996 resultados para Getting Real
Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um equipamento microprocessado, de baixo custo, para geração de sinal de correção diferencial para GPS, em tempo real, e configuração e supervisão do receptor GPS base. O equipamento desenvolvido possui um microcontrolador dedicado, display alfanumérico, teclado multifunção para configuração e operação do sistema e interfaces de comunicação. O circuito eletrônico do equipamento tem a função de receber as informações do GPS base e interpretá-las, transformando-as numa sentença no protocolo RTCM SC-104. O software do microcontrolador é responsável pela conversão do sinal recebido pelo GPS base, do formato proprietário para o protocolo RTCM SC-104. A placa processadora principal possui duas interfaces seriais padrão RS-232C. Uma delas tem a função de configuração e leitura das informações geradas pelo receptor GPS base. A outra atua somente como saída, enviando o sinal de correção diferencial. O projeto do equipamento microprocessado mostrou que é possível a construção de uma estação privada para a geração do sinal de correção diferencial, de baixo custo.
O tomate de mesa é uma das principais hortaliças consumidas no Brasil e apresenta elevados índices de perdas pós-colheita. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a magnitude dos impactos verificados em linhas de beneficiamento para tomate de mesa, bem como determinar, em laboratório, as alterações na qualidade de tomates submetidos a danos físicos controlados em diferentes superfícies. Para a avaliação dos pontos críticos e registro da magnitude dos impactos, foi usada uma esfera instrumentada. Os pontos críticos de transferência demonstraram valores de aceleração entre 30 e 129 G (m s-2). Os testes laboratoriais evidenciaram que superfícies acolchoadas reduziram em até 31% a magnitude de impacto. A incidência de danos físicos internos foi crescente e atingiu 79% em superfícies rígidas para a maior altura de queda livre. Por outro lado, observou-se redução na incidência de danos físicos nos frutos quando superfícies protetoras foram utilizadas, verificando-se na altura de 10 cm um limite mínimo de 5% de danos severos, enquanto para superfície rígida o mínimo correspondeu a 10%. As variáveis de qualidade foram alteradas, verificando-se maior perda de massa, maiores valores de acidez total, menores valores de ácido ascórbico e sólidos solúveis para maiores alturas de queda livre sobre superfícies rígidas.
OBJETIVO: Determinar se a termografia infravermelha é capaz de detectar com precisão a perda de perfusão tecidual em áreas de parênquima esplênico. MÉTODOS: Cinco porcos Landrace pesando entre 12 a 15 kg, após medicação pré-anestésica intramuscular e anestesia por infusão endovenosa, foram submetidos a quatro etapas de ligaduras sequenciais, dos vasos arteriais para o pólo inferior do baço: 1-vasos do ligamento esplênico; 2-ramo da artéria esplênica para o pólo inferior; 3-ramo arterial para o pólo inferior na face visceral do órgão; 4-parênquima esplênico dividindo o órgão. As imagens foram captadas por câmera Therma CAM SC500 instalada a 50 centímetros da superfície do órgão. As temperaturas foram medidas na região proximal (vascularizada) e na região distal (isquêmica), em três áreas circulares distintas de cada região através do software SAT Report, antes e após cada etapa de ligaduras, constituindo cinco grupos de medidas: tempo 0 = antes da etapa 1; tempo 1 = após etapa 1; tempo 2 = após etapa 2; tempo 3 = após etapa 3; tempo 4 = após etapa 4. RESULTADOS: Houve manutenção da temperatura da região proximal (vascularização preservada) durante todos os tempos de desvascularização. A temperatura da região distal (desvascularizada) iniciou queda a partir da primeira ligadura e tornou-se estatisticamente menor que a da região proximal a partir da ligadura 3 (Etapa 3). Houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as temperaturas proximais e distais do órgão na medida em que foram sendo realizadas as ligaduras vasculares. CONCLUSÃO: A termografia infravermelha foi capaz de distinguir com precisão áreas de parênquima esplênico com vascularização preservada de áreas isquêmicas e pode contribuir para a avaliação da viabilidade de órgãos sólidos.
