957 resultados para FLOW RATE


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Three dimensional, time dependent numerical simulations of healthy and pathological conditions in a model kidney were performed. Blood flow in a kidney is not commonly investigated by computational approach, in contrast for example, to the flow in a heart. The flow in a kidney is characterized by relatively small Reynolds number (100 < Re < 0.01-laminar regime). The presented results give insight into the structure of such flow, which is hard to measure in vivo. The simulations have suggested that venous thrombosis is more likely than arterial thrombosis-higher shear rate observed. The obtained maximum velocity, as a result of the simulations, agrees with the observed in vivo measurements. The time dependent simulations show separation regimes present in the vicinity of the maximum pressure value. The pathological constriction introduced to the arterial geometry leads to the changes in separation structures. The constriction of a single vessel affects flow in the whole kidney. Pathology results in different flow rate values in healthy and affected branches, as well as, different pulsate cycle characteristic for the whole system.


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PURPOSE: We assessed the effect of terazosin (Hytrin(R)) on functional bladder outlet obstruction in women. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Functional bladder outlet obstruction was defined as a maximum flow rate of less than 12 ml per second combined with a detrusor pressure at maximum flow rate of more than 20 cm H2O in pressure flow studies in the absence of neurological disorders or mechanical causes. In a prospective pilot study 15 women with functional bladder outlet obstruction were treated with terazosin. Terazosin was initiated at 1 mg daily and gradually increased to the maintenance dose of 5 mg daily during 2 weeks. Symptoms and urodynamic parameters were assessed before and 3 to 4 weeks after the initiation of alpha-blocker therapy. RESULTS: While on terazosin, voiding symptoms subjectively improved greater than 50% in 10 of the 15 women (p = 0.002). Median maximum urethral closure pressure at rest decreased significantly from 98 to 70 cm H2O (p = 0.001), median maximum detrusor pressure decreased from 45 to 35 cm H2O (p = 0.008), median detrusor pressure at maximum flow decreased from 34 to 27 ml per second and median post-void residual urine decreased from 120 to 40 ml (p = 0.006 and 0.002, respectively). There was a significant increase in the median maximum flow rate from 9 to 20 ml per second and in median voided volume from 300 to 340 ml (p = 0.0005 and 0.021, respectively). Storage symptoms, functional urethral length and maximum cystometric capacity did not change significantly with alpha-blocker therapy (p > 0.05). Overall terazosin resulted in a significant improvement in symptoms and urodynamic parameters in 10 of the 15 women (67%). CONCLUSIONS: Terazosin had a significant symptomatic and urodynamic effect in two-thirds of our patients. These results suggest that terazosin may be an effective treatment option in women with voiding dysfunction due to functional bladder outlet obstruction.


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PURPOSE: To provide an overview on diagnosis, risk factors and prevention of erosive tooth wear, which is becoming an increasingly important factor when considering the long- term health of the dentition. RESULTS: Awareness of dental erosion by the public is still not widespread due to the cryptic nature of this slowly progressing condition. Smooth silky-glazed appearance with the absence of perikymata and intact enamel along the gingival margin, with cupping and grooving on occlusal surfaces are some typical signs of enamel erosion. In later stages, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the influences of erosion, attrition or abrasion during a clinical examination. Biological, behavioral and chemical factors all come into play, which over time, may either wear away the tooth surface, or potentially protect it. In order to assess the risk factors, patient should record their dietary intake for a distinct period of time. Based on these analyses, an individually tailored preventive program may be suggested to patients. It may comprise dietary advice, optimization of fluoride regimes, stimulation of salivary flow rate, use of buffering medicaments and particular motivation for non-destructive tooth brushing habits. The frequent use of fluoride gel and fluoride mouthrinse in addition to fluoride toothpaste offers the opportunity to minimize abrasion of tooth substance.


