977 resultados para Evaluation Studies as Topic
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the differences between those who gave informed consent to a study on substance use and those who did not, and to analyze whether differences changed with varying nonconsent rates. METHOD: Cross-sectional questionnaire data on demographics, alcohol, smoking, and cannabis use were obtained for 6,099 French- and 5,720 German-speaking 20-year-old Swiss men. Enrollment took place over 11 months for the Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF). Consenters and nonconsenters were asked to complete a short questionnaire. Data for nearly the entire population were available because 94% responded. Weekly differences in consent rates were analyzed. Regressions examined the associations of substance use with consent giving and consent rates and the interaction between the two. RESULTS: Nonconsenters had higher substance use patterns, although they were more often alcohol abstainers; differences were small and not always significant and did not decrease as consent rates increased. CONCLUSIONS: Substance use currently is a minor sensitive topic among young men, resulting in small differences between nonconsenters and consenters. As consent rates increase, additional individuals are similar to those observed at lower consent rates. Estimates of analytical studies looking at associations of substance use with other variables will not differ at reasonable consent rates of 50%-80%. Descriptive prevalence studies may be biased, but only at very low rates of consent.
This paper presents a study of correlations between the performance of trainee translators, according to their teacher’s assessment, and the quality of their self-evaluation, according to their answers to metacognitive questionnaires. Two case-studies of two consecutive editions of a course in general translation from German into Spanish are dealt with. The course involved the use of post-translation metacognitive questionnaires designed to help trainees to evaluate their translating. A selection of the questionnaires (from the strongest and the weakest performances by students for each course edition) is considered. The study focuses on one item in these questionnaires that has to do with identifying translation problems and justifying their solutions. An interpretive analysis of the trainees’ answers for this questionnaire item reveals that the best-performing students were more strategically and translationally aware in self-evaluating their own translating. Our conclusions are based on considering six parameters from the analysis of the trainees’ answers, which are tentatively regarded as indicative of the quality of their self-evaluation.
1 Summary This dissertation deals with two major aspects of corporate governance that grew in importance during the last years: the internal audit function and financial accounting education. In three essays, I contribute to research on these topics which are embedded in the broader corporate governance literature. The first two essays consist of experimental investigations of internal auditors' judgments. They deal with two research issues for which accounting research lacks evidence: The effectiveness of internal controls and the potentially conflicting role of the internal audit function between management and the audit committee. The findings of the first two essays contribute to the literature on internal auditors' judgment and the role of the internal audit function as a major cornerstone of corporate governance. The third essay theoretically examines a broader issue but also relates to the overall research question of this dissertation: What contributes to effective corporate governance? This last essay takes the perspective that the root for quality corporate governance is appropriate financial accounting education. r develop a public interest approach to accounting education that contributes to the literature on adequate accounting education with respect to corporate governance and accounting harmonization. The increasing importance of both the internal audit function and accounting education for corporate governance can be explained by the same recent fundamental changes that still affect accounting research and practice. First, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX, 2002) and the 8th EU Directive (EU, 2006) have led to a bigger role for the internal audit function in corporate governance. Their implications regarding the implementation of audit committees and their oversight over internal controls are extensive. As a consequence, the internal audit function has become increasingly important for corporate governance and serves a new master (i.e. the audit committee) within the company in addition to management. Second, the SOX (2002) and the 8th EU Directive introduced additional internal control mechanisms that are expected to contribute to the reliability of financial information. As a consequence, the internal audit function is expected to contribute to a greater extent to the reliability of financial statements. Therefore, effective internal control mechanisms that strengthen objective judgments and independence become important. This is especially true when external- auditors rely on the work of internal auditors in the context of the International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 610 and the equivalent US Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) 65 (see IFAC, 2009 and AICPA, 1990). Third, the harmonization of international reporting standards is increasingly promoted by means of a principles-based approach. It is the leading approach since a study of the SEC (2003) that was required by the SOX (2002) in section 108(d) was in favor of this approach. As a result, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) commit themselves to the development of compatible accounting standards based on a principles-based approach. Moreover, since the Norwalk Agreement of 2002, the two standard setters have developed exposure drafts for a common conceptual framework that will be the basis for accounting harmonization. The new .framework will be in favor of fair value measurement and accounting for real-world economic phenomena. These changes in terms of standard setting lead to a trend towards more professional judgment in the accounting process. They affect internal and external auditors, accountants, and managers in general. As a consequence, a new competency set for preparers and users of financial statements is required. The basil for this new competency set is adequate accounting education (Schipper, 2003). These three issues which affect corporate governance are the initial point of this dissertation and constitute its motivation. Two broad questions motivated a scientific examination in three essays: 1) What are major aspects to be examined regarding the new role of the internal audit function? 