896 resultados para Endocytosis modulators
Antisense oligodeoxyribonucleotides targeted to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor were encapsulated into liposomes linked to folate via a polyethylene glycol spacer (folate-PEG-liposomes) and efficiently delivered into cultured KB cells via folate receptor-mediated endocytosis. The oligonucleotides were a phosphodiester 15-mer antisense to the EGF receptor (EGFR) gene stop codon (AEGFR2), the same sequence with three phosphorothioate linkages at each terminus (AEGFR2S), a randomized 15-mer control of similar base composition to AEGFR2 (RC15), a 14-mer control derived from a symmetrized Escherichia coli lac operator (LACM), and the 5'-fluorescein-labeled homologs of several of the above. Cellular uptake of AEGFR2 encapsulated in folate-PEG-liposomes was nine times higher than AEGFR2 encapsulated in nontargeted liposomes and 16 times higher than unencapsulated AEGFR2. Treatment of KB cells with AEGFR2 in folate-PEG-liposomes resulted in growth inhibition and significant morphological changes. Curiously, AEGFR2 and AEGFR2S encapsulated in folate-PEG-liposomes exhibited virtually identical growth inhibitory effects, reducing KB cell proliferation by > 90% 48 hr after the cells were treated for 4 hr with 3 microM oligonucleotide. Free AEGFR2 caused almost no growth inhibition, whereas free AEGFR2S was only one-fifth as potent as the folate-PEG-liposome-encapsulated oligonucleotide. Growth inhibition of the oligonucleotide-treated cells was probably due to reduced EGFR expression because indirect immunofluorescence staining of the cells with a monoclonal antibody against the EGFR showed an almost quantitative reduction of the EGFR in cells treated with folate-PEG-liposome-entrapped AEGFR2. These results suggest that antisense oligonucleotide encapsulation in folate-PEG-liposomes promise efficient and tumor-specific delivery and that phosphorothioate oligonucleotides appear to offer no major advantage over native phosphodiester DNA when delivered by this route.
Amplification and overexpression of the erbB-2/neu protooncogene are frequently associated with aggressive clinical course of certain human adenocarcinomas, and therefore the encoded surface glycoprotein is considered a candidate target for immunotherapy. We previously generated a series of anti-ErbB-2 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that either accelerate or inhibit the tumorigenic growth of erbB-2-transformed murine fibroblasts. The present study extended this observation to a human tumor cell line grown as xenografts in athymic mice and addressed the biochemical differences between the two classes of mAbs. We show that the inhibitory effect is dominant in an antibody mixture, and it depends on antibody bivalency. By using radiolabeled mAbs we found that all of three tumor-inhibitory mAbs became rapidly inaccessible to acid treatment when incubated with tumor cells. However, a tumor-stimulatory mAb remained accessible to extracellular treatments, indicating that it did not undergo endocytosis. In addition, intracellular fragments of the inhibitory mAbs, but not of the stimulatory mAb, were observed. Electron microscopy of colloidal gold-antibody conjugates confirmed the absence of endocytosis of the stimulatory mAb but detected endocytic vesicles containing an inhibitory mAb. We conclude that acceleration of cell growth by ErbB-2 correlates with cell surface localization, whereas inhibition of tumor growth is associated with an intrinsic ability of anti-ErbB-2 mAbs to induce endocytosis. These conclusions are relevant to the selection of optimal mAbs for immunotherapy and may have implications for the mechanism of cellular transformation by an overexpressed erbB-2 gene.
ABSTRACT Convergent extension is a highly conserved process among mammals, in which the tissue narrows in one axis, and extends across another. Tissue elongation is directed by the regulation of cell interface behaviors, which guides cell intercalation and rosette formation. Rosette formation occurs through the contraction of vertically oriented cell interfaces, and the subsequent elongation of new horizontal interfaces. It has been shown that actomyosin-generated tension functions to direct rosette formation. In this thesis, I have tested the function of regulators of F-actin networks, as well as endocytic and exocytic mechanisms, to identify new components that control interface behaviors and cell shape. I have performed a screen of F-actin regulators and nucleators, and pinpointed the specific actin nucleator dPod-1 as a candidate protein that is localized to vertical interfaces during tissue elongation. Furthermore, I have probed the function of endocytosis using the Shibire mutation, and demonstrated that endocytosis is required for vertical interface shrinking. Finally, I have used mutations in components of the Exocyst Complex and the associated protein RalA to inhibit exocytic mechanisms, in order to address their function in directing cell and tissue morphologies.
