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Fracture mechanics plays an important role in the material science, structure design and industrial production due to the failure of materials and structures are paid high attention in human activities. This dissertation, concentrates on some of the fractural aspects of shaft and composite which have being increasingly used in modern structures, consists four chapters within two parts. Chapters 1 to 4 are included in part 1. In the first chapter, the basic knowledge about the stress and displacement fields in the vicinity of a crack tip is introduced. A review involves the general methods of calculating stress intensity factors are presented. In Chapter 2, two simple engineering methods for a fast and close approximation of stress intensity factors of cracked or notched beams under tension, bending moment, shear force, as well as torque are presented. New formulae for calculating the stress intensity factors are proposed. One of the methods named Section Method is improved and applied to the three dimensional analysis of cracked circular section for calculating stress intensity factors. The comparisons between the present results and the solutions calculated by ABAQUS for single mode and mixed mode are studied. In chapter 3, fracture criteria for a crack subjected to mixed mode loading of two-dimension and three-dimension are reviewed. The crack extension angle for single mode and mixed mode, and the critical loading domain obtained by SEDF and MTS are compared. The effects of the crack depth and the applied force ratio on the crack propagation angle and the critical loading are investigated. Three different methods calculating the crack initiation angle for three-dimension analysis of various crack depth and crack position are compared. It should be noted that the stress intensity factors used in the criteria are calculated in section 2.1.


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The electromagnetic form factors of the proton are fundamental quantities sensitive to the distribution of charge and magnetization inside the proton. Precise knowledge of the form factors, in particular of the charge and magnetization radii provide strong tests for theory in the non-perturbative regime of QCD. However, the existing data at Q^2 below 1 (GeV/c)^2 are not precise enough for a hard test of theoretical predictions.rnrnFor a more precise determination of the form factors, within this work more than 1400 cross sections of the reaction H(e,e′)p were measured at the Mainz Microtron MAMI using the 3-spectrometer-facility of the A1-collaboration. The data were taken in three periods in the years 2006 and 2007 using beam energies of 180, 315, 450, 585, 720 and 855 MeV. They cover the Q^2 region from 0.004 to 1 (GeV/c)^2 with counting rate uncertainties below 0.2% for most of the data points. The relative luminosity of the measurements was determined using one of the spectrometers as a luminosity monitor. The overlapping acceptances of the measurements maximize the internal redundancy of the data and allow, together with several additions to the standard experimental setup, for tight control of systematic uncertainties.rnTo account for the radiative processes, an event generator was developed and implemented in the simulation package of the analysis software which works without peaking approximation by explicitly calculating the Bethe-Heitler and Born Feynman diagrams for each event.rnTo separate the form factors and to determine the radii, the data were analyzed by fitting a wide selection of form factor models directly to the measured cross sections. These fits also determined the absolute normalization of the different data subsets. The validity of this method was tested with extensive simulations. The results were compared to an extraction via the standard Rosenbluth technique.rnrnThe dip structure in G_E that was seen in the analysis of the previous world data shows up in a modified form. When compared to the standard-dipole form factor as a smooth curve, the extracted G_E exhibits a strong change of the slope around 0.1 (GeV/c)^2, and in the magnetic form factor a dip around 0.2 (GeV/c)^2 is found. This may be taken as indications for a pion cloud. For higher Q^2, the fits yield larger values for G_M than previous measurements, in agreement with form factor ratios from recent precise polarized measurements in the Q2 region up to 0.6 (GeV/c)^2.rnrnThe charge and magnetic rms radii are determined as rn⟨r_e⟩=0.879 ± 0.005(stat.) ± 0.004(syst.) ± 0.002(model) ± 0.004(group) fm,rn⟨r_m⟩=0.777 ± 0.013(stat.) ± 0.009(syst.) ± 0.005(model) ± 0.002(group) fm.rnThis charge radius is significantly larger than theoretical predictions and than the radius of the standard dipole. However, it is in agreement with earlier results measured at the Mainz linear accelerator and with determinations from Hydrogen Lamb shift measurements. The extracted magnetic radius is smaller than previous determinations and than the standard-dipole value.