2) How should major changes in standard setting affect financial accounting education? The first question became apparent due to two published literature reviews by Gramling et al. (2004) and Cohen, Krishnamoorthy & Wright (2004). These studies raise various questions for future research that are still relevant and which motivate the first two essays of my dissertation. In the first essay, I focus on the role of the internal audit function as one cornerstone of corporate governance and its potentially conflicting role of serving both management and the audit committee (IIA, 2003). In an experimental study, I provide evidence on the challenges for internal auditors in their role as servant for two masters -the audit committee and management -and how this influences internal auditors' judgment (Gramling et al. 2004; Cohen, Krishnamoorthy & Wright, 2004). I ask if there is an expectation gap between what internal auditors should provide for corporate governance in theory compared to what internal auditors are able to provide in practice. In particular, I focus on the effect of serving two masters on the internal auditor's independence. I argue that independence is hardly achievable if the internal audit function serves two masters with conflicting priorities. The second essay provides evidence on the effectiveness of accountability as an internal control mechanism. In general, internal control mechanisms based on accountability were enforced by the SOX (2002) and the 8th EU Directive. Subsequently, many companies introduced sub-certification processes that should contribute to an objective judgment process. Thus, these mechanisms are important to strengthen the reliability of financial statements. Based on a need for evidence on the effectiveness of internal control mechanisms (Brennan & Solomon, 2008; Gramling et al. 2004; Cohen, Krishnamoorthy & Wright, 2004; Solomon & Trotman, 2003), I designed an experiment to examine the joint effect of accountability and obedience pressure in an internal audit setting. I argue that obedience pressure potentially can lead to a negative influence on accountants' objectivity (e.g. DeZoort & Lord, 1997) whereas accountability can mitigate this negative effect. My second main research question - How should major changes in standard setting affect financial accounting education? - is investigated in the third essay. It is motivated by the observation during my PhD that many conferences deal with the topic of accounting education but very little is published about what needs to be done. Moreover, the Endings in the first two essays of this thesis and their literature review suggest that financial accounting education can contribute significantly to quality corporate governance as argued elsewhere (Schipper, 2003; Boyce, 2004; Ghoshal, 2005). In the third essay of this thesis, I therefore focus on approaches to financial accounting education that account for the changes in standard setting and also contribute to corporate governance and accounting harmonization. I argue that the competency set that is required in practice changes due to major changes in standard setting. As the major contribution of the third article, I develop a public interest approach for financial accounting education. The major findings of this dissertation can be summarized as follows. The first essay provides evidence to an important research question raised by Gramling et al. (2004, p. 240): "If the audit committee and management have different visions for the corporate governance role of the IAF, which vision will dominate?" According to the results of the first essay, internal auditors do follow the priorities of either management or the audit committee based on the guidance provided by the Chief Audit executive. The study's results question whether the independence of the internal audit function is actually achievable. My findings contribute to research on internal auditors' judgment and the internal audit function's independence in the broader frame of corporate governance. The results are also important for practice because independence is a major justification for a positive contribution of the internal audit function to corporate governance. The major findings of the second essay indicate that the duty to sign work results - a means of holding people accountable -mitigates the negative effect of obedience pressure on reliability. Hence, I found evidence that control .mechanisms relying on certifications may enhance the reliability of financial information. These findings contribute to the literature on the effectiveness of internal control mechanisms. They are also important in the light of sub-certification processes that resulted from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the 8th EU Directive. The third essay contributes to the literature by developing a measurement framework that accounts for the consequences of major trends in standard setting. Moreovér, it shows how these trends affect the required .competency set of people dealing with accounting issues. Based on this work, my main contribution is the development of a public interest approach for the design of adequate financial accounting curricula. 2 Serving two masters: Experimental evidence on the independence of internal auditors Abstract Twenty nine internal auditors participated in a study that examines the independence of internal auditors in their potentially competing roles of serving two masters: the audit committee and management. Our main hypothesis suggests that internal auditors' independence is not achievable in an institutional setting in which internal auditors are accountable to two different parties with potentially differing priorities. We test our hypothesis in an experiment in which the treatment consisted of two different instructions of the Chief audit executive; one stressing the priority of management (cost reduction) and one stressing the priority of the audit committee (effectiveness). Internal auditors had to evaluate internal controls and their inherent costs of different processes which varied in their degree of task complexity. Our main results indicate that internal auditors' evaluation of the processes is significantly different when task complexity is high. Our findings suggest that internal auditors do follow the priorities of either management or the audit committee depending on the instructions of a superior internal auditor. The study's results question whether the independence of the internal audit function is actually achievable. With our findings, we contribute to research on internal auditors' judgment and the internal audit function's independence in the frame of corporate governance.
