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Enhanced expression of the presynaptic protein synapsin has been correlated with certain forms of long-term plasticity and learning and memory. However, the regulation and requirement for enhanced synapsin expression in long-term memory remains unknown. In the present study the technical advantages of the marine mollusc Aplysia were exploited in order to address this issue. In Aplysia, learning-induced enhancement in synaptic strength is modulated by serotonin (5-HT) and treatment with 5-HT in vitro of the sensorimotor synapse induces long-term facilitation (LTF) of synaptic transmission, which lasts for days, as well as the formation of new connections between the sensory and motor neuron. Results from immunofluorescence analysis indicated that 5-HT treatment upregulates synapsin protein levels within sensory neuron varicosities, the presumed site of neurotransmitter release. To investigate the mechanisms underlying increased synapsin expression, the promoter region of the Aplysia synapsin gene was cloned and a cAMP response element (CRE) was identified, raising the possibility that the transcriptional activator cAMP response element-binding protein-1 (CREB1) mediates the 5-HT-induced regulation of synapsin. Results from Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays indicated that 5-HT treatment enhanced association of CREB1 surrounding the CRE site in the synapsin promoter and led to increased acetylation of histones H3 and H4 and decreased association of histone deacetylase 5 surrounding the CRE site in the synapsin promoter, a sign of transcriptional activation. In addition, sensory neurons injected with an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) reporter vector driven by the synapsin promoter exhibited a significant increase in EGFP expression following treatment with 5-HT. These results suggest that synapsin expression is regulated by 5-HT in part through transcriptional activation of the synapsin gene and through CREB1 association with the synapsin promoter. Furthermore, RNA interference that blocks 5-HT-induced elevation of synapsin expression also blocked long-term synaptic facilitation. These results indicate that 5-HT-induced regulation of synapsin is necessary for LTF and that synapsin is part of the cascade of synaptic events involved in the consolidation of memory.


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The Soehner-Dmochowski strain of murine sarcoma virus (MuSV-SD) was derived from a bone tumor of a New Zealand Black (NZB) rat infected with the Moloney strain of MuSV, which carries the gene encoding the v-mos protein. Serial passage of cell-free tumor extracts both decreased the latent period and resulted in osteosarcomas. Cells from a late passage tumor were established in culture, cell-free extracts frozen, and later inoculated into newborn NZB rats. One of the resulting bone tumors was established in culture and clonal cell lines derived, of which S4 was selected for the present study. The objectives of the study were two-fold: an examination of the genetic organization of MuSV-SD, and an examination of the biochemical characteristics of the viral proteins, since this is an acutely transforming virus which may yield insights into the mechanism of transformation caused by the v-mos protein. Blot hybridization of digested S4 genomic DNA reveals three candidate MuSV-SD integrated viral DNAs. The largest of these, MuSV-SD-6.5, was cloned from an S4 cosmid library, and the complete MuSV-SD-mos sequence was determined. The predicted amino acid sequence of the v-mos protein was compared to that of MuSV-124 and Ht-1, which show a 96.5% and 97.1% similarity, respectively. To characterize the MuSV-SD-mos protein further, immunochemical assays were performed using anti-mos antisera. The immunoblot analysis and immunoprecipitation assays demonstrated that similar levels of the v-mos protein were present in cells chronically infected with either MuSV-SD or MuSV-124; however, the immune complex kinase assay revealed greatly reduced in vitro serine kinase activity of the MuSV-SD-mos protein compared to that of MuSV-124. Sequence analysis demonstrated that the serine at amino acid residue 358 of the MuSV-SD-mos protein, like that of MuSV-Ht-1, had been mutated to a glycine. Mutations of this serine residue have been shown to affect the detectable in vitro kinase activity, however, v-mos proteins containing this mutation still retain transforming properties. Therefore, although the characteristic in vitro kinase activity of the MuSV-SD-mos protein has not been demonstrated, it is clear that this virus is a potent transforming agent. ^


