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Development of a granular sludge with high strength, high biological activity and a narrow settling distribution is necessary for optimal operation of high-rate upflow anaerobic treatment systems. Several studies have compared granules produced from different wastewaters but these have largely been from laboratory-fed reactors or compared granules from full-scale reactors fed similar wastewater types. Though two authors have commented on the inferiority of granules produced by a protein-based feed, the properties of these granules have not been characterised. In this paper, granules from full-scale reactors treating fruit and vegetable cannery effluent, two brewery effluents and a pig abattoir (slaughterhouse) were compared in terms of basic composition, size distribution, density, settling velocity, shear strength, and EPS content. The results supported previous qualitative observations by other researchers that indicate granule properties depend more on wastewater type rather than reactor design or operating conditions such as pre-acidification level. The cannery-fed granules bad excellent shear strength, settling distribution and density. Granules from the two brewery-fed reactors had statistically the same bulk properties, which were still acceptable for upflow applications. The protein-grown granule had poor strength and settling velocity. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report a novel activating mutation (E604K) of the calcium-sensing receptor in a family with autosomal dominant hypocalcemia. Whereas all affected individuals exhibited marked hypocalcemia, some cases with untreated hypocalcemia exhibited seizures in infancy, whereas others were largely asymptomatic from birth into adulthood. The missense mutation E604K (G2182A, GenBank accession no. U20759), which affects an amino acid residue in the C terminus of the cysteine-rich domain of the extracellular head, co-segregated with hypocalcemia in all seven individuals for whom DNA was available. Two unaffected, normocalcemic members of the family did not exhibit the mutation. The molecular impact of the mutation on two key components of the signaling response was assessed in HEK-293 cells transiently transfected with cDNA corresponding to either the wild-type calcium-sensing receptor or the E604K mutation derived by site-directed mutagenesis. There was a significant leftward shift in the concentration response curves for the effects of extracellular Ca2+ on both intracellular Ca2+ mobilization (determined by aequorin luminescence) and MAPK activity (determined by luciferase expression). The C terminus of the cysteine-rich domain of the extracellular head may normally act to suppress receptor activity in the presence of low extracellular Ca2+ concentrations.


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Early pregnancy factor (EPF) is a secreted protein, present in serum during early pregnancy and essential for maintaining viability of the embryo. It is a homologue of chaperonin 10 (Cpn10) but, unlike Cpn10, it has an extracellular role. EPF has immunosuppressive and growth regulatory properties. Previously we have reported the preparation of recombinant EPF (rEPF) and shown that treatment with rEPF will suppress clinical signs of MBP-EAE in Lewis rats and PLP-EAE in SJL/J mice. In the present study, these findings have been extended to investigate possible mechanisms involved in the action of EPF. Following treatment of mice with rEPF from the day of inoculation, there were fewer infiltrating CD3+ and CD4+ cells in the parenchyma of the spinal cord during the onset of disease and after the initial episode, compared with mice treated with vehicle. Expression of the integrins LFA-1, VLA-4 and Mac-1 and of members of the immunoglobulin superfamily of adhesion molecules ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 was suppressed in the central nervous system (CNS) following rEPF treatment. The expression of PECAM-1 was not affected. To determine if rEPF suppressed T cell activation in the periphery, the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction of normal BALB/c mice to trinitrochlorobenzene (TNCB) following treatment with rEPF was studied. The results showed that treatment with rEPF suppressed the DTH reaction, demonstrating the ability of EPF to downregulate the cell-mediated immune response. These results indicate that suppression of immunological mechanisms by rEPF plays a major role in the reduction of clinical signs of disease in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of enzymes implicated in the degradation and remodeling of extracellular matrix and in vascularization. They are also involved in pathologic processes such as tumor invasion and metastasis in experimental cancer models and in human malignancies. We used gelatin zymography and inummohistochemistry to determine whether MMP-2 and MMP-9 are present in canine tumors and normal tissues and whether MMP production correlates with clinicopathologic parameters of prognostic importance. High levels of pro-MMP-9, pro-MMP-2, and active MMP-2 were detected in most canine tumors. Significantly higher MMP levels were measured in canine tumors than in nontumors, malignancies had higher MMP levels than benign tumors, and sarcomas had higher active MMP-2 than carcinomas. Cartilaginous tumors produced higher MMP levels than did nonsarcomatous malignancies, benign tumors, and normal tissues, and significantly greater MMP-2 than osteosarcomas and fibrosarcomas. Pro-MMP-9 production correlated with the histologic grade of osteosarcomas. The 62-kd form of active MMP-2 was detected only in high-grade, p53-positive, metastatic malignancies. Zymography proved to be a sensitive and quantitative technique for the assessment of MMP presence but has the limitation of requiring fresh tissue; inummohistochemistry is qualitative and comparatively insensitive but could be of value in archival studies. MMP presence was shown in a range of canine tumors, and their link to tumor type and grade was demonstrated for the first time. This study will allow a substantially improved evaluation of veterinary cancer patients and provides baseline information necessary for the design of clinical trials targeting MMPs.


