991 resultados para Gerschgorin circles (GC)


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O furano tem sido detectado em diversos alimentos em particular nos que são sujeitos a tratamento térmico durante o processo de preparação industrial. É considerado um composto potencialmente cancerígeno para seres humanos, pelo que a sua presença nos alimentos se tornou uma questão de segurança alimentar. Desde 2007 que a Autoridade Europeia para a Segurança Alimentar tem procurado recolher o maior número de informação possível, relativa à presença de furano nos alimentos. Neste trabalho utilizou-se a técnica de Cromatografia Gasosa de Espaço de Cabeça acoplada a um espectrómetro de massa (HS-GC/MS) para avaliar os teores de furano em feijões enlatados. Foram analisadas 10 amostras (latas) independentes, seleccionadas aleatoriamente no mercado, de três marcas comercializadas em Portugal. A concentração média obtida foi de 3,27 ng/g, numa gama que variou entre 2,61 e 4,45 ng/g. Os limites de detecção calculados foram de 0,80 ng/g para as amostras PD, 1,26 ng/g para as amostras C e de 0,58 ng/g para as amostras F. Os limites de quantificação foram, respectivamente, de 2,44, 3,82 e 1,77 ng/g. Os coeficientes de variação do método foram inferiores a 10% e a percentagem de recuperação foi de 95%. Para estudar o efeito do tratamento térmico doméstico, foram também, analisadas amostras aquecidas à temperatura de 80°C, tendo-se verificado um aumento significativo na concentração do furano detectada. Comparou-se ainda a concentração média do furano obtido nos feijões em lata com a concentração média para o mesmo tipo de feijão conservado em frascos de vidro, tendose constatado não existirem diferenças significativas.


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Les résultats des recherches contemporaines, montrant notamment l'importance du raisonnement fluide, de la mémoire de travail (IMT) et de la vitesse de traitement (IVT) dans le fonctionnement cognitif, ont conduit les concepteurs de la WAIS-IV à introduire de nouvelles épreuves pour renforcer l'évaluation de ces dimensions cognitives. L'interprétation des scores de la WAIS-IV repose maintenant sur quatre indices factoriels (ICV, IRP, IMT et IVT), ainsi que sur le QIT. Les concepteurs de la WAIS-IV indiquent que l'un des objectifs de la révision consistait à actualiser les fondements théoriques de cette échelle. Pourtant, la structure globale de la WAIS-IV ne correspond que partiellement à celle proposée dans le modèle qui fait consensus aujourd'hui, le modèle de Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC). Par exemple, la WAIS-IV ne propose pas d'indice de raisonnement fluide, bien que les constructeurs soulignent l'importance de cette dimension dans le fonctionnement cognitif. Dans cet article, nous proposons, pour la WAIS-IV, les normes francophones de cinq scores composites CHC, à savoir le raisonnement fluide (Gf), compréhension-connaissances (Gc), le traitement visuel (Gv), la mémoire à court terme (Gsm), et l'IVT (Gs). Ces normes ont été établies en utilisant une procédure d'approximation statistique. À l'instar des scores CHC que nous avons proposés pour le WISCIV, ces normes pour la WAIS-IV permettent aux cliniciens de basculer vers une grille d'interprétation basée sur le modèle dominant et d'utiliser les cinq scores composites CHC en complément des quatre indices standard dans le cadre d'analyses normatives et ipsatives.


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This study discusses ethical issues in research involving human beings and seeks to understand the relationship between qualitative research and the ethical care guidelines for Integrative Community Therapy (ICT) circles based on Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council of the Ministry of Health of Brazil. This is documentary research, which analyzed Resolution 466/12 and ICT circles seeking to make a connection between the ethical guidelines contained in both. The analysis of the corpus was directed toward the construction of the following results: the person's perception, cultural diversity and community. It also brings in consideration of the influence of the ethical dimension of the ICT circles on qualitative research. We conclude that ICT circles are innovative in the sense of the diversity of participants and respect for cultural and social differences. Thus, ICT circles promote acquisition of quality information for social research as well as compliance with the ethical guidelines outlined in Resolution No. 466/12.