O trabalho aborda o estudo e o desenvolvimento de um interferômetro sensor de alta tensão, baseado em célula Pockels (modulador eletro-óptico) na topologia reflexiva (\"double pass\") e que é parte integrante de um Transformador de Potencial Óptico (TPO), que utiliza sistema interferométrico de luz branca (WLI-White Light Interferometry), que está sendo desenvolvido pelo grupo do Laboratório de Sensores Ópticos (LSO) do PEA-EPUSP, e é capaz de medir diretamente tensões presentes em sistema elétrico de potência (SEP) classe 69kVRMS. Para desenvolver o tema proposto foi feita uma revisão da literatura baseada em livros, artigos e teses para identificar topologias em moduladores eletro-ópticos transmissiva (\"single pass\") e reflexiva (\"double pass\") para definir o tipo de modulador mais adequado para a aplicação em questão. A partir dos estudos e implementações realizadas, verificou-se um enorme potencial para o desenvolvimento e aplicação da topologia \"double pass\" no sensor interferométrico da célula de alta tensão do TPO. A topologia mostrou-se vantajosa em relação aos protótipos dos TPOs desenvolvidos anteriormente, a partir de características tais como: a facilidade de recurso de alinhamento do feixe de luz, construção e reprodução relacionados ao cristal eletro-óptico, diminuição do número de componentes ópticos volumétricos e aumento da rigidez dielétrica da célula sensora. Simulações computacionais foram realizadas mediante a aplicação do método dos elementos finitos (MEF) que contribuíram para o auxílio do projeto da célula sensora, particularmente, para estimativa do valor da voltagem de meia onda, V?, parâmetro importante para o projeto do TPO. Um protótipo do TPO com célula sensora de alta tensão reflexiva foi implementado e testado no laboratório de alta tensão do IEEUSP a partir de ensaios com tensões nominais de 69kVrms a 60Hz e máxima de 140kVrms a 60 Hz. Como resultado deste trabalho, amplia-se o conhecimento e domínio das técnicas de construção de interferômetros sensores de alta tensão na topologia reflexiva aplicadas a TPOs.
Les prostaglandines modulent d’importants rôles physiologiques. Elles sont aussi impliquées dans le développement d’une variété de conditions pathologiques telles l’inflammation, la douleur et le cancer. La prostaglandine PGF2α et son récepteur (récepteur FP) se trouvent impliqué dans la modulation de nombreuses pathologies tels lors de l’accouchement préterme et le cancer colorectal. Récemment, nous avons fait partie d’un groupe de recherche ayant développé des modulateurs allostériques du récepteur FP. Dans une première étude, l’action du PGF2α sur le déclenchement des contractions myométriales a été évaluée, car peu d’information est connue sur la signalisation de cette prostaglandine lors de l’accouchement. Ainsi, nous avons utilisé un peptidomimétique de la deuxième boucle extracellulaire, dénommée PDC113.824. Nos résultats ont démontré que le PDC113.824 permettait de retarder la mise bas chez des souris gestantes, mais agissait de manière différente sur les multiples voies de signalisation de la PGF2α. Ainsi, le PDC113.824 inhibait la voie RhoA-ROCK, dépendante de l’activation de la protéine Gα12 par le. Les protéines RhoA-ROCK sont des acteurs clés dans le remodelage du cytosquelette d’actine et des contractions myométriales lors de l’accouchement. De plus, le PDC113.824 en présence de PGF2α agit comme un modulateur positif sur la voie dépendante de l’activation de la protéine Gαq. Le PDC113.824 serait donc un modulateur allostérique non compétitif possédant des actions à la fois de modulateurs positifs et négatifs sur la signalisation du récepteur FP Dans une seconde étude, des analogues du PDC113.824 ont été conçus et analysés dans un second modèle pathologique, le cancer colorectal. Ce cancer possède de hauts niveaux de récepteur FP. Nous avons donc étudié le rôle du récepteur FP dans le développement et la progression du cancer colorectal et l’effet de modulateurs allostériques. Il est généralement accepté que dans le cancer colorectal, la prostaglandine PGE2 permet la croissance et l’invasion tumorale, ainsi que l’angiogenèse. Toutefois, peu d’informations