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A prerequisite for preventive measures is to diagnose erosive tooth wear and to evaluate the different etiological factors in order to identify persons at risk. No diagnostic device is available for the assessment of erosive defects. Thus, they can only be detected clinically. Consequently, erosion not diagnosed in the early stage may render timely preventive measures difficult. In order to assess the risk factors, patient should record their dietary intake for a distinct period of time. Then a dentist can determine the erosive potential of the diet. Particularly, patients with more than four dietary acid intakes have a higher risk for erosion when other risk factors (such as holding the drink in the mouth) are present. Regurgitation of gastric acids (reflux, vomiting, alcohol abuse, etc.) is a further important risk factor for the development of erosion which has to be taken into account. Based on these analyses, an individually tailored preventive program may be suggested to the patients. It may comprise dietary advice, optimization of fluoride regimes, stimulation of salivary flow rate, use of buffering medicaments and particular motivation for nondestructive toothbrushing habits with a low abrasive toothpaste. The frequent use of fluoride gel and fluoride solution in addition to fluoride toothpaste offers the opportunity to reduce somewhat abrasion of tooth substance. It is also advisable to avoid abrasive tooth cleaning and whitening products, since they may remove the pellicle and may render teeth more susceptible to erosion. Since erosion, attrition and abrasion often occur simultaneously all causative components must be taken into consideration when planning preventive strategies.


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Biological factors such as saliva, acquired dental pellicle, tooth structure and positioning in relation to soft tissues and tongue are related to dental erosion development. Saliva has been shown to be the most important biological factor in the prevention of dental erosion. It starts acting even before the acid attack, with the increase of the salivary flow rate as a response to the acidic stimuli. This creates a favorable scenario, increasing the buffering system of saliva and effectively diluting and clearing acids on dental surfaces during the erosive challenge. Saliva plays a role in the formation of the acquired dental pellicle, which acts as a perm-selective membrane preventing contact of the acid with the tooth surf aces. The protective level of the pellicle seems to be regulated by its composition, thickness and maturation time. Due to its mineral content, saliva can also prevent demineralization as well as enhance remineralization. However, these preventive and reparative factors of saliva may not be enough against highly erosive challenges, leading to erosion development. The progress rate of erosion can be significantly influenced by the type of dental substrate, occurrence of mechanical and chemical attacks, fluoride exposure, and also by contact with the oral soft tissues and tongue.


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The novel tabletop miniaturized radiocarbon dating system (MICADAS) at ETH Zurich features a hybrid Cs sputter negative ion source for the measurement of solid graphite and gaseous CO2 samples. The source produces stable currents of up to 6 mu A C- out of gaseous samples with an efficiency of 3-6%. A gas feeding system has been set up that enables constant dosing of CO2 into the Cs sputter ion source and ensures stable measuring conditions. The system is based on a syringe in which CO2 gas is mixed with He and then pressed continuously into the ion source at a constant flow rate. Minimized volumes allow feeding samples of 3-30 mu g carbon quantitatively into the ion source. In order to test the performance of the system, several standards and blanks have successfully been measured. The ratios of C-14/C-12 could be repeated within statistical errors to better than 1.0% and the C-13/C-12 ratios to better than 0.2%. The blank was < 1 pMC.


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Recently, a new oxygenator (Dideco 903 [D903], Dideco, Mirandola, Italy) has been introduced to the perfusion community, and we set about testing its oxygen transfer performance and then comparing it to two other models. This evaluation was based on the comparison between oxygen transfer slope, gas phase arterial oxygen gradients, degree of blood shunting, maximum oxygen transfer, and diffusing capacity calculated for each membrane. Sixty patients were randomized into three groups of oxygenators (Dideco 703 [D703], Dideco; D903; and Quadrox, Jostra Medizintechnik AG, Hirrlingen, Germany) including 40/20 M/F of 68.6 +/- 11.3 years old, with a body weight of 71.5 +/- 12.1 kg, a body surface area (BSA) of 1.84 +/- 0.3 m(2), and a theoretical blood flow rate (index 2.4 times BSA) of 4.4 +/- 0.7 L/min. The maximum oxygen transfer (VO(2)) values were 313 mL O(2)/min (D703), 579 mL O(2)/min (D903), and 400 mL O(2)/min (Quadrox), with the D903 being the most superior (P < 0.05). Oxygen (O(2)) gradients were 320 mm Hg (D703), 235 mm Hg (D903), and 247 mm Hg (Quadrox), meaning D903 and Quadrox are more efficient versus the D703 (P < 0.05). Shunt fraction (Qs/Qt) and diffusing capacity (DmO(2)) were comparable (P = ns). Diffusing capacity values indexed to BSA (DmO(2)/m(2)) were 0.15 mL O(2)/min/mm Hg/m(2) (D703), 0.2 mL O(2)/min/mm Hg/m(2) (D903), and 0.18 mL O(2)/min/mm Hg/m(2) (Quadrox) with D903 outperforming D703 (P < 0.0005). During hypothermia (32.0 +/- 0.3 degrees C), there was a lower absolute and relative VO(2 )for all three oxygenators (P = ns). The O(2) gradients, DmO(2) and DmO(2)/m(2), were significantly lower for all oxygenators (P < 0.01). Also, Qs/Qt significantly rose for all oxygenators (P < 0.01). The oxygen transfer curve is characteristic to each oxygenator type and represents a tool to quantify oxygenator performance. Using this parameter, we demonstrated significant differences among commercially available oxygenators. However, all three oxygenators are considered to meet the oxygen needs of the patients.