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The tribe Hilarini (Diptera: Empididae), commonly known as dance flies, can be recognised by their swollen silk-producing prothoracic basitarsus, a male secondary sexual characteristic. The ultrastructure and function of the silk-producing basitarsus from one undescribed morphospecies of Hilarini, 'Hilarempis 20', is presented. Male H. 20 collect small parcels of diatomaceous algae from the surface of freshwater creeks that they bind with silk produced by the gland in the basitarsus. The gift is then presented to females in a nearby swarm, composed predominately of females. The basitarsus houses approximately 12 pairs of class III dermal glandular units that congregate on the ventral side of the cavity. Each gland cell has a large extracellular lumen where secretion accumulates. The lumen drains to the outside via a conducting canal encompassed by a canal cell and a duct extending through the shaft of a specialised secretory spine. The secretory spines lie in pairs in a ventral groove that runs the length of the basitarsus. A comparison of the basitarsal secretory spines with sensilla on the basitarsi of non gland-bearing legs of males, and with non gland-bearing prothoracic. basitarsi of females, suggests that the glandular units are derived from contact chemosensory sensilla. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Monoclonal antibody (MAb) 263 is a widely used monoclonal antibody that recognizes the extracellular domain (ECD) of the GH receptor. It has been shown to act as a GH agonist both in vitro and in vivo, and we report here that it must be divalent to exert its effect on the full-length receptor. To understand the mechanism of its agonist action, we have determined the precise epitope for this antibody using a novel random PCR mutagenesis approach together with expression screening in yeast. A library of 5200 clones of rabbit GH receptor ECD mutants were screened both with MAb 263 and with an anticarboxy-tag antibody to verify complete ECD expression. Sequencing for clones that expressed complete ECD but were not MAb 263 positive identified 20 epitope residues distributed in a discontinuous manner throughout the ECD. The major part of the epitope, as revealed after mapping onto the crystal structure model of the ECD molecule, was located on the side and upper portion of domain 1, particularly within the D - E strand disulfide loop 79 - 96. Molecular dynamics docking of an antibody of the same isotype as MAb 263 was used to dock the bivalent antibody to the 1528-Angstrom(2) epitope and to visualize the likely consequences of MAb binding. The minimized model enables the antibody to grasp two receptors in a pincer-like movement from opposite sides, facilitating alignment of the receptor dimerization domains in a manner similar to, but not identical with, GH.


