumour and antidiabetic properties. Glyconic acid lactones, the earliest glycosidase inhibitors identified, have planar anomeric carbons that mimic the transition state of glycoside hydrolysis. Other classes include lactams, glycals, epoxides, halides and sulfonium ions, the latter based on the natural product salacinol from an antidiabetic herb.
Fatty acids inhibit insulin-mediated glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle, an effect largely attributed to defects in insulin-mediated glucose transport. Insulin-resistant mice transgenic for the overexpression of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) in skeletal muscle were used to examine the molecular mechanism(s) in more detail. Using DNA gene chip array technology, and confirmation by RT-PCR and Western analysis, increases in the yeast Sec1p homolog Munc18c mRNA and protein were found in the gastrocnemius muscle of transgenic mice, but not other tissues. Munc18c has been previously demonstrated to impair insulin-mediated glucose transport in mammalian cells in vitro. Of interest, stably transfected C2C12 cells overexpressing LPL not only demonstrated increases in Munc18c mRNA and protein but also in transcription rates of the Munc18c gene. jlr To confirm the relevance of fatty acid metabolism and insulin resistance to the expression of Munc18c in vivo, a 2-fold increase in Munc18c protein was demonstrated in mice fed a high-fat diet for 4 weeks. Together, these data are the first to implicate in vivo increases in Munc18c as a potential contributing mechanism to fatty acid-induced insulin resistance.
Insulin stimulates glucose transport in fat and muscle cells by triggering exocytosis of the glucose transporter GLUT4. To define the intracellular trafficking of GLUT4, we have studied the internalization of an epitope-tagged version of GLUT4 from the cell surface. GLUT4 rapidly traversed the endosomal system en route to a perinuclear location. This perinuclear GLUT4 compartment did not colocalize with endosomal markers (endosomal antigen I protein, transferrin) or TGN38, but showed significant overlap with the TGN target (t)-soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNAREs) Syntaxins 6 and 16. These results were confirmed by vesicle immunoisolation. Consistent with a role for Syntaxins 6 and 16 in GLUT4 trafficking we found that their expression was up-regulated significantly during adipocyte differentiation and insulin stimulated their movement to the cell surface. GLUT4 trafficking between endosomes and trans-Golgi network was regulated via an acidic targeting motif in the carboxy terminus of GLUT4, because a mutant lacking this motif was retained in endosomes. We conclude that GLUT4 is rapidly transported from the cell surface to a subdomain of the trans-Golgi network that is enriched in the t-SNAREs Syntaxins 6 and 16 and that an acidic targeting motif in the C-terminal tail of GLUT4 plays an important role in this process.
Background: Glucose-insulin-potassium (GIK) infusion improves cardiac function and outcome during acute ischaemia. Objective: To determine whether GIK infusion benefits patients with chronic ischaemic left ventricular dysfunction, and if so whether this is related to the presence and nature of viable myocardium. Methods: 30 patients with chronic ischaemic left ventricular dysfunction had dobutamine echocardiography and were given a four hour infusion of GIK. Segmental responses were quantified by improvement in wall motion score index (WMSI) and peak systolic velocity using tissue Doppler. Global responses were assessed by left ventricular volume and ejection fraction, measured using a three dimensional reconstruction. Myocardial perfusion was determined in 15 patients using contrast echocardiography. Results: WMSI (mean (SD)) improved with dobutamine (from 1.8 (0.4) to 1.6 (0.4), p < 0.001) and with GIK (from 1.8 (0.4) to 1.7 (0.4) p < 0.001); there was a similar increment for both. Improvement in wall motion score with GIK was observed in 55% of the 62 segments classed as viable by dobutamine echocardiography, and in 5% of 162 classed as non-viable. There was an increment in peak systolic velocity after both doputamine echocardiography (from 2.5 (1.8) to 3.2 (2.2) cm/s, p < 0.01) and GIK (from 3.0 (1.6) to 3.5 (17) cm/s, p < 0.001). The GlK effects were not mediated by changes in pulse, mean arterial pressure, lactate, or catecholamines, nor did they correlate with myocardial perfusion. End systolic volume improved after GlK (p = 0.03), but only in 25 patients who had viable myocardium on dobutom ne echocardiography. Conclusions: In patients with viable myocardium and chronic left ventricular dysfunction, GlK improves wall motion score, myocardial velocity, and end systolic volume, independent of effects on haemodynamics or catecholamines. The response to GlK is observed in areas of normal and abnormal perfusion assessed by contrast echocardiography.