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Die Vegetation ist die wichtigste Quelle von organischen flüchtigen Verbindungen (auf Englisch volatile organic compounds,VOCs), die einen bemerkenswerten Einfluss auf der Chemie und Physik der Atmosphäre haben. VOCs beeinflussen die oxidative Kapazität der Atmosphäre und tragen zu der Bildung und zum Wachstum von sekundären organischen Aerosolen bei, welche einerseits eine Streuung und Reflektierung der Energie verursachen und andererseits sich an der Bildung und Entwicklung von Wolken beteiligen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Beschreibung und der Vergleich von VOC Emissionen aus Pflanzen aus zwei verschiedenen Ökosystemen: Mediterranes Ökosystem und Tropisches Ökosystem. Für diese Aufgabe wurden gewöhnliche Pflanzen von beiden Ökosystemen untersucht. Siebzehn Pflanzenspezies aus der Mittelmeergebiet, welches bekannt ist für seine Vielfalt an VOC emittierenden Pflanzen, wurden in die Untersuchungen einbezogen. Im Gegensatz zum mediterranen Ökosystem sind nur wenig Information verfügbar über VOC Emissionen aus Blättern tropischer Baumspezies. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurden sechsundzwanzig Baumspezies aus verschiedenen Ökotypen des Amazonasbeckens (Terra firme, Várzea und Igapó) wurden auf VOC Emissionen auf Blattebene mit einem Küvetten-System untersucht. Analysen von flüchtigen organischen Verbindungen wurden online mit PTR-MS und offline mittels Sammlung auf entsprechenden Adsorbern (Kartuschen) und nachfolgender GC-FID Analyse untersucht. Die höchsten Emissionen wurden für Isoprene beobachtete, gefolgt durch Monoterpene, Methanol und Aceton. Die meisten Mittelmeer Spezies emittierten eine hohe Vielfalt an Monoterpenspezies, hingegen zeigten nur fünf tropische Pflanzenspezies eine Monoterpene mit einen sehr konservativen Emissionsprofil (α-Pinen>Limonen>Sabinen >ß-Pinen). Mittelmeerpflanzen zeigten zusätzlich Emissionen von Sesquiterpenen, während bei der Pflanzen des Amazonas Beckens keine Sesquiterpenemissionen gefunden wurden. Dieser letzte Befund könnte aber auch durch eine niedrigere Sensitivität des Messsystems während der Arbeiten im Amazonasgebiet erklärt werden. Zusätzlich zu den Isoprenoidemissionen waren Methanolemissionen als Indikator für Wachtumsvorgänge sehr verbreitet in den meisten Pflanzenspezies aus tropischen und mediterranen Gebieten. Einige Pflanzenspezies beider Ökosystemen zeigten Acetonemissionen. rnrnVOC Emissionen werde durch eine große Vielfalt an biotischen und abiotischen Faktoren wie Lichtintensität, Temperatur, CO2 und Trockenheit beeinflusst. Ein anderer, öfter übersehener Faktor, der aber sehr wichtig ist für das Amazonas Becken, ist die regelmäßige Überflutung. In dieser Untersuchung wir fanden heraus, dass am Anfang einer Wurzelanoxie, die durch die Überflutung verursacht wurde, Ethanol und Acetaldehyd emittiert werden können, vor allem in Pflanzenspezies, die schlechter an eine unzureichende Sauerstoffversorgung bei Flutung adaptiert sind, wie z.B. Vatairea guianensis. Die Spezies Hevea spruceana, welche besser an Überflutung adaptiert ist, könnte möglicherweise der gebildete Ethanol sofort remetabolisieren ohne es zu emittieren. Nach einer langen Periode einer Überflutung konnte allerdings keine Emission mehr beobachtet werden, was auf eine vollständige Adaptation mit zunehmender Dauer schließen lässt. Als Reaktion auf den ausgelösten Stress können Isoprenoidemissionen ebenfalls kurzfristig nach einigen Tage an Überflutung zunehmen, fallen dann aber dann nach einer langen Periode zusammen mit der Photosynthese, Transpiration und stomatäre Leitfähigkeit deutlich ab.rnrnPflanzen Ontogenese ist anscheinend von Bedeutung für die Qualität und Quantität von VOC Emissionen. Aus diesem Grund wurden junge und erwachsene Blätter einiger gut charakterisierten Pflanzen Spezies aus dem Mittelmeerraum auf VOC Emissionen untersucht. Standard Emissionsfaktoren von Isopren waren niedriger in jungen Blättern als in erwachsene Blätter. Hingegen wurden höhere Monoterpen- und Sesquiterpenemissionen in jungen Blätter einiger Pflanzenspezies gefunden. Dieser Befund deutet auf eine potentielle Rolle dieser VOCs als Abwehrkomponenten gegen Pflanzenfresser oder Pathogene bei jungen Blätter hin. In einigen Fällen variierte auch die Zusammensetzung der Monoterpen- und Sesquiterpenspezies bei jungen und erwachsenen Blättern. Methanolemissionen waren, wie erwartet, höher in jungen Blättern als in ausgewachsenen Blättern, was mit der Demethylierung von Pectin bei der Zellwandreifung erklärt werden kann. Diese Befunde zu Änderungen der Emissionskapazität der Vegetation können für zukünftige Modellierungen herangezogen werden. rn


