962 resultados para Fracasso no empreendedorismo


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Years after the constructivism theory was adopted by “Parameters for National Syllabuses”, the results have pointed to a worse performance in teaching and learning with regards to reading and writing. This article presents the conclusions proceeding from investigation about the probable reasons for the student’s lack of success in reading and writing, and its relation to Emília Ferreiro’s constructivism proposals. Interviews were made as well as sit in class observation were done, with twenty teachers at six Fundamental Level 1 schools in Ourinhos, SP State, in schools that had been awarded the best and the worst performance rating in the Prova Brasil-2005, with this objective: to know and analyze the teacher’s conceptions under their practices and their practices in the classes. The conclusion is: it is not possible to attribute the students’ lack of success in reading and writing; these studies showed that many teachers, most of them, have a non-constructivist concept of teaching and learning, it means that they do not apply Ferreiro’s researches.


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The archival institutions should for the elevation of the statistical indices of social and economic to integrate with sustainable development yours communities through regional entrepreneurship and improving informational. The Commerce and Industry Association of Marília (ACIM) archive provided to analyze the influence of the files on regional growth to development sustainable of industries and trade. The management theory and archives processes, set up data to create a model template guiding sustainable which suggested the results provided for: Transparency in the processes; global and local integration; culture and collaboration of the community; physical and human factors; improvement for work management and; to utilized to generate the economy of the ecosystem as a form of natural resources.


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The global economic scenario, from the late 1980s, it was predominantly marked by the hegemony of political and economic orthodoxy. The strength of a great political pact that brought together the financial sector, rentiers and the big capital, and had the Washington Consensus as base, induced countries to adopt liberalizing policies such as trade liberalization, privatization and deregulation. The failure of these policies, manifested in unemployment, external vulnerability and low growth has led to a change in economic direction, particularly after the election of President Lula. Amid this situation, we can see a reorientation of the role of the Brazilian state, in response to a movement of their own society organized to implement a new national strategy, with the state as a promoter of development. In this project of a new strategy, the state action becomes strategic and not systemic, turning to strengthen national companies in strategic sectors and internationally competitive. In this ongoing process of a new development strategy, we adopted the conceptualization of what Bresser-Pereira calls the new developmentalism.


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The pedagogical context can become a mediator between teaching and learning process. In a research conducted to obtain a Master’s degree, I could see how intentional organized environment refl ects in the knowledge appropriation and internalization historically produced. The objective of this study is to raise hypothesis about the favoring of the potentiating context of learning in the development of the individual with the Attention Defi cit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as well as on the organization of pedagogic environment to mediate the actions of teaching and reading learning. It is the concern to meet children with behavior considered inappropriate for the classroom environment and failure before situations that involve them. The hypothesis is that when the teaching and learning environment provides motivation to the student and awakens in him the desire to produce knowledge and take ownership of it, it is possible that it may have a potentiating development of learning. As theoretical support, I used texts from Luria (1987, 1994), Vygotsky (1994), Vigotskii, Luria and Leontiev (1998), Beaton (2005),Graeff and Vaz (2008), Pastura, Mattos and Araujo (2005). The bibliographic research was the methodology used for the study.


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Economic crises caused by speculative bubbles are recurring in economic history but there is still no consensus on how it begins, grows and overflows. Economists and regulators seem to be inefficient in predicting and preventing this process, which is so detrimental to economic functioning. This failure proved to be obvious with the American subprime crises, which had great impact on various sectors of the U.S. economy. In this paper, we perform a literature review of the traditional theory of finance, mainly represented by the Efficient Market Hypothesis. According to this theory, asset prices always reflect their intrinsic value, assumption that doesn’t match the price boom followed by a crash, observed in the crisis generated by speculative bubbles. Finally, we present a new way to analyze this phenomenon, in the light of the investors’ behavioral aspects and the flaws inherent to the financial markets


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Currently, due to the highly competitive search among industries are becoming more tools for managing product that provides higher availability and therefore profitability. Maintenance as a strategic sector and of fundamental importance in business, it seeks to maximize availability and available resources, minimizing costs and waste, which directly impacts the company's results. The present work has as main objective the review of contracts for maintenance services for companies contracted by a chemical company in the Paraíba Valley, since most of its maintenance services are outsourced, and raise these contracts which are more critical and higher risk to the company's success, thus creating a tool for decision-making by maintenance managers in the act of seeking renewals or new contracts to provide services. As a result after drawing up a standard procedure for contracting of services and a better structuring of the same, we developed a method for the calculation of the criticality of the contracts and based on these calculations, charts were prepared which showed that the current scenario of maintenance contracts the company studied. Thus it is possible to evaluate the contracts which are most critical to the success or failure of the company studied, and also pave the way for further studies on how this criticality of a contract can affect the relationship, the contractor x contracted


