785 resultados para Fatima Burnad


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Increasing food production to feed its rapidly growing population is a major policy goal of Pakistan. The production of traditional staples such as rice (Oryza sativa L.) and bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) has been intensified in many regions, but not in remote, drought-ridden areas. In these arid, marginal environments dates and their by-products are an option to complement staples given their high nutritive value and storability. To fill knowledge gaps about the role of date palm in the household (HH) income of rural communities and the structure of date value chains, this project studied date palm production across six districts in four provinces of Pakistan. During 2012–2013 a total of 170 HHs were interviewed with a structured questionnaire using a snowball sampling approach. The results showed that most of the HH were headed by males (99 %) who were married (74 %) and often illiterate (40 %). Agriculture was the main occupation of date palm growers (56 %), while a few coupled agricultural activities with business (17 %) or extra-farm employment opportunities (government 9 %; private sector 8 %). Date sales contributed >50 % to the total income of 39 % of HH and 90–100 % to 24 % of HH. Overall farmers grew a total of 39 date palm cultivars and cultivated an average of 409 ± 559 mature date palms. The majority of the respondents sold dates to commission agents (35 %), contractors (22 %) and wholesalers (21 %), while 28 % of HH cultivated date palms only for self-consumption. Date palm growers had only limited knowledge about high quality date cultivars, optimized farm management and about effective post-harvest conservation. Changes in extension and marketing efforts are needed to allow farmers to better exploit value chains in date thereby reaping higher benefits from improved market access to secure their often marginal income.


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Este trabajo es una revisión de literatura que abarca una selección de artículos disponibles en bases de datos especializadas y publicados en el periodo comprendido entre los años 2006 a 2016 para artículos científicos y entre los años 2000 a 2016 para libros. En total se revisaron: 1 tesis doctoral, 1 tesis magistral, 111 artículos y 9 libros o capítulos de libros. Se presentan diversas definiciones de mindfulness y formas de conceptualizarla, sus mecanismos de acción, sus enfoques psicoterapéuticos predominantes, los efectos de su práctica estable, sus principales campos de acción y la importancia de la formación de los docentes que imparten la práctica. Finalmente se presentan algunas conclusiones acerca del diálogo entre la literatura psicológica sobre mindfulness y algunas de las concepciones de la tradición budista en torno a la meditación.


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The relationship between the themes of Total Quality Management (TQM) and Social Responsibility (CSR) through the concepts, approaches and models of excellence is a reality of sustainable and stable companies. Being organizations, people, act correctly and rightly do in society go through a quality management and social responsibility thereof. It is based on these two philosophies (Total Quality Management and Corporate Social Responsibility), which developed this literature review work, essentially based on a relational analysis in two papers, namely: "TQM and CSR Nexus" by Ghobadian et al. (2007) and "The Corporate Social Responsibility Audit Within the Quality Management Framework," de Kok et al. (2001) and applied to an organizational situation in concrete: the Nabeiro Delta Cafés Group - SGPS, SA.


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Floral morphology and biology are important characteristics for plant-pollinator interactions and may influence the behavior of these agents. This study aimed to determine which floral attributes of different melon hybrids influence this interaction and, consequently, their attractiveness in simultaneous crops. The study was conducted in the region of Petrolina, State of Pernambuco (PE)/Juazeiro, State of Bahia (BA) and Mossoró, State of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), in areas with the following melon hybrids: Yellow type, Piel de Sapo, Cantaloupe and Galia. For studies on floral morphology and biology, hermaphrodites and male flowers of each hybrid were analyzed for their size and nectar chamber size, pollen and nectar production, anthesis time and flower lifespan. Floral visitors were observed simultaneously in hybrids of three types of melon, from 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., in the two study sites. Evaluations of the corolla diameter and flower height indicated that the hermaphrodite flowers were larger in size than male flowers in all types of melon investigated, in both study sites. As for nectar chamber, male flowers are larger in width, but smaller in height, compared to hermaphrodite flowers. Regarding the volume of nectar, differences were found between floral types for the hybrids evaluated, in the two study sites; the hermaphrodite flowers produced 2-7 times more nectar than male flowers in all studied hybrids. Observations of visits of Apis mellifera to areas with simultaneous flowering of the three types of melon demonstrated differences in the frequency of visits between hybrids, floral type and foraged resource. Flowers of the hybrids Piel de Sapo and Cantaloupe exhibited larger corolla diameter, larger dimensions of the nectar chamber and greater supply of resources for foraging, which could explain the higher number of visits of bees to their flowers in the sites studied.


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The common bean cultivar with carioca grain type, BRSMG Uai, is recommended for cultivation in Minas Gerais and stands out for its upright plant architecture, which facilitates cultivation and mechanical harvesting. This cultivar has high yield potential and is resistant to the major races of anthracnose that occur in region.


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O Selo Combustível Social instituído pelo Governo Federal como Política Pública de Estado, a finalidade de concessão de créditos aos produtores de biodiesel que promovam a inclusão social e o desenvolvimento regional por meio da compra de 10% da matéria-prima para fabricação do biodiesel de pequenos produtores rurais. Nesse contexto, estão inseridos os pequenos agricultores nos Assentamentos do Município de Campo Verde – MT que comercializam parte da produção com empresas como a BIOCAMP e a BIOBRAS . Diante da realidade descrita, a presente pesquisa busca investigar em que medida o Selo Combustível Social, aplicado à política do Biodiesel em Mato Grosso, propicia a maior autonomia do pequeno produtor rural. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa social empregando técnicas de análise documental, observação direta e a realização de entrevistas estruturadas e semi- estruturadas. Observou-se que para as empresas o selo combustível social é uma maneira de participar do leilão da Petrobrás. Para o poder público, o Selo Social uma maneira de apoiar o Pequeno Produtor Rural, através de parcerias, mas é notável que o mesmo não consegue gerenciar a sua produção, gerenciado pelo Empresário. Na visão dos assentados, esse selo é “só documento”, ficando o pequeno produtor sempre com os prejuízos.


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A produção de feijão da região do Matopiba foi de 2 55,6 mil toneladas, em 2014, colhidas em 430,9 mil hectares, com produtividade média de 593 kg/ha. Essa produção e área representaram, respectivamente, 9,5% e 22,2% do total nacional. A produção de 777,5 mil toneladas de arroz de sequeiro foi colhida em 533,0 mil hectares, que representam, respectivamente, 42,8% e 58,3% da produção e da área nacional do arroz em terras altas. A produtividade média do arroz de terras altas no Brasil foi de 1.986 kg/ha, e na região do Matopiba, de 1.459 kg/ha. O complexo Matopiba, considerado como última fronteira agrícola do Brasil, e compreendendo parte dos estados do Piauí, Maranhão, Tocantins e Bahia, evidencia municípios com produtores descapitalizados, sobretudo, na agricultura familiar, embora seja um reduto onde pode se desenvolver uma agricultura potencial em commodities, a exemplo da região dos cerrados do planalto central, na produção de soja, bioenergia e fibras. Este artigo tem por objetivo a análise comparativa da conjuntura da produção do arroz e do feijão, elementos básicos da alimentação da maior parte da população brasileira, contrapondo-os com os menores Índices de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal, no complexo Mapotiba.


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BRS Ártico is a common bean cultivar with white grains with international standard size (62 g per 100 seeds), appropriate for cultivation in the Central region of Brazil and the state of Paraná. The cycle is semi-early, the yield potential 2677 kg ha-1 and BRS Ártico has moderate resistance to rust and curtobacterium wilt.