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This paper presents a comprehensive study of sludge floc characteristics and their impact on compressibility and settleability of activated sludge in full scale wastewater treatment processes. The sludge flocs were characterised by morphological (floc size distribution, fractal dimension, filament index), physical (flocculating ability, viscosity, hydrophobicity and surface charge) and chemical (polymeric constituents and metal content) parameters. Compressibility and settleability were defined in terms of the sludge volume index (SVI) and zone settling velocity (ZSV). The floc morphological and physical properties had important influence on the sludge compressibility and settleability. Sludges containing large flocs and high quantities of filaments, corresponding to lower values of fractal dimension (D-f), demonstrated poor compressibility and settleability. Sludge flocs with high flocculating ability had lower SVI and higher ZSV, whereas high values of hydrophobicity, negative surface charge and viscosity of the sludge flocs correlated to high SVI and low ZSV. The quantity of the polymeric compounds protein. humic substances and carbohydrate in the sludge and the extracted extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) had significant positive correlations with SVI. The ZSV was quantitatively independent of the polymeric constituents. High concentrations of the extracted EPS were related to poor compressibility and settleability. The cationic ions Ca, Mg, Al and Fe in the sludge improved significantly the sludge compressibility and settleability. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper examines the influence of the chemical constituents of activated sludge and extracted extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) on the surface properties, hydrophobicity, surface charge (SC) and flocculating ability (FA) of activated sludge floes. Activated sludge samples from 7 different full-scale wastewater treatment plants were examined. Protein and humic substances were found to be the dominant polymeric compounds in the activated sludges and the extracted EPS, and they significantly affected the FA and surface properties, hydrophobicity and SC, of the sludge floes. The polymeric compounds proteins, humic substances and carbohydrates in the sludge floes and the extracted EPS contributed to the negative SC, but correlated negatively to the hydrophobicity of sludge floes. The quantity of protein and carbohydrate within the sludge and the extracted EPS was correlated positively to the FA of the sludge floes, while increased amounts of humic substances resulted in lower FA. In contrast, increased amounts of total extracted EPS had a negative correlation to FA. The results reveal that the quality and quantity of the polymeric compounds within the sludge floes is more informative, with respect to understanding the mechanisms involved in flocculation, than if only the extracted EPS are considered. This is an important finding as it indicates that extracting EPS may be insufficient to characterise the EPS. This is due to the low extraction efficiency and difficulties involved in the separation of EPS from other organic compounds. Correlations were observed between the surface properties and FA of the sludge floes., This confirms that the surface properties of the, sludge flocs play an important role in the bioflocculation process but that also other interactions like polymer entanglement are important. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The interactions of chi-conopeptide MrIA with the human norepinephrine transporter (hNET) were investigated by determining the effects of hNET point mutations on the inhibitory potency of MrIA. The mutants were produced by site-directed mutagenesis and expressed in COS-7 cells. The potency of MrIA was greater for inhibition of uptake by hNET of [H-3] norepinephrine (K-i 1.89 muM) than [H-3] dopamine (K-i 4.33 muM), and the human dopamine transporter and serotonin transporter were not inhibited by MrIA ( to 7 muM). Of 18 mutations where hNET amino acid residues were exchanged with those of the human dopamine transporter, MrIA had increased potency for inhibition of [H-3] norepinephrine uptake for three mutations ( in predicted extracellular loops 3 and 4 and transmembrane domain (TMD) 8) and decreased potency for one mutation (in TMD6 and intracellular loop (IL) 3). Of the 12 additional mutations in TMDs 2, 4, 5, and 11 and IL1, three mutations (in TMD2 and IL1) had reduced MrIA inhibitory potency. All of the other mutations tested had no influence on MrIA potency. A comparison of the results with previous data for desipramine and cocaine inhibition of norepinephrine uptake by the mutant hNETs reveals that MrIA binding to hNET occurs at a site that is distinct from but overlaps with the binding sites for tricyclic antidepressants and cocaine.


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Histidines 107 and 109 in the glycine receptor ( GlyR) alpha(1) subunit have previously been identified as determinants of the inhibitory zinc-binding site. Based on modeling of the GlyR alpha(1) subunit extracellular domain by homology to the acetylcholine-binding protein crystal structure, we hypothesized that inhibitory zinc is bound within the vestibule lumen at subunit interfaces, where it is ligated by His(107) from one subunit and His(109) from an adjacent subunit. This was tested by co-expressing alpha(1) subunits containing the H107A mutation with alpha(1) subunits containing the H109A mutation. Although sensitivity to zinc inhibition is markedly reduced when either mutation is individually incorporated into all five subunits, the GlyRs formed by the co-expression of H107A mutant subunits with H109A mutant subunits exhibited an inhibitory zinc sensitivity similar to that of the wild type alpha(1) homomeric GlyR. This constitutes strong evidence that inhibitory zinc is coordinated at the interface between adjacent alpha(1) subunits. No evidence was found for beta subunit involvement in the coordination of inhibitory zinc, indicating that a maximum of two zinc-binding sites per alpha(1)beta receptor is sufficient for maximal zinc inhibition. Our data also show that two zinc-binding sites are sufficient for significant inhibition of alpha(1) homomers. The binding of zinc at the interface between adjacent alpha(1) subunits could restrict intersubunit movements, providing a feasible mechanism for the inhibition of channel activation by zinc.