Introduction: In periapical surgery, the absence of standardization between different studies makes it difficult to compare the outcomes. Objective: To compare the healing classification of different authors and evaluate the prognostic criteria of periapical surgery at 12 months. Material and methods: 278 patients (101 men and 177 women) with a mean age of 38.1 years (range 11 to 77) treated with periapical surgery using the ultrasound technique and a 2.6x magnifying glass, and silver amalgam as root-end filling material were included in the study. Evolution was analyzed using the clinical criteria of Mikkonen et al., 1983; radiographic criteria of Rud et al., 1972; the overall combined clinical and radiographic criteria of von Arx and Kurt, 1999; and the Friedman (2005) concept of functional tooth at 12 months of surgery. Results: After 12 months, 87.2% clinical success was obtained according to the Mikkonen et al., 1983 criteria; 73.9% complete radiographic healing using Rud et al. criteria; 62.1% overall success, following the clinical and radiographic parameters of von Arx and Kurt, and 91.9% of teeth were functional. The von Arx and Kurt criteria was found to be the most reliable. Conclusion: Overall evolution according to von Arx and Kurt agreed most closely with the other scales
Introduction: In periapical surgery, the absence of standardization between different studies makes it difficult to compare the outcomes. Objective: To compare the healing classification of different authors and evaluate the prognostic criteria of periapical surgery at 12 months. Material and methods: 278 patients (101 men and 177 women) with a mean age of 38.1 years (range 11 to 77) treated with periapical surgery using the ultrasound technique and a 2.6x magnifying glass, and silver amalgam as root-end filling material were included in the study. Evolution was analyzed using the clinical criteria of Mikkonen et al., 1983; radiographic criteria of Rud et al., 1972; the overall combined clinical and radiographic criteria of von Arx and Kurt, 1999; and the Friedman (2005) concept of functional tooth at 12 months of surgery. Results: After 12 months, 87.2% clinical success was obtained according to the Mikkonen et al., 1983 criteria; 73.9% complete radiographic healing using Rud et al. criteria; 62.1% overall success, following the clinical and radiographic parameters of von Arx and Kurt, and 91.9% of teeth were functional. The von Arx and Kurt criteria was found to be the most reliable. Conclusion: Overall evolution according to von Arx and Kurt agreed most closely with the other scales
PURPOSE: Drug delivery to treat diseases of the posterior segment of the eye, such as choroidal neovascularization and its complications, is hampered by poor intraocular penetration and rapid elimination of the drug from the eye. The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility and tolerance of suprachoroidal injections of poly(ortho ester) (POE), a bioerodible and biocompatible polymer, as a biomaterial potentially useful for development of sustained drug delivery systems. METHODS: After tunnelization of the sclera, different formulations based on POE were injected (100 microL) into the suprachoroidal space of pigmented rabbits and compared with 1% sodium hyaluronate. Follow-up consisted of fundus observations, echography, fluorescein angiography, and histologic analysis over 3 weeks. RESULTS: After injection, POE spread in the suprachoroidal space at the posterior pole. It was well tolerated and progressively disappeared from the site of injection without sequelae. No bleeding or retinal detachment occurred. Echographic pictures showed that the material was present in the suprachoroidal space for 3 weeks. Angiography revealed minor pigment irregularities at the site of injection, but no retinal edema or necrosis. Histology showed that POE was well tolerated in the choroid. CONCLUSIONS: POE suprachoroidal injections, an easy, controllable, and reproducible procedure, were well tolerated in the rabbit eye. POE appears to be a promising biomaterial to deliver drugs focally to the choroid and the retina.