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The present study sought to identify which are the facilitators and restrictive in the creation and management of franchises from the point of view of process factors franchisees. For this, we first proposed to critically analyze its creation and management.The specific objectives of this work are: a) to understand in the light of the theory , the basic requirements for creating franchises b ) identify, from the literature review , facilitators and restrictive factors in the process of franchise management , c) develop a survey tool to critically analyze the processes of creating and managing a franchise from the point of view of the franchisee , and d ) to review the process of creating and managing franchises , from the perspective of four franchised food services in the municipalities of Ribeirão Preto and Sao Jose do Rio Preto - SP . A descriptive qualitative work, which found the most important features about the franchises, through a study of 4 franchises in the food industry of São Paulo was performed. To complete the survey was conducted a semi-structured interview, containing questions regarding the main elements of a business: creating, planning, organization, direction and control. It was found that franchising is a business model with controversies. There are people who deal well with the system and that through him realize dreams such as owning their own business. Others need to think many times before embarking in business since the entrepreneurship factor can be so intense that it hinders the acceptance of norms and duties to the system. This causes some factors such as communication, measurement of outcomes, implementation plan and among others are considered restrictive or facilitators in the process of strategy management of franchises


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Currently, applications for smartphones and tablets, called apps, are becoming increasingly relevant and attract more attention from users and finally the developers. With the Application Stores, services provided by the company that maintains the platform, access to such applications is as or more simplified than to web sites, with the advantage of anenhanced user experience and focused on the mobile device, and enjoy natives resources as camera, audio, storage, integration with other applications, etc. They present a great opportunity for independent developers, who can now develop an application and make it availabl e to all users of that platform, at free or at a cost that is usually low. Even students may create their applications in the intervals of their classes and sell them in stores. Making use of tools and services, free or at low cost, anyone can develop quality applications, that can be marketed and have a large number of users even in adverse situations in which the application is not the focus of developer productivity. However, such to ols do not seem to be well used, or are unknown, or its purpose is not considered important, and this paper tries to show the real importance of these tools in the rapid development of quality software. This project presents several tools, services and practices, which together make it possible to develop an application for various mobile platforms, independently and with a team of a few people, as demonstrated. However, this paper aims not to say that the development of software today it is easy and simple, but there are currently a large set of tools, for various platforms, that assists and enhances the work of the programmer


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Baseado nas evidencias atuais de crescimento e expansão da atuação profissional do educador físico, em particular a sua atuação como prestador de serviços, ou seja, o personal trainer; que vende seus serviços, ou produtos relacionados à aptidão física e a relação promissora desta atuação, é que nos motivou a desenvolver este trabalho que segue por uma pesquisa bibliográfica de evidencias do histórico e perfil do personal trainer quanto aos conceitos culturais, sociais e psicológicos deste profissional, em seguida levantamos questões relacionadas à formação acadêmica do personal trainer e os pontos diferenciais deste profissional. Tais como a necessidade de conhecimentos que vão alem do âmbito acadêmico, pois se trata de um profissional prestador de serviços o que foge da regularidade da formação convencional. Portanto neste trabalho procuramos evidenciar estas e outras questões (como ética e profissionalismo), que podem levar este profissional a uma carreira de sucesso ou fracasso. Para isso existe uma necessidade fundamental de que se entenda que o personal trainer como prestador de serviços esta surgindo dentro de uma profissão já consolidada (Educador Físico), porem esta assumindo características próprias, como a necessidade de conhecimentos específicos da profissão. Concluímos, portanto que esta promissora atuação do educador físico necessita de atenções especiais e de um processo de formação diferenciado e que não podemos deixar que a nossa profissão se vulgarize e se venda por migalhas, pois esta é a grande chance do profissional se impor e conquistar o desejado respeito diante as profissões da área da saúde


