865 resultados para Enhanced radiography


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AIM: To compare intraoral occlusal (OC) and periapical (PA) radiographs vs. limited cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in diagnosing root-fractured permanent teeth. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In 38 patients (mean age 24 years, range 8-52 years) with 44 permanent teeth with horizontal root fractures, intraoral radiographs (PA and OC) and limited CBCT were used to evaluate the location (apical, middle, cervical third of the root) and angulation of the fracture line. Furthermore, the conventional radiographs and CBCT images were compared for concordance of fracture location. RESULTS: In the PA and OC radiographs, 28 fractures (63.6%) were located in the middle third of the root, 11 (25.0%) in the apical third and 5 (11.4%) in the cervical third. The PA/OC radiographs and the sagittal CBCT images (facial aspect) yielded the same level of root fracture in 70.5% of cases (31 teeth; 95% CI: 54.1-82.7%). The PA/OC radiographs and sagittal CBCT images (palatal aspect) showed the same level of root fracture in 31.8% of cases. There was a statistically significant association between the angle at which the root fracture line intersected the axis of the tooth and the level of root fracture in the facial aspect of the sagittal CBCT images. CONCLUSIONS: The diagnosis of the location and angulation of root fractures based on limited CBCT imaging differs significantly from diagnostic procedures based on intraoral radiographs (PA/OC) alone. The clinical significance for treatment strategies and for the prognosis of root-fractured teeth has to be addressed in future studies.


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The aim of this study was to simulate direct-digital cephalometric procedures and to record the head movements of probands. This study was prompted by the Committee for Insurance Matters of the Swiss National Invalidity Insurance which does not accept scanned digital cephalometric radiographs as a basis for its decisions. The reason for this is the required scanning time of several seconds during which even slight head movements can lead to kinetic blurring and landmark displacement. Incorrect angular measurements may result. By means of a Sirognathograph and a cephalostat of non-ferromagnetic material, the head movements of a total of 264 subjects were recorded in three dimensions, with a scanning time of up to 25 seconds. In a second series, the influence of a chin support to reduce head movements was also tested. The results of the first series of tests showed that, with an increasing scan time, movements became greater, mostly in the sagittal plane, and that maximum displacements could occur already at the start of the recording. With a scan time of 10 seconds the median movement amplitude in the vertical dimension was 2.14 mm. The second series of tests revealed a significant reduction in head movements in all dimensions owing to an additional stabilizing chin support. To minimize head movements, scanning times must be reduced and additional head stabilizing elements together with existing ones are necessary.


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BACKGROUND: Severe brain trauma leads to an activation of the immune system. To this date, neither the exact perturbation of the specific immune reaction induced by the traumatic brain injury (TBI), nor the interactions leading to the infiltration of peripheral immune cells into the brain are fully understood. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Serum was collected from 17 patients with TBI and a long bone fracture, 24 patients with an isolated long bone fracture and from healthy individuals. The effect of the serum on normal human monocytes and T-lymphocytes was tested in vitro by assessing proliferation and expression of surface markers, chemokine receptors and cytokines. RESULTS: Serum collected from patients with a TBI and a long bone fracture increased the expression of the chemokine receptor CCR4 in monocytes when compared to patients with an isolated long bone fracture. Extending this comparison to T-lymphocytes, the serum from TBI patients induced lower proliferation rates and decreased expression of the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha, while simultaneously increasing the secretion of immune-modulatory cytokines (IL-4, IL-10 and TGF-beta) (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Patients with a TBI release currently unknown soluble factors into the circulating blood that up regulate expression of chemokine receptor CCR4 in peripheral blood monocytes whilst concurrently inducing expression of immunosuppressive cytokines by activated T-lymphocytes.


