971 resultados para Fas Ligand
PbS nanocrystals are synthesized using colloidal techniques and have their surfaces capped with oleic acid. The absorption band edge of the PbS nanocrystals is tuned between 900 and 580 nm. The PbS nanocrystals exhibit tuneable photoluminescence with large non-resonant Stokes shifts of up to 500 mcV. The magnitude of the Stokes shift is found to be dependent upon the size of PbS nanocrystals. Time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy of the PbS nanocrystals reveals that the photouminescence has an extraordinarily long lifetime of 1 mus. This long fluorescence lifetime is attributed to the effect of dielectric screening similar to that observed in other IV-VI semiconductor nanocrystals.
Attention is drawn to a need for caution in the determination of binding data for protein-polyelectrolyte interactions by frontal analysis continuous capillary electrophoresis (FACCE). Because the method is valid only for systems involving comigration of complex(es) and slower-migrating reactant, establishing conformity with that condition is clearly a prerequisite for its application. However, that requirement has not been tested in any published studies thus far. On the basis of calculated FACCE patterns, presented to illustrate features by which such comigration of complex(es) and slower-migrating reactant can be identified, the form of the published pattern for a P-lactoglobulin-poly(styrenesulfonate) mixture does not seem to signify the migration behavior required to justify its consideration in such terms. Additional experimental studies are therefore needed to ascertain the validity of FACCE as a means of determining binding data for the characterization of protein-polyelectrolyte interactions. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Overcoming dendritic cell (DC) dysfunction is a prerequisite for successful active immunotherapy against breast cancer. CD40 ligand (CD40L), a key molecule in the interface between T-lymphocytes and DCs, seems to be instrumental in achieving that goal. Commenting on our data that CD40L protects circulating DCs from apoptosis induced by breast tumor products, Lenahan and Avigan highlighted the potential of CD40L for immunotherapy. We expand on that argument by pointing to additional findings that CD40L not only rescues genuine DCs but also functionally improves populations of immature antigen-presenting cells that fill the DC compartment in patients with breast cancer.
In April 2007, the Biochemical Society held a meeting to compare and contrast ligand binding and activation of Family A and B GPCRs (G-protein-coupled receptors). Being the largest class, Family A GPCRs usually receive the most attention, although a previous Biochemical Society meeting has focused on Family B GPCRs. The aim of the present meeting was to bring researchers of both families together in order to identify commonalities between the two. The present article introduces the proceedings of the meeting, briefly commenting on the focus of each of the following articles. ©The Authors.
The receptor for CGRP (calcitonin gene-related peptide) is a heterodimer between a GPCR (G-protein-coupled receptor), CLR (calcitonin receptor-like receptor) and an accessory protein, RAMP1 (receptor activity-modifying protein 1). Models have been produced of RAMP1 and CLR. It is likely that the C-terminus of CGRP interacts with the extracellular N-termini of CLR and RAMP1; the extreme N-terminus of CLR is particularly important and may interact directly with CGRP and also with RAMP1. The N-terminus of CGRP interacts with the TM (transmembrane) portion of the receptor; the second ECL (extracellular loop) is especially important. Receptor activation is likely to involve the relative movements of TMs 3 and 6 to create a G-protein-binding pocket, as in Family A GPCRs. Pro321 in TM6 appears to act as a pivot. At the base of TMs 2 and 3, Arg151, His155 and Glu211 may form a loose equivalent of the Family A DRY (Asp-Arg-Tyr) motif. Although the details of this proposed activation mechanism clearly do not apply to all Family B GPCRs, the broad outlines may be conserved. ©The Authors.
The 5-HT3 receptors are members of the cys-loop family of ligand-gated ion channels. Two functional subtypes are known, the homomeric 5HT3A and the heteromeric 5HT3A/B receptors, which exhibit distinct biophysical characteristics but are difficult to differentiate pharmacologically. Atomic force microscopy has been used to determine the stoichiometry and architecture of the heteromeric 5HT3A/B receptor. Each subunit was engineered to express a unique C-terminal epitope tag, together with six sequential histidine residues to facilitate nickel affinity purification. The 5-HT3 receptors, ectopically expressed in HEK293 cells, were solubilised, purified and decorated with antibodies to the subunit specific epitope tags. Imaging of individual receptors by atomic force microscopy revealed a pentameric arrangement of subunits in the order BBABA, reading anti-clockwise when viewed from the extracellular face. Homology models for the heteromeric receptor were then constructed using both the electron microscopic structure of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, from Torpedo marmorata, and the X-ray crystallographic structure of the soluble acetylcholine binding protein, from Lymnaea stagnalis, as templates. These homology models were used, together with equivalent models constructed for the homomeric receptor, to interpret mutagenesis experiments designed to explore the minimal recognition differences of both the natural agonist, 5-HT, and the competitive antagonist, granisetron, for the two human receptor subtypes. The results of this work revealed that the 5-HT3B subunit residues within the ligand binding site, for both the agonist and antagonist, are accommodating to conservative mutations. They are consistent with the view that the 5-HT3A subunit provides the principal and the 5-HT38 subunit the complementary recognition interactions at the binding interface.