962 resultados para Exposición Regional Valenciana (1ª. 1909: València)


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Affiliation: Pierre Dagenais : Hpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont, Facult de mdecine, Universit de Montral


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Personnage central du noconfucianisme contemporain, Mou Zongsan (1909-1995) a crit un nombre impressionnant de livres philosophiques. Loin dignorer les penseurs dautres courants, il les intgre ses thories pour en utiliser les forces. Ainsi, il sintresse au concept denseignement parfait (yuanjiao). Cette notion fut introduite par lcole bouddhique Tiantai (Tiantai). Aprs une classification de tous les enseignements bouddhiques, il fut conclu que lenseignement parfait consiste en un enseignement complet refltant parfaitement lintention ultime du Bouddha. Mou considre quatre critres pour dterminer quelle doctrine est conforme cette ide : la prservation de tout ce qui existe, la possibilit pour tous datteindre lillumination, englober tout sans distinction et utiliser un langage quil qualifie de non analytique. Dans cette tude, nous allons examiner lutilisation faite par Mou du concept denseignement parfait. Il dmontre la ncessit pour ltre humain davoir un esprit qui saisit la fois la sphre phnomnale et noumnale. De cette faon, tout ce qui compose la ralit, pur et impur, est conserv. Il emprunte ensuite le concept du summum bonum kantien, cest--dire le ratio proportionnel entre la vertu et le bonheur, et le rvise laide de lenseignement parfait. Le rsultat est tout fait tonnant : ltre humain possde lintuition intellectuelle, normalement rserv Dieu chez Kant, et est ainsi responsable de son propre bonheur grce laccomplissement dactions morales. Cependant, le bouddhisme ne fournirait pas le cadre thorique idal pour la notion trs importante du summum bonum puisque laspect moral ny serait pas assez dvelopp. Mou affirme que, malgr leur origine bouddhique, les critres qui dfinissent un enseignement parfait peuvent tre appliqus dautres courants de pense. Il propose donc le confucianiste Wang Longxi (Wang Ji 1498- 1583), dont les thories correspondent aux caractristiques de lenseignement parfait, pour tablir un concept du summum bonum novateur.


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The study makes an attempt to examine the inter regional variations in Kerala in economic development with respect to the important indicators of development over the period 1971 to 2001. The study takes districts as the unit of analysis because this is an attempt to find out the status of districts in Kerala.The study proved that there exists inter district disparities in economic development measured in terms of different indices used for analysis.. statistical estimation of variation proves that there is high degree of variation in industrial sector followed by social and economic infrastructure. The composite index of industrial development shows that the highest index is 1.395 which is five times greater than that of the lowest index 0.273. More or less the same pattern of differences are noticed in most of the indicators of the development. A ranking of the district on the basis of the overall development indicators shows that Malappuram is the least developed district in Kerala. In case of almost all indicators of development Malappuram is lagging behind all other districts.


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In the thesis entitled " Novel Strategies for Heterocyclic Constructions via 1 ,4-Dipolar Intermediates"Synthesis of a complex organic molecules essentially involves the formation of carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bonds. Various synthetic methods are available for these processes involving ionic, pericyclic and radical reactions. Among the pericyclic reactions, dipolar cycloaddition reactions, introduced by Huisgen, have emerged as a very powerful tool for heterocyclic construction. Heterocyclic compounds remain an important class of organic molecules due to their natural abundance and remarkable biological activity, thus constituting an intergral part of pharmaceutical industry. In this respect, developing newer synthetic methodology for heterocyclic construction has been an area of immense interest. In recent years, 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions proved to be efficient routes to a wide variety of five membered heterocycles, as attested by their application in the total synthesis of various complex organic molecules. However, the potential application of similar 1,4- dipolar cycloaddition reactions for the construction of six memebered heterocycles remained underexploited. In this context, a systematic investigation of the reactivity of 1,4-dipoles generated from nitrogen heterocycles (pyridine and its analogues) and dimethyl acetylenedicarboxy!ate (DMAD) towards various dipolarophiles has been carried out and the results are embodied.