981 resultados para Few-body systems


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En esta pesquisa me interrogaré acerca de la importancia que cobra el cuerpo en las prácticas del fitness tanto en la ciudad de La Plata como en Avellaneda. Dentro de este campo de investigación lo corporal se encuentra atravesado constantemente por saberes, discursos, significaciones, investigaciones, métodos de entrenamiento, técnicas, capacidades coordinativas y condicionales, maquinaria, materiales (trampolines, barras, mancuernas, pelotas, guantes de boxeo, etc.), coreografías, gritos, adrenalina, euforia, ansiedad, sorpresa, aplausos, sudor, aumento de frecuencia cardíaca, fanatismo, entre otras. En torno a ello, lo corporal se ha convertido en un objeto de estudio donde sólo se considera importante el alcance de una figura, de un modelo, de una supuesta "belleza" o de una deseada "buena forma". De hecho, las lógicas que envuelven al capitalismo configuraron una cultura de consumo a través de ciertos mecanismos que intervinieron e intervienen en los modos de (re)producción, específicamente, de esta corporalidad. Es por ello que el interés se centra en el análisis de la empresa Body Systems -quien se encarga de mercantilizar diferentes programas de entrenamiento que se ocupan de conformar un negocio en torno a lo corporal- y en la relevancia que adquiere sobre el cuerpo y la posible violencia simbólica que en él se ejerce a través de ciertos mecanismos de control


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En esta pesquisa me interrogaré acerca de la importancia que cobra el cuerpo en las prácticas del fitness tanto en la ciudad de La Plata como en Avellaneda. Dentro de este campo de investigación lo corporal se encuentra atravesado constantemente por saberes, discursos, significaciones, investigaciones, métodos de entrenamiento, técnicas, capacidades coordinativas y condicionales, maquinaria, materiales (trampolines, barras, mancuernas, pelotas, guantes de boxeo, etc.), coreografías, gritos, adrenalina, euforia, ansiedad, sorpresa, aplausos, sudor, aumento de frecuencia cardíaca, fanatismo, entre otras. En torno a ello, lo corporal se ha convertido en un objeto de estudio donde sólo se considera importante el alcance de una figura, de un modelo, de una supuesta "belleza" o de una deseada "buena forma". De hecho, las lógicas que envuelven al capitalismo configuraron una cultura de consumo a través de ciertos mecanismos que intervinieron e intervienen en los modos de (re)producción, específicamente, de esta corporalidad. Es por ello que el interés se centra en el análisis de la empresa Body Systems -quien se encarga de mercantilizar diferentes programas de entrenamiento que se ocupan de conformar un negocio en torno a lo corporal- y en la relevancia que adquiere sobre el cuerpo y la posible violencia simbólica que en él se ejerce a través de ciertos mecanismos de control


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En esta pesquisa me interrogaré acerca de la importancia que cobra el cuerpo en las prácticas del fitness tanto en la ciudad de La Plata como en Avellaneda. Dentro de este campo de investigación lo corporal se encuentra atravesado constantemente por saberes, discursos, significaciones, investigaciones, métodos de entrenamiento, técnicas, capacidades coordinativas y condicionales, maquinaria, materiales (trampolines, barras, mancuernas, pelotas, guantes de boxeo, etc.), coreografías, gritos, adrenalina, euforia, ansiedad, sorpresa, aplausos, sudor, aumento de frecuencia cardíaca, fanatismo, entre otras. En torno a ello, lo corporal se ha convertido en un objeto de estudio donde sólo se considera importante el alcance de una figura, de un modelo, de una supuesta "belleza" o de una deseada "buena forma". De hecho, las lógicas que envuelven al capitalismo configuraron una cultura de consumo a través de ciertos mecanismos que intervinieron e intervienen en los modos de (re)producción, específicamente, de esta corporalidad. Es por ello que el interés se centra en el análisis de la empresa Body Systems -quien se encarga de mercantilizar diferentes programas de entrenamiento que se ocupan de conformar un negocio en torno a lo corporal- y en la relevancia que adquiere sobre el cuerpo y la posible violencia simbólica que en él se ejerce a través de ciertos mecanismos de control


