999 resultados para Finland : a cultural encyclopedia
Selostus: Luonnonvarojen kokonaiskäyttö sovellettuna maatalouteen: esimerkki Suomesta
Abstract: Ideological stability and change in Finland : an analysis of party programmes
Os conteúdos informacionais nas redes eletrônicas são analisados na perspectiva de seu impacto social e da promoção da identidade cultural. Considera a penetrabilidade e capilaridade das teconologias da informação um dos principais indicadores de desenvolvimento da sociedade da informação e defende a instalação de pontos de acesso à internet em bibliotecas públicas e escolares. Defende também o fomento à produção de conteúdos, seu registro e difusão nos âmbitos de governo, da sociedade pelos indivíduos, de forma a refletir as diversidades culturais e regionais, urbanas, periféricas e rurais, assim como o resgate da memória já registrada em língua portuguesa mas ainda não acessível. O documento foi elaborado com a participação de especialistas de todo o país e serviu de base para a redação do Capítulo 5 do Livro Verde do Programa Sociedade da Informação no Brasil - Socinfo.
Selostus: Pelto- ja puutarhakasvien kylmänkestävyystutkimus Suomessa
Objectives The purpose of this study is to assess short and long term changes in knowledge, attitudes, and skills among medical residents following a short course on cultural competency and to explore their perspectives on the experience. Methods Eighteen medical residents went through a short training programme comprised of two seminars lasting 30' and 60' respectively over two days. Three months later, we conducted three focus groups, with 17 residents to explore their thoughts, perspectives and feedback about the course. To measure changes over time, we carried out a quantitative sequential survey before the seminars, three days after, and three months later using the Multicultural Assessment Questionnaire. Results Residents expressed a wide variety of perspectives on the main themes related to the content of the training - culture, trialogue, stereotypes, status, epidemiology, history and geopolitics - and related to its organization - relevance, volume, timing, target audience, training tools, and working material. Using the MAQ, we observed a higher global performance score (n=16) at three days (median=38) compared to results before the training (median=33) revealing a median difference of 5.5 points (z=2.4, p=0.015). This difference was still present at three months (∆=4.5, z=2.4, p=0.018), mainly due to knowledge acquisition (∆=3) rather than attitudes (∆=0) or skills (∆=1). Conclusions Cross-cultural competence training not only brings awareness of multicultural issues but also helps participants understand their own cultures, perception of others and preconceived ideas. Physicians' education should however also focus on improving implementation of acquired knowledge in cross-cultural competence.
Selostus: Nuoria maita Viikin pelloilla
Amb aquests dos gruixuts volums Joan Peytaví fa un regal inestimable als filòlegs, particularment als estudiosos de l"onomàstica i la llengua catalanes, als historiadors i estudiosos de la història de la població i, en general, a la cultura catalana i, especialment, a la de la Catalunya del Nord.
Agency Performance Report
Agency Performance Report
Agency Performance Report
Agency Performance Report