926 resultados para Fly agaric
Science has revolutionized the human life. The advance progress in science and research is making human life easier and more comfortable. The new and emerging technology of micro drone is penetrating and widening the scientific research. This thesis is a part of work in which a unique work is carried out, although related research paper and journal are available. Design and development of automatic charging station for a ready to fly quadcopter is rare and unusual work. The work is carried out as an standard engineering process that include requirements gathering, creating the required document (this thesis is a part of required document as well), selection of suitable hardware, configuring the hardware, generate the code for software, uploading code to the microcontroller, troubleshooting and rectification, finalized prototype and testing. Thesis describe how mechatronics engineering is useful in generating a customized and unique project. At the starting phase of this project (before purchasing a ready to fly quadcopter) every single aspect of this work was known. The only unknown alternatives was a battery and charger. Several task was achieved including design and development of automatic charging station, accurate landing and telecast a live video on additional screen. At starting it was decided that quadcopter should follow the mobile robot, during study it was concluded there is no such quadcopter available in market to auto follow a robot indoor. This works starts with a market survey and comparing the different brands of quadcopter that meets all the requirements and specifications of the mobile robot assembly. Selection of quadcopter is a result of discussion and meeting with the team members, supervisor, professor and project manage.
Energiantuotannossa syntyvä tuhka voi olla laadultaan hyvin vaihtelevaa ja laadunvaihtelulle on haastavaa löytää yksiselitteistä syy-seuraussuhdetta. Ympäristönsuojelulainsäädäntö ja taloudelliset intressit ohjaavat tuhkantuottajia etsimään tuhkalle sopivia hyötykäyttökohteita, ja sen vuoksi tuhkan laatuun ja hyötykäyttökelpoisuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä on tarpeen selvittää. Tässä diplomityössä on tutkittu pienissä, alle 50 MW:n polttolaitoksissa syntyvää tuhkaa. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, kuinka tuhkan hyötykäyttökelpoisuuteen voidaan vaikuttaa. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli polttoainekoostumuksen, poltto-olosuhteiden ja tuhkan jälkikäsittelyn vaikutus tuhkassa olevien haitta-aineiden pitoisuuksiin ja liukoisuuksin. Työhön sisältyi myös aiemmin tehtyjen tuhka-analyysien tarkastelu sekä tuhkakokeet kahdella kohderyhmään kuuluvalla laitoksella. Työssä todettiin lentotuhkan haitta-ainepitoisuuksien ja -liukoisuuksien olevan keskimäärin korkeampia kuin pohjatuhkan vastaavien, ja että tyypillisesti arinakattilan tuhkien haitta-aineet ylittävät useammin hyötykäyttökelpoisuuden raja-arvoja kuin kuplaleijupetikattilan tuhkien. Lisäksi havaittiin metsätähdehaketuhkan kelpaavan useammin hyötykäyttöön kuin rankahaketuhkan.
Intermediate filaments are part of the cytoskeleton and nucleoskeleton; they provide cells with structure and have important roles in cell signalling. The IFs are a large protein family with more than 70 members; each tightly regulated and expressed in a cell type-specific manner. Although the IFs have been known and studied for decades, our knowledge about their specific functions is still limited, despite the fact that mutations in IF genes cause numerous severe human diseases. In this work, three IF proteins are examined more closely; the nuclear lamin A/C and the cytoplasmic nestin and vimentin. In particular the regulation of lamin A/C dynamics, the role of nestin in muscle and body homeostasis as well as the functions and evolutionary aspects of vimentin are investigated. Together this data highlights some less well understood functions of these IFs. We used mass-spectrometry to identify inter-phase specific phosphorylation sites on lamin A. With the use of genetically engineered lamin A protein in combination with high resolution microscopy and biochemical methods we discovered novel roles for this phosphorylation in regulation of lamin dynamics. More specifically, our data suggests that the phosphorylation of certain amino acids in lamin A determines the localization and dynamics of the protein. In addition, we present results demonstrating that lamin A regulates Cdk5-activity. In the second study we use mice lacking nestin to gain more knowledge of this seldom studied protein. Our results show that nestin is essential for muscle regeneration; mice lacking nestin recover more slowly from muscle injury and show signs of spontaneous muscle regeneration, indicating that their muscles are more sensitive to stresses and injury. The absence of nestin also leads to decreased over-all muscle mass and slower body growth. Furthermore, nestin has a role in controlling testicle homeostasis as nestin-/- male mice show a greater variation in testicle size. The common fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster lacks cytoplasmic IFs as most insects do. By creating a fly that expresses human vimentin we establish a new research platform for vimentin studies, as well as provide a new tool for the studies of IF evolution.