As ações de reflorestamento com o pau-brasil (Caesalpinia echinata Lam.) depende de informações de suas características ecofisiológicas sujeitas às variações ontogenéticas e ambientais. O objetivo desse trabalho foi caracterizar alguns aspectos morfológicos, anatômicos, fisiológicos e estruturais de parede celular de C. echinata nas fases juvenil, jovem e adulto em condições naturais em um fragmento da Floresta Atlântica. Foi analisada a biometria, concentração de nutrientes e dos pigmentos cloroplastídicos dos foliólulos, anatomia foliar e do xilema secundário do caule e a constituição dos polímeros estruturais de parede celular. Os indivíduos juvenis localizados no estrato inferior da floresta se destacaram pela maior área foliar específica e maiores teores de pigmentos cloroplastídicos bem como pelas maiores dimensões de suas células guardas associado às maiores concentrações de K e Ca foliar. Estruturalmente, os indivíduos juvenis apresentaram menores elementos de vasos e teores de lignina. Os indivíduos jovens apresentaram valores intermediários das variáveis analisadas. Já os indivíduos adultos, cujas copas alcançavam o dossel, se destacaram pelo maior espessamento do limbo, da cutícula e do parênquima lacunoso, teor de água foliar, densidade estomática e teor de lignina foliar e caulinar cuja capacidade de síntese foi associada ao maior teor de P foliar. O conteúdo de celulose foliar e caulinar não variou entre as diferentes fases ontogenéticas. As hemiceluloses são do tipo xilanos com possibilidade de presença de xiloglucano dada a maior fração de xilose (±12% MS) e galactose (±1% MS). A glucose foi o monossacarídeo mais representativo (±40% MS) sem diferenças ontogenéticas. As diferenças morfológicas, anatômicas, fisiológicas e estruturais parecem, também, estarem sob controle da irradiância mais intensa na copa dos indivíduos adultos. Os resultados denotam que o plantio consorciado com espécies de crescimento rápido seja a melhor ação para o reflorestamento de C. echinata.
O Streptococcus beta-hemolítico do grupo A (SGA) é o agente etiológico mais comum das faringoamigdalites (FA). O diagnóstico etiológico correto e tratamento adequado evitam complicações supurativas e não-supurativas da faringoamigdalite estreptocócica, entretanto, métodos clínicos de diagnóstico não são confiáveis. Os métodos rápidos de detecção do antígeno do SGA podem ser utilizados no diagnóstico deste agente e evitar uso indevido de antibióticos. OBJETIVOS: Os autores objetivaram avaliar a sensibilidade e especificidade dos testes rápidos para detecção do antígeno do SGA em nosso meio. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico prospectivo. METODOLOGIA: Oitenta e um pacientes com faringoamigdalite aguda, atendidos no PS-ORL do Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP, no período de maio de 2001 a abril de 2002, foram submetidos a duas coletas simultâneas de material de orofaringe com swabs. O teste rápido de detecção do SGA foi confrontado com a cultura em placa agar-sangue ("gold standard" para o diagnóstico etiológico). RESULTADOS: De 81 pacientes, 56% tiveram teste rápido positivo e 44% negativo; 40.7% apresentaram crescimento de SGA na cultura; a sensibilidade e especificidade do teste rápido foram, respectivamente, 93,9% e 68,7%. O valor preditivo negativo e positivo foram, respectivamente, 94,2% e 67,4%. CONCLUSÕES: A alta sensibilidade do exame permite utilizá-lo com intuito de identificar pacientes com SGA. Os testes de detecção rápida do antígeno estreptocócico se mostraram uma importante arma coadjuvante no diagnóstico etiológico das faringoamigdalites.
We present new populational growth models, generalized logistic models which are proportional to beta densities with shape parameters p and 2, where p > 1, with Malthusian parameter r. The complex dynamical behaviour of these models is investigated in the parameter space (r, p), in terms of topological entropy, using explicit methods, when the Malthusian parameter r increases. This parameter space is split into different regions, according to the chaotic behaviour of the models.