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The present study examined the bottom-up influence of emotional context on response inhibition, an issue that remains largely unstudied in children. Thus, 62 participants, aged from 6 to 13 years old, were assessed with three stop signal tasks: one with circles, one with neutral faces, and one with emotional faces (happy and sad). Results showed that emotional context altered response inhibition ability in childhood. However, no interaction between age and emotional influence on response inhibition was found. Positive emotions were recognized faster than negative emotions, but the valence did not have a significant influence on response inhibition abilities.


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Metabolite profiling is critical in many aspects of the life sciences, particularly natural product research. Obtaining precise information on the chemical composition of complex natural extracts (metabolomes) that are primarily obtained from plants or microorganisms is a challenging task that requires sophisticated, advanced analytical methods. In this respect, significant advances in hyphenated chromatographic techniques (LC-MS, GC-MS and LC-NMR in particular), as well as data mining and processing methods, have occurred over the last decade. Together, these tools, in combination with bioassay profiling methods, serve an important role in metabolomics for the purposes of both peak annotation and dereplication in natural product research. In this review, a survey of the techniques that are used for generic and comprehensive profiling of secondary metabolites in natural extracts is provided. The various approaches (chromatographic methods: LC-MS, GC-MS, and LC-NMR and direct spectroscopic methods: NMR and DIMS) are discussed with respect to their resolution and sensitivity for extract profiling. In addition the structural information that can be generated through these techniques or in combination, is compared in relation to the identification of metabolites in complex mixtures. Analytical strategies with applications to natural extracts and novel methods that have strong potential, regardless of how often they are used, are discussed with respect to their potential applications and future trends.


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La vitamine D est connue pour son rôle dans le métabolisme osseux et dans des nombreux autres systèmes. La fréquence de carence en vitamine D est élevée dans la population générale, et elle est encore plus élevée chez les individus infectés par le VIH. Des nombreuses études ont recherché les facteurs qu'influencent la concentration plasmatique de 25(OH)D dans la population générale. Notre travail a pour but d'analyser la contribution des facteurs génétiques et non génétiques qu'influencent le niveau de 25(OH)D plasmatique chez des individus infectés par le VIH. La population de notre étude est constituée par 552 patients de la SHCS d'ethnie caucasienne et ayant eu au moins une mesure de la concentration plasmatique de 25(OH)D. Nous avons développé un modèle de pharmacocinétique des populations pour étudier la contribution de chaque facteur inclus dans nos analyses. Les facteurs analysés étaient: le sexe, l'âge, le poids, le BMI, la hauteur, la saison, le tabagisme et 7 SNPs associés au niveau de 25(OH)D identifiés par les études d'association pangénomique. Ces SNPs sont situés sur 4 gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme de la vitamine D. Nous observons dans cette population une prévalence élevée de carence en vitamine D: 78.8% des patients ont eu des taux de 25(OH)D insuffisants et 53.1% avaient une déficience de 25(OH)D. De plus, nous observons que le niveau plasmatique de 25(OH)D est associé de façon statistiquement significative avec: la période de l'année (p≈3.42x10−42), le BMI (p≈0.006), le tabagisme (p≈0.009) et le SNP rs2282679 (p≈0.0035). Ce dernier se trouve sur le gène GC, qui est responsable du codage pour la transcription de la DBP, protéine qui sert au transport des métabolites de la vitamine D dans le plasma. Ces éléments nous permettent d'expliquer 8% de la variabilité interindividuelle totale des taux de 25(OH)D retrouvée dans cette population. Une grande partie de la variabilité interindividuelle doit encore être expliquée, mais notre étude nous a permis, d'un côté de confirmer l'influence de certains facteurs identifiés dans la population générale sur une population spécifique qui est particulièrement à risque de développer une carence en vitamine D et, de l'autre côté d'examiner la contribution des polymorphismes génétiques au métabolisme de la vitamine D. Les efforts pour comprendre toujours davantage les causes de carence en vitamine D sont importants pour pouvoir identifier les individus plus à risque, de façon à prévenir et mieux prendre en charge une condition qui est source importante de morbidité et de mortalité et qui est facile à traiter.