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Studies were performed to test the hypothesis that type I hypersensitivity underlies worm induced intestinal fluid secretion and the rapid rejection of Trichinella spiralis from immunized rats, and the two events may be related in a cause-effect manner.^ Two approaches were taken. One was to determine whether inhibition of anaphylaxis-mediated Cl$\sp{-}$ and fluid secretion accompanying a secondary infection impedes worm rejection from immune hosts. The other was to determine whether induction of intestinal fluid secretion in nonimmune hosts interfered with worm establishment. In both studies, fluid secretion was measured volumetrically 30 min after a challenge infection and worms were counted.^ In immunized rats indomethacin did not affect the worm-induced fluid secretion when used alone, despite inhibiting mucosal prostaglandin synthesis. Fluid secretion was reduced by treatment with diphenhydramine and further reduced by the combination of diphenhydramine and indomethacin. The paradoxical effects of indomethacin when used alone compared with its coadministration with diphenhydramine is explained by the enhancing effect of indomethacin on histamine release. Abolishing net fluid secretion in these studies had no effect on rapid worm rejection in immune hosts.^ Worm establishment was reduced in recipients of immune serum containing IgE antibodies. Net intestinal fluid secretion induced in normal rats by PGE$\sb2$, cholera toxin, or hypertonic mannitol solution had no effect on worm establishment compared with untreated controls.^ In a related experiment, worm-induced intestinal fluid secretion and worm rejection in immune rats were partially blocked by concurrent injection with 5-HT$\sb2$ and 5-HT$\sb3$ blockers (Ketanserin and MDL-72222), suggesting that 5-HT is involved. This possible involvement was supported in that treatment of nonimmune rats with 5-HT significantly inhibited worm establishment in the intestine.^ Results indicate that anaphylaxis is the basis for both worm-induced intestinal fluid secretion and rapid rejection of T. spiralis in immune rats, but these events are independent of one another. 5-HT is a possible mediator of worm rejection, however, its mechanism of action is related to something other than fluid secretion. ^


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Plasticity at the connections between sensory neurons and their follower cells in Aplysia has been used extensively as a model system to examine mechanisms of simple forms of learning, such as sensitization. Sensitization is induced, at least in part, by the transmitter serotonin (5-HT) and expressed in several forms, including facilitation of sensorimotor connections. Spike broadening has been believed to be a key mechanism underlying facilitation of nondepressed synapses. Previously, this broadening was believed to be dependent primarily on cAMP/protein kinase A (PKA)-mediated reduction of a noninactivating, relatively voltage-independent K$\sp{+}$ current termed the S-K$\sp+$ current (I$\sb{\rm K{,}S}$). Recent evidence, however, suggests that 5-HT-induced somatic spike broadening is composed of at least two components: a cAMP-dependent, rapidly developing component and a cAMP-independent, slowly developing component.^ Phorbol esters, activators of protein kinase C (PKC), mimicked the cAMP-independent component of 5-HT-induced broadening. Staurosporine, which inhibits PKC, had little effect on the rapidly developing component of 5-HT-induced broadening, but inhibited significantly the slowly developing component. These results suggest that PKC is involved in the cAMP-independent component of 5-HT-induced broadening. The membrane currents responsible for the slowly developing component of broadening were examined. Activation of PKC mimicked, and partially occluded, 5-HT-induced modulation of membrane currents above 0 mV, where a voltage-dependent K$\sp+$ current (I$\sb{\rm K{,}V}$) is significantly activated. This modulation was complex because it was associated with a reduction in the magnitude of I$\sb{\rm K{,}V}$, as well as a slowing of both activation and inactivation kinetics of I$\sb{\rm K{,}V}$. These results support the hypothesis that PKC modulates I$\sb{\rm K{,}V}$ and that this modulation contributes to the slowly developing component of 5-HT-induced broadening. Based on these results and others, a new scheme for 5-HT-induced spike broadening is proposed in which the modulatory effects are mediated via two second messenger/protein kinase systems converging and diverging on multiple ionic conductances.^ The relationship between spike broadening and synaptic facilitation was also examined. Pharmacological reduction of I$\sb{\rm K{,}V}$ by low concentrations of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) led to spike broadening and facilitation of the nondepressed sensorimotor connections, indicating that spike broadening via the reduction of I$\sc{K,V}$ can facilitate the synaptic connection. Further analyses, however, revealed that 4-AP-induced facilitation has qualitative differences from 5-HT- and PKC-induced facilitation. These results suggest that 5-HT- and PKC-induced facilitation of nondepressed synapses is mediated, at least in part, by spike-duration independent (SDI) processes. Under certain conditions, the PKC inhibitor, staurosporine, significantly inhibited the 5-HT-induced facilitation of sensorimotor connections.^ Finally, it was found that activation of PKC increased a basal level of cAMP and that PKC caused desensitization of the 5-HT receptor, which may be a possible negative feedback mechanism through which an extracellular ligand, 5-HT, is regulated. These results suggest that these two second messenger/protein kinase pathways can interact in the sensory neuron. Thus, neuronal plasticity that may contribute to learning and memory appears to involve several complex and interactive processes. ^