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Global data-flow analysis of (constraint) logic programs, which is generally based on abstract interpretation [7], is reaching a comparatively high level of maturity. A natural question is whether it is time for its routine incorporation in standard compilers, something which, beyond a few experimental systems, has not happened to date. Such incorporation arguably makes good sense only if: • the range of applications of global analysis is large enough to justify the additional complication in the compiler, and • global analysis technology can deal with all the features of "practical" languages (e.g., the ISO-Prolog built-ins) and "scales up" for large programs. We present a tutorial overview of a number of concepts and techniques directly related to the issues above, with special emphasis on the first one. In particular, we concéntrate on novel uses of global analysis during program development and debugging, rather than on the more traditional application área of program optimization. The idea of using abstract interpretation for validation and diagnosis has been studied in the context of imperative programming [2] and also of logic programming. The latter work includes issues such as using approximations to reduce the burden posed on programmers by declarative debuggers [6, 3] and automatically generating and checking assertions [4, 5] (which includes the more traditional type checking of strongly typed languages, such as Gódel or Mercury [1, 8, 9]) We also review some solutions for scalability including modular analysis, incremental analysis, and widening. Finally, we discuss solutions for dealing with meta-predicates, side-effects, delay declarations, constraints, dynamic predicates, and other such features which may appear in practical languages. In the discussion we will draw both from the literature and from our experience and that of others in the development and use of the CIAO system analyzer. In order to emphasize the practical aspects of the solutions discussed, the presentation of several concepts will be illustrated by examples run on the CIAO system, which makes extensive use of global analysis and assertions.