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A novel computer-assisted injection device for the delivery of highly viscous bone cements in vertebroplasty is presented. It addresses the shortcomings of manual injection systems ranging from low-pressure and poor level of control to device failure. The presented instrument is capable of generating a maximum pressure of 5000 kPa in traditional 6-ml syringes and provides an advanced control interface for precise cement delivery from outside radiation fields emitted by intraoperative imaging systems. The integrated real-time monitoring of injection parameters, such as flow-rate, volume, pressure, and viscosity, simplifies consistent documentation of interventions and establishes a basis for the identification of safe injection protocols on the longer term. Control algorithms prevent device failure due to overloading and provide means to immediately stop cement flow to avoid leakage into adjacent tissues.


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The prevalence of periodontitis and cardiovascular disease (CVD) is high. A mixed infectious biofilm etiology of periodontitis is known but not fully established in CVD. Cofactors; smoking habits, stress, ethnicity, genetics, socioeconomics and age contribute to both diseases. The objectives of this report are to summarize factors in regards to CVD and periodontitis that are clinically relevant. The hypothesis behind a relationship between the two conditions can be founded in (I) shared infections etiology, (II) shared inflammatory response, (III) epidemiological and case-control studies, and (IV) periodontal studies demonstrating improvements of CVD markers. Streptococcus species in the S. mitis group, and S. anginosus group have been identified in periodontitis and are known as pathogens in endocarditis possibly transported from the oral cavity to the heart through bacteremia during dental therapies, and tooth brushing. Other periodontal bacteria such as Porphyromonas gingivalis, Fusobacterium nucleatum and Parvimonas micra are beta-lactamase producing and may contribute to antibiotic resistance (extended spectrum beta-lactamases). Other bacteria in CVD and periodontitis include Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Chlamydia pneumoniae and P. gingivalis lipopolyysaccharide capsels share homology and induce heat-shock protein activity and a cascade of proinflammatory cytokines. Associations between periodontitis and CVD have been presented in many studies when controlling for confounders. Other studies have demonstrated that periodontal therapies increase brachial artery flow rate and reduce serum inflammatory cytokine levels. Thus, physicians caring for subjects at CVD risk should consult with dentists/periodontists. Dentists must improve their medical knowledge and also learn to consult with physicians when treating patients at CVD risk.