Tässä kanditaatintyössä selvitettiin kuinka erilaiset sideaineseokset soveltuvat raskas-metallien sitomiseen 28 vuorokautta stabiloiduissa näytteistä. Työssä oletettiin teollisten jätefraktioiden käytön tehostavan eräiden metallien, kuten kupari ja sinkki, immobilisointia lievästi pilaantuneista maa-aineksista. Kokeellisessa osassa stabiloitiin Kokkolan satamasta ruopattua sedimenttiä, jonka sinkkipitoisuudet olivat ylittäneet saastuneen sedimentin ohjearvon (≥400 mg/kg). Sedimenttiin lisättiin eri sideaineseoksia ja näytteiden annettiin stabiloitua 28 vuorokautta, minkä jälkeen niistä testattiin liukenevat raskasmetallit muokatulla ravistelutestillä. Eri sideaineseoksilla saatuja tuloksia verrattiin pelkän yleissementin käyttöön. Lisäksi erillisistä näytteistä otettiin pyyhkäisyelektronimikros-koopilla (SEM) kuvia havainnollistamaan stabiloitumista. Näissä näytteissä käytettiin samoja sideaineita kuin tehdyissä kokeissa. Liukoisuustestien tuloksista voidaan huomata näytteissä ongelmalliseksi raskasmetalliksi identifioidun sinkin sitoutuvan parhaiten sementin ja kipsin sekoituksella. Myös tuhkaa sisältävät sideainesekoitukset pienensivät sinkin liukoisuutta verrattuna pelkkään yleis-sementtiin. Jatkotutkimuksissa voitaisiin testata erilaisia sideainesekoituksia betonira-kentamisessa, joilla saadaan ainakin 25 MPa lujuusarvo, pilaantunutta sedimenttiä tai maa-ainesta käyttäen.
The present world energy production is heavily relying on the combustion of solid fuels like coals, peat, biomass, municipal solid waste, whereas the share of renewable fuels is anticipated to increase in the future to mitigate climate change. In Finland, peat and wood are widely used for energy production. In any case, the combustion of solid fuels results in generation of several types of thermal conversion residues, such as bottom ash, fly ash, and boiler slag. The predominant residue type is determined by the incineration technology applied, while its composition is primarily relevant to the composition of fuels combusted. An extensive research has been conducted on technical suitability of ash for multiple recycling methods. Most of attention was drawn to the recycling of the coal combustion residues, as coal is the primary solid fuel consumed globally. The recycling methods of coal residues include utilization in a cement industry, in concrete manufacturing, and mine backfilling, to name few. Biomass combustion residues were also studied to some extent with forest fertilization, road construction, and road stabilization being the predominant utilization options. Lastly, residues form municipal solid waste incineration attracted more attention recently following the growing number of waste incineration plants globally. The recycling methods of waste incineration residues are the most limited due to its hazardous nature and varying composition, and include, among others, landfill construction, road construction, mine backfilling. In the study, environmental and economic aspects of multiple recycling options of thermal conversion residues generated within a case-study area were studied. The case-study area was South-East Finland. The environmental analysis was performed using an internationally recognized methodology — life cycle assessment. Economic assessment was conducted applying a widely used methodology — cost-benefit analysis. Finally, the results of the analyses were combined to enable easier comparison of the recycling methods. The recycling methods included the use of ash in forest fertilization, road construction, road stabilization, and landfill construction. Ash landfilling was set as a baseline scenario. Quantitative data about the amounts of ash generated and its composition was obtained from companies, their environmental reports, technical reports and other previously published literature. Overall, the amount of ash in the case-study area was 101 700 t. However, the data about 58 400 t of fly ash and 35 100 t of bottom ash and boiler slag were included in the study due to lack of data about leaching of heavy metals in some cases. The recycling methods were modelled according to the scientific studies published previously. Overall, the results of the study indicated that ash utilization for fertilization and neutralization of 17 600 ha of forest was the most economically beneficial method, which resulted in the net present value increase by 58% compared to ash landfilling. Regarding the environmental impact, the use of ash in the construction of 11 km of roads was the most attractive method with decreased environmental impact of 13% compared to ash landfilling. The least preferred method was the use of ash for landfill construction since it only enabled 11% increase