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Proteolysis of UHT milk during storage at room temperature is a major factor limiting its shelf-life through changes in its flavour and texture. The latter is characterised by increases in viscosity leading in some cases to gel formation. The enzymes responsible for the proteolysis are the native milk alkaline proteinase, plasmin, and heat-stable, extracellular bacterial proteinases produced by psychrotrophic bacterial contaminants in the milk prior to heat processing. These proteinases react differently with the milk proteins and produce different peptides in the UHT milk. In order to differentiate these peptide products, reversed-phase HPLC and the fluorescamine method were used to analyse the peptides soluble in 12% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and those soluble at pH 4.6. The TCA filtrate showed substantial peptide peaks only if the milk was contaminated by bacterial proteinase, while the pH 4.6 filtrate showed peptide peaks when either or both bacterial and native milk proteinases caused the proteolysis. Results from the fluorescamine test were in accordance with the HPLC results whereby the TCA filtrate exhibited significant proteolysis values only when bacterial proteinases were present, but the pH 4.6 filtrates showed significant values when the milk contained either or both types of proteinase. A procedure based on these analyses is proposed as a diagnostic test for determining which type of proteinase-milk plasmin, bacterial proteinase, or both-is responsible for proteolysis in UHT milk. (C) 2003 Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Myocardial infarction leads to compensatory ventricular remodeling. Disturbances in myocardial contractility depend on the active transport of Ca2+ and Na+, which are regulated by Na+-K+ ATPase. Inappropriate regulation of Na+-K+ ATPase activity leads to excessive loss of K+ and gain of Na+ by the cell. We determined the participation of Na+-K+ ATPase in ventricular performance early and late after myocardial infarction. Wistar rats (8-10 per group) underwent left coronary artery ligation (infarcted, Inf) or sham-operation (Sham). Ventricular performance was measured at 3 and 30 days after surgery using the Langendorff technique. Left ventricular systolic pressure was obtained under different ventricular diastolic pressures and increased extracellular Ca2+ concentrations (Ca2+e) and after low and high ouabain concentrations. The baseline coronary perfusion pressure increased 3 days after myocardial infarction and normalized by 30 days (Sham 3 = 88 ± 6; Inf 3 = 130 ± 9; Inf 30 = 92 ± 7 mmHg; P < 0.05). The inotropic response to Ca2+e and ouabain was reduced at 3 and 30 days after myocardial infarction (Ca2+ = 1.25 mM; Sham 3 = 70 ± 3; Inf 3 = 45 ± 2; Inf 30 = 29 ± 3 mmHg; P < 0.05), while the Frank-Starling mechanism was preserved. At 3 and 30 days after myocardial infarction, ventricular Na+-K+ ATPase activity and contractility were reduced. This Na+-K+ ATPase hypoactivity may modify the Na+, K+ and Ca2+ transport across the sarcolemma resulting in ventricular dysfunction.


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Lead (Pb2+) poisoning causes hypertension, but little is known regarding its acute effects on cardiac contractility. To evaluate these effects, force was measured in right ventricular strips that were contracting isometrically in 45 male Wistar rats (250-300 g) before and after the addition of increasing concentrations of lead acetate (3, 7, 10, 30, 70, 100, and 300 µM) to the bath. Changes in rate of stimulation (0.1-1.5 Hz), relative potentiation after pauses of 15, 30, and 60 s, effect of Ca2+ concentration (0.62, 1.25, and 2.5 mM), and the effect of isoproterenol (20 ng/mL) were determined before and after the addition of 100 µM Pb2+. Effects on contractile proteins were evaluated after caffeine treatment using tetanic stimulation (10 Hz) and measuring the activity of the myosin ATPase. Pb2+ produced concentration-dependent force reduction, significant at concentrations greater than 30 µM. The force developed in response to increasing rates of stimulation became smaller at 0.5 and 0.8 Hz. Relative potentiation increased after 100 µM Pb2+ treatment. Extracellular Ca2+ increment and isoproterenol administration increased force development but after 100 µM Pb2+ treatment the force was significantly reduced suggesting an effect of the metal on the sarcolemmal Ca2+ influx. Concentration of 100 µM Pb2+ also reduced the peak and plateau force of tetanic contractions and reduced the activity of the myosin ATPase. Results showed that acute Pb2+ administration, although not affecting the sarcoplasmic reticulum activity, produces a concentration-dependent negative inotropic effect and reduces myosin ATPase activity. Results suggest that acute lead administration reduced myocardial contractility by reducing sarcolemmal calcium influx and the myosin ATPase activity. These results also suggest that lead exposure is hazardous and has toxicological consequences affecting cardiac muscle.


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Eucalyptol is an essential oil that relaxes bronchial and vascular smooth muscle although its direct actions on isolated myocardium have not been reported. We investigated a putative negative inotropic effect of the oil on left ventricular papillary muscles from male Wistar rats weighing 250 to 300 g, as well as its effects on isometric force, rate of force development, time parameters, post-rest potentiation, positive inotropic interventions produced by Ca2+ and isoproterenol, and on tetanic tension. The effects of 0.3 mM eucalyptol on myosin ATPase activity were also investigated. Eucalyptol (0.003 to 0.3 mM) reduced isometric tension, the rate of force development and time parameters. The oil reduced the force developed by steady-state contractions (50% at 0.3 mM) but did not alter sarcoplasmic reticulum function or post-rest contractions and produced a progressive increase in relative potentiation. Increased extracellular Ca2+ concentration (0.62 to 5 mM) and isoproterenol (20 nM) administration counteracted the negative inotropic effects of the oil. The activity of the contractile machinery evaluated by tetanic force development was reduced by 30 to 50% but myosin ATPase activity was not affected by eucalyptol (0.3 mM), supporting the idea of a reduction of sarcolemmal Ca2+ influx. The present results suggest that eucalyptol depresses force development, probably acting as a calcium channel blocker.