OBJETIVO: Determinar a aplicabilidade da termografia por radiação infravermelha no monitoramento da perfusão hepática in situ com diferentes soluções de preservação. MÉTODOS: 24 ratos Wistar machos adultos, foram distribuidos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos de seis animais: grupo EC; ®grupo CUST; ®grupo CEL e grupo RL. Todas as soluções estavam resfriadas à exatamente 4ºC e posicionadas 20 cm acima do nível do fígado. As imagens infravermelhas, com as respectivas avaliações de temperatura da superfície hepática, foram captadas em tempo real : imediatamente após a laparotomia; após a canulação dos vasos e imediatamente antes da infusão; a cada minuto cronometrado após início da infusão até o quinto minuto de infusão. As médias de temperaturas de cada momento foram comparadas intra e intergrupos através do teste da Diferença entre médias de distribuição normal, com nível de significância p 0,05. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença entre as temperaturas do momento da laparotomia e imediatamente após a canulação; entre este último e após o primeiro minuto de perfusão; e entre as medidas ao final do primeiro e do quinto minutos de perfusão em todos os grupos. O grupo CEL mostrou diferença significativa adicional entre as temperaturas medidas ao final do primeiro e do segundo minutos. CONCLUSÃO: Foi possível avaliar o resfriamento hepático durante a perfusão das soluções de preservação utilizando-se a radiação infravermelha. As soluções tiveram comportamento semelhante entre si, com a solução Celsior® mostrando potencial adicional de resfriamento significativo até ao final do segundo minuto.
Trata-se de um artigo que comenta sobre a real importância do Termo de Consentimento Informado na prática médica. Este documento tem sido cada vez mais usado como uma prática defensiva, a fim de constituir provas para defesa de um eventual processo judicial de responsabilidade médica, desvirtuando assim a idéia original, que seria a de respeitar a autonomia do paciente e delimitar a responsabilidade médica. O documento tem como objetivo mostrar que o médico cumpriu com seu dever de informar. Seu grande valor reside nos casos onde existam riscos de danos irreversíveis ao paciente. Conclui-se, porém, que um prontuário bem elaborado onde se inclui o registro das informações que foram transmitidas, bem como o grau de participação dos pacientes e seus familiares nas decisões terapêuticas, também deve ter valor ético e jurídico semelhante do TCI.
The dynamics of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) shedding in semen of naturally infected boars was studied. Semen was collected serially each 15 or 20 days during 62 days from 5 boars from a herd and from 11 boars from an artificial insemination center. All boars were positive for PCV2 DNA by nested polymerase chain reaction of raw semen in at least two sampling dates, and most of them had detectable shedding in all sampling dates. Real-time quantitative PCR was performed in 23 samples. All samples showed low amounts of PCV2 DNA, ranging from 98 to 652 PCV2 copies/mL. No differences between the frequencies of PCV2 DNA shed in semen were found considering herds and age of boars. PCV2 shedding in the semen can occur continuously or intermittently up to 60 days in naturally infected boars at 12 to 42 months old in absence of PCV2 clinical signs. These results demonstrate sporadic and long-term shedding patterns of low amounts of PCV2 DNA in semen from naturally infected boars.
Services are getting more complex and difficult to manage, but much less attention and resources are directed towards service development than product development both in literature and business life. The paper sheds light on how productization together with modularization and service blueprinting would help make consultancy services more manageable, scalable and efficient while retaining their customer focus. The research was qualitative and based on active research and participant observation. A theoretical framework was constructed on the basis of relevant literature and was then evaluated in two steps: first the overall framework was evaluated by mirroring it to a real life case at QPR Software. Then a service blueprint was created of a selected service, and its benefits and challenges were evaluated. The framework reflected the case company's situation well. Service blueprinting proved to be a valuable tool for facilitating discussion and knowledge sharing. The characteristics of consultancy services provide many challenges for productization. They are highly heterogeneous and people-centric whereas productization is based on standardizing the offering, the delivery processes and managing the service's tangible properties. The research indicated that by modularizing services, both customer focus and standardization can be achieved by creating variety.