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En las últimas décadas el aumento de la velocidad y la disminución del peso de los vehículos ferroviarios de alta velocidad ha provocado que aumente su riesgo de vuelco. Además, las exigencias de los trazados de las líneas exige en ocasiones la construcción de viaductos muy altos situados en zonas expuestas a fuertes vientos. Esta combinación puede poner en peligro la seguridad de la circulación. En esta tesis doctoral se estudian los efectos dinámicos que aparecen en los vehículos ferroviarios cuando circulan sobre viaductos en presencia de vientos transversales. Para ello se han desarrollado e implementado una serie de modelos numéricos que permiten estudiar estos efectos de una forma realista y general. Los modelos desarrollados permiten analizar la interacción dinámica tridimensional tren-estructura, formulada mediante coordenadas absolutas en un sistema de referencia inercial, en un contexto de elementos _nitos no lineales. Mediante estos modelos se pueden estudiar de forma realista casos extremos como el vuelco o descarrilamiento de los vehículos. Han sido implementados en Abaqus, utilizando sus capacidades para resolver sistemas multi-cuerpo para el vehículo y elementos finitos para la estructura. La interacción entre el vehículo y la estructura se establece a través del contacto entre rueda y carril. Para ello, se han desarrollado una restricción, que permite establecer la relación cinemática entre el eje ferroviario y la vía, teniendo en cuenta los posibles defectos geométricos de la vía; y un modelo de contacto rueda-carril para establecer la interacción entre el vehículo y la estructura. Las principales características del modelo de contacto son: considera la geometría real de ambos cuerpos de forma tridimensional; permite resolver situaciones en las que el contacto entre rueda y carril se da en más de una zona a la vez; y permite utilizar distintas formulaciones para el cálculo de la tensión tangencial entre ambos cuerpos. Además, se ha desarrollado una metodología para determinar, a partir de formulaciones estocásticas, las historias temporales de cargas aerodinámicas debidas al viento turbulento en estructuras grandes y con pilas altas y flexibles. Esta metodología tiene cuenta la variabilidad espacial de la velocidad de viento, considerando la correlación entre los distintos puntos; considera las componentes de la velocidad del viento en tres dimensiones; y permite el cálculo de la velocidad de viento incidente sobre los vehículos que atraviesan la estructura. La metodología desarrollada en este trabajo ha sido implementada, validada y se ha aplicado a un caso concreto en el que se ha estudiado la respuesta de un tren de alta velocidad, similar al Siemens Velaro, circulando sobre el viaducto del río Ulla en presencia viento cruzado. En este estudio se ha analizado la seguridad y el confort de la circulación y la respuesta dinámica de la estructura cuando el tren cruza el viaducto. During the last decades the increase of the speed and the reduction of the weight of high-speed railway vehicles has led to a rise of the overturn risk. In addition, the design requests of the railway lines require some times the construction of very tall viaducts in strong wind areas. This combination may endanger the traffic safety. In this doctoral thesis the dynamic effects that appear in the railway vehicles when crossing viaducts under strong winds are studied. For this purpose it has been developed and implemented numerical models for studying these effects in a realistic and general way. The developed models allow to analyze the train-structure three-dimensional dynamic interaction, that is formulated by using absolute coordinates in an inertial reference frame within a non-linear finite element framework. By means of these models it is possible to study in a realistic way extreme situations such vehicle overturn or derailment. They have been implemented for Abaqus, by using its capabilities for solving multi-body systems for the vehicle and finite elements for the structure. The interaction between the vehicle and the structure is established through the wheel-rail contact. For this purpose, a constraint has been developed. It allows to establish the kinematic relationship between the railway wheelset and the track, taking into account the track irregularities. In addition, a wheel-rail contact model for establishing the interaction of the vehicle and the structure has been developed. The main features of the contact model are: it considers the real geometry During the last decades the increase of the speed and the reduction of the weight of high-peed railway vehicles has led to a rise of the overturn risk. In addition, the design requests of the railway lines require some times the construction of very tall viaducts in strong wind areas. This combination may endanger the traffic safety. In this doctoral thesis the dynamic effects that appear in the railway vehicles when crossing viaducts under strong winds are studied. For this purpose it has been developed and implemented numerical models for studying these effects in a realistic and general way. The developed models allow to analyze the train-structure three-dimensional dynamic interaction, that is formulated by using absolute coordinates in an inertial reference frame within a non-linear finite element framework. By means of these models it is possible to study in a realistic way extreme situations such vehicle overturn or derailment. They have been implemented for Abaqus, by using its capabilities for solving multi-body systems for the vehicle and finite elements for the structure. The interaction between the vehicle and the structure is established through the wheel-rail contact. For this purpose, a constraint has been developed. It allows to establish the kinematic relationship between the railway wheelset and the track, taking into account the track irregularities. In addition, a wheel-rail contact model for establishing the interaction of the vehicle and the structure has been developed. The main features of the contact model are: it considers the real geometry