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This study represents the most extensive analysis of batch-to-batch variations in spray paint samples to date. The survey was performed as a collaborative project of the ENFSI (European Network of Forensic Science Institutes) Paint and Glass Working Group (EPG) and involved 11 laboratories. Several studies have already shown that paint samples of similar color but from different manufacturers can usually be differentiated using an appropriate analytical sequence. The discrimination of paints from the same manufacturer and color (batch-to-batch variations) is of great interest and these data are seldom found in the literature. This survey concerns the analysis of batches from different color groups (white, papaya (special shade of orange), red and black) with a wide range of analytical techniques and leads to the following conclusions. Colored batch samples are more likely to be differentiated since their pigment composition is more complex (pigment mixtures, added pigments) and therefore subject to variations. These variations may occur during the paint production but may also occur when checking the paint shade in quality control processes. For these samples, techniques aimed at color/pigment(s) characterization (optical microscopy, microspectrophotometry (MSP), Raman spectroscopy) provide better discrimination than techniques aimed at the organic (binder) or inorganic composition (fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) or elemental analysis (SEM - scanning electron microscopy and XRF - X-ray fluorescence)). White samples contain mainly titanium dioxide as a pigment and the main differentiation is based on the binder composition (Csingle bondH stretches) detected either by FTIR or Raman. The inorganic composition (elemental analysis) also provides some discrimination. Black samples contain mainly carbon black as a pigment and are problematic with most of the spectroscopic techniques. In this case, pyrolysis-GC/MS represents the best technique to detect differences. Globally, Py-GC/MS may show a high potential of discrimination on all samples but the results are highly dependent on the specific instrumental conditions used. Finally, the discrimination of samples when data was interpreted visually as compared to statistically using principal component analysis (PCA) yielded very similar results. PCA increases sensitivity and could perform better on specific samples, but one first has to ensure that all non-informative variation (baseline deviation) is eliminated by applying correct pre-treatments. Statistical treatments can be used on a large data set and, when combined with an expert's opinion, will provide more objective criteria for decision making.


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The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) family of proteins comprise a group of membrane transporters involved in the transport of a wide variety of compounds, such as xenobiotics, vitamins, lipids, amino acids, and carbohydrates. Determining their regional expression patterns along the intestinal tract will further characterize their transport functions in the gut. The mRNA expression levels of murine ABC transporters in the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and colon were examined using the Affymetrix MuU74v2 GeneChip set. Eight ABC transporters (Abcb2, Abcb3, Abcb9, Abcc3, Abcc6, Abcd1, Abcg5, and Abcg8) displayed significant differential gene expression along the intestinal tract, as determined by two statistical models (a global error assessment model and a classic ANOVA, both with a P < 0.01). Concordance with semiquantitative real-time PCR was high. Analyzing the promoters of the differentially expressed ABC transporters did not identify common transcriptional motifs between family members or with other genes; however, the expression profile for Abcb9 was highly correlated with fibulin-1, and both genes share a common complex promoter model involving the NFkappaB, zinc binding protein factor (ZBPF), GC-box factors SP1/GC (SP1F), and early growth response factor (EGRF) transcription binding motifs. The cellular location of another of the differentially expressed ABC transporters, Abcc3, was examined by immunohistochemistry. Staining revealed that the protein is consistently expressed in the basolateral compartment of enterocytes along the anterior-posterior axis of the intestine. Furthermore, the intensity of the staining pattern is concordant with the expression profile. This agrees with previous findings in which the mRNA, protein, and transport function of Abcc3 were increased in the rat distal intestine. These data reveal regional differences in gene expression profiles along the intestinal tract and demonstrate that a complete understanding of intestinal ABC transporter function can only be achieved by examining the physiologically distinct regions of the gut.


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A dessalinização da água do mar é um método usado para obter água potável. Na dessalinização da água também é necessária a desinfecção de água com o cloro. Esta desinfecção garante à água condições seguras em termos microbiológicos mas promove a formação de novas substâncias consideradas tóxicas, resultantes da reacção do cloro com a matéria orgânica presente na água. Essas substâncias são designados por subprodutos de desinfecção de água com o cloro (DBP) dos quais destacam-se os trihalometanos (THM), os ácidos haloacéticos (HAA), os haloacetonitrilos (HAN), as haloacetonas (HK). A concentração dessas substâncias em águas para consumo humano é muito baixa e constitui sempre um desafio a sua detecção e quantificação. Neste trabalho desenvolveu-se e optimizou-se métodos de análises de DBP em água para consumo humano. Os DBP voláteis foram analisados por headspace e cromatografia gasosa com detecção por captura electrónica (HS-GC-ECD) e por microextracção em fase sólida no headspace e cromatografia gasosa com detecção por captura electrónica (SPME-HS-GC-ECD). Para os DBP não voláteis (HAA) aplicou-se a extracção em fase sólida e cromatografia líquida com detector de fila de diodos (SPE-RPHPLC- DAD). Foram analisados os DBP na água dessalinizada por osmose inversa proveniente de Cabo Verde e na água da cidade de Porto, de forma a verificar as diferenças em termos qualitativos e quantitativos. Usou-se um planeamento factorial de Box-Behnken para a optimização de métodos analíticos. Este modelo foi igualmente aplicado na simulação laboratorial de dessalinização da água do mar por osmose inversa e desinfecção com o cloro, tendo como objectivo identificar os factores mais significativos na formação de DBP em água dessalinizada (pH, temperatura e tempo de desinfecção).


