902 resultados para Gerenciamento de prática profissional


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No Brasil, a partir dos anos 90, as pesquisas educacionais passaram a focalizar a prática docente e os saberes pedagógicos, pois eram temas poucos explorados, colocando em cena o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos professores, pois havia necessidade de se construir lógicas de formação que valorizassem a experiência, como: aluno, aluno-mestre, estagiário, professor principiante, professor titular, professor reformado. Nesse universo escolheu-se pesquisar as representações que os alunos/estudantes de um curso de licenciatura, Educação Física, construíram de seus professores e orientadores nos agradecimentos de seus trabalhos de conclusão de curso (TCC), tendo como referência a prática docente. Portanto, buscou-se identificar nos saberes da experiência, ou dessa experiência, registrados em 150 TCC, os aspectos significativos de histórias de vidas circunscritas em micro narrativas que apontam para o desenvolvimento pessoal, bem como para dimensões do exercício profissional de professores e orientadores (TCC). Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, tendo como técnicas fonte documental, entrevista e análise de conteúdo. Entre os resultados encontrados nas categorias orientador, professor geral e professor específico se pode apontar no âmbito dos licenciandos, a emergência de uma pedagogia oculta que valoriza de forma muito acentuada aspectos da dimensão humana nas relações interpessoais da prática docente com ênfase maior no afetivo, seguido da moral, do cognitivo. Como considerações finais, aponta-se que, em termos de perfil profissional, valoriza-se tanto nos orientadores como nos professores (geral e específico) o exercício da profissionalidade docente composto pela obrigação moral, compromisso com a comunidade e competência profissional.


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In managing an Inpatient unit, nurses face the need to make decisions involving agents in the institution’s internal and external environments, and all these measures are influential, regardless of how beneficial they may be. Hence, ethical issues constitute an important dimension of nursing management. This study aimed at identifying measures and/or interventions adopted by managing nurses at Inpatient Units in the Botucatu School of Medicine University Hospital - UNESP with the purpose to analyze professional ethics. The study involved nurses holding technicalsupervision positions in sectors related to the Nursing Division, comprising a total number of 20. The exploratory method was used by means of taped interviews with a qualitative approach based on the Collective Subject Discourse. Human resources deficit was observed as nurses’ major concern in relation to nursing care provision. The managers seek the nursing staff’s development by means of educational activities in their own unit at the same time that they adopt those offered by the hospital. When ethical violations occur, they resort to measures ranging from individual strategies for violators’ orientation to legal intervention. The resolution of ethical conflicts by nursing managers generally occurs in a gradual fashion by taking into account their compromising level, whether in relation to the patient or to the multiprofessional team. Educational activities are focused on the development of technical skills aiming at preventing physical damage to patients although educational activities targeted at the development of professionals’ ethical awareness were not mentioned


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A psicologia do esporte se constitui como uma vasta área, tanto de atuação profissional como de produção de conhecimento. Sua importância se dá no sentido de preparar o praticante de atividade física psicologicamente para que, diante de momentos decisivos, apresente um rendimento ótimo e preparo para lidar com as situações que a modalidade exprime. Em todo nível de atividade física ou esporte deve haver um motivo que leve o indivíduo a optar por determinada prática esportiva. A motivação é caracterizada como um processo ativo, intencional e dirigido a uma meta, o qual depende de fatores pessoais (intrínsecos) e ambientais (extrínsecos). Ela denota os fatores e processos que levam as pessoas a uma ação ou inércia em diversas situações. As Atividades Físicas de Aventura vêm ganhando adeptos, despertando o interesse e a curiosidade de muitas pessoas. Diversos são os motivos que acarretam na prática das Atividades Físicas de Aventura. Diante disso, torna-se relevante identificar as razões pelas quais mais e mais pessoas procuram as Atividades Físicas de Aventura como prática de atividade física. Embasado em um estudo qualitativo, buscou-se, por meio de uma extensa revisão de literatura, elencar os principais motivos que fomentam a prática das Atividades Físicas de Aventura. Espera-se que o presente estudo possa contribuir para o melhor entendimento da razão pela qual as pessoas optam por praticar Atividades Físicas de Aventura. Diversos estudos sugerem que a escolha por tais atividades pode ser traduzida pelo desejo de aproximação maior e mais intensa com o meio natural. As pessoas procuram o contato mais substancial e constante com o ambiente natural, não somente no intuito de beneficiar a saúde, mas, inclusive, para promover atitudes que beneficiem a preservação do ambiente, sendo este um fator essencial no equilíbrio existencial das espécies. Conclui-se que o contato com a natureza e a superação de..