Over the past few decades, turbulent change has characterized the situation in the media industry. It has been noted that digitalization and new media are strongly influencing the industry: it is changing the existing market dynamics and requires new strategies. Prior research on the impact of digitalization and the Internet has emphasized news-focused media such as newspaper publishing and broadcasting, yet magazine publishing is very seldom the focus of the research. This study examines how the Internetimpacts magazine publishing. The work presents a multi-level analysis on the role and impact of the Internet on magazine products, companies and industry. The study is founded on strategic management, technology management and media economics literature. This study consists of two parts. The first part introduces the research topic and discusses the overall results of the study. The second part comprises five research publications. Qualitative research methods are used throughout. The results of the study indicate that the Internet has not had a disruptive effect on magazine publishing, and that its strategic implications could rather be considered complementary to the print magazine and the business as a whole. It seems that the co-specialized assets, together with market-related competencies and unchanged core competence have protected established firms from the disruptive effect of the new technology in magazine publishing. In addition, it seems that the Internet offers a valuable possibility to build and nourish customer relationships. The study contributes tomedia management and economics research by moving from product- or industry-level investigations towards a strategic-management perspective.
Establishing intercompany relationships: Motives and methods for successful collaborative engagement
This study explores the early phases of intercompany relationship building, which is a very important topic for purchasing and business development practitioners as well as for companies' upper management. There is a lot ofevidence that a proper engagement with markets increases a company's potential for achieving business success. Taking full advantage of the market possibilities requires, however, a holistic view of managing related decision-making chain. Most literature as well as the business processes of companies are lacking this holism. Typically they observe the process from the perspective of individual stages and thus lead to discontinuity and sub-optimization. This study contains a comprehensive introduction to and evaluation of literature related to various steps of the decision-making process. It is studied from a holistic perspective ofdetermining a company's vertical integration position within its demand/ supplynetwork context; translating the vertical integration objectives to feasible strategies and objectives; and operationalizing the decisions made through engagement with collaborative intercompany relationships. The empirical part of the research has been conducted in two sections. First the phenomenon of intercompany engagement is studied using two complementary case studies. Secondly a survey hasbeen conducted among the purchasing and business development managers of several electronics manufacturing companies, to analyze the processes, decision-makingcriteria and success factors of engagement for collaboration. The aim has been to identify the reasons why companies and their management act the way they do. As a combination of theoretical and empirical research an analysis has been produced of what would be an ideal way of engaging with markets. Based on the respective findings the study concludes by proposing a holistic framework for successful engagement. The evidence presented throughout the study demonstrates clear gaps, discontinuities and limitations in both current research and in practical purchasing decision-making chains. The most significant discontinuity is the identified disconnection between the supplier selection process and related criteria and the relationship success factors.
This study tested the effects of a training program intending to foster social understanding or the capacity which enables them to understand themselves and others in terms of intentions, beliefs, desires, and emotions in children at preschool age. A number of studies have shown that in the context of shared narratives, children are particularly likely to engage in talk about inner states
La déchirure des ischio-jambiers est la blessure non-traumatique la plus fréquemment rencontrée dans les sports demandant une course à haute vitesse. Les ischio-jambiers sont particulièrement vulnérables lors de la fin de phase d'oscillation du sprint étant donné qu'ils se contractent excentriquement alors qu'ils sont en position d'allongement. Le renforcement excentrique a été montré comme étant une méthode efficace pour diminuer le risque de blessure. Cependant, les exercices classiquement utilisés comme le Nordic hamstring ne soumettent pas les ischio-jambiers à un niveau d'allongement spécifique au sprint. Dès lors, l'objectif de cette thèse était d'évaluer le fonctionnement des ischio-jambiers à différents niveaux d'allongement musculo- tendineux puis de transposer dans la pratique les résultats obtenus afin de concevoir des exercices plus spécifiques aux besoins des athlètes. Avant cela, une première partie avait pour but de proposer de nouvelles méthodes d'évaluation de terrain des ischio-jambiers. Les différents travaux réalisés pour cette thèse ont permis : 1) de proposer deux nouveaux outils de terrain pour l'évaluation de la flexibilité et de la force des ischio-jambiers ; 2) de montrer que le niveau d'allongement influence directement la force produite par les ischio-jambiers et de suggérer que ce niveau d'allongement semble être un stimulus au moins aussi déterminant que le mode de contraction musculaire pour générer des adaptations de l'architecture musculaire propices à la diminution du risque de blessure ; 3) de proposer des modalités spécifiques de renforcement des ischio-jambiers destinées aux sprinteurs dans une perspective de prévention des blessures et de montrer l'efficacité de ces recommandations sur l'amélioration d'un certain nombre de facteurs de risque de blessure. Finalement, ce travail a ouvert de nouvelles perspectives allant de la proposition d'exercices de