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Aggression, impulsivity, and central serotonergic function were evaluated in two groups of human volunteers; one group having a history of substance dependence (DRUG+) and another group with no drug use history (DRUG$-$). The hypothesis was that DRUG+ subjects would be more aggressive, more impulsive, and have attenuated serotonergic function. Results showed that DRUG+ subjects behaved more aggressively in a computer paradigm of aggression and also reported more aggression on questionnaires than DRUG$-$ subjects. In a computer paradigm of impulsivity, the DRUG+ group showed a lesser ability to delay gratification than the DRUG$-$ group in the last session of testing. The DRUG+ subjects also reported more venturesomeness and problems associated with low impulse control on questionnaires. Serotonergic function was measured through the neuroendocrine and hypothermic response to an orally administered serotonin (5-HT) agonist specific to the 5-HT$\rm\sb{1A}$ receptor subtype (ipsapirone). The neuroendocrine responses did not differ between DRUG$\pm$ groups, indicating no difference in the sensitivity of the presynaptic or postsynaptic 5-HT$\rm\sb{1A}$ receptors. An unexpected result was that the indicator hormone, cortisol, was at a lower baseline level in the DRUG+ group than the DRUG$-$ group. Lowered cortisol levels have been previously noted in children at high risk foul antisociality and future drug use. A principal components analysis including impulsivity, aggression, and serotonergic function measures produced three unique factors. The factors, Antisocial Tendency and Self-Control and Serotonergic Function combined to produce a significant regression equation explaining 36% of variability in the DRUG$\pm$ groups. These factors included measures of aggression, impulsivity, mood, and educational attainment. These results suggest that the current measures of aggression and impulsivity were predictive of a drug dependence disorder but that neuroendocrine function is not yet a useful indicator of drug dependence status. ^