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In adults, glioblastomas are the most lethal and most frequent malignant brain tumors, and the poor prognosis despite aggressive treatment indicates the need to establish novel targets for molecular intervention. The secreted growth factor pleiotrophin (PTN, HB-GAM, HBNF, OSF-1) shows mitogenic, chemotactic, and transforming activity. Whereas PTN expression is tightly regulated during embryogenesis and is very limited in normal adult tissues, a marked PTN up-regulation is seen in tumors including glioblastomas. Likewise, the PTN receptor anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) has been shown previously to be upregulated and functionally relevant in glioblastoma. In this study, we explore the antitumorigenic effects of the simultaneous ribozyme-mediated knockdown of both receptor and ligand. Various glioblastoma cell lines are analyzed for PTN and ALK expression. Beyond the individual efficacies of several specific ribozymes against PTN or ALK, respectively, antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects of a single gene targeting approach are strongly enhanced on double knockdown of both genes in vitro. More importantly, this results in the abolishment of tumor growth in an in vivo subcutaneous tumor xenograft model. Finally, the analysis of various downstream signaling pathways by antibody arrays reveals a distinct pattern of changes in the activation of signal transduction molecules on PTN/ALK double knockdown. Beyond the already known ones, it identifies additional pathways relevant for PTN/ALK signaling. We conclude that double targeting of PTN and ALK leads to enhanced antitumorigenic effects over single knockdown approaches, which offers novel therapeutic options owing to increased efficacy also after prolonged knockdown.


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PURPOSE: To compare dynamic contrast material-enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and diffusion-weighted MR imaging for noninvasive evaluation of early and late effects of a vascular targeting agent in a rat tumor model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study protocol was approved by the local ethics committee for animal care and use. Thirteen rats with one rhabdomyosarcoma in each flank (26 tumors) underwent dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging and diffusion-weighted echo-planar imaging in a 1.5-T MR unit before intraperitoneal injection of combretastatin A4 phosphate and at early (1 and 6 hours) and later (2 and 9 days) follow-up examinations after the injection. Histopathologic examination was performed at each time point. The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of each tumor was calculated separately on the basis of diffusion-weighted images obtained with low b gradient values (ADC(low); b = 0, 50, and 100 sec/mm(2)) and high b gradient values (ADC(high); b = 500, 750, and 1000 sec/mm(2)). The difference between ADC(low) and ADC(high) was used as a surrogate measure of tissue perfusion (ADC(low) - ADC(high) = ADC(perf)). From the dynamic contrast-enhanced MR images, the volume transfer constant k and the initial slope of the contrast enhancement-time curve were calculated. For statistical analyses, a paired two-tailed Student t test and linear regression analysis were used. RESULTS: Early after administration of combretastatin, all perfusion-related parameters (k, initial slope, and ADC(perf)) decreased significantly (P < .001); at 9 days after combretastatin administration, they increased significantly (P < .001). Changes in ADC(perf) were correlated with changes in k (R(2) = 0.46, P < .001) and the initial slope (R(2) = 0.67, P < .001). CONCLUSION: Both dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging and diffusion-weighted MR imaging allow monitoring of perfusion changes induced by vascular targeting agents in tumors. Diffusion-weighted imaging provides additional information about intratumoral cell viability versus necrosis after administration of combretastatin.


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Apoptosis is essential to eliminate secretory epithelial cells during the involution of the mammary gland. The environmental regulation of this process is however, poorly understood. This study tested the effect of HAMLET (human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells) on mammary cells. Plastic pellets containing HAMLET were implanted into the fourth inguinal mammary gland of lactating mice for 3 days. Exposure of mammary tissue to HAMLET resulted in morphological changes typical for apoptosis and in a stimulation of caspase-3 activity in alveolar epithelial cells near the HAMLET pellets but not more distant to the pellet or in contralateral glands. The effect was specific for HAMLET and no effects were observed when mammary glands were exposed to native a-lactalbumin or fatty acid alone. HAMLET also induced cell death in vitro in a mouse mammary epithelial cell line. The results suggest that HAMLET can mediate apoptotic cell death in mammary gland tissue.


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OBJECTIVE: In this experimental study we assessed the diagnostic performance of digital linear slit scanning radiography compared with computed radiography (CR) for the detection of urinary calculi in an anthropomorphic phantom imitating patients weighing approximately 58-88 kg. CONCLUSION: Compared with CR, linear slit scanning radiography is superior for the detection of urinary stones and may be used for pretreatment localization and follow-up at a lower patient exposure.