The question of the trainability of executive functions and the impact of such training on related cognitive skills has stirred considerable research interest. Despite a number of studies investigating this, the question has not yet been solved. The general aim of this thesis was to investigate two very different types of training of executive functions: laboratory-based computerized training (Studies I-III) and realworld training through bilingualism (Studies IV-V). Bilingualism as a kind of training of executive functions is based on the idea that managing two languages requires executive resources, and previous studies have suggested a bilingual advantage in executive functions. Three executive functions were studied in the present thesis: updating of working memory (WM) contents, inhibition of irrelevant information, and shifting between tasks and mental sets. Studies I-III investigated the effects of computer-based training of WM updating (Study I), inhibition (Study II), and set shifting (Study III) in healthy young adults. All studies showed increased performance on the trained task. More importantly, improvement on an untrained task tapping the trained executive function (near transfer) was seen in Study I and II. None of the three studies showed improvement on untrained tasks tapping some other cognitive function (far transfer) as a result of training. Study I also used PET to investigate the effects of WM updating training on a neurotransmitter closely linked to WM, namely dopamine. The PET results revealed increased striatal dopamine release during WM updating performance as a result of training. Study IV investigated the ability to inhibit task-irrelevant stimuli in bilinguals and monolinguals by using a dichotic listening task. The results showed that the bilinguals exceeded the monolinguals in inhibiting task-irrelevant information. Study V introduced a new, complementary research approach to study the bilingual executive advantage and its underlying mechanisms. To circumvent the methodological problems related to natural groups design, this approach focuses only on bilinguals and examines whether individual differences in bilingual behavior correlate with executive task performances. Using measures that tap the three above-entioned executive functions, the results suggested that more frequent language switching was associated with better set shifting skills, and earlier acquisition of the second language was related to better inhibition skills. In conclusion, the present behavioral results showed that computer-based training of executive functions can improve performance on the trained task and on closely related tasks, but does not yield a more general improvement of cognitive skills. Moreover, the functional neuroimaging results reveal that WM training modulates striatal dopaminergic function, speaking for training-induced neural plasticity in this important neurotransmitter system. With regard to bilingualism, the results provide further support to the idea that bilingualism can enhance executive functions. In addition, the new complementary research approach proposed here provides some clues as to which aspects of everyday bilingual behavior may be related to the advantage in executive functions in bilingual individuals.
When modeling machines in their natural working environment collisions become a very important feature in terms of simulation accuracy. By expanding the simulation to include the operation environment, the need for a general collision model that is able to handle a wide variety of cases has become central in the development of simulation environments. With the addition of the operating environment the challenges for the collision modeling method also change. More simultaneous contacts with more objects occur in more complicated situations. This means that the real-time requirement becomes more difficult to meet. Common problems in current collision modeling methods include for example dependency on the geometry shape or mesh density, calculation need increasing exponentially in respect to the number of contacts, the lack of a proper friction model and failures due to certain configurations like closed kinematic loops. All these problems mean that the current modeling methods will fail in certain situations. A method that would not fail in any situation is not very realistic but improvements can be made over the current methods.
This thesis examined both domestic and international forest investment options for a Finnish non-industrial private forest investor. The focus was on forest-based investment instruments. The influence of movements of currency exchange rates on foreign returns were also taken into account. Annual data from 1995 to 2011 was used. The main portfolio optimization model in this study was the Mean-Variance model but the results were also validated by using the Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall models. In addition, the exchange rate risk hedging was established by using one-week-maturity forward contracts. The results suggested that 75 % of the total wealth should be invested in Finnish private forests and the rest, 25 %, to a US REIT, in this case Rayonier. With hedging, the total return on the portfolio was 7.21 % (NIPF 5.3%) with the volatility of 6.63 % (NIPF 7.9%). Taxation supported US investments in this case. As a conclusion, a Finnish private forest investor may, as evidenced, benefit in diversifying a portfolio using REITs in the US.
The list of animal viruses has been frequently added of new members raising permanent concerns to virologists and veterinarians. The pathogenic potential and association with disease have been clearly demonstrated for some, but not for all of these emerging viruses. This review describes recent discoveries of animal viruses and their potential relevance for veterinary practice. Dogs were considered refractory to influenza viruses until 2004, when an influenza A virus subtype H3N8 was transmitted from horses and produced severe respiratory disease in racing greyhounds in Florida/USA. The novel virus, named canine influenza virus (CIV), is considered now a separate virus lineage and has spread among urban canine population in the USA. A new pestivirus (Flaviviridae), tentatively called HoBi-like pestivirus, was identified in 2004 in commercial fetal bovine serum from Brazil. Hobi-like viruses are genetically and antigenically related to bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and induce similar clinical manifestations. These novel viruses seem to be widespread in Brazilian herds and have also been detected in Southeast Asia and Europe. In 2011, a novel mosquito-borne orthobunyavirus, named Schmallenberg virus (SBV), was associated with fever, drop in milk production, abortion and newborn malformation in cattle and sheep in Germany. Subsequently, the virus disseminated over several European countries and currently represents a real treat for animal health. The origin of SBV is still a matter of debate but it may be a reassortant from previous known bunyaviruses Shamonda and Satuperi. Hepatitis E virus (HEV, family Hepeviridae) is a long known agent of human acute hepatitis and in 1997 was first identified in pigs. Current data indicates that swine HEV is spread worldwide, mainly associated with subclinical infection. Two of the four HEV genotypes are zoonotic and may be transmitted between swine and human by contaminated water and undercooked pork meat. The current distribution and impact of HEV infection in swine production are largely unknown. Avian gyrovirus type 2 (AGV2) is a newly described Gyrovirus, family Circoviridae, which was unexpectedly found in sera of poultry suspected to be infected with chicken anemia virus (CAV). AGV2 is closely related to CAV but displays sufficient genomic differences to be classified as a distinct species. AGV2 seems to be distributed in Brazil and also in other countries but its pathogenic role for chickens is still under investigation. Finally, the long time and intensive search for animal relatives of human hepatitis C virus (HCV) has led to the identification of novel hepaciviruses in dogs (canine hepacivirus [CHV]), horses (non-primate hepaciviruses [NPHV] or Theiler's disease associated virus [TDAV]) and rodents. For these, a clear and definitive association with disease is still lacking and only time and investigation will tell whether they are real disease agents or simple spectators.