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This work focused mainly on two aspects of kinetics of phase separation in binary mixtures. In the first part, we studied the interplay of hydrodynamics and the phase separation of binary mixtures. A considerably flat container (a laterally extended geometry), at an aspect ratio of 14:1 (diameter: height) was chosen, so that any hydrodynamic instabilities, if they arise, could be tracked. Two binary mixtures were studied. One was a mixture of methanol and hexane, doped with 5% ethanol, which phase separated under cooling. The second was a mixture of butoxyethanol and water, doped with 2% decane, which phase separated under heating. The dopants were added to bring down the phase transition temperature around room temperature.rnrnAlthough much work has been done already on classical hydrodynamic instabilities, not much has been done in the understanding of the coupling between phase separation and hydrodynamic instabilities. This work aimed at understanding the influence of phase separation in initiating any hydrodynamic instability, and also vice versa. Another aim was to understand the influence of the applied temperature protocol on the emergence of patterns characteristic to hydrodynamic instabilities. rnrnOn slowly cooling the system continuously, at specific cooling rates, patterns were observed in the first mixture, at the start of phase separation. They resembled the patterns observed in classical Rayleigh-Bénard instability, which arises when a liquid continuously is heated from below. To suppress this classical convection, the cooling setup was tuned such that the lower side of the sample always remained cooler by a few millikelvins, relative to the top. We found that the nature of patterns changed with different cooling rates, with stable patterns appearing for a specific cooling rate (1K/h). On the basis of the cooling protocol, we estimated a modified Rayleigh number for our system. We found that the estimated modified Rayleigh number is near the critical value for instability, for cooling rates between 0.5K/h and 1K/h. This is consistent with our experimental findings. rnrnThe origin of the patterns, in spite of the lower side being relatively colder with respect to the top, points to two possible reasons. 1) During phase separation droplets of either phases are formed, which releases a latent heat. Our microcalorimetry measurements show that the rise in temperature during the first phase separation is in the order of 10-20millikelvins, which in some cases is enough to reverse the applied temperature bias. Thus phase separation in itself initiates a hydrodynamic instability. 2) The second reason comes from the cooling protocol itself. The sample was cooled from above and below. At sufficiently high cooling rates, there are situations where the interior of the sample is relatively hotter than both top and bottom of the sample. This is sufficient to create an instability within the cell. Our experiments at higher cooling rates (5K/h and above) show complex patterns, which hints that there is enough convection even before phase separation occurs. Infact, theoretical work done by Dr.Hayase show that patterns could arise in a system without latent heat, with symmetrical cooling from top and bottom. The simulations also show that the patterns do not span the entire height of the sample cell. This is again consistent with the cell sizes measured in our experiment.rnrnThe second mixture also showed patterns at specific heating rates, when it was continuously heated inducing phase separation. In this case though, the sample was turbid for a long time until patterns appeared. A meniscus was most probably formed before the patterns emerged. We attribute the reason of patterns in this case to Marangoni convection, which is present in systems with an interface, where local differences in surface tension give rise to an instability. Our estimates for the Rayleigh number also show a significantly lower number than that's required for RB-type instability.rnrnIn the first part of the work, therefore, we identify two different kinds of hydrodynamic