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Long-term sensitization in Aplysia is a well studied model for the examination of the cellular and molecules mechanisms of long-term memory. Several lines of evidence suggest long-term sensitization is mediated at least partially by long-term synaptic facilitation between the sensory and motor neurons. The sensitization training and one of its analogues, serotonin (5-HT), can induce long-term facilitation. In this study, another analogue to long-term sensitization training has been developed. Stimulation of peripheral nerves of pleural-pedal ganglia preparation induced long-term facilitation at both 24 hr and 48 hr. This is the first report that long-term facilitation in Aplysia persists for more than 24 hr, which is consistent with the observation that long-term sensitization lasts for more than one day. Thus, the data support the hypothesis that long-term facilitation is an important mechanism for long-term sensitization.^ One of the major differences between short-term and long-term facilitation is that long-term facilitation requires protein synthesis. Therefore, the effects of anisomycin, a protein synthesis inhibitor, on long-term facilitation was examined. Long-term facilitation induced by nerve stimulation was inhibited by 2 $\mu$M anisomycin, which inhibits $\sim$90% of protein synthesis. Nevertheless, at higher concentration (20 $\mu$M), anisomycin induced long-term facilitation by itself, which raises an interesting question about the function of anisomycin other than protein synthesis inhibition.^ Since protein synthesis is critical for long-term facilitation, a major goal is to identify and functionally characterize the molecules whose mRNA levels are altered during the formation of long-term facilitation. Behavioral training or its analogues (nerve stimulation and 5-HT) increases the level of mRNA of calmodulin (CaM). Thus, the role of Ca$\sp{2+}$-CaM-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), a major substrate of CaM, in long-term facilitation induced by nerve stimulation was examined. KN-62, a specific CaMKII inhibitor, did not block either the induction or the maintenance of long-term facilitation induced by nerve stimulation. These data indicate that CaMKII may not be involved in long-term facilitation. Another protein whose mRNA level of a molecule was increased by the behavioral training and the treatment of 5-HT is Aplysia tolloid/BMP-1-like protein 1 (apTBL-1). Tolloid in Drosophila and BMP-1 in human tissues are believed to be secreted as a metalloprotease to activate TGF-$\beta.$ Thus, the long-term effects of recombinant human TGF-$\beta1$ on synaptic strength were examined. Treatment of ganglia with TGF-$\beta1$ produced long-term facilitation, but not short-term or intermediate-term facilitation ($\le$4 hr). In addition, TGF-$\beta1$ and 5-HT were not additive in producing long-term facilitation, which indicates an interaction between two cascades. Moreover, 5-HT-induced facilitation (at both 24 hr and 48 hr) and nerve stimulation-induced facilitation (at 24 hr) were inhibited by TGF-$\beta$ sRII, a TGF-$\beta$ inhibitor. These results suggest that TGF-$\beta$ is part of the cascade of events underlying long-term sensitization, and also indicate that a signaling molecule used in development may also have functions in adult neuronal plasticity. ^


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Serotonin (5-HT) neurotransmission deficits have been implicated in impulsive aggression. A Trp-free beverage of amino acids competitively inhibits Trp uptake into the brain for 5-HT synthesis and also lowers endogenous plasma Trp for several hours. This has worsened mood and/or increased aggressive behavior, especially in hostile persons or those with histories of depression. In 24 community-recruited men (12 each with and without significant aggression histories), aggressive and impulsive behavior in the laboratory was assessed before and after plasma Trp depletion and Trp loading. In the aggression model, subjects were provoked by periodic subtractions of participation earnings, and these subtractions were blamed on a ficitious other participant. Aggression was measured as the responses the subject made to subtract money from his antagonist. Impulsiveness was operationalized as: (1) the choice of smaller reward after a shorter delay over having to wait longer to receive a larger reward, and (2) “false alarm” commission errors in a modified Continuous Performance Task, which represent a failure to inhibit responding to stimuli similar (but not identical) to target stimuli. Finally, plasma cortisol and Trp were measured under each condition immediately following a aggression testing session when subjects were highly provoked. I hypothesized that 5-HT may tonically modulate (inhibit) the hypothalmnic-pituitary-adrenal stress response, such that Trp depletion may enhance the cortisol response to high provocation in aggressive men. ^ Trp depletion had no effect in the laboratory tasks purported to measure impulsive behavior, and failed to cause increases in aggressive behavior under low provocation conditions. Under higher provocation, however, aggressive responses we re elevated under Trp-depleted conditions relative to Trp-loaded conditions in aggressive men, whereas the reverse was true in nonaggressive men. Cortisol levels nonsignificantly paralled the group differences in aggression under Trp-depleted and Trp-loaded conditions. Aggressive men achieved lower plasma Trp levels after Trp loading than did nonaggressive men, possibly due to heavy alcohol use histories. The high post-loading plasma Trp levels in nonaggressive men tended also to correlate with their aggressive responding rates, due perhaps to increases in other psychoactive Trp metabolites. ^