The rickettsia Anaplasma marginale is considered the main agent of bovine anaplasmosis. Due the nonspecific clinical signs of the anaplasmosis, the diagnosis of infection depends of laboratory confirmation. In recent years, molecular diagnostic methods have been used to detect A. marginale in cattle. However, the existence of a large number of assays of different sensitivity and cost makes the choice of an appropriate test difficult. In the present study, a real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) based on the msp5 target gene was quantitatively assessed and compared to an end point PCR. Both reactions were subjected to sensitivity and specificity evaluation using plasmid DNA and samples from cattle experimentally infected with A. marginale. A comparative field trial of the tests was carried out using samples of cattle from a stable enzootic area for A. marginale. The real-time PCR showed a higher sensitivity than the end point PCR. This reaction (i.e. real-time PCR) was able to detect one copy of the msp5 gene in 100 ηg of plasmidial DNA, and more than 80% of its results were positive among experimentally infected animals seven days after infection. In addition, based on in silico analysis, the real-time PCR evaluated in the present study appears to be useful for the detection of A. ovis.
Group A Rotavirus (RVA) is one of the most common causes of diarrhea in humans and several animal species. A SYBR-Green Real-Time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was developed to diagnose RVA from porcine fecal samples, targeting amplification of a 137-bp fragment of nonstructural protein 5 (NSP5) gene using mRNA of bovine NADH-desidrogenase-5 as exogenous internal control. Sixty-five samples were tested (25 tested positive for conventional PCR and genetic sequencing). The overall agreement (kappa) was 0.843, indicating 'very good' concordance between tests, presenting 100% of relative sensitivity (25+ Real Time PCR/25+ Conventional PCR) and 87.5% of relative sensitivity (35- Real Time PCR/40- Conventional PCR). The results also demonstrated high intra- and inter-assay reproducibility (coefficient of variation ≤1.42%); thus, this method proved to be a fast and sensitive approach for the diagnosis of RVA in pigs.
In this work, image based estimation methods, also known as direct methods, are studied which avoid feature extraction and matching completely. Cost functions use raw pixels as measurements and the goal is to produce precise 3D pose and structure estimates. The cost functions presented minimize the sensor error, because measurements are not transformed or modified. In photometric camera pose estimation, 3D rotation and translation parameters are estimated by minimizing a sequence of image based cost functions, which are non-linear due to perspective projection and lens distortion. In image based structure refinement, on the other hand, 3D structure is refined using a number of additional views and an image based cost metric. Image based estimation methods are particularly useful in conditions where the Lambertian assumption holds, and the 3D points have constant color despite viewing angle. The goal is to improve image based estimation methods, and to produce computationally efficient methods which can be accomodated into real-time applications. The developed image-based 3D pose and structure estimation methods are finally demonstrated in practise in indoor 3D reconstruction use, and in a live augmented reality application.
The Laboratory of Intelligent Machine researches and develops energy-efficient power transmissions and automation for mobile construction machines and industrial processes. The laboratory's particular areas of expertise include mechatronic machine design using virtual technologies and simulators and demanding industrial robotics. The laboratory has collaborated extensively with industrial actors and it has participated in significant international research projects, particularly in the field of robotics. For years, dSPACE tools were the lonely hardware which was used in the lab to develop different control algorithms in real-time. dSPACE's hardware systems are in widespread use in the automotive industry and are also employed in drives, aerospace, and industrial automation. But new competitors are developing new sophisticated systems and their features convinced the laboratory to test new products. One of these competitors is National Instrument (NI). In order to get to know the specifications and capabilities of NI tools, an agreement was made to test a NI evolutionary system. This system is used to control a 1-D hydraulic slider. The objective of this research project is to develop a control scheme for the teleoperation of a hydraulically driven manipulator, and to implement a control algorithm between human and machine interaction, and machine and task environment interaction both on NI and dSPACE systems simultaneously and to compare the results.