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Due to their high thermal efficiency, diesel engines have excellent fuel economy and have been widely used as a power source for many vehicles. Diesel engines emit less greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide) compared with gasoline engines. However, diesel engines emit large amounts of particulate matter (PM) which can imperil human health. The best way to reduce the particulate matter is by using the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) system which consists of a wall-flow monolith which can trap particulates, and the DPF can be periodically regenerated to remove the collected particulates. The estimation of the PM mass accumulated in the DPF and total pressure drop across the filter are very important in order to determine when to carry out the active regeneration for the DPF. In this project, by developing a filtration model and a pressure drop model, we can estimate the PM mass and the total pressure drop, then, these two models can be linked with a regeneration model which has been developed previously to predict when to regenerate the filter. There results of this project were: 1 Reproduce a filtration model and simulate the processes of filtration. By studying the deep bed filtration and cake filtration, stages and quantity of mass accumulated in the DPF can be estimated. It was found that the filtration efficiency increases faster during the deep-bed filtration than that during the cake filtration. A “unit collector” theory was used in our filtration model which can explain the mechanism of the filtration very well. 2 Perform a parametric study on the pressure drop model for changes in engine exhaust flow rate, deposit layer thickness, and inlet temperature. It was found that there are five primary variables impacting the pressure drop in the DPF which are temperature gradient along the channel, deposit layer thickness, deposit layer permeability, wall thickness, and wall permeability. 3 Link the filtration model and the pressure drop model with the regeneration model to determine the time to carry out the regeneration of the DPF. It was found that the regeneration should be initiated when the cake layer is at a certain thickness, since a cake layer with either too big or too small an amount of particulates will need more thermal energy to reach a higher regeneration efficiency. 4 Formulate diesel particulate trap regeneration strategies for real world driving conditions to find out the best desirable conditions for DPF regeneration. It was found that the regeneration should be initiated when the vehicle’s speed is high and during which there should not be any stops from the vehicle. Moreover, the regeneration duration is about 120 seconds and the inlet temperature for the regeneration is 710K.


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The prevalence of Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) latrines in Ghana suggests that the design must have a high user acceptance. The two key factors attributed to user acceptance of a VIP latrine over an alternative latrine design, such as the basic pit latrine, are its ability to remove foul odors and maintain low fly populations; both of which are a direct result of an adequate ventilation flow rate. Adequate ventilation for odorless conditions in a VIP latrine has been defined by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the World Bank, as an air flow rate equivalent to 6 air changes per hour (6 ACH) of the superstructure’s air volume. Additionally, the UNDP determined that the three primary factors that affect ventilation are: 1) wind passing over the mouth of the vent pipe, 2) wind passing into the superstructure, and 3) solar radiation on to the vent pipe. Previous studies also indicate that vent pipes with larger diameters increase flow rates, and the application of carbonaceous materials to the pit sludge reduces odor and insect prevalence. Furthermore, proper design and construction is critical for the correct functioning of VIP latrines. Under-designing could cause problems with odor and insect control; over-designing would increase costs unnecessarily, thereby making it potentially unaffordable for benefactors to independently construct, repair or replace a VIP latrine. The present study evaluated the design of VIP latrines used by rural communities in the Upper West Region of Ghana with the focus of assessing adequate ventilation for odor removal and insect control. Thirty VIP latrines from six communities in the Upper West Region of Ghana were sampled. Each VIP latrine’s ventilation flow rate and micro-environment was measured using a hot-wire anemometer probe and portable weather station for a minimum of four hours. To capture any temporal or seasonal variations in ventilation, ten of the latrines were sampled monthly over the course of three months for a minimum of 12 hours. A latrine usage survey and a cost analysis were also conducted to further assess the VIP latrine as an appropriated technology for sustainable development in the Upper West Region. It was found that the average air flow rate over the entire sample set was 11.3 m3/hr. The minimum and maximum air flow rates were 0.0 m3/hr and 48.0 m3/hr respectively. Only 1 of the 30 VIP latrines (3%) was found to have an air flow rate greater than the UNDP-defined odorless condition of 6 ACH. Furthermore, 19 VIP latrines (63%) were found to have an average air flow rate of less than half the flow rate required to achieve 6 ACH. The dominant factors affecting ventilation flow rate were wind passing over the mouth of the vent pipe and air buoyancy forces, which were the effect of differences in temperature between the substructure and the ambient environment. Of 76 usable VIP latrines found in one community, 68.4% were in actual use. The cost of a VIP latrine was found to be equivalent to approximately 12% of the mean annual household income for Upper West Region inhabitants.


