856 resultados para Ginastera, Alberto, 1916 - 1983 -- Crítica e interpretación


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Commentators have predicted bureaucratic organisations would undergo substantial change as a result of social and economic pressures. We ask whether reforms to the Australian public service over the 1983–93 period exemplify this process. We use the methods of organisational analysis to characterise the direction of change, basing our assessment on the standard structural variables of complexity, formalisation and centralisation, together with a cultural variable. We find evidence that, overall, departments of state in the APS were becoming less bureaucratic in their structure, culture and internal function in the 1983–93 period. However, the effect was not uniform across departments, or unambiguous — formalisation, for example, increased in some respects and decreased in others. Centralisation increased overall, despite devolution of some decision-making.


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Practical techniques to manage the dangers associated with sexually transmitted diseases have varied considerably both cross culturally and historically. Adopting a Foucauldian perspective, this article examines sociohistorical aspects of the governance of venereal disease in New South Wales between 1871 and 1916. Public debates and official documents are analysed to identify strategic shifts in practices associated with venereal disease management , especially in relation to prostitution. Particular attention is paid to the development of contagious disease legislation and its role in the regulation of venereal disease . It is argued that during the period in question, two distinct governmental regimes of disease control can be identified. In the first, medical policing managed venereal disease through the mobilisation of repressive controls, requiring the isolation and detention of polluting bodies. In the second, liberal governance adopted pedagogic practices to train populations perceived as either healthy or unhealthy. It is further argued that as liberal strategies of governance came to dominate the management of venereal disease , the association of prostitution with venereal disease began to weaken. Instead, authorities became increasingly concerned with populations whose behaviour was not traditionally linked with venereal disease , such as the young and the sexually inexperienced.


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Since the early 1980s, when confidence in institutions was first measured in an Australian academic social survey, Australia - And the world - has faced many political, social and economic changes. From corporate scandals and company collapses, to unprecedented terrorist attacks, to major ongoing international conflicts, to changes in government and all manner of political machinations, to the global financial crisis and its aftermath. One consequence of such developments has been that many major political, social and economic institutions have come under intense pressure. Using survey research data, this paper investigates how public confidence in various Australian institutions and organisations has changed over time. The results are variable and in some instances surprising. Confidence in some institutions has remained high, and in some low, over an extended period of time. In other cases, confidence has varied quite markedly at different time points. As well as looking at trends in the level of public confidence in institutions, the paper examines different dimensions of confidence together with underpinning socio-political factors. It also discusses theoretical and practical implications of the data.


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A survey for various mycotoxins was carried out on samples of all wheat delivered to nine storage and marketing depots in south-eastern Queensland, selected as most likely to receive mycotoxin-contaminated grain. All wheat was surveyed during 1983, when the degree of weather damage was high. Samples of the poorest grade of wheat from these depots were also surveyed in 1984 and 1985. The surveys included all regions where head scab of wheat caused by Fusariurn graminearurn Schwabe Group 2 had been reported to occur at significant levels. 4-Deoxynivalenol was detected in nearly all pooled samples representing bulk wheat at concentrations ranging from traces of <0.01 up to 1.7 mg kg-1. The highest concentration of zearlenone detected in a pooled wheat sample was 0.04 mg kg-1. In a few samples representing individual wheat deliveries and with up to 2.8% by weight of pink grains, 4-deoxynivalenol concentrations ranged up to 11.7 mg kg-' and zearalenone up to 0.43 mg kg-l. Aflatoxins B,, B2, G1 and G2 were detected in only one pooled sample of wheat, at a total aflatoxin concentration of 0.003 mg kg-'. Ochratoxin A, sterigmatocystin and T-2 toxin were not detected. Higher concentrations of mycotoxins were found in the poorer grades of wheat.