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El objetivo de esta Tesis es presentar un método eficiente para la evaluación de sistemas multi-cuerpo con elementos flexibles con pequeñas deformaciones, basado en métodos topológicos para la simulación de sistemas tan complejos como los que se utilizan en la práctica y en tiempo real o próximo al real. Se ha puesto un especial énfasis en la resolución eficiente de aquellos aspectos que conllevan mayor coste computacional, tales como la evaluación de las ecuaciones dinámicas y el cálculo de los términos de inercia. Las ecuaciones dinámicas se establecen en función de las variables independientes del sistema, y la integración de las mismas se realiza mediante formulaciones implícitas de index-3. Esta Tesis se articula en seis Capítulos. En el Capítulo 1 se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de la simulación de sistemas flexibles y los métodos más relevantes de integración de las ecuaciones diferenciales del movimiento. Asimismo, se presentan los objetivos de esta Tesis. En el Capítulo 2 se presenta un método semi-recursivo para la evaluación de las ecuaciones de los sistemas multi-cuerpo con elementos flexibles basado en formulaciones topológicas y síntesis modal. Esta Tesis determina la posición de cada punto del cuerpo flexible en función de un sistema de referencia flotante que se mueve con dicho cuerpo y de las amplitudes de ciertos modos de deformación calculados a partir de un mallado obtenido mediante el Método de Elementos Finitos. Se presta especial atención en las condiciones de contorno que se han de tener en cuenta a la hora de establecer las variables que definen la deformación del cuerpo flexible. El Capítulo 3 se centra en la evaluación de los términos de inercia de los sistemas flexibles que generalmente conllevan un alto coste computacional. Se presenta un método que permite el cálculo de dichos términos basado en el uso de 24 matrices constantes que pueden ser calculadas previamente al proceso de integración. Estas matrices permiten evaluar la matriz de masas y el vector de fuerzas de inercia dependientes de la velocidad sin que sea necesario evaluar la posición deformada de todos los puntos del cuerpo flexible. Se realiza un análisis pormenorizado de dichas matrices con el objetivo de optimizar su cálculo estableciendo aproximaciones que permitan reducir el número de dichos términos y optimizar aún más su evaluación. Se analizan dos posibles simplificaciones: la primera utiliza una discretización no-consistente basada en elementos finitos en los que se definen únicamente los desplazamientos axiales de los nodos; en la segunda propuesta se hace uso de una matriz de masas concentradas (Lumped Mass). Basándose en la formulación presentada, el Capítulo 4 aborda la integración eficiente de las ecuaciones dinámicas. Se presenta un método iterativo para la integración con fórmulas de index-3 basado en la proyección de las ecuaciones dinámicas según las variables independientes del sistema multi-cuerpo. El cálculo del residuo del sistema de ecuaciones no lineales que se ha de resolver de modo iterativo se realiza mediante un proceso recursivo muy eficiente que aprovecha la estructura topológica del sistema. Se analizan tres formas de evaluar la matriz tangente del citado sistema no lineal: evaluación aproximada, numérica y recursiva. El método de integración presentado permite el uso de distintas fórmulas. En esta Tesis se analizan la Regla Trapezoidal, la fórmula BDF de segundo orden y un método híbrido TR-BDF2. Para este último caso se presenta un algoritmo de paso variable. En el Capítulo 5 plantea la implementación del método propuesto en un programa general de simulación de mecanismos que permita la resolución de cualquier sistema multi-cuerpo definiéndolo mediante un fichero de datos. La implementación de este programa se ha realizado tanto en C++ como en Java. Se muestran los resultados de las formulaciones presentadas en esta Tesis mediante la simulación de cuatro ejemplos de distinta complejidad. Mediante análisis concretos se comparan la formulación presentada con otras existentes. También se analiza el efecto del lenguaje de programación utilizado en la implementación y los efectos de las posibles simplificaciones planteadas. Por último, el Capítulo 6 resume las principales conclusiones alcanzadas en la Tesis y las futuras líneas de investigación que con ella se abren. ABSTRACT This Thesis presents an efficient method for solving the forward dynamics of a multi-body sys-tem formed by rigid and flexible bodies with small strains for real-time simulation of real-life models. It is based on topological formulations. The presented work focuses on the efficient solution of the most time-consuming tasks of the simulation process, such as the numerical integration of the motion differential equations and in particular the evaluation of the inertia terms corresponding to the flexible bodies. The dynamic equations are formulated in terms of independent variables of the muti-body system, and they are integrated by means of implicit index-3 formulae. The Thesis is arranged in six chapters. Chapter 1 presents a review of the most relevant and recent contributions related to the modelization of flexible multi-body systems and the integration of the corresponding dynamic equations. The main objectives of the Thesis are also presented in detail. Chapter 2 presents a semi-recursive method for solving the equations of a multi-body system with flexible bodies based on topological formulations and modal synthesis. This Thesis uses the floating frame approach and the modal amplitudes to define the position of any point at the flexible body. These modal deformed shapes are obtained by means of the Finite Element Method. Particular attention has been taken to the boundary conditions used to define the deformation of the flexible bodies. Chapter 3 focuses on the evaluation of the inertia terms, which is usually a very time-consuming task. A new method based on the use of 24 constant matrices is presented. These matrices are evaluated during the set-up step, before the integration process. They allow the calculation of the inertia terms in terms of the position and orientation of the local coordinate system and the deformation variables, and there is no need to evaluate the position and velocities of all the nodes of the FEM mesh. A deep analysis of the inertia terms is performed in order to optimize the evaluation process, reducing both the terms used and the number of arithmetic operations. Two possible simplifications are presented: the first one uses a non-consistent approach in order to define the inertia terms respect to the Cartesian coordinates of the FEM mesh, rejecting those corresponding to the angular rotations; the second approach makes use of lumped mass matrices. Based on the previously presented formulation, Chapter 4 is focused on the numerical integration of the motion differential equations. A new predictor-corrector method based on index-3 formulae and on the use of multi-body independent variables is presented. The evaluation of the dynamic equations in a new time step needs the solution of a set on nonlinear equations by a Newton-Raphson iterative process. The computation of the corresponding residual vector is performed efficiently by taking advantage of the system’s topological structure. Three methods to compute the tangent matrix are presented: an approximated evaluation that considers only the most relevant terms, a numerical approach based on finite differences and a recursive method that uses the topological structure. The method presented for integrating the dynamic equations can use a variety of integration formulae. This Thesis analyses the use of the trapezoidal rule, the 2nd order BDF formula and the hybrid TR-BDF2 method. A variable-time step strategy is presented for the last one. Chapter 5 describes the implementation of the proposed method in a general purpose pro-gram for solving any multibody defined by a data file. This program is implemented both in C++ and Java. Four examples are used to check the validity of the formulation and to compare this method with other methods commonly used to solve the dynamic equations of multi-body systems containing flexible bodies. The efficiency of the programming methodology used and the effect of the possible simplifications proposed are also analyzed. Chapter 6 summarizes the main Conclusions obtained in this Thesis and the new lines of research that have been opened.