of net present value, while inducing additional 1% of negative impact on the environment. Therefore, a following recycling route was proposed in the study. Where possible and legally acceptable, recycle fly and bottom ash for forest fertilization, which has strictest requirements out of all studied methods. If the quality of fly ash is not suitable for forest fertilization, then it should be utilized, first, in paved road construction, second, in road stabilization. Bottom ash not suitable for forest fertilization, as well as boiler slag, should be used in landfill construction. Landfilling should only be practiced when recycling by either of the methods is not possible due to legal requirements or there is not enough demand on the market. Current demand on ash and possible changes in the future were assessed in the study. Currently, the area of forest fertilized in the case-study are is only 451 ha, whereas about 17 600 ha of forest could be fertilized with ash generated in the region. Provided that the average forest fertilizing values in Finland are higher and the area treated with fellings is about 40 000 ha, the amount of ash utilized in forest fertilization could be increased. Regarding road construction, no new projects launched by the Center of Economic Development, Transport and the Environment in the case-study area were identified. A potential application can be found in the construction of private roads. However, no centralized data about such projects is available. The use of ash in stabilization of forest roads is not expected to increased in the future with a current downwards trend in the length of forest roads built. Finally, the use of ash in landfill construction is not a promising option due to the reducing number of landfills in operation in Finland.
13 year old Bini Gras just finishing her 200m fly in 1985.
Although much research has been conducted on blood-meal acquisition in adult female black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae), the same cannot be said for sugarmeals. Both sexes feed on sugar which provides energy for flight and it has been commonly held that nectar is the major carbohydrate source. This thesis addresses the question of whether a non-floral carbohydrate source, specifically homopteran honeydew, is ingested by male and female black flies. Black flies reared in the laboratory have been observed to readily ingest freshly excreted and older (dry) honeydew when presented with honeydew coated tamarack branches. Field work was conducted in Algonquin Park, Ontario in the spring and summer of 1993. Three separate studies were designed to test whether homopteran honeydew is an important carbohydrate source for black flies and whether flies from different habitats utilize different sugar sources. The sugars melezitose and / or stachyose are known to occur in a variety of homopteran honeydews and therefore were used as indicators of honeydew feeding by black flies. In the first study, black flies were collected with insect nets from a stand of Larix larcina heavily infested with honeydew - producing homopterans (Adelges lariciatus). Six black fly species were captured: Simulium venustum, S. rostra tum, S. vittatum, Stegopterna mutata, S. aureum and S. quebecense. Samples of honeydew and individual black flies were tested using thin layer chromatography (T. L. C.) with fructose, glucose, sucrose, turanose, melezitose, raffinose and stachyose as standards. All sugars except turanose and melezitose were found in the adelgid honeydew samples. Since the sugar melezitose was absent from ~ honeydew samples, stachyose was used to indicate that black flies were feeding from this particular honeydew source. Of the 201 black flies tested, 194 contained sugars which occurred in 16 combinations. Stachyose combinations excluding melezitose, present in 45.9 % of flies, were used to indicate that black flies had been feeding on the adelgid honeydew. In the second study, black flies were collected in the morning and evening on 8 collection dates, using a vehicle mounted insect net. The crops and midguts of 10 male and 10 female Simulium venustum were dissected on each sample date. In total the gut contents of 320 individual flies were analysed by T. L. C. The sugars identified from these flies were present in the following proportions: fructose (100.0%), glucose (100.0%), sucrose/turanose (50.4%), melezitose (30.3%), raffinose (18.8%) and stachyose (8.7%). These sugars occurred in fourteen different combinations. It is argued that the presence of melezitose and / or stachyose indicates that black flies had fed on homopteran honeydew. Significantly more female flies (40.0%) than male flies (27.5%) had fed on honeydew. In