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An important goal in the study of long-term memory is to understand the signals that induce and maintain the underlying neural alterations. In Aplysia, long-term sensitization of defensive reflexes has been examined in depth as a simple model of memory. Extensive studies of sensory neurons (SNs) in Aplysia have led to a cellular and molecular model of long-term memory that has greatly influenced memory research. According to this model, induction of long-term memory in Aplysia depends upon serotonin (5-HT) release and subsequent activation of the cAMP-PKA pathway in SNs. The evidence supporting this model mainly came from studies of long-term synaptic facilitation (LTF) using dissociated (and therefore axotomized) cells growing in culture. However, studies in more intact preparations have produced complex and discrepant results. Because these SNs function as nociceptors, and display similar alterations (long-term hyperexcitability [LTH], LTF, and growth) in models of memory and nerve injury, this study examined the roles of 5-HT and the cAMP-PKA pathway in the induction and expression of long-term, injury-related LTH and LTF in Aplysia SNs. ^ The results presented here suggest that 5-HT is not a primary signal for inducing LTH (and perhaps LTF) in Aplysia SNs. Prolonged treatment with 5-HT failed to induce LTH of Aplysia SNs in either ganglia or dissociated-cell preparations. Treatment with a 5-HT antagonist, methiothepin, during noxious nerve stimulation failed to reduce 24 hr LTH. Furthermore, while 5-HT can induce LTF of SN synapses, this LTF appears to be an indirect effect of 5-HT on other cells. When neural activity was suppressed by elevating divalent cations or by using tetrodotoxin (TTX), 5-HT failed to induce LTF. Unlike LTF, LTH of the SNs could not be produced, even when 5-HT treatment occurred in normal artificial sea water (ASW), suggesting that LTH and LTF are likely to depend on different signals for induction. However, methiothepin reduced the later expression of LTH induced by nerve stimulation, suggesting that 5-HT contributes to the maintenance of LTH in Aplysia SNs.n of somata from the ganglion (which axotomizes SNs) or crushing peripheral n. ^ In summary, this study found that 5-HT and the cAMP-PKA pathway are not involved in the induction of long-term, injury-related LTH of Aplysia SNs, but persistent release of 5-HT and persistent PKA activity contribute to the maintenance of LTH induced by injury. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^


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Sensitization is a simple form of learning which refers to an enhancement of a behavioral response resulting from an exposure to a novel stimulus. While sensitization is found throughout the animal world, little is known regarding the underlying neural mechanisms. By taking advantage of the simple nervous system of the marine mollusc Aplysia, I have begun to examine the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying this simple form of learning. In an attempt to determine the generality of the mechanisms of neuromodulation underlying sensitization, I have investigated and compared the modulation of neurons involved in two defensive behaviors in Aplysia, the defensive inking response and defensive tail withdrawal.^ The motor neurons that produce the defensive release of ink receive a slow decreased conductance excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) in response to sensitizing stimuli. Using electrophysiological techniques, it was found that serotonin (5-HT) mimicked the physiologically produced slow EPSP. 5-HT produced its response through a reduction in a voltage-independent conductance to K('+). The 5-HT sensitive K('+) conductance of the ink motor neurons was separate from the fast K('+), delayed K('+), and Ca('2+)-activated K('+) conductances found in these and other molluscan neurons. 5-HT was shown to produce a decrease in K('+) conductance in the ink motor neurons through an elevation of cellular cAMP.^ The mechanosensory neurons that participate in the defensive tail withdrawal response are also modulated by sensitizing stimuli through the action of 5-HT. Using electrophysiological techniques, it was found that 5-HT modulated the tail sensory neurons through a reduction in a voltage-dependent conductance to K('+). The serotonin-sensitive K('+) conductance was found to be largely a Ca('2+)-activated K('+) conductance. Much like the ink motor neurons, 5-HT produced its modulation through an elevation of cellular cAMP. While the actual K('+) conductance modulated by 5-HT in these two classes of neurons differs, the following generalizations can be made: (1) the effects of sensitizing stimuli are mimicked by 5-HT, (2) 5-HT produces its effect through an elevation of cellular cAMP, and (3) the conductance to K('+) is modulated by 5-HT. ^