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Only a few binary systems with compact objects display TeV emission. The physical properties of the companion stars represent basic input for understanding the physical mechanisms behind the particle acceleration, emission, and absorption processes in these so-called gamma-ray binaries. Here we present high-resolution and high signal-to-noise optical spectra of LS 2883, the Be star forming a gamma-ray binary with the young non-accreting pulsar PSR B1259-63, showing it to rotate faster and be significantly earlier and more luminous than previously thought. Analysis of the interstellar lines suggests that the system is located at the same distance as (and thus is likely a member of) Cen OB1. Taking the distance to the association, d = 2.3 kpc, and a color excess of E(B – V) = 0.85 for LS 2883 results in MV ≈ –4.4. Because of fast rotation, LS 2883 is oblate (R eq sime 9.7 R ☉ and R pole sime 8.1 R ☉) and presents a temperature gradient (T eq≈ 27,500 K, log g eq = 3.7; T pole≈ 34,000 K, log g pole = 4.1). If the star did not rotate, it would have parameters corresponding to a late O-type star. We estimate its luminosity at log(L */L ☉) sime 4.79 and its mass at M * ≈ 30 M ☉. The mass function then implies an inclination of the binary system i orb ≈ 23°, slightly smaller than previous estimates. We discuss the implications of these new astrophysical parameters of LS 2883 for the production of high-energy and very high-energy gamma rays in the PSR B1259-63/LS 2883 gamma-ray binary system. In particular, the stellar properties are very important for prediction of the line-like bulk Comptonization component from the unshocked ultrarelativistic pulsar wind.


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We introduce a Gaussian quantum operator representation, using the most general possible multimode Gaussian operator basis. The representation unifies and substantially extends existing phase-space representations of density matrices for Bose systems and also includes generalized squeezed-state and thermal bases. It enables first-principles dynamical or equilibrium calculations in quantum many-body systems, with quantum uncertainties appearing as dynamical objects. Any quadratic Liouville equation for the density operator results in a purely deterministic time evolution. Any cubic or quartic master equation can be treated using stochastic methods.


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The performance of the positive P phase-space representation for exact many- body quantum dynamics is investigated. Gases of interacting bosons are considered, where the full quantum equations to simulate are of a Gross-Pitaevskii form with added Gaussian noise. This method gives tractable simulations of many-body systems because the number of variables scales linearly with the spatial lattice size. An expression for the useful simulation time is obtained, and checked in numerical simulations. The dynamics of first-, second- and third-order spatial correlations are calculated for a uniform interacting 1D Bose gas subjected to a change in scattering length. Propagation of correlations is seen. A comparison is made with other recent methods. The positive P method is particularly well suited to open systems as no conservation laws are hard-wired into the calculation. It also differs from most other recent approaches in that there is no truncation of any kind.