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The main idea of this paper is to outline a brief overview about the fashion world from its evolution in the world and in Brazil, including also its growth in the Brazilian economy. From this point, the paper aims to show the relevance of the Public Relations professionals in the fashion market, which needs, more than anything of professionals who are capable and specialized in the relationship between the company and its target market, and in the service for customers who are more and more demanding when talking about quality of customer services


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Introdução: O adequado gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos domiciliares (RSD) tem se estabelecido nas últimas décadas como um importante instrumento na diminuição do lixo doméstico destinados aos aterros. A compostagem doméstica e a produção de sabão a partir de óleo usado são alternativas para a reciclagem dos RSD que, ao contrário dos lixos recicláveis, não são explorados comercialmente. Assim, o ensino dessas técnicas para a comunidade pode ser uma ferramenta útil na educação ambiental, disseminando práticas que evitam a destinação final de resíduos sólidos em aterros e desenvolvendo valores para a sustentabilidade. Objetivos: Ensinar formas de reciclagem dos RSD através de técnicas de compostagem e produção de sabão a partir de óleo usado, servindo também como instrumento para promover a educação ambiental, e conscientizar a comunidade sobre a importância de um adequado gerenciamento de resíduos. Métodos: As atividades de ensino consistiram em duas partes, unindo teoria e prática, por meio da apresentação de painéis explicativos sobre compostagem, produção de sabão, e sobre as vantagens decorrentes desses processos seguida da realização das técnicas apresentadas, com a produção de sabão em barra e líquido com óleo usado, e pela montagem de pequenas composteiras em garrafões PET de 5 litros de água mineral reaproveitados. Resultados: As atividades foram realizadas em eventos abertos a sociedade de São José do Rio Preto, tais como a Semana da Tecnologia, em outubro de 2010 e a Semana do Meio Ambiente, em junho de 2011, ambas desenvolvidas no SESC (Serviço Social do Comércio) da cidade. O público foi variado, incluindo desde aposentados e donas de casa até estudantes e profissionais de diversos setores. O interesse em anotar as metodologias explicadas culminou na idéia de produzir um material impresso que contivesse as receitas de sabão (líquido e em barra), os procedimentos e dicas de como realizar a compostagem. A convite de uma escola pública, houve também a apresentação das atividades para pais de alunos e funcionários interessados em aprender as práticas para o adequado gerenciamento dos RSD, levando à discussão das possibilidades de implantação de um projeto de compostagem na própria escola.


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This article is based on the sociological and historical approach of the origin of the university entrance exams in Brazil and shows the preparatory courses (preps) expanding simultaneously as a strategy of the lower and middle classes to get their children into university. Thus, the paradox of an antipedagogical practice becomes an essential condition for students to have access to prestigious university courses, what justifi es the historical movement by the lower and middle classes to appropriate this practice.. We propose that measures are taken to improve the results of important affi rmative actions that aim to enable students to enter university, as well as highlight Professional Guidance as a necessary resource which constitutes a new challenge in this fi eld of action.


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In universities, in any type of faculty or research institute, it is possible to observe innumerable informatics applications: database management, organization of catalogues, expediting diagnoses and many other applications. Within this context, distance learning could facilitate the learning of various professions. Distance education is the process of teaching-learning and the professional has to be prepared to deal with the new tools that are made available, using them to his/her benefit, and consequently in his/her professional capacity, to guarantee greater productivity and interaction with the various spheres in the work field. Methods: The aim of this research is to develop a course on the use of the Dentistry software application EasyDental, using the teaching at a distance methodology by means of the Moodle platform. The proposed course was composed of 14 modules, in order to enable a progressive and a rational learning. Conclusion: It could be concluded that this platform allowed the preparation of the proposed distance course, in a practical and versatile manner, considering the resources and activities it has. However, to use this platform, one must have dominion of the basic concepts of informatics, and the tools of the Moodle platform.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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The objective of this work is to present an analysis of the results of a study about the reading practices of a group of teachers from the public school, discussing how these practices constitute themselves since the initial formation until the teaching period. The selected teachers had their formation between the end of the 60’s and the beginning of the 80’s, remaining as teachers of the public school for the next twenty years. Using as methodology the narrative research, we are going to discuss how the reading appears in the lives of these professionals, what their representations about it are and how the reading permeates their lives and their actuations in the school, passing through the first contacts with the books until the collision between theory and practice, observed in the speech of the teachers who were interviewed, always taking into account the teaching formation.