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In contrast-enhanced (CE) MR myelography, hyperintense signal outside the intrathecal space in T1-weighted sequences with spectral presaturation inversion recovery (SPIR) is usually considered to be due to CSF leakage. We retrospectively investigated a hyperintense signal at the apex of the lung appearing in this sequence in patients with SIH (n = 5), CSF rhinorrhoea (n = 2), lumbar spine surgery (n = 1) and in control subjects (n = 6). Intrathecal application of contrast agent was performed in all patients before MR examination, but not in the control group. The reproducible signal increase was investigated with other fat suppression techniques and MR spectroscopy. All patients and controls showed strongly hyperintense signal at the apex of the lungs imitating CSF leakage into paraspinal tissue. This signal increase was identified as an artefact, caused by spectroscopically proven shift and broadening of water and lipid resonances (1-2 ppm) in this anatomical region. Only patients with SIH showed additional focal enhancement along the spinal nerve roots and/or in the spinal epidural space. In conclusion CE MR myelography with spectral selective fat suppression shows a reproducible cervicothoracic artefact, imitating CSF leakage. Selective water excitation technique as well as periradicular and epidural contrast collections may be helpful to discriminate between real pathological findings and artefacts.


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The purpose of this retrospective study was to intra-individually compare the image quality of computed radiography (CR) and low-dose linear-slit digital radiography (LSDR) for supine chest radiographs. A total of 90 patients (28 female, 62 male; mean age, 55.1 years) imaged with CR and LSDR within a mean time interval of 2.8 days +/- 3.0 were included in this study. Two independent readers evaluated the image quality of CR and LSDR based on modified European Guidelines for Quality Criteria for chest X-ray. The Wilcoxon test was used to analyse differences between the techniques. The overall image quality of LSDR was significantly better than the quality of CR (9.75 vs 8.16 of a maximum score of 10; p < 0.001). LSDR performed significantly better than CR for delineation of anatomical structures in the mediastinum and the retrocardiac lung (p < 0.001). CR was superior to LSDR for visually sharp delineation of the lung vessels and the thin linear structures in the lungs. We conclude that LSDR yields better image quality and may be more suitable for excluding significant pathological features of the chest in areas with high attenuation compared with CR.


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We aimed to examine different intratumoral changes after single-dose and fractionated radiotherapy, using diffusion-weighted (DW) and dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI in a rat rhabdomyosarcoma model. Four WAG/Rij rats with rhabdomyosarcomas in the flanks received single-dose radiotherapy of 8 Gy, and four others underwent fractionated radiotherapy (five times 3 Gy). In rats receiving single-dose radiotherapy, a significant perfusion decrease was found in the first 2 days post-treatment, with slow recuperation afterwards. No substantial diffusion changes could be seen; tumor growth delay was 12 days. The rats undergoing fractionated radiotherapy showed a similar perfusion decrease early after the treatment. However, a very strong increase in apparent diffusion coefficient occurred in the first 10 days; growth delay was 18 days. DW-MRI and DCE-MRI can be used to show early tumoral changes induced by radiotherapy. Single-dose and fractionated radiotherapy induce an immediate perfusion effect, while the latter induces more intratumoral necrosis.


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Replacement of the C-2 ester group in phosphatidylcholine by the carbamyloxy function rendered its liposomes completely stable and longer living in the circulation of rats.


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Aim of this paper is to evaluate the diagnostic contribution of various types of texture features in discrimination of hepatic tissue in abdominal non-enhanced Computed Tomography (CT) images. Regions of Interest (ROIs) corresponding to the classes: normal liver, cyst, hemangioma, and hepatocellular carcinoma were drawn by an experienced radiologist. For each ROI, five distinct sets of texture features are extracted using First Order Statistics (FOS), Spatial Gray Level Dependence Matrix (SGLDM), Gray Level Difference Method (GLDM), Laws' Texture Energy Measures (TEM), and Fractal Dimension Measurements (FDM). In order to evaluate the ability of the texture features to discriminate the various types of hepatic tissue, each set of texture features, or its reduced version after genetic algorithm based feature selection, was fed to a feed-forward Neural Network (NN) classifier. For each NN, the area under Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves (Az) was calculated for all one-vs-all discriminations of hepatic tissue. Additionally, the total Az for the multi-class discrimination task was estimated. The results show that features derived from FOS perform better than other texture features (total Az: 0.802+/-0.083) in the discrimination of hepatic tissue.