Glucose 2-oxidase (pyranose oxidase, pyranose: oxygen-2-oxidoreductase, EC from Coriolus versicolor catalyses the oxidation of D-glucose at carbon 2 in the presence of molecular O(2) producing D-glucosone (2-keto-glucose and D-arabino-2-hexosulose) and H(2)O(2). It was used to convert D-glucose into D-glucosone at moderate pressures (i.e. up to 150 bar) with compressed air in a modified commercial batch reactor. Several parameters affecting biocatalysis at moderate pressures were investigated as follows: pressure, [enzyme], [glucose], pH, temperature, nature of fluid and the presence of catalase. Glucose 2-oxidase was purified by immobilized metal affinity chromatography on epoxy-activated Sepharose 6B-IDA-Cu(II) column at pH 6.0. The rate of bioconversion of D-glucose increased with the pressure since an increase in the pressure with compressed air resulted in higher rates of conversion. On the other hand, the presence of catalase increased the rate of reaction which strongly suggests that H(2)O(2) acted as inhibitor for this reaction. The rate of bioconversion of D-glucose by glucose 2-oxidase in the presence of either nitrogen or supercritical CO(2) at 110 bar was very low compared with the use of compressed air at the same pressure. The optimum temperature (55 degrees C) and pH (5.0) of D-glucose bioconversion as well as kinetic parameters for this enzyme were determined under moderate pressure. The activation energy (E(a)) was 32.08 kJmol(-1) and kinetic parameters (V(max), K(m), K(cat) and K(cat)/K(m)) for this bioconversion were 8.8 Umg(-1) protein, 2.95 mM, 30.81 s(-1) and 10,444.06 s(-1)M(-1), respectively. The biomass of C. versicolor as well as the cell-free extract containing glucose 2-oxidase activity were also useful for bioconversion of D-glucose at moderate pressures. The enzyme was apparently stable at moderate pressures since such pressures did not affect significantly the enzyme activity.
The immobilized glucose 2-oxidase (pyranose oxidase, pyranose:oxygen-2-oxidoreductase, EC from Coriolus versicolor was used to convert D-glucose into D-glucosone at moderate pressures, up to 150 bar, with compressed air in a modified commercial batch reactor. Several parameters affecting biocatalysis at moderate pressures were investigated as follows: pressure, different forms of immobilized biocatalysts, glucose concentration, pH, temperature and the presence of catalase. Glucose 2-oxidase (GOX2) was purified by immobilized metal affinity chromatography on epoxy-activated Sepharose 6B-IDA-Cu(II) column at pH 6.0. Purified enzyme and catalase were immobilized into a polyethersulfone (PES) membrane in the presence of glutaraldehyde and gelatin. Enhancement of the bioconversion of D-glucose was done by the pressure since an increase in the pressure with compressed air increases the conversion rates. The optimum temperature and pH for bioconversion of D-glucose were found to be 62 degrees C and pH 6.0, respectively and the activation energy (E(a)) was 28.01 kJ mol(-1). The apparent kinetic constants (V(max)' K(m)', K(cat)' and K(cat)/K(m)') for this bioconversion were 2.27 U mg(-1) protein, 11.15 mM, 8.33 s(-1) and 747.38 s(-1) M(-1), respectively. The immobilized biomass of C. versicolor as well as crude extract containing GOX2 activity were also useful for bioconversion of D-glucose at 65 bar with a yield of 69.9 +/- 3.8% and 91.3 +/- 1.2%, respectively. The immobilized enzyme was apparently stable for several months without any significant loss of enzyme activity. On the other hand, this immobilized enzyme was also stable at moderate pressures, since such pressures did not affect significantly the enzyme activity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated to poor glycemic control among diabetic patients seen at primary health care centers. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out in a sample of 372 diabetic patients attending 32 primary health care centers in southern Brazil. Data on three hierarchical levels of health unit infrastructure, medical care and patient characteristics were collected. RESULTS: The frequency of poor glycemic control was 50.5%. Multivariate analysis (multilevel method) showed that patients with body mass indexes below 27 kg/m², patients on oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin, and patients diagnosed as diabetic over five years prior to the interview were more likely to present poor glycemic control when compared to their counterparts. CONCLUSIONS: Given the hierarchical data structuring, all associations found suggest that factors associated to hyperglycemia are related to patient-level characteristics.