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The finite element analysis is an accepted method to predict vertebral body compressive strength. This study compares measurements obtained from in vitro tests with the ones from two different simulation models: clinical quantitative computer tomography (QCT) based homogenized finite element (hFE) models and pre-clinical high-resolution peripheral QCT-based (HR-pQCT) hFE models. About 37 vertebral body sections were prepared by removing end-plates and posterior elements, scanned with QCT (390/450μm voxel size) as well as HR-pQCT (82μm voxel size), and tested in compression up to failure. Non-linear viscous damage hFE models were created from QCT/HT-pQCT images and compared to experimental results based on stiffness and ultimate load. As expected, the predictability of QCT/HR-pQCT-based hFE models for both apparent stiffness (r2=0.685/0.801r2=0.685/0.801) and strength (r2=0.774/0.924r2=0.774/0.924) increased if a better image resolution was used. An analysis of the damage distribution showed similar damage locations for all cases. In conclusion, HR-pQCT-based hFE models increased the predictability considerably and do not need any tuning of input parameters. In contrast, QCT-based hFE models usually need some tuning but are clinically the only possible choice at the moment.


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A search is presented for production of a heavy up-type quark (t') together with its antiparticle, assuming a significant branching ratio for subsequent decay into a W boson and a b quark. The search is based on 4.7 fb(-1) of pp collisions root s = 7 TeV recorded in 2011 with the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. Data are analyzed in the lepton + jets final state, characterized by a high-transverse-momentum isolated electron or muon, large missing transverse momentum and at least three jets. The analysis strategy relies on the substantial boost of the W bosons in the t'(t') over bar signal when m(t') greater than or similar to 400 GeV. No significant excess of events above the Standard Model expectation is observed and the result of the search is interpreted in the context of fourth-generation and vector-like quark models. Under the assumption of a branching ratio BR(t' -> W b) = I, a fourth-generation t' quark with mass lower than 656 GeV is excluded at 95% confidence level. In addition, in light of the recent discovery of a new boson of mass similar to 126 GeV at the LHC, upper limits are derived in the two-dimensional plane of BR(t' -> Wb) versus BR(t' -> Ht), where H is the Standard Model Higgs boson, for vector-like quarks of various masses.


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The pharmacological characterization of ligands depends upon the ability to accurately measure their binding properties. Fluorescence provides an alternative to more traditional approaches such as radioligand binding. Here we describe the binding and spectroscopic properties of eight fluorescent 5-HT3 receptor ligands. These were tested on purified receptors, expressed receptors on live cells, or in vivo. All compounds had nanomolar affinities with fluorescent properties extending from blue to near infra-red emission. A fluorescein-derivative had the highest affinity as measured by fluorescence polarization (FP; 1.14 nM), flow cytometry (FC; 3.23 nM) and radioligand binding (RB; 1.90 nM). Competition binding with unlabeled 5-HT3 receptor agonists (5-HT, mCPBG, quipazine) and antagonists (granisetron, palonosetron, tropisetron) yielded similar affinities in all three assays. When cysteine substitutions were introduced into the 5-HT3 receptor binding site the same changes in binding affinity were seen for both granisetron and the fluorescein-derivative, suggesting that they both adopt orientations that are consistent with co-crystal structures of granisetron with a homologous protein (5HTBP). As expected, in vivo live imaging in anaesthetized mice revealed staining in the abdominal cavity in intestines, but also in salivary glands. The unexpected presence of 5-HT3 receptors in mouse salivary glands was confirmed by Western blots. Overall, these results demonstrate the wide utility of our new high-affinity fluorescently-labeled 5-HT3 receptor probes, ranging from in vitro receptor pharmacology, including FC and FP ligand competition, to live imaging of 5-HT3 expressing tissues.