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Concept maps are a technique used to obtain a visual representation of a person's ideas about a concept or a set of related concepts. Specifically, in this paper, through a qualitative methodology, we analyze the concept maps proposed by 52 groups of teacher training students in order to find out the characteristics of the maps and the degree of adequacy of the contents with regard to the teaching of human nutrition in the 3rd cycle of primary education. The participants were enrolled in the Teacher Training Degree majoring in Primary Education, and the data collection was carried out through a training activity under the theme of what to teach about Science in Primary School? The results show that the maps are a useful tool for working in teacher education as they allow organizing, synthesizing, and communicating what students know. Moreover, through this work, it has been possible to see that future teachers have acceptable skills for representing the concepts/ideas in a concept map, although the level of adequacy of concepts/ideas about human nutrition and its relations is usually medium or low. These results are a wake-up call for teacher training, both initial and ongoing, because they shows the inability to change priorities as far as the selection of content is concerned.


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Neste artigo é apresentado um método numérico que pode ser utilizado por alunos de graduação para a solução de problemas em física quântica de poucos corpos. O método é aplicado a dois problemas de dois corpos geralmente vistos pelos estudantes: o átomo de hidrogênio e o dêuteron. O método porém, pode ser estendido para três ou mais partículas.


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We present the first results of a study on meson spectroscopy using a covariant formalism based on the Covariant Spectator Theory. Our approach is derived directly in Minkowski space and it approximates the Bethe–Salpeter equation by taking effectively into account the contributions from both ladder and crossed ladder diagrams in the $q\bar{q}$ interaction kernel. A general Lorentz structure of the kernel is tested and chiral constraints on the kernel are discussed. Results for the pion form factor are also presented.


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The identification of attractors is one of the key tasks in studies of neurobiological coordination from a dynamical systems perspective, with a considerable body of literature resulting from this task. However, with regards to typical movement models investigated, the overwhelming majority of actions studied previously belong to the class of continuous, rhythmical movements. In contrast, very few studies have investigated coordination of discrete movements, particularly multi-articular discrete movements. In the present study, we investigated phase transition behavior in a basketball throwing task where participants were instructed to shoot at the basket from different distances. Adopting the ubiquitous scaling paradigm, throwing distance was manipulated as a candidate control parameter. Using a cluster analysis approach, clear phase transitions between different movement patterns were observed in performance of only two of eight participants. The remaining participants used a single movement pattern and varied it according to throwing distance, thereby exhibiting hysteresis effects. Results suggested that, in movement models involving many biomechanical degrees of freedom in degenerate systems, greater movement variation across individuals is available for exploitation. This observation stands in contrast to movement variation typically observed in studies using more constrained bi-manual movement models. This degenerate system behavior provides new insights and poses fresh challenges to the dynamical systems theoretical approach, requiring further research beyond conventional movement models.


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Low level strategic supplements constitute one of the few options for northern beef producers to increase breeder productivity and profitability. Objectives of the project were to improve the cost-effectiveness of using such supplements and to improve supplement delivery systems. Urea-based supplements fed during the dry season can substantially reduce breeder liveweight loss and increase fertility during severe dry seasons. Also when fed during the late wet season these supplements increased breeder body liveweight and increased fertility of breeders in low body condition. Intake of dry lick supplements fed free choice is apparently determined primarily by the palatability of supplements relative to pasture, and training of cattle appears to be of limited importance. Siting of supplementation points has some effect on supplement intake, but little effect on grazing behaviour. Economic analysis of supplementation (urea, phosphorus or molasses) and weaning strategies was based on the relative efficacy of these strategies to maintain breeder body condition late in the dry season. Adequate body condition of breeders at this time of the year is needed to avoid mortality from under-nutrition and achieve satisfactory fertility of breeders during the following wet season. Supplements were highly cost-effective when they reduced mortality, but economic returns were generally low if the only benefit was increased fertility.