the third study, adult black flies were sampled by sweep netting vegetation in four habitats in the morning and evening on 8 collection dates. The habitats are as follows: (1) Davies Bog, (2) Abandoned Air Field (dominated by blueberries, Vaccinium spp.), (3) Deciduous Habitat and (4) Coniferous Habitat. Sugars in the crops and midguts of female flies were tested by T. L. C. and, for S. venustum, it was found that significantly fewer flies (18.8%) from the Air Field contained honeydew than from the other three sites (Davies Bog, 34.4%; Deciduous Habitat, 36.2%; Coniferous Habitat, 25.0%). Of the 1287 black flies tested individually by T. L. C. 441 (34.3%) contained melezitose and / or stachyose sugars indicating that this proportion of the population were feeding from Homopteran honeydew. It is therefore clear that floral (nectar) sugars are not the only source of carbohydrates available to black flies.
Neuropeptides can modulate physiological properties of neurons in a cell-specific manner. The present work examines whether a neuropeptide can also modulate muscle tissue in a cell-specific manner, using identified muscle cells in third instar larvae of fruit flies. DPKQDFMRFa, a modulatory peptide in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, has been shown to enhance transmitter release from motor neurons and to elicit contractions by a direct effect on muscle cells. We report that DPKQDFMRFa causes a nifedipine-sensitive drop in input resistance in some muscle cells (6 and 7) but not others (12 and 13). The peptide also increased the amplitude of nerve-evoked contractions and compound excitatory junctional potentials (EJPs) to a greater degree in muscle cells 6 and 7 than 12 and 13. Knocking down FMRFa receptor (FR) expression separately in nerve and muscle indicate that both presynaptic and postsynaptic FR expression contributed to the enhanced contractions, but EJP enhancement was due mainly to presynaptic expression. Muscle-ablation showed that DPKQDFMRFa induced contractions and enhanced nerve-evoked contractions more strongly in muscle cells 6 and 7 than cells 12 and 13. In situ hybridization indicated that FR expression was significantly greater in muscle cells 6 and 7 than 12 and 13. Taken together, these results indicate that DPKQDFMRFa can elicit cell-selective effects on muscle fibres. The ability of neuropeptides to work in a cell-selective manner on neurons and muscle cells may help explain why so many peptides are encoded in invertebrate and vertebrate genomes.
The capacity for all living cells to sense and interact with their environment is a necessity for life. In highly evolved, eukaryotic species, like humans, signalling mechanisms are necessary to regulate the function and survival of all cells in the organism. Synchronizing systemic signalling systems at the cellular, organ and whole-organism level is a formidable task, and for most species requires a large number of signalling molecules and their receptors. One of the major types of signalling molecules used throughout the animal kingdom are modulatory substances (e.x. hormones and peptides). Modulators can act as chemical transmitters, facilitating communication at chemical synapses. There are hundreds of circulating modulators within the mammalian system, but the reason for so many remains a mystery. Recent work with the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster demonstrated the capacity for peptides to modulate synaptic transmission in a neuron-specific manner, suggesting that peptides are not simply redundant, but rather may have highly specific roles. Thus, the diversity of peptides may reflect cell-specific functions. The main objective of my doctoral thesis was to examine the extent to which neuromodulator substances and their receptors modulate synaptic transmission at a cell-specific level using D. melanogaster. Using three different modulatory substances, i) octopamine - a biogenic amine released from motor neuron terminals, ii) DPKQDFMRFa - a neuropeptide secreted into circulation, and iii) Proctolin - a pentapeptide released both from motor neuron terminals and into circulation, I was able to investigate not only the capacity of these various substances to work in a cell-selective manner, but also examine the different mechanisms of action and how modulatory substances work in concert to execute systemic functionality . The results support the idea that modulatory substances act in a circuit-selective manner in the central nervous system and in the periphery in order to coordinate and synchronize physiologically and behaviourally relevant outputs. The findings contribute as to why the nervous system encodes so many modulatory substances.