renforcement de terrain au développement d'un système motorisé spécifique au sprint permettant le renforcement et l'évaluation de la force des ischio-jambiers en passant par différents projets de recherche. -- High-speed running sports accounts for the majority of hamstring strains. The terminal swing phase of the running cycle is believed to be the most hazardous as the hamstrings are undergoing an active lengthening contraction in a long muscle length position. Prevention-based strength training relies mainly on eccentric exercises. However, most hamstrings exercises like the Nordic hamstring are performed at an inadequately low hip-flexion angle. Thus, the objective of this thesis was to assess the hamstring function at different muscle lengths and depending on the obtained results to design strength exercises more specific to the athlete's need. Before that, a first part of this thesis aimed to develop new assessment methods of the hamstring on site. The different studies included in the present thesis allowed: 1) to propose two new methods to test the hamstring flexibility and strength on the field; 2) to show that the hamstring muscle length directly influences its level of strength, and to suggest that the training range of motion could be a dominant stimulus (as important than contraction type) for modifying the muscle architecture, which leads to a decrease in hamstring injury risk; 3) to define sprint specific parameters for prevention-based strength training, and to show the efficiency of these recommendations on the improvement of several injury risk factors for the hamstring. Finally, this thesis proposed new perspectives: 1) new strength exercises on site; 2) the development of a motorised device specific for the sprint which could be used to strength and to assess the hamstring; 3) several future research projects.
The evaluation of investments in advanced technology is one of the most important decision making tasks. The importance is even more pronounced considering the huge budget concerning the strategic, economic and analytic justification in order to shorten design and development time. Choosing the most appropriate technology requires an accurate and reliable system that can lead the decision makers to obtain such a complicated task. Currently, several Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) manufacturers that design global products are seeking local firms to act as their sales and services representatives (called distributors) to the end user. At the same time, the end user or customer is also searching for the best possible deal for their investment in ICT's projects. Therefore, the objective of this research is to present a holistic decision support system to assist the decision maker in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) - working either as individual decision makers or in a group - in the evaluation of the investment to become an ICT's distributor or an ICT's end user. The model is composed of the Delphi/MAH (Maximising Agreement Heuristic) Analysis, a well-known quantitative method in Group Support System (GSS), which is applied to gather the average ranking data from amongst Decision Makers (DMs). After that the Analytic Network Process (ANP) analysis is brought in to analyse holistically: it performs quantitative and qualitative analysis simultaneously. The illustrative data are obtained from industrial entrepreneurs by using the Group Support System (GSS) laboratory facilities at Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland and in Thailand. The result of the research, which is currently implemented in Thailand, can provide benefits to the industry in the evaluation of becoming an ICT's distributor or an ICT's end user, particularly in the assessment of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) programme. After the model is put to test with an in-depth collaboration with industrial entrepreneurs in Finland and Thailand, the sensitivity analysis is also performed to validate the robustness of the model. The contribution of this research is in developing a new approach and the Delphi/MAH software to obtain an analysis of the value of becoming an ERP distributor or end user that is flexible and applicable to entrepreneurs, who are looking for the most appropriate investment to become an ERP distributor or end user. The main advantage of this research over others is that the model can deliver the value of becoming an ERP distributor or end user in a single number which makes it easier for DMs to choose the most appropriate ERP vendor. The associated advantage is that the model can include qualitative data as well as quantitative data, as the results from using quantitative data alone can be misleading and inadequate. There is a need to utilise quantitative and qualitative analysis together, as can be seen from the case studies.
Työn tavoitteena oli arvioida ja selvittää toimittajasuhteeseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä JOT Automation Group Oyj.n ja sen alihankkijoiden välisessä yhteistyössä ja muodostaa yrityksen kilpailukykyä parantava toimittaja-arviointiprosessi. Työssä keskityttiin tarkastelemaan yleisillä materiaali- ja komponenttimarkkinoilla toimivia toimittajia elektroniikkateollisuuden tuotantojärjestelmien valmistuksessa. Ensin tutustuttiin toimittajasuhdetta ja sen arviointia käsitelleeseen kirjallisuuteen. Teorian tueksi tehtiin haastatteluja ja kartoitettiin ensisijaisia tarpeita ja tavoitteita arviointiprosessille. Valmis prosessi testattiin käytännössä kahden eri case-esimerkin avulla. Prosessista muodostui kahteen eri työkaluun jakautunut kokonaisuus, joista auditointi arvioi toimittajan kyvykkyyttä vastatta sille asetettuihin vaatimuksiin. Toimittajan suorituskyvyn mittaaminen puolestaan testaa ja vertaa jatkuvasti toiminnan todellista tasoa auditoinnissa saatuihin tuloksiin. Työ sisältää selvityksen ja ohjeistuksen toimittaja-arviointiprosessin käytöstä. Prosessin käyttö alentaa toimittajaan kohdistuvaa materiaalien saatavuuteen ja hankintaan liittyviä riskejä. Esimerkeistä saadut kokemukset osoittivat, että prosessin avulla päästään pureutumaan tärkeisiin ydinalueisiin ja kehittämään niitä sekä toimittajalle, että ostajayritykselle edullisella tavalla. Toimittaja-arviointiprosessista kehittyy toimintatapa yrityksen ja sen toimittajan välisen suhteen ylläpitämiseksi.