instabilities in two different mixtures. Both are observed during, or after the first phase separation. Our patterns compare with the classical convection patterns, but here the origins are from phase separation and the cooling protocol.rnrnIn the second part of the work, we focused on the kinetics of phase separation in a polymer solution (polystyrene and methylcyclohexane), which is cooled continuously far down into the two phase region. Oscillations in turbidity, denoting material exchange between the phases are seen. Three processes contribute to the phase separation: Nucleation of droplets, their growth and coalescence, and their subsequent sedimentation. Experiments in low molecular binary mixtures had led to models of oscillation [43] which considered sedimentation time scales much faster than the time scales of nucleation and growth. The size and shape of the sample therefore did not matter in such situations. The oscillations in turbidity were volume-dominated. The present work aimed at understanding the influence of sedimentation time scales for polymer mixtures. Three heights of the sample with same composition were studied side by side. We found that periods increased with the sample height, thus showing that sedimentation time determines the period of oscillations in the polymer solutions. We experimented with different cooling rates and different compositions of the mixture, and we found that periods are still determined by the sample height, and therefore by sedimentation time. rnrnWe also see that turbidity emerges in two ways; either from the interface, or throughout the sample. We suggest that oscillations starting from the interface are due to satellite droplets that are formed on droplet coalescence at the interface. These satellite droplets are then advected to the top of the sample, and they grow, coalesce and sediment. This type of an oscillation wouldn't require the system to pass the energy barrier required for homogenous nucleation throughout the sample. This mechanism would work best in sample where the droplets could be effectively advected throughout the sample. In our experiments, we see more interface dominated oscillations in the smaller cells and lower cooling rates, where droplet advection is favourable. In larger samples and higher cooling rates, we mostly see that the whole sample becomes turbid homogenously, which requires the system to pass the energy barrier for homogenous nucleation.rnrnOscillations, in principle, occur since the system needs to pass an energy barrier for nucleation. The height of the barrier decreases with increasing supersaturation, which in turn is from the temperature ramp applied. This gives rise to a period where the system is clear, in between the turbid periods. At certain specific cooling rates, the system can follow a path such that the start of a turbid period coincides with the vanishing of the last turbid period, thus eliminating the clear periods. This means suppressions of oscillations altogether. In fact we experimentally present a case where, at a certain cooling rate, oscillations indeed vanish. rnrnThus we find through this work that the kinetics of phase separation in polymer solution is different from that of a low molecular system; sedimentation time scales become relevant, and therefore so does the shape and size of the sample. The role of interface in initiating turbid periods also become much more prominent in this system compared to that in low molecular mixtures.rnrnIn summary, some fundamental properties in the kinetics of phase separation in binary mixtures were studied. While the first part of the work described the close interplay of the first phase separation with hydrodynamic instabilities, the second part investigated the nature and determining factors of oscillations, when the system was cooled deep into the two phase region. Both cases show how the geometry of the cell can affect the kinetics of phase separation. This study leads to further fundamental understandings of the factors contributing to the kinetics of phase separation, and to the understandings of what can be controlled and tuned in practical cases. rn