sont connues sur le rôle du PGF2α dans le cancer colorectal. C’est dans ce contexte que nous avons décidé d’examiner la contribution de ce récepteur dans la progression du cancer colorectal et cherché à déterminer si la modulation des fonctions du récepteur FP a un impact sur la croissance de tumeurs colorectales. Nos recherches ont révélé que l’activation du récepteur FP permet la migration et la prolifération de plusieurs lignées cellulaires humaines et murines d’adénocarcinomes colorectaux. Dans ce contexte, nos expériences ont démontré que la migration des cellules cancéreuses était dépendante de l’activation de la voie Rho. Nos résultats démontrent qu’en effet, l’activation de RhoA, une petite GTPase clé de la voie Gα12, est inhibée de façon sélective par nos composés. De plus, nos molécules allostériques sont également efficaces pour inhiber la voie de signalisation de la ß-caténine, une protéine impliquée dans la genèse du cancer colorectal. In vivo, le traitement de souris avec un des ces modulateurs a permis une inhibition effective de la croissance tumorale. Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats suggèrent donc que les modulateurs allostériques des récepteurs FP pourraient constituer une nouvelle classe de médicaments utilisés pour le traitement du cancer colorectal.
The neuro-anatomical substrates of major depressive disorder (MDD) are still not well understood, despite many neuroimaging studies over the past few decades. Here we present the largest ever worldwide study by the ENIGMA (Enhancing Neuro Imaging Genetics through Meta-Analysis) Major Depressive Disorder Working Group on cortical structural alterations in MDD. Structural T1-weighted brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans from 2148 MDD patients and 7957 healthy controls were analysed with harmonized protocols at 20 sites around the world. To detect consistent effects of MDD and its modulators on cortical thickness and surface area estimates derived from MRI, statistical effects from sites were meta-analysed separately for adults and adolescents. Adults with MDD had thinner cortical gray matter than controls in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), anterior and posterior cingulate, insula and temporal lobes (Cohen’s d effect sizes: −0.10 to −0.14). These effects were most pronounced in first episode and adult-onset patients (>21 years). Compared to matched controls, adolescents with MDD had lower total surface area (but no differences in cortical thickness) and regional reductions in frontal regions (medial OFC and superior frontal gyrus) and primary and higher-order visual, somatosensory and motor areas (d: −0.26 to −0.57). The strongest effects were found in recurrent adolescent patients. This highly powered global effort to identify consistent brain abnormalities showed widespread cortical alterations in MDD patients as compared to controls and suggests that MDD may impact brain structure in a highly dynamic way, with different patterns of alterations at different stages of life.
"November 1958."
We provide a reconstruction of atmospheric CO2 from deep-sea sediments, for the past 625000 years (Milankovitch chron). Our database consists of a Milankovitch template of sea-level variation in combination with a unique data set for the deep-sea record for Ontong Java plateau in the western equatorial Pacific. We redate the Vostok ice-core data of Barnola et al. (1987, doi:10.1038/329408a0). To make the reconstructions we employ multiple regression between deep-sea data, on one hand, and ice-core CO2 data in Antarctica, on the other. The patterns of correlation suggest that the main factors controlling atmospheric CO2 can be described as a combination of sea-level state and sea-level change. For best results squared values of state and change are used. The square-of-sea-level rule agrees with the concept that shelf processes are important modulators of atmospheric CO2 (e.g., budgets of shelf organic carbon and shelf carbonate, nitrate reduction). The square-of-change rule implies that, on short timescales, any major disturbance of the system results in a temporary rise in atmospheric CO2.