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With the development of micro systems, there is an increasing demand for integrable porous materials. In addition to those conventional applications, such as filtration, wicking, and insulating, many new micro devices, including micro reactors, sensors, actuators, and optical components, can benefit from porous materials. Conventional porous materials, such as ceramics and polymers, however, cannot meet the challenges posed by micro systems, due to their incompatibility with standard micro-fabrication processes. In an effort to produce porous materials that can be used in micro systems, porous silicon (PS) generated by anodization of single crystalline silicon has been investigated. In this work, the PS formation process has been extensively studied and characterized as a function of substrate type, crystal orientation, doping concentration, current density and surfactant concentration and type. Anodization conditions have been optimized for producing very thick porous silicon layers with uniform pore size, and for obtaining ideal pore morphologies. Three different types of porous silicon materials: meso porous silicon, macro porous silicon with straight pores, and macro porous silicon with tortuous pores, have been successfully produced. Regular pore arrays with controllable pore size in the range of 2µm to 6µm have been demonstrated as well. Localized PS formation has been achieved by using oxide/nitride/polysilicon stack as masking materials, which can withstand anodization in hydrofluoric acid up to twenty hours. A special etching cell with electrolytic liquid backside contact along with two process flows has been developed to enable the fabrication of thick macro porous silicon membranes with though wafer pores. For device assembly, Si-Au and In-Au bonding technologies have been developed. Very low bonding temperature (~200 degrees C) and thick/soft bonding layers (~6µm) have been achieved by In-Au bondi ng technology, which is able to compensate the potentially rough surface on the porous silicon sample without introducing significant thermal stress. The application of the porous silicon material in micro systems has been demonstrated in a micro gas chromatograph system by two indispensable components: an integrated vapor source and an inlet filter, wherein porous silicon performs the basic functions of porous media: wicking and filtration. By utilizing a macro porous silicon wick, the calibration vapor source was able to produce a uniform and repeatable vapor generation for n-decane with less than a 0.1% variation in 9 hours, and less than a 0.5% variation in rate over 7 days. With engineered porous silicon membranes the inlet filter was able to show a depth filtration with nearly 100% collection efficiency for particles larger than 0.3µm in diameter, a low pressure-drop of 523Pa at 20sccm flow rate, and a filter capacity of 500µg/cm2.