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BACKGROUND: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular (CV) mortality. This study aims to evaluate the prognostic implication of AF in patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD). METHODS: The International Reduction of Atherothrombosis for Continued Health (REACH) Registry included 23,542 outpatients in Europe with established coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease (CVD), PAD and/or >/=3 risk factors. Of these, 3753 patients had symptomatic PAD. CV risk factors were determined at baseline. Study end point was a combination of cardiac death, non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke (CV events) during 2 years of follow-up. Cox regression analysis adjusted for age, gender and other risk factors (i.e., congestive heart failure, coronary artery re-vascularisation, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), MI, hypertension, stroke, current smoking and diabetes) was used. RESULTS: Of 3753 PAD patients, 392 (10%) were known to have AF. Patients with AF were older and had a higher prevalence of CVD, diabetes and hypertension. Long-term CV mortality occurred in 5.6% of patients with AF and in 1.6% of those without AF (p<0.001). Multivariable analyses showed that AF was an independent predictor of late CV events (hazard ratio (HR): 1.5; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.09-2.0). CONCLUSION: AF is common in European patients with symptomatic PAD and is independently associated with a worse 2-year CV outcome.


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Background Current knowledge about risk factors promoting hypertensive crisis originates from retrospective data. Therefore, potential risk factors of hypertensive crisis were assessed in a prospective longitudinal study. Methods Eighty-nine patients of the medical outpatient unit at the University Hospital of Bern (Bern, Switzerland) with previously diagnosed hypertension participated in this study. At baseline, 33 potential risk factors were assessed. All patients were followed-up for the outcome of hypertensive crisis. Cox regression models were used to detect relationships between risk factors and hypertensive crisis (defined as acute rise of systolic blood pressure (BP) ≥200mmHg and/or diastolic BP ≥120mmHg). Results The mean duration of follow-up was 1.6 ± 0.3 years (range 1.0–2.4 years). Four patients (4.5%) were lost to follow-up. Thirteen patients (15.3%) experienced hypertensive crisis during follow-up. Several potential risk factors were significantly associated with hypertensive crisis: female sex, higher grades of obesity, the presence of a hypertensive or coronary heart disease, the presence of a somatoform disorder, a higher number of antihypertensive drugs, and nonadherence to medication. As measured by the hazard ratio, nonadherence was the most important factor associated with hypertensive crisis (hazard ratio 5.88, 95% confidence interval 1.59–21.77, P < 0.01). Conclusions This study identified several potential risk factors of hypertensive crisis. Results of this study are consistent with the hypothesis that improvement of medical adherence in antihypertensive therapy would help to prevent hypertensive crises. However, larger studies are needed to assess potential confounding, other risk factors and the possibility of interaction between predictors.


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Bladder urothelial carcinoma is typically a disease of older individuals and rarely occurs below the age of 40 years. There is debate and uncertainty in the literature regarding the clinicopathologic characteristics of bladder urothelial neoplasms in younger patients compared with older patients, although no consistent age criteria have been used to define "younger" age group categories. Use of the World Health Organization 2004/International Society of Urological Pathology 1998 grading nomenclature and recent molecular studies highlight certain unique features of bladder urothelial neoplasms in young patients, particularly in patients below 20 years of age. In this meta-analysis and review, the clinical, pathologic, and molecular features and risk factors of bladder urothelial neoplasms in patients 40 years or less are presented and analyzed according to decades of presentation. Similar to older patients, bladder urothelial neoplasms in patients 40 years or younger occur more common in male patients, present mainly with gross painless hematuria, and are more commonly located at bladder trigone/ureteral orifices, but in contrast have a greater chance for unifocality. Delay in diagnosis of bladder urothelial neoplasms seems not to be uncommon in younger patients probably because of its relative rarity and the predominance of benign causes of hematuria in this age group causing hesitancy for an aggressive work-up. Most tumors in patients younger than 40 years were low grade. The incidence of low-grade tumors was the lowest in the first 2 decades of life, with incremental increase of the percentage of high-grade tumors with increasing age decades. Classification according to the World Health Organization 2004/International Society of Urological Pathology grading system identified papillary urothelial neoplasms of low malignant potential to be relatively frequent among bladder tumors of young patients particularly in the teenage years. Similar to grade, there was marked predominance of low stage tumors in the first 2 decades of life with gradual inclusion of few higher stage and metastatic tumors in the 2 older decades. Bladder urothelial neoplasms occurring in patients <20 years of age lack or have a much lower incidence of aberrations in chromosome 9, FGFR3, p53, and microsatellite instability and have fewer epigenetic alterations. Tumor recurrence and deaths were infrequent in the first 2 decades and increased gradually in each successive decade, likely influenced by the increased proportion of higher grade and higher stage tumors. Our review of the literature shows that urothelial neoplasms of the bladder occurring in young patients exhibit unique pathologic and molecular features that translate to its more indolent behavior; this distinction is most pronounced in patients <20 years. Our overall inferences have potential implications for choosing appropriate noninvasive diagnostic and surveillance modalities, whenever feasible, and for selecting suitable treatment strategies that factor in quality of life issues vital to younger patients.