Proteins of the p120 family have been implicated in the regulation of cadherin-based cell adhesion, but their relative importance in this process and their mechanism of action have remained less clear. Three papers in this issue suggest that p120 plays a key role in maintaining normal levels of cadherin in mammalian cells, and that it may do so by regulating cadherin trafficking.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Nerve sprouts emerge from motor nerve terminals following blockade of exo-endocytosis for more than 3 days by botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT), and form functional synapses, albeit temporary. Upon restoration of synaptic activity to the parent terminal 7 and 90 days after exposure to BoNT/F or A respectively, a concomitant retraction of the outgrowths was observed. BoNT/E caused short-term neuroparalysis, and dramatically accelerated the recovery of BoNT/A-paralyzed muscle by further truncation of SNAP-25 and its replenishment with functional full-length SNARE. The removal of 9 C-terminal residues from SNAP-25 by BoNT/A leads to persistence of the inhibitory product due to the formation of a nonproductive SNARE complex(es) at release sites, whereas deletion of a further 17 amino acids permits replenishment and a speedy recovery. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
Receptor-mediated endocytosis is a constitutive high capacity pathway for the reabsorption of proteins from the glomerular filtrate by the renal proximal tubule. ClC-5 is a voltage-gated chloride channel found in the proximal tubule where it has been shown to be essential for protein uptake, based on evidence from patients with Dent's disease and studies in ClC-5 knockout mice. To further delineate the role of ClC-5 in albumin uptake, we performed a yeast two-hybrid screen with the C-terminal tail of ClC-5 to identify any interactions of the channel with proteins involved in endocytosis. We found that the C-terminal tail of ClC-5 bound the actin depolymerizing protein, cofilin, a result that was confirmed by GST-fusion pulldown assays. In cultured proximal tubule cells, cofilin was distributed in nuclear, cytoplasmic, and microsomal fractions and co-localized with ClC-5. Phosphorylation of cofilin by overexpressing LIM kinase 1 resulted in a stabilization of the actin cytoskeleton. Phosphorylation of cofilin in two proximal tubule cell models (porcine renal proximal tubule and opossum kidney) was also accompanied by a pronounced inhibition of albumin uptake. This study identifies a novel interaction between the C-terminal tail of ClC-5 and cofilin, an actin-associated protein that is crucial in the regulation of albumin uptake by the proximal tubule.
The aim of this study was to investigate whether peptides from the extracellular loops of the tight junction protein occludin could be used as a new principle for tight junction modulation. Peptides of 4 to 47 amino acids in length and covering the two extracellular loops of the tight junction protein occludin were synthesized, and their effect on the tight junction permeability in Caco-2 cells was investigated using [C-14] mannitol as a paracellular marker. Lipopeptide derivatives of one of the active occludin peptides (OPs), synthesized by adding a lipoamino acid containing 14 carbon atoms (C-14-) to the N terminus of the peptide, were also investigated. Peptides corresponding to the N terminus of the first extracellular loop of occludin increased the permeability of the tight junctions without causing short-term toxicity. However, the peptides had an effect only when added to the basolateral side of the cells, which could be partly explained by degradation by apical peptidases and aggregate formation. By contrast, the lipopeptide C-14-OP90-103, which protects the peptide from degradation and aggregation, displayed a rapid apical effect. The L- and D-diastereomers of C-14-OP90-103 had distinctly different effects. The D-isomer, which releases intact OP90-103 from the lipoamino acid, displayed a rapid and transient increase in tight junction permeability. The L- isomer, which releases OP90-103 more rapidly, gave a more sustained increase in tight junction permeability. In conclusion, C-14-OP90-103 represents a prototype of a new class of tight junction modulators that act on the extracellular domains of tight junction proteins.
The current RIKEN transcript set represents a significant proportion of the mouse transcriptome but transcripts expressed in the innate and acquired immune systems are poorly represented. In the present study we have assessed the complexity of the transcriptome expressed in mouse macrophages before and after treatment with lipopolysaccharide, a global regulator of macrophage gene expression, using existing RIKEN 19K arrays. By comparison to array profiles of other cells and tissues, we identify a large set of macrophage-enriched genes, many of which have obvious functions in endocytosis and phagocytosis. In addition, a significant number of LPS-inducible genes were identified. The data suggest that macrophages are a complex source of mRNA for transcriptome studies. To assess complexity and identify additional macrophage expressed genes, cDNA libraries were created from purified populations of macrophage and dendritic cells, a functionally related cell type. Sequence analysis revealed a high incidence of novel mRNAs within these cDNA libraries. These studies provide insights into the depths of transcriptional complexity still untapped amongst products of inducible genes, and identify macrophage and dendritic cell populations as a starting point for sampling the inducible mammalian transcriptome.