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The emissions, filtration and oxidation characteristics of a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and a catalyzed particulate filter (CPF) in a Johnson Matthey catalyzed continuously regenerating trap (CCRT ®) were studied by using computational models. Experimental data needed to calibrate the models were obtained by characterization experiments with raw exhaust sampling from a Cummins ISM 2002 engine with variable geometry turbocharging (VGT) and programmed exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). The experiments were performed at 20, 40, 60 and 75% of full load (1120 Nm) at rated speed (2100 rpm), with and without the DOC upstream of the CPF. This was done to study the effect of temperature and CPF-inlet NO2 concentrations on particulate matter oxidation in the CCRT ®. A previously developed computational model was used to determine the kinetic parameters describing the oxidation characteristics of HCs, CO and NO in the DOC and the pressure drop across it. The model was calibrated at five temperatures in the range of 280 – 465° C, and exhaust volumetric flow rates of 0.447 – 0.843 act-m3/sec. The downstream HCs, CO and NO concentrations were predicted by the DOC model to within ±3 ppm. The HCs and CO oxidation kinetics in the temperature range of 280 - 465°C and an exhaust volumetric flow rate of 0.447 - 0.843 act-m3/sec can be represented by one ’apparent’ activation energy and pre-exponential factor. The NO oxidation kinetics in the same temperature and exhaust flow rate range can be represented by ’apparent’ activation energies and pre-exponential factors in two regimes. The DOC pressure drop was always predicted within 0.5 kPa by the model. The MTU 1-D 2-layer CPF model was enhanced in several ways to better model the performance of the CCRT ®. A model to simulate the oxidation of particulate inside the filter wall was developed. A particulate cake layer filtration model which describes particle filtration in terms of more fundamental parameters was developed and coupled to the wall oxidation model. To better model the particulate oxidation kinetics, a model to take into account the NO2 produced in the washcoat of the CPF was developed. The overall 1-D 2-layer model can be used to predict the pressure drop of the exhaust gas across the filter, the evolution of particulate mass inside the filter, the particulate mass oxidized, the filtration efficiency and the particle number distribution downstream of the CPF. The model was used to better understand the internal performance of the CCRT®, by determining the components of the total pressure drop across the filter, by classifying the total particulate matter in layer I, layer II, the filter wall, and by the means of oxidation i.e. by O2, NO2 entering the filter and by NO2 being produced in the filter. The CPF model was calibrated at four temperatures in the range of 280 – 465 °C, and exhaust volumetric flow rates of 0.447 – 0.843 act-m3/sec, in CPF-only and CCRT ® (DOC+CPF) configurations. The clean filter wall permeability was determined to be 2.00E-13 m2, which is in agreement with values in the literature for cordierite filters. The particulate packing density in the filter wall had values between 2.92 kg/m3 - 3.95 kg/m3 for all the loads. The mean pore size of the catalyst loaded filter wall was found to be 11.0 µm. The particulate cake packing densities and permeabilities, ranged from 131 kg/m3 - 134 kg/m3, and 0.42E-14 m2 and 2.00E-14 m2 respectively, and are in agreement with the Peclet number correlations in the literature. Particulate cake layer porosities determined from the particulate cake layer filtration model ranged between 0.841 and 0.814 and decreased with load, which is about 0.1 lower than experimental and more complex discrete particle simulations in the literature. The thickness of layer I was kept constant at 20 µm. The model kinetics in the CPF-only and CCRT ® configurations, showed that no ’catalyst effect’ with O2 was present. The kinetic parameters for the NO2-assisted oxidation of particulate in the CPF were determined from the simulation of transient temperature programmed oxidation data in the literature. It was determined that the thermal and NO2 kinetic parameters do not change with temperature, exhaust flow rate or NO2 concentrations. However, different kinetic parameters are used for particulate oxidation in the wall and on the wall. Model results showed that oxidation of particulate in the pores of the filter wall can cause disproportionate decreases in the filter pressure drop with respect to particulate mass. The wall oxidation model along with the particulate cake filtration model were developed to model the sudden and rapid decreases in pressure drop across the CPF. The particulate cake and wall filtration models result in higher particulate filtration efficiencies than with just the wall filtration model, with overall filtration efficiencies of 98-99% being predicted by the model. The pre-exponential factors for oxidation by NO2 did not change with temperature or NO2 concentrations because of the NO2 wall production model. In both CPF-only and CCRT ® configurations, the model showed NO2 and layer I to be the dominant means and dominant physical location of particulate oxidation respectively. However, at temperatures of 280 °C, NO2 is not a significant oxidizer of particulate matter, which is in agreement with studies in the literature. The model showed that 8.6 and 81.6% of the CPF-inlet particulate matter was oxidized after 5 hours at 20 and 75% load in CCRT® configuration. In CPF-only configuration at the same loads, the model showed that after 5 hours, 4.4 and 64.8% of the inlet particulate matter was oxidized. The increase in NO2 concentrations across the DOC contributes significantly to the oxidation of particulate in the CPF and is supplemented by the oxidation of NO to NO2 by the catalyst in the CPF, which increases the particulate oxidation rates. From the model, it was determined that the catalyst in the CPF modeslty increases the particulate oxidation rates in the range of 4.5 – 8.3% in the CCRT® configuration. Hence, the catalyst loading in the CPF of the CCRT® could possibly be reduced without significantly decreasing particulate oxidation rates leading to catalyst cost savings and better engine performance due to lower exhaust backpressures.