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Tutkielman aiheena on Helsingin taidegalleriat ja niiden muodostama galleriakenttä. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan galleriakenttää, galleriakentän ja galleriatoiminnan muutoksia sekä gallerioiden asemia ja asemien muutoksia kentän sisällä vuosina 1983–2009. Tutkielman tavoitteena on toimia Helsingin galleriakentän ja sen lähihistorian perustutkimuksena ja galleriakentän sisäisten asemien rakentumisen analyysina. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat seuraavat: Millaisia muutoksia Helsingin taidegalleriakentässä, sen toimijajoukossa ja gallerioiden toiminnassa on tapahtunut 1980-luvun alkupuolelta 2000-luvun ensimmäisen vuosikymmenen loppuun tultaessa? Mitkä ja millaiset galleriat ovat tutkittavan ajanjakson eri vaiheissa muodostaneet keskeisten gallerioiden joukon, mihin tämä asema on perustunut ja miten galleriakentän sisäiset asemat ovat muuttuneet? Galleriakenttää analysoidaan ja tarkastellaan yhdistäen taidehistoriallisen perustutkimuksen menetelmiä taiteensosiologiseen analyysiin. Tutkielman teoreettinen näkökulma perustuu sosiologi Pierre Bourdieun kenttää koskevaan teoriaan. Teorian rooli on toimia työkaluna tutkittavan kentän ja sen toimijoiden asemien havainnoinnissa ja analyysissa. Tutkielman empiirinen aineisto muodostuu tutkielman tekijän laatimien 28 galleristin ja muun galleriakentän toimijan haastattelujen muodostamasta haastatteluaineistosta. Haastatellut edustavat 22 galleriaa. Niiden muodostama joukko koostuu yksityisistä gallerioista, taiteilijaliittojen gallerioista ja vaihtoehtoisiksi tai taiteilijavetoisiksi määriteltävissä olevista tutkitulla ajanjaksolla eri tavoin keskeisinä pidetyistä gallerioista. Haastattelujen ohella tärkeänä aineistona toimii tutkittavan ajanjakson lehtikirjoittelu. Sen osalta lähteenä on käytetty Helsingin galleriakenttää ja gallerioita koskevaa lehtikirjoittelua, joka on tallennettu Kuvataiteen keskusarkiston leikearkistoon. Lisäksi lähteinä ovat Taide-lehden vuosikerrat tutkittavalta ajalta. Galleriakentän lähihistorian tarkastelun pohjaksi tutkielmassa analysoidaan gallerioiden roolia kuvataiteen kentän portinvartijoina, galleriakentän toimijoiden näkemyksiä keskeisen gallerian aseman rakentumisesta ja gallerioita koskevia luokituksia ja ryhmityksiä. Tutkielman ytimen muodostaa luku, jossa käydään kronologisesti läpi galleriakentän muutoksia ja keskeisiä toimijoita tutkielmassa tarkastellulla ajanjaksolla. Lopuksi syvennetään kentän kronologisen kuvauksen pohjalta galleriakentän muutosten analyysia Bourdieun teorian ja käsitteiden avulla. Tutkielman yhtenä tuloksena on tutkittavan kentän ajanjakson hahmottuminen seuraaviksi jaksoiksi: vuodet 1983–1990, vuodet 1990–1997, vuodet 1997–2002 ja vuodesta 2002 alkanut kentän nykytilanteeseen sidostuva jakso. Jaksot hahmottuvat tarkastellun kentän, galleriatoiminnan ja kentällä kulloinkin keskeisten toimijoiden joukon muutosten pohjalta. Jaksojen liitoskohdat ovat muutosten tihentymiä kentän keskeisten toimijoiden joukossa. Jaksot liittyvät osittain myös yleisen taloustilanteen muutoksiin siltä osin kuin ne ovat vaikuttaneet galleriatoimintaan ja siihen, millainen galleriatoiminta ja mitkä toimijat kulloinkin ovat nousseet keskeisiksi. Tutkielman ydinluvussa tarkasteltava ja analysoitava kentän muutosten ja gallerioiden asemien kronologinen kuvaus muodostaa kokonaisuudessaan tutkielman tärkeimmät perustutkimukselliset tulokset. Tulosten loppupäätelminä tutkielmassa päädytään seuraavaan analyysiin. Galleriakentän muutokset sidostuvat kuvataiteen muutoksiin ja talouden nousu- ja laskukausiin, ne eivät kuitenkaan ole tämänkaltaisista ulkoisista tekijöistä johdettavissa. Gallerioiden asemien rakentuminen ja muutokset ovat kytköksissä kentän sisäisiin muutoksiin siten, että kentän toimijajoukon muutokset joko sidostuvat toisiinsa tai asettuvat samanaikaisiksi. Kentän asemien tila vaikuttaa siihen, millaisen aseman uusi galleria pyrkii ottamaan sekä millaisen aseman se saa kentällä ja mediassa. Kenttä näyttäytyy tilana, jossa toisen toimijan poistuminen kentältä luo aukkoja ja tilauksia toisten toimijoiden synnylle. Kentän asemien rakentuminen ja muutokset syntyvät toisaalta gallerioiden toiminnan ja niiden esittämän taiteen ja taiteilijoiden perusteella sekä toisaalta myös suhteessa gallerioiden jaotteluihin ja luokitteluihin. Kentän rakenteen muodostuessa kentän voimasuhteiden tilan kautta muodostuvat keskeisiksi koettujen gallerioiden joukon muutokset erityisen oleellisiksi sille, miten asemat kentällä ovat kulloinkin rakentuneet