The present thesis investigates the responses to reflection in both the crayfish Procambarus clarkii and the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Responses to reflection in crayfish depend on social status and the current work suggests that learning and memory consolidation are required for these responses to be altered. Crayfish were treated to either massed or spaced training fights prior to reflection testing. The results show that subordinate crayfish treated to spaced training display a response typical of subordinate crayfish but subordinate crayfish treated to massed training exhibit a response typical of dominant crayfish. Fruit flies are shown to be attracted to reflection and responses to reflection are described here for the first time. Responses in fruit flies are shown to be dependent on social status. The frequency of behaviours were altered in isolated flies but not socialized flies. The addition of pheromones cVA and 7,11-HD were used to investigate how the addition of chemical cues altered responses to reflection in fruit flies. Socialized fruit flies treated with cVA exhibited an increase in the frequency of behaviours on both mirrored and clear glass walls, while isolated flies exhibited a decrease. Socialized flies treated with 7,11-HD spent more time on mirrored walls compared to glass walls, whereas the frequency of all behaviours were decreased in isolated flies treated with 7,11-HD.
Various clippings and notes which were found tucked within the pages of the Woodruff books including: Ezekiel Woodruff’s birth date written on an envelope, a recipe for a rose jar, a note regarding Donald Fraser, an unsigned Christmas card, a verse entitled “Woodland friends” a list of names and a program for the New York State Historical Association and Ontario Historical Society. There are also clippings which include articles about: nutritional value of bread, a movie 45 on Hitler, Col. Merritt, stamp collecting, preparing boys to fly, a flying hero, an exhibition of antiques and pioneer days [these items are not particularly relevant to the collection, but offer an insight into daily life and interests], 1936-1937, 1943
La première augmentation de la longévité en laboratoire fût observée à la suite d’une intervention nutritionnelle consistant en une réduction de l’apport alimentaire chez le rat. Plus tard, ce phénomène a été reproduit dans de très nombreuses espèces et référé en tant que restriction calorique. Le développement des techniques de biologie moléculaire moderne a permis de montrer dans des organismes modèles simples que cette flexibilité du processus de vieillissement était régulée par des facteurs génétiques. De fait, plusieurs mécanismes cellulaires ont alors pu être identifiés comme responsables de ce contrôle du vieillissement. Ces voies de régulation ont révélées être conservées entre les espèces, depuis les levures jusqu’aux organismes multicellulaires tels que le nématode, la mouche ou la souris, suggérant l’existence d’un programme universel de vieillissement dans le vivant. La levure s’est avéré à plusieurs reprises être un modèle puissant et fiable pour la découverte de gènes impliqués dans ce phénomène. Mon étude a consisté au développement d’un nouveau modèle unicellulaire d’étude du vieillissement à travers l’espèce Schizosaccharomyces pombe appelée aussi levure à fission. La première étape de mon travail a montré que les voies de détection des nutriments gouvernées par la sérine/thréonine protéine kinase A (Pka1) et la sérine/thréonine kinase Sck2 contrôlent le vieillissement chronologique de ces cellules comme il était connu dans la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Ceci permit de valider l’utilisation de la levure à fission pour l’étude du vieillissement. Ensuite, nous avons analysé plus en détail l’effet pro-vieillissement du glucose en étudiant le rôle de sa détection par le récepteur membranaire Git3 couplé à la protéine G (Gpa2) en amont de la kinase Pka1. La perte du signal du glucose par la délétion de Git3 imite partiellement l’effet d’augmentation de longévité