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This doctoral thesis presents the computational work and synthesis with experiments for internal (tube and channel geometries) as well as external (flow of a pure vapor over a horizontal plate) condensing flows. The computational work obtains accurate numerical simulations of the full two dimensional governing equations for steady and unsteady condensing flows in gravity/0g environments. This doctoral work investigates flow features, flow regimes, attainability issues, stability issues, and responses to boundary fluctuations for condensing flows in different flow situations. This research finds new features of unsteady solutions of condensing flows; reveals interesting differences in gravity and shear driven situations; and discovers novel boundary condition sensitivities of shear driven internal condensing flows. Synthesis of computational and experimental results presented here for gravity driven in-tube flows lays framework for the future two-phase component analysis in any thermal system. It is shown for both gravity and shear driven internal condensing flows that steady governing equations have unique solutions for given inlet pressure, given inlet vapor mass flow rate, and fixed cooling method for condensing surface. But unsteady equations of shear driven internal condensing flows can yield different “quasi-steady” solutions based on different specifications of exit pressure (equivalently exit mass flow rate) concurrent to the inlet pressure specification. This thesis presents a novel categorization of internal condensing flows based on their sensitivity to concurrently applied boundary (inlet and exit) conditions. The computational investigations of an external shear driven flow of vapor condensing over a horizontal plate show limits of applicability of the analytical solution. Simulations for this external condensing flow discuss its stability issues and throw light on flow regime transitions because of ever-present bottom wall vibrations. It is identified that laminar to turbulent transition for these flows can get affected by ever present bottom wall vibrations. Detailed investigations of dynamic stability analysis of this shear driven external condensing flow result in the introduction of a new variable, which characterizes the ratio of strength of the underlying stabilizing attractor to that of destabilizing vibrations. Besides development of CFD tools and computational algorithms, direct application of research done for this thesis is in effective prediction and design of two-phase components in thermal systems used in different applications. Some of the important internal condensing flow results about sensitivities to boundary fluctuations are also expected to be applicable to flow boiling phenomenon. Novel flow sensitivities discovered through this research, if employed effectively after system level analysis, will result in the development of better control strategies in ground and space based two-phase thermal systems.


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Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are interesting materials with extraordinary properties for various applications. Here, vertically-aligned multiwalled CNTs (VA-MWCNTs) are grown by our dual radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). After optimizing the synthesis processes, these VA-MWCNTs were fabricated in to a series of devices for applications in vacuum electronics, glucose biosensors, glucose biofuel cells, and supercapacitors In particular, we have created the so-called PMMA-CNT matrices (opened-tip CNTs embedded in poly-methyl methacrylate) that are promising components in a novel energy sensing, generation and storage (SGS) system that integrate glucose biosensors, biofuel cells, and supercapacitors. The content of this thesis work is described as follows: 1. We have first optimized the synthesis of VA-MWCNTs by our PECVD technique. The effects of CH4 flow rate and growth duration on the lengths of these CNTs were studied. 2. We have characterized these VA-MWCNTs for electron field emission. We noticed that as grown CNTs suffers from high emission threshold, poor emission density and poor long-term stability. We attempted a series of experiments to understand ways to overcome these problems. First, we decrease the screening effects on VA-MWCNTs by creating arrays of self-assembled CNT bundles that are catalyst-free and opened tips. These bundles are found to enhance the field emission stability and emission density. Subsequently, we have created PMMA-CNT matrices that are excellent electron field emitters with an emission threshold field of more than two-fold lower than that of the as-grown sample. Furthermore, no significant emission degradation was observed after a continuous emission test of 40 hours (versus much shorter tests in reported literatures). Based on the new understanding we learnt from the PMMA-CNT matrices, we further created PMMA-STO-CNT matrices by embedding opened-tip VA-MWCNTs that are coated with strontium titanate (SrTiO3) with PMMA. We found that the PMMA-STO-CNT matrices have all the desired properties of the PMMA-CNT matrices. Furthermore, PMMA-STO-CNT matrices offer much lower emission threshold field, about five-fold lower than that of as grown VA-MWCNTs. The new understandings we obtained are important for practical application of VA-MWCNTs in field emission devices. 3. Subsequently, we have functionalized PMMA-CNT matrices for glucose biosensing. Our biosensor was developed by immobilized glucose oxidase (GOχ) on the opened-tip CNTs exposed on the matrices. The durability, stability and sensitivity of the biosensor were studied. In order to understand the performance of miniaturized glucose biosensors, we have then investigated the effect of working electrode area on the sensitivity and current level of our biosensors. 4. Next, functionalized PMMA-CNT matrices were utilized for energy generation and storage. We found that PMMA-CNT matrices are promising component in glucose/O2 biofuel cells (BFCs) for energy generation. The construction of these BFCs and the effect of the electrode area on the power density of these BFCs were investigated. Then, we have attempted to use PMMA-CNT matrices as supercapacitors for energy storage devices. The performance of these supercapacitors and ways to enhance their performance are discussed. 5. Finally, we further evaluated the concept of energy SGS system that integrated glucose biosensors, biofuel cells, and supercapacitors. This SGS system may be implantable to monitor and control the blood glucose level in our body.