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This paper presents a new field for professional Public Relations: startups. And this new alignment brings context and typology with the business public relations as an entrepreneur and manager of a communications agency. This new type of business, startups, with accelerated growth characteristics and high-risk investments, and alternative becomes simultaneously an opportunity to undertake innovative projects up and turn into a business. In this sense, the work part of the mix of innovation and diffusion of new ideas, with the capacity of Public Relations professional to adapt and work with many different sectors. Considering this context, the study seeks, finds that public relations professionals become essential for mediating the process of scenario analysis for the deployment of startups, and can be very useful in the case of managers and initiators the agency itself as a startup company offering a strategic advantage by combining management and communication


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver e avaliar a aplicação da oficina de futuro “Árvore dos sonhos” com os alunos de uma escola estadual, localizada em um bairro periférico na cidade de Botucatu, e identificar os temas geradores, as necessidades e as motivações sobre o aprendizado na escola, para o desenvolvimento de propostas de um projeto interdisciplinar relacionado à melhoria do ambiente escolar. Para Doll(1997) um currículo construtivo é aquele que emerge da ação e interação dos participantes. Hernandez (1998) afirmou que o papel do currículo integrado é educar para compreender e que interpretar é manifestar explicitamente a compreensão. Professores e coordenadores, geralmente, tem dificuldade em planejar e realizar trabalhos articulados, com isto poucos estudantes são capazes de vislumbrar a integração dos conteúdos vistos nas diferentes disciplinas, esta situação é constatada na realidade de muitas escolas brasileiras, que vêem buscando alternativas que contribuam para superar alguns dos obstáculos relacionados ao processo de ensino e de aprendizado. A atividade de construção da árvore dos sonhos foi proposta ao Ensino Médio para sensibilizar os alunos, para que pudessem se expressar, através de uma atividade interativa envolvendo a participação coletiva da turma. Cada sala foi responsável pela elaboração da idéia, construção, finalização, exposição dos sonhos e preservação da sua árvore dentro da sala de aula. Em algumas salas os temas geraram polêmicas e indignações diante da situação atual na escola, em outras não houve muito envolvimento dos alunos em virtude do sentimento de impotência, desmotivação e fracasso diante dos problemas dificultando a emergência de processos de mobilização que promovam em mudanças. Os sonhos e propostas escolhidos pelos alunos foram levados ao HTPC, para que em conjunto com o corpo docente, coordenadores da escola e a DE (Diretoria ...


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Researches show high rates of school failure on the part of students who are unable to learn, referring to them as the idea of an incapable individual and intended not to achieve the goals proposed during the school year. Among the most varied problems posed by teachers and that are instilled in students in order to justify the poor performance of the same, we find Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Faced with this problem the objective was to investigate teachers‟ conception of the second year of primary education on ADHD, knowing well the mechanisms of identification, confirmation and referral of these cases, as well as the appropriate treatment and teaching practices suggested. To achieve the proposed objective a literature search was performed supplemented by an empirical study in which we used two instruments to collect data: interviews and observation. The study included empirical two teachers from a state school and two teachers from a private school, all of a midsize city in São Paulo. The interviews showed that teachers of second grade of elementary school consider ADHD a neurological problem in order to be addressed, however, chose not to speak about the treatment carried out by drugs. The observations revealed that the discourse of these teachers are away from their practices, it is worth noting that the differences in these two situations studied - state and private network - are so disparate and interfere in this important teaching practice


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Understanding the global context that holds the organizations today, this work goes on the characteristics that can be used to descript the enterprising mind, walking through the “startup” concept in its essence and observing how the Public Relations professional acts in this field. Then, the paper begins the experience report about Indigo, a real startup, making an observation of the cultural reality that motivated its creation and some of the first processes, coming to the definition of an “enterprising startup”. Seeking consolidation of the enterprise, the Public Relations planning comes up, leading to an event that not only reach the main goal, but also generate financial goods and innovates the cultural scene


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This paper presents a new playing field for the public relations professional: the start-ups. This new company, with characteristics of fast growth and high-risk investments, becomes an alternative and, at the same time, opportunity for innovative projects that turns from theory into real business, product or service. This way, the work starts on the context of innovation and spread of new ideas, so people can understand the importance of the promotion and study of new ways to market. Faced with this context, public relations professionals are becoming essential in the mediating process of scenario analysis for the implantation of start-ups, as well as the communication of innovation and insight in this new business environment