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This study’s main goal was to investigate the representations of nursing students about the work of a nurse in a gender perspective, during the training process. The research used a sample of 41 nursing students (1st and 9th semesters) being applied to such a questionnaire, analyzed in the face of the organizer model concept, and also the critics studies of gender. Was found the research data, one is able to notice that, students that start off their academic lives in the nursing course have less stereotyped representations regarding gender behavior and certain problematization concerning the sexual division of the profession. When it comes to training, from the moment in which these students begin to live with the nursing practices, that are impregnated with stereotypes, in different contexts, the vision that once was considered generalizing, becomes crystallized, delimiting the practices that exist in nursing. The data points out to the need of the training courses to embark a problematization on the gender relations in the context of the nursing practices, given the fact they seem to reinforce standards, neglecting an egalitarian democratic and professional action in the professional field.


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Vocal warm-ups are essential for the technical training of the singer, for good speech and performance, as well as essential for good vocal health and a long-lasting career. Objective: To analyze the theory and practice of the vocal warm-up in classical singing, from the perspective of different professionals in the voice field including: teachers, speech therapists and singers. Method: descriptive search, quantitative in nature, cross-sectional, with a questionnaire for voice teachers, singers and audiologists. The sample consisted of 165 subjects: 86 voice teachers, 64 speech pathologists, and 15 singers. Results: Teachers of Singing (97.7 %), singers (95.3 %) and students (93.3 %) use the vocal warm-up. Conclusion: From the results we can infer that most of the professionals surveyed point to the importance of the implementation of the vocal warm-up before a performance, and the strategy used by most voice instructors, speech therapists and singers is vocalization, i.e. aesthetic warm-up.


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The activities developed in health area are of great importance, because they have the aim to preserve the life of the men, and therefore, must be performed by authorized persons. The increase of the number of dental schools, the decline at the education quality and a higher admission of students with low ability to exercise their profession, are facts that bring disastrous consequences for society. These facts are, also, reflected at the moral, ethical and technical-scientific performance of the professional. The purpose of this clinic case is to show that although there is a significant suplly of education institutions, there is a lack of scientific and adequate technical knowledgement from the graduated dentals surgeons. The patient MSL, 17 year old, female, went to a dental clinic presenting a tray type Vernis, attached to the lower arch. After clinical evaluation, it was showed that an incorrect material was used for the impression technique, being impossible to take out the tray by the conventional manner. The planning for the removal of the tray was through the divide of it. Thus, the consequence of the lack of knowledge in the use of impression materials had caused a great incovinience to the patient. It can be concluded that the rate of malpractice is directly related to the professional preparation, highlighting the importance of quality dental education for a responsible clinical practice.


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Introduction: The evaluation of the perception of graduates is an essential strategy to support the political project educational in universities. Objective: This study aimed to verify the perception of dentists which are working in the labor market, about the difficulties of professional insertion after the graduation, positives and negatives aspects and suggestions regarding the training received. Methodology: This is a qualitative survey conducted with graduates of the years 2000 to 2010, of dentistry course from a Brazilian Public University. A self-administered questionnaire was sent by mail/email to all graduates in the period. The data were transcribed and subjected to content analysis, divided into pre-analysis, characterized by carefully reading floating, material exploration, guidelines for finding the analysis itself. Result: The categories related to the difficulties in early life were: getting a job/workplace, adequate working conditions and low pay, insecurity and confrontation obtained the academic and lack of administrative experience. The perceived positive aspects for the training were: good infrastructure and reputation of the university, integrating teaching-research, teacher-student relationship. The negative aspects comprised the following categories: administrative preparation, lack of integration between content theoretical/ practical, concepts used in the labor market. The suggestions presented are consistent with the difficulties to the beginning of professional life and the negative aspects. Conclusion: The professionals have faced the saturation of the labor market and different reality from those found in academic life. Despite the positive aspects, graduates suggest changes in the course conducted.