obtenu par baisse de la concentration en glucose dans le milieu. De plus, l’effet néfaste du signal du glucose est maintenu en absence de tout métabolisme du glucose suite à la mutation des hexokinases, premières enzymes de la glycolyse. L’ensemble de ces résultats suggèrent que la signalisation du glucose est prédominante sur son métabolisme pour son effet pro-vieillissement. D’autre part, à la fois la suppression de cette signalisation et la baisse de niveau de glucose disponible allongent la durée de vie en corrélation avec une augmentation de la résistance au stress, une hausse d’activité mitochondriale et une baisse de production de radicaux libres. Finalement, le criblage d’une banque de surexpression d’ADNc a permis d’identifier plusieurs gènes candidats responsables de ces effets en aval de la voie de signalisation Git3/PKA. La recherche sur les mécanismes moléculaires du vieillissement propose une nouvelle approche, un nouvel angle de vue, pour la compréhension des fonctions cellulaires et promet d’apporter de précieuses clefs pour mieux comprendre certaines maladies. En effet, le vieillissement est la première cause d’apparition de nombreuses affections comme les cancers, les maladies cardiovasculaires et métaboliques ou les maladies neurodégénératives tels que les syndromes d’Alzheimer et de Parkinson.
La phagocytose est un processus cellulaire par lequel de larges particules sont internalisées dans une vésicule, le phagosome. Lorsque formé, le phagosome acquiert ses propriétés fonctionnelles à travers un processus complexe de maturation nommé la biogénèse du phagolysosome. Cette voie implique une série d’interactions rapides avec les organelles de l’appareil endocytaire permettant la transformation graduelle du phagosome nouvellement formé en phagolysosome à partir duquel la dégradation protéolytique s’effectue. Chez l’amibe Dictyostelium discoideum, la phagocytose est employée pour ingérer les bactéries de son environnement afin de se nourrir alors que les organismes multicellulaires utilisent la phagocytose dans un but immunitaire, où des cellules spécialisées nommées phagocytes internalisent, tuent et dégradent les pathogènes envahissant de l’organisme et constitue la base de l’immunité innée. Chez les vertébrés à mâchoire cependant, la transformation des mécanismes moléculaires du phagosome en une organelle perfectionnée pour l’apprêtement et la présentation de peptides antigéniques place cette organelle au centre de l’immunité innée et de l’immunité acquise. Malgré le rôle crucial auquel participe cette organelle dans la réponse immunitaire, il existe peu de détails sur la composition protéique et l’organisation fonctionnelles du phagosome. Afin d’approfondir notre compréhension des divers aspects qui relient l’immunité innée et l’immunité acquise, il devient essentiel d’élargir nos connaissances sur les fonctions moléculaire qui sont recrutées au phagosome. Le profilage par protéomique à haut débit de phagosomes isolés fut extrêmement utile dans la détermination de la composition moléculaire de cette organelle. Des études provenant de notre laboratoire ont révélé les premières listes protéiques identifiées à partir de phagosomes murins sans toutefois déterminer le ou les rôle(s) de ces protéines lors du processus de la phagocytose (Brunet et al, 2003; Garin et al, 2001). Au cours de la première étude de cette thèse (Stuart et al, 2007), nous avons entrepris la caractérisation fonctionnelle du protéome entier du phagosome de la drosophile en combinant diverses techniques d’analyses à haut débit (protéomique, réseaux d’intéractions protéique et ARN interférent). En utilisant cette stratégie, nous avons identifié 617 protéines phagosomales par spectrométrie de masse à partir desquelles nous avons accru cette liste en construisant des réseaux d’interactions protéine-protéine. La contribution de chaque protéine à l’internalisation de bactéries fut ensuite testée et validée par ARN interférent à haut débit et nous a amené à identifier un nouveau régulateur de la phagocytose, le complexe de l’exocyst. En appliquant ce modèle