Background: Studies evaluating risk factors associated with an "aggressive" disease course in ulcerative colitis (UC) are scarce. A recent definition of "aggressive" UC incorporated the following characteristics: 1) high relapse rate, 2) need for surgery, 3) development of colorectal cancer, and 4) presence of extraintestinal manifestations (EIM). The following factors for an aggressive / disabling disease course in UC have been identified so far: age < 40 years at S140 Poster presentations UC diagnosis, pancolitis, concomitant primary sclerosing cholangitis, and deep ulcerations of the colonic mucosa. We aimed to evaluate risk factors for an "aggressive" disease course in UC patients. Methods: Data from the Swiss IBD cohort study were analyzed. Patients were recruited from university centers (80%), regional hospitals (19%), and private practices (1%). We applied the following definition for "aggressive" UC: 1) patients ever treated with TNFantagonists or calcineurin inhibitors (tacrolimus / cyclosporine), and 2) need for (procto)-colectomy. Non-normal data are presented as median and interquartile range [IQR].
Työn tavoitteena oli luoda malli kansainvälisessä yritysverkostossa toimivan pk-yrityksen tuotetiedon hallintaan. Ensin selvitettiin tuotetiedon hallinnan sisältöä sekä osa-alueita kirjallisuuden avulla. Tämän lisäksi kartoitettiin tutkimuskohteena olleen yrityksen tuotetiedon hallinnan nykytilanne kehityksen lähtökohdaksi. Selvitystöiden perusteella määriteltiin tavoitteet verkostoituneen pk-yrityksen tuotetiedon hallintaan sekä luotiin malli, jonka pohjalta kohdeyrityksen tuotetiedon hallinnan kehittämisessä edetään. Lopuksi arvioitiin mallin hyvyyttä kohdeyrityksen tapauksessa sekä yleisesti verkostoituneen pk-yrityksen tuotetiedon hallinnassa. Kehitetyssä mallissa yhdistyvät yrityksen tavoitteiden perusteella määritellyt toimintatavat sekä niitä tukeva tietojärjestelmä. Yrityksen liiketoiminnan luonne, visiot ja suunnitelmat sekä yritysverkosto ovat lähtökohtana tuotetiedon hallinnan strategialle. Tämän toteuttaminen taas vaatii tuotetiedon hallinnan kehittämistä yrityksessä PDM-mallin mukaisesti viidellä eri osa-alueella nimikkeiden hallinnasta tiedon jakeluun. Yrityksen tietojärjestelmäkokonaisuus tukee näitä osa-alueita. Tuotetiedon hallinnan kehitystyö etenee kolmessa vaiheessa. Se käynnistetään uudistamalla toimintatapoja sekä kehittämällä tuotetiedon hallintaa tukevaa tietojärjestelmäkokonaisuutta. Kolmannella portaalla järjestelmä laajennetaan kattamaan koko yrityksen kansainvälinen liiketoimintaverkosto yhteistyökumppaneineen. Tavoitetilassa tietojärjestelmä toimii koko verkoston tiedonjakelun keskuksena. Tuotetiedon hallinnan kehitysprojekti on laaja kokonaisuus. Työn tavoitteena olikin saada kehitys alkuun kohdeyrityksen osalta. Jatkossa mielenkiintoinen tutkimusaihe on esimerkiksi tutkia kehitetyn mallin toimivuutta käytännössä ja sen yleistettävyyttä muiden pk-yritysten tarpeisiin. Näin voidaan tarjota lisää tietoa yritysten ja verkostojen kehittämisen tueksi ja sitä kautta parantaa tulevaisuudessa suomalaisten pk-yritysten kilpailukykyä kansainvälisillä markkinoilla.