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We previously reported that excess of deoxycorticosterone-acetate (DOCA)/salt-induced cardiac hypertrophy in the absence of hypertension in one-renin gene mice. This model allows us to study molecular mechanisms of high-salt intake in the development of cardiovascular remodeling, independently of blood pressure in a high mineralocorticoid state. In this study, we compared the effect of 5-wk low- and high-salt intake on cardiovascular remodeling and cardiac differential gene expression in mice receiving the same amount of DOCA. Differential gene and protein expression was measured by high-density cDNA microarray assays, real-time PCR and Western blot analysis in DOCA-high salt (HS) vs. DOCA-low salt (LS) mice. DOCA-HS mice developed cardiac hypertrophy, coronary perivascular fibrosis, and left ventricular dysfunction. Differential gene and protein expression demonstrated that high-salt intake upregulated a subset of genes encoding for proteins involved in inflammation and extracellular matrix remodeling (e.g., Col3a1, Col1a2, Hmox1, and Lcn2). A major subset of downregulated genes encoded for transcription factors, including myeloid differentiation primary response (MyD) genes. Our data provide some evidence that vascular remodeling, fibrosis, and inflammation are important consequences of a high-salt intake in DOCA mice. Our study suggests that among the different pathogenic factors of cardiac and vascular remodeling, such as hypertension and mineralocorticoid excess and sodium intake, the latter is critical for the development of the profibrotic and proinflammatory phenotype observed in the heart of normotensive DOCA-treated mice.


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To provide further understanding regarding outcome and prognostic factors of endometrial stromal tumors (EST).


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Background Guidelines for the prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD) recommend use of Framingham-based risk scores that were developed in white middle-aged populations. It remains unclear whether and how CHD risk prediction might be improved among older adults. We aimed to compare the prognostic performance of the Framingham risk score (FRS), directly and after recalibration, with refit functions derived from the present cohort, as well as to assess the utility of adding other routinely available risk parameters to FRS. Methods Among 2193 black and white older adults (mean age, 73.5 years) without pre-existing cardiovascular disease from the Health ABC cohort, we examined adjudicated CHD events, defined as incident myocardial infarction, CHD death, and hospitalization for angina or coronary revascularization. Results During 8-year follow-up, 351 participants experienced CHD events. The FRS poorly discriminated between persons who experienced CHD events vs. not (C-index: 0.577 in women; 0.583 in men) and underestimated absolute risk prediction by 51% in women and 8% in men. Recalibration of the FRS improved absolute risk prediction, particulary for women. For both genders, refitting these functions substantially improved absolute risk prediction, with similar discrimination to the FRS. Results did not differ between whites and blacks. The addition of lifestyle variables, waist circumference and creatinine did not improve risk prediction beyond risk factors of the FRS. Conclusions The FRS underestimates CHD risk in older adults, particularly in women, although traditional risk factors remain the best predictors of CHD. Re-estimated risk functions using these factors improve accurate estimation of absolute risk.


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This study examines predictors of sickness absence in patients presenting to a health practitioner with acute/ subacute low back pain (LBP). Aims of this study were to identify baseline-variables that detect patients with a new LBP episode at risk of sickness absence and to identify prognostic models for sickness absence at different time points after initial presentation. Prospective cohort study investigating 310 patients presenting to a health practitioner with a new episode of LBP at baseline, three-, six-, twelve-week and six-month follow-up, addressing work-related, psychological and biomedical factors. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to identify baseline-predictors of sickness absence at different time points. Prognostic models comprised 'job control', 'depression' and 'functional limitation' as predictive baseline-factors of sickness absence at three and six-week follow-up with 'job control' being the best single predictor (OR 0.47; 95%CI 0.26-0.87). The six-week model explained 47% of variance of sickness absence at six-week follow-up (p<0.001). The prediction of sickness absence beyond six-weeks is limited, and health practitioners should re-assess patients at six weeks, especially if they have previously been identified as at risk of sickness absence. This would allow timely intervention with measures designed to reduce the likelihood of prolonged sickness absence.


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Recently, a clinical study on patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) showed that external counterpulsation therapy (ECP) at high (300 mmHg) but not at low inflation pressure (80 mmHg) promoted coronary collateral growth, most likely due to shear stress-induced arteriogenesis. The exact molecular mechanisms behind shear stress-induced arteriogenesis are still obscure. We therefore characterized plasma levels of circulating microparticles (MPs) from these CAD patients because of their ambivalent nature as a known cardiovascular risk factor and as a promoter of neovascularization in the case of platelet-derived MPs. MPs positive for Annexin V and CD31CD41 were increased, albeit statistically significant (P<0.05, vs. baseline) only in patients receiving high inflation pressure ECP as determined by flow cytometry. MPs positive for CD62E, CD146, and CD14 were unaffected. In high, but not in low, inflation pressure treatment, change of CD31CD41 was inversely correlated to the change in collateral flow index (CFI), a measure for collateral growth. MPs from the high inflation pressure group had a more sustained pro-angiogenic effect than the ones from the low inflation pressure group, with the exception of one patient showing also an increased CFI after treatment. A total of 1005 proteins were identified by a label-free proteomics approach from MPs of three patients of each group applying stringent acceptance criteria. Based on semi-quantitative protein abundance measurements, MPs after ECP therapy contained more cellular proteins and increased CD31, corroborating the increase in MPs. Furthermore, we show that MP-associated factors of the innate immune system were decreased, many membrane-associated signaling proteins, and the known arteriogenesis stimulating protein transforming growth factor beta-1 were increased after ECP therapy. In conclusion, our data show that ECP therapy increases platelet-derived MPs in patients with CAD and that the change in protein cargo of MPs is likely in favor of a pro angiogenic/arteriogenic property.