combinatoire de biologie systémique, nous démontrons la puissance et l’efficacité de cette approche dans l’étude de processus cellulaire complexe tout en créant un cadre à partir duquel il est possible d’approfondir nos connaissances sur les différents mécanismes de la phagocytose. Lors du 2e article de cette thèse (Boulais et al, 2010), nous avons entrepris la caractérisation moléculaire des étapes évolutives ayant contribué au remodelage des propriétés fonctionnelles de la phagocytose au cours de l’évolution. Pour ce faire, nous avons isolé des phagosomes à partir de trois organismes distants (l’amibe Dictyostelium discoideum, la mouche à fruit Drosophila melanogaster et la souris Mus musculus) qui utilisent la phagocytose à des fins différentes. En appliquant une approche protéomique à grande échelle pour identifier et comparer le protéome et phosphoprotéome des phagosomes de ces trois espèces, nous avons identifié un cœur protéique commun à partir duquel les fonctions immunitaires du phagosome se seraient développées. Au cours de ce développement fonctionnel, nos données indiquent que le protéome du phagosome fut largement remodelé lors de deux périodes de duplication de gènes coïncidant avec l’émergence de l’immunité innée et acquise. De plus, notre étude a aussi caractérisée en détail l’acquisition de nouvelles protéines ainsi que le remodelage significatif du phosphoprotéome du phagosome au niveau des constituants du cœur protéique ancien de cette organelle. Nous présentons donc la première étude approfondie des changements qui ont engendré la transformation d’un compartiment phagotrophe à une organelle entièrement apte pour la présentation antigénique.
Cette étude offre une lecture de The Waves de Virginia Woolf en tant qu’une représentation fictive des “formes exactes de la pensée.” Elle établit le lien entre le récit de The Waves et l’expérience personnelle de l’auteur avec “les voix” qui hantaient son esprit, en raison de sa maladie maniaco-dépressive. La présente étude propose également une analyse du roman inspirée par la théorie de la “fusion conceptuelle:” cette approche narrative a pour but de (1) souligner “la fusion” de l’imagination, des émotions, et de la perception qui constitue l’essence du récit de The Waves, (2) mettre l’accent sur les “configurations mentales” subtilement développées par/entre les voix du récit, en vue de diminuer le semblant de la désorganisation et de l’éparpillement des pensées généré par la représentation de la conscience, (3) permettre au lecteur d’accéder à la configuration subjective et identitaire des différentes voix du récit en traçant l’éventail de leurs pensées “fusionnées.” L’argument de cette dissertation est subdivisé en trois chapitres: le premier chapitre emploie la théorie de la fusion conceptuelle afin de souligner les processus mentaux menant à la création de “moments de vision.” Il décrit la manière dont la fusion des pensées intérieures et de la perception dans les “moments de vision” pourrait servir de tremplin à la configuration subjective des voix du récit. La deuxième section interprète l’ensemble des voix du roman en tant qu’une “société de soi-mêmes.” À l’aide de la théorie de la fusion conceptuelle, elle met l’accent sur les formes de pensée entrelacées entre les différentes voix du récit, ce qui permet aux protagonistes de développer une identité interrelationnelle, placée au plein centre des différentes subjectivités. Le troisième chapitre trace les processus mentaux permettant aux différentes voix du roman de développer une forme de subjectivité cohérente et intégrée. Dans ce chapitre, l’idée de la fusion des différents aspects de l’identité proposée par Fauconnier et Turner est employée pour décrire l’intégration des éléments de la subjectivité des protagonistes en une seule configuration identitaire. D’ailleurs, ce chapitre propose une interprétation du triste suicide de Rhoda qui met en relief son inaptitude à intégrer les fragments de sa subjectivité en une identité cohérente et “fusionnée.”
Demonstration videos can be found on fr.linkedin.com/in/doriangomez/