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11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (11beta-HSD) modulate mineralocorticoid receptor transactivation by glucocorticoids and regulate access to the glucocorticoid receptor. The isozyme 11beta-HSD2 is selectively expressed in mineralocorticoid target tissues and its activity is reduced in various disease states with abnormal sodium retention and hypertension, including the apparent mineralocorticoid excess. As 50% of patients with essential hypertension are insulin resistant and hyperinsulinemic, we hypothesized that insulin downregulates the 11beta-HSD2 activity. In the present study we show that insulin reduced the 11beta-HSD2 activity in cancer colon cell lines (HCT116, SW620 and HT-29) at the transcriptional level, in a time and dose dependent manner. The downregulation was reversible and required new protein synthesis. Pathway analysis using mRNA profiling revealed that insulin treatment modified the expression of the transcription factor family C/EBPs (CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteins) but also of glycolysis related enzymes. Western blot and real time PCR confirmed an upregulation of C/EBP beta isoforms (LAP and LIP) with a more pronounced increase in the inhibitory isoform LIP. EMSA and reporter gene assays demonstrated the role of C/EBP beta isoforms in HSD11B2 gene expression regulation. In addition, secretion of lactate, a byproduct of glycolysis, was shown to mediate insulin-dependent HSD11B2 downregulation. In summary, we demonstrate that insulin downregulates HSD11B2 through increased LIP expression and augmented lactate secretion. Such mechanisms are of interest and potential significance for sodium reabsorption in the colon.


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After the NEEM (Greenland) deep ice-core drilling was declared terminated with respect to developing stratigraphic climate reconstructions, efforts were turned toward collecting basal ice-sheet debris and, if possible, drilling into the bedrock itself. In 2010, several meters of banded debris-rich ice were obtained under normal ice-drilling operations with the NEEM version of the Hans Tausen (HT) drill, but further penetration was obstructed by a rock in the path of the drill head at 2537.36 m. During short campaigns in 2011 and 2012, attempts were made to penetrate further using various reinforced ice cutters mounted on the HT drill head, tailored to cut through rock. These had some success in penetrating coarse material, but produced severely damaged cutters. Additionally a 51 mm diameter diamond cutting tipped rock drill was adapted to fit the NEEM drill. With this device, several additional meters of core containing subglacial sediments, rocks and rock fragments were collected. With these tools 1.39 m of additional material were obtained during the 2011 field season, and 7.1 m during 2012. Subglacial water refreezing into the newly formed borehole hindered further penetration, and the bedrock interface was not reached before final closure of the NEEM Camp.


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The 5-HT3 receptor (5-HT3R) is an important ion channel responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses in the CNS and PNS that is activated by the endogenous agonist serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT). 5-HT3R is the only serotonin receptor belonging to the Cys-loop superfamily of neurotransmitter receptors. Different structural biology approaches can be applied, such as crystallization and x-ray analysis. Nonetheless, characterizing the exact ligand binding site(s) of these dynamic receptors is still challenging. The use of photo-crosslinking probes is an alternative validated approach allowing identification of regions in the protein that are important for the binding of small molecules. We designed our probes based on the core structure of the 5-HT3R antagonist granisetron, a FDA approved drug used for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. We synthesized a small library of photo-crosslinking probes by conjugating diazirines and benzophenones via various linkers to granisetron. We were able to obtain several compounds with diverse linker lengths and different photo-crosslinking moieties that show nanomolar binding affinity for the orthosteric binding site. Furthermore we established a stable h5-HT3R expressing cell line and a purification protocol to yield the receptor in a high purity. Several experiments showed unambiguously that we are able to photo-crosslink our probes with the receptor site-specifically. The functionalised protein was analysed by Western blot and MS-analysis. This yielded the exact covalent modification site, corroborating current ligand binding models derived from mutagenesis and docking studies.