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Early-onset psychiatric illnesses effects scatter to academic achievements as well as functioning in familial and social environments. From a public health point of view, depressive disorders are the most significant mental health disorders that begin in adolescence. Using prospective and longitudinal design, this study aimed to increase the understanding of early-onset depressive disorders, related mental health disorders and developing substance use in a large population-derived sample of adolescent Finnish twins. The participants of this study, FinnTwin12, an ongoing longitudinal population-based study, came from Finnish families with twins born in 1983-87 (exhaustive of five birth cohorts, identified from Finland s Central Population Register). With follow-up ongoing at age 20-24, this thesis assessed adolescent mental health in the first three waves, starting from baseline age 11-12 to follow-ups at age 14 and 17½. Some 5600 twins participated in questionnaire assessments of a wide range of health related behaviors. Mental health was further assessed among an intensively studied subsample of 1852 adolescents, who completed also professionally administered interviews at age 14, which provided data for full DSM-IV/III-R (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Health disorders, 4th and 3rd editions) diagnoses. The participation rates of the study were 87-92%. The results of the study suggest, that the diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder (MDD) may not capture youth with clinically significant early-onset depressive conditions outside clinical settings. Milder cases of depression, namely adolescents fulfilling the diagnostic criteria for minor depressive disorder, a qualitatively similar condition to MDD with fewer symptoms are also associated with marked suicidal thoughts, plans and attempts, recurrences and a high degree of comorbidity. Prospectively and longitudinally, early-onset depressive disorders were of substantial importance in the context of other mental health disorders and substance use behaviors: These data from a large population-derived sample established a substantial overlap between early-onset depressive disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adolescent females, both of them significantly predictive for development of substance use among girls. Only in females baseline DSM-IV ADHD symptoms were strong predictors of alcohol abuse and dependence and illicit drug use at age 14 and frequent alcohol use and illicit drug use at age 17.½ when conduct disorder and previous substance use were controlled for. Early-onset depressive disorders were also prospectively and longitudinally associated to daily smoking behavior, smokeless tobacco use, frequent alcohol use and illicit drug use and eating disorders. Analysis of discordant twins suggested that these predictive associations were independent of familial confounds, such as family income, structure and parental models. In sum, early-onset depressive disorders predict subsequent involvement of substance use and psychiatric morbidity. A heightened risk for substance use is substantial also among those depressed below categorical diagnosis of MDD. Whether early recognition and interventions among these young people hold potential for substance use prevention further in their lives has potential public health significance and calls for more research. Data from this population-derived sample with balanced representation of boys and girls, suggested that boys and girls with ADHD behaviors may differ from each other in their vulnerability to substance use and depressive disorders: the data suggest more adverse substance use outcome for girls that was not attenuated by conduct disorder or previous substance use. Further, the prospective associations of early-onset depressive disorders and future elevated levels of addictive substance use is not explained by familial factors supporting future substance use, which could have important implications for substance use prevention.


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Trauer-Gedenkbuch (commemoration booklet); military passport.


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Most photographs with handwritten captions.


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The memoir was written in New York between 1981 and 1983. Recollections of the Nazi take-over in Germany and their growing awareness of the upcoming danger. Closure of the cabaret of Friedrich Hollaender, where Lotte and her husband were working, due to its "subversive" political views. After the burning of the "Reichstag" (parliament) Lotte and Victor emigrated to France. Life of emigres in Paris. Lotte found work as a foreign language secretary. Victor worked with a film editor. Extradition from France due to their expired carte d'identite. Move to Amsterdam. In 1935 they went to friends in Spain, where Victor had a position as a film editor. They lived in Barcelona until outbreak of civil war. Escape to London via Prague. Exit visas for the United States. Arrival in New York in 1937. Victor was invited by Friedrich Hollaender to Hollywood, where Lotte joined him a few months later. Work as butler and cook in a family. Lotte found only a few engagements in theater and film. Divorce from her husband and remarriage with actor Wolfgang Zilzer (Paul Andor).


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Obverse: Emblem of the Israel Government Coins and Medal Corporation. Reverse: Stylized design of the Western Wall and the Mount above.


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The memoirs were written in 1982 in Sydney, Australia and include excerpts of letters from various relatives during the years 1938-1941. Early childhood recollections of World War One. The family was living in the 6th district of Vienna. Description of domestic life with maids, laundresses and a French governess. Death of her mother in 1918. Trip with her stepmother Ida Plohn to Prague. Recollections of a stay in the countryside at their maid's family, where Selma and her older sister Martha awaited the birth of their younger sister Trude. Memories of Christmas celebrations. Summer vacations in the mountains. Description of the extended family. Inflation and economic depression in the 1920s. Strict upbringing by her stepmother. Children recreation trip to Grado, Italy in 1925. Selma was accepted at the "Bundeserziehungsanstalt" for gifted students. Only few fellow Jewish students. Religious education with beloved rabbi Diamant. Recovery from tonsilitis in a senatorium in Aflenz, Austria. Celebration of Jewish holidays and visits at the Synagogue on Yom Kippur. Transfer to Realschule. Due to a sudden onset of various illnesses Selma was unable to continue school and had put an end to her father's dream of an university education for her. Difficult to find a position in the depression times of the early 1930s. Only few working options for a Jewish woman. Position as a secretary in a Jewish firm. Outings in the Vienna Woods. Membership in the Zionist group Betar.


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Lemkin is the individual primarily responsible for adoption of the United Nations Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide. The collection is arranged according to the following subject areas: personal material, material on the Genocide Convention, material on genocide.