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ASTM A529 carbon¿manganese steel angle specimens were joined by flash butt welding and the effects of varying process parameter settings on the resulting welds were investigated. The weld metal and heat affected zones were examined and tested using tensile testing, ultrasonic scanning, Rockwell hardness testing, optical microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy in order to quantify the effect of process variables on weld quality. Statistical analysis of experimental tensile and ultrasonic scanning data highlighted the sensitivity of weld strength and the presence of weld zone inclusions and interfacial defects to the process factors of upset current, flashing time duration, and upset dimension. Subsequent microstructural analysis revealed various phases within the weld and heat affected zone, including acicular ferrite, Widmanstätten or side-plate ferrite, and grain boundary ferrite. Inspection of the fracture surfaces of multiple tensile specimens, with scanning electron microscopy, displayed evidence of brittle cleavage fracture within the weld zone for certain factor combinations. Test results also indicated that hardness was increased in the weld zone for all specimens, which can be attributed to the extensive deformation of the upset operation. The significance of weld process factor levels on microstructure, fracture characteristics, and weld zone strength was analyzed. The relationships between significant flash welding process variables and weld quality metrics as applied to ASTM A529-Grade 50 steel angle were formalized in empirical process models.


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This work was devoted to individual child development. Psychogenetic research has emphasised the importance of social factors in children's intellectual development and two social factors are looked at here, family size and birth order. The effect of the formal parameters is, however, very unstable and they should therefore be considered together with certain informal factors. Of these, parental educational style, which is an expression of national traditions at the family level, is of particular interest. Educational style is culture-dependent and only a comparative cross-cultural study can reveal the real mechanisms through which educational style influences children's intellectual and personality development. Dumitrascu carried out an experimental cross-cultural study dedicated to the effects of family environment on child intellectual development. This involved three distinct populations, each of which has a distinct status in their geographical area, namely Romanians, Romanies from Romania, and Russians from the Republic of Moldova. It showed a significant difference between child intelligence in those from large families and in only children, with a huge gap in the case of Romany children. This suggests that the simultaneous action of several negative factors (low socio-economic status, large family size, socio-cultural isolation of the population) may delay a child's development. Subjected to such a precarious environment, Romany children do not seek self-realisation but rather struggle to overcome hardship and the majority remain outside civilisation. Unfortunately, adult Romanies rarely show concern about their children's successful social integration, placing no value on the school as a major socialising tool. This leads to the conclusion that a major effort is needed to help Romanies' social integration.


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Despite the introduction of new immunosuppressive agents, a steady decline of functioning renal allografts after living donation is observed. Thus nonpharmacological strategies to prevent graft loss have to be reconsidered, including donor-specific transfusions (DST). We introduced a cyclosporine-based DST protocol for renal allograft recipients from living-related/unrelated donation. From 1993 to 2003, 200 ml of whole blood, or the respective mononuclear cells from the potential living donor were administered twice to all of our 61 recipient candidates. The transplanted subjects were compared with three groups of patients without DST from the Collaborative Transplant Study (Heidelberg, Germany) during a 6-year period. Six patients were sensitized without delay for a subsequent cadaveric kidney. DST patients had less often treatment for rejection and graft survival was superior compared with subjects from the other Swiss transplant centers (n = 513) or from Western Europe (n = 7024). To diminish the probability that superior results reflect patient selection rather than effects of DST, a 'matched-pair' analysis controlling for relevant factors of transplant outcome was performed. Again, this analysis indicated that recipients with DST had better outcome. Thus, our observation suggests that DST improve the outcome of living kidney transplants even when modern immunosuppressive drugs are prescribed.