1000 resultados para Ende, Christian Carl am, 1730-1799.
Database of papyrus school texts which may be identified as Christian on the basis of the presence of some internal indicator: Christian symbols, textual content originating from the Bible or of a clearly Christian origin proposed as a copying exercise, or Christian contents not part of the exercise itself, such as prayers or invocations.
[Traditions. Asie. Inde. Province de Madras [i.e. Chennai]. État de Karnataka. Région du Kanara]
This article examines the different influences that Catholicism and Protestantism exert on economically relevant values. It argues that Catholic theology and practice facilitate personal transactions while Protestantism favors values and types of moral and legal enforcement better adapted for impersonal trade. Protestantism may thus be more conducive to economic growth through anonymous exchange while Catholicism may provide better support for personal contracting. Several components of this hypothesis are confirmed using statistical models with data from the 1998 ISSP international survey on religion. These show that Protestants are more trusting of anonymous counter parties, develop more reliable institutions for legal enforcement and are more willing to spend resources on monitoring and punishing other members of the community. Catholicism is more protective of the family and small-group relationships, and provides more tolerant and less motivating beliefs. Relatively smaller and less consistent differences appear in terms of worldly personal success and incentives.
Il y a une table générale alphabétique des noms en tête du volume.
El present treball es centra en la relaci ó entre Max Reger i Karl Straube i les seves conseqüències interpretatives, tot vinculant-la amb els corrents socials, est ètics i musicals de tot el segle XIX i principis del segle XX. S'avalua el rellevament de la col ·laboració entre compositor i organista, recorrent a expressions i reflexions dels propis protagonistes i de persones properes a ambd ós. La metodologia es basa en l'an àlisi i la comparaci ó de materials editats i aut ògrafs, manuscrits, cartes, i enregistraments amb la finalitat d'aclarir una relaci ó humana, professional i musical de gran envergadura per la hist òria de l'orgue a Alemanya.