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Glioblastomas (GBMs) are the most frequent and malignant brain tumors in adults. Glucocorticoids (GCs) are routinely used in the treatment of GBMs for their capacity to reduce the tumor-associated edema. Few in vitro studies have suggested that GCs inhibit the migration and invasion of GBM cells through the induction of MAPK phosphatase 1 (MKP-1). Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), an endogenous GC antagonist is up-regulated in GBMs. Recently, MIF has been involved in tumor growth and migration/invasion and specific MIF inhibitors have been developed on their capacity to block its enzymatic tautomerase activity site. In this study, we characterized several glioma cell lines for their MIF production. U373 MG cells were selected for their very low endogenous levels of MIF. We showed that dexamethasone inhibits the migration and invasion of U373 MG cells, through a glucocorticoid receptor (GR)- dependent inhibition of the ERK1/2 MAPK pathway. Oppositely, we found that exogenous MIF increases U373 MG migration and invasion through the stimulation of the ERK1/2 MAP kinase pathway and that this activation is CD74 independent. Finally, we used the Hs 683 glioma cells that are resistant to GCs and produce high levels of endogenous MIF, and showed that the specific MIF inhibitor ISO-1 could restore dexamethasone sensitivity in these cells. Collectively, our results indicate an intricate pathway between MIF expression and GC resistance. They suggest that MIF inhibitors could increase the response of GBMs to corticotherapy.


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O trabalho ora apresentado reflecte uma análise sobre a divida do GC de Cabo Verde, na perspectiva da sua sustentabilidade e o impacto dos projectos financiados no âmbito deste endividamento, no crescimento económico e do bem-estar da população. Foi desenvolvido com base nas práticas e método de análise de sustentabilidade utlizado pelo FMI e Banco Mundial para os países membros, da análise da participação dos investimentos e consume público no crescimento económico bem como pelo método de análise de impacto de projecto, comparando a situação antes e depois do projecto. A analise da divida foi feita num período 13 anos, a contar a partir de 2002, repartidos em dois períodos distintos: o período antes e depois da crise financeira.O objectivo foi de analisar as deferentes motivações que estiveram na base da dinâmica da divida. No primeiro período da analise conclui-se que os indicadores que influenciam directamente ou indirectamente a evolução da divida, entre os quais se destacam o crescimento económico, o défice orçamental, tinham boa performance, contribuindo para uma performance da divida no período.Contudo, no período após a crise, a dívida aumentou consideravelmente atingindo proporções preocupantes, considerando os riscos inerentes, tais como, perda espaço orçamental para politicas anti cíclicas, perda de credibilidade no mercado financeiro, com consequência no custo de financiamento, etc. A causa do aumento da divida identificadaé o incremento de despesa pública, impulsionado pelo aumento de investimento publico, em detrimento da diminuição da demanda do sector privado, que teve repercussão no crescimento económico. A conclusão da nossa análiseé que a divida, apesar do seu aumento, ela é ainda sustentável. Contudo, o GOVCV deve enveredar esforço para diminuir despesas públicas e rentabilizar os activos derivados dos investimentos realizados, para manter o equilíbrio entre as despesas e receitas e proporcionar a sustentabilidade da divida nos próximos anos. Conclui-se também, que os investimentos realizados no período em referência, contribuíram fortemente para melhorar o clima de negócio no país, para assegurar o crescimento económico durante o período da crise e para melhorar o nível de bem-estar dos cabo-verdianos.