778 resultados para Eloy, F.
Arctic ecosystems are warming rapidly, which is expected to promote soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition. In addition to the direct warming effect, decomposition can also be indirectly stimulated via increased plant productivity and plant-soil C allocation, and this so called "priming effect" might significantly alter the ecosystem C balance. In this study, we provide first mechanistic insights into the susceptibility of SOM decomposition in arctic permafrost soils to priming. By comparing 119 soils from four locations across the Siberian Arctic that cover all horizons of active layer and upper permafrost, we found that an increased availability of plant-derived organic C particularly stimulated decomposition in subsoil horizons where most of the arctic soil carbon is located. Considering the 1,035 Pg of arctic soil carbon, such an additional stimulation of decomposition beyond the direct temperature effect can accelerate net ecosystem C losses, and amplify the positive feedback to global warming.
Soil N availability is constrained by the breakdown of N-containing polymers such as proteins to oligopeptides and amino acids that can be taken up by plants and microorganisms. Excess N is released from microbial cells as ammonium (N mineralization), which in turn can serve as substrate for nitrification. According to stoichiometric theory, N mineralization and nitrification are expected to increase in relation to protein depolymerization with decreasing N limitation, and thus from higher to lower latitudes and from topsoils to subsoils. To test these hypotheses, we compared gross rates of protein depolymerization, N mineralization and nitrification (determined using N-15 pool dilution assays) in organic topsoil, mineral topsoil, and mineral subsoil of seven ecosystems along a latitudinal transect in western Siberia, from tundra (67 degrees N) to steppe (54 degrees N). The investigated ecosystems differed strongly in N transformation rates, with highest protein depolymerization and N mineralization rates in middle and southern taiga. All N transformation rates decreased with soil depth following the decrease in organic matter content. Related to protein depolymerization, N mineralization and nitrification were significantly higher in mineral than in organic horizons, supporting a decrease in microbial N limitation with depth. In contrast, we did not find indications for a decrease in microbial N limitation from arctic to temperate ecosystems along the transect. Our findings thus challenge the perception of ubiquitous N limitation at high latitudes, but suggest a transition from N to C limitation of microorganisms with soil depth, even in high-latitude systems such as tundra and boreal forest.
Soil horizons below 30 cm depth contain about 60% of the organic carbon stored in soils. Although insight into the physical and chemical stabilization of soil organic matter (SUM) and into microbial community composition in these horizons is being gained, information on microbial functions of subsoil microbial communities and on associated microbially-mediated processes remains sparse. To identify possible controls on enzyme patterns, we correlated enzyme patterns with biotic and abiotic soil parameters, as well as with microbial community composition, estimated using phospholipid fatty acid profiles. Enzyme patterns (i.e. distance-matrixes calculated from these enzyme activities) were calculated from the activities of six extracellular enzymes (cellobiohydrolase, leucine-amino-peptidase, N-acetylglucosaminidase, chitotriosidase, phosphatase and phenoloxidase), which had been measured in soil samples from organic topsoil horizons, mineral topsoil horizons, and mineral subsoil horizons from seven ecosystems along a 1500 km latitudinal transect in Western Siberia. We found that hydrolytic enzyme activities decreased rapidly with depth, whereas oxidative enzyme activities in mineral horizons were as high as, or higher than in organic topsoil horizons. Enzyme patterns varied more strongly between ecosystems in mineral subsoil horizons than in organic topsoils. The enzyme patterns in topsoil horizons were correlated with SUM content (i.e., C and N content) and microbial community composition. In contrast, the enzyme patterns in mineral subsoil horizons were related to water content, soil pH and microbial community composition. The lack of correlation between enzyme patterns and SUM quantity in the mineral subsoils suggests that SOM chemistry, spatial separation or physical stabilization of SUM rather than SUM content might determine substrate availability for enzymatic breakdown. The correlation of microbial community composition and enzyme patterns in all horizons, suggests that microbial community composition shapes enzyme patterns and might act as a modifier for the usual dependency of decomposition rates on SUM content or C/N ratios. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Esta tesis ha tomado los caracteres de un trabajo técnico, artÃstico y estadÃstico sobre el brocal de pozo andalusà y mudéjar, mediante un estudio de investigación y una práctica de campo, en el que se destaca la evolución de este objeto en al-Andalus desde el siglo X hasta aproximadamente el siglo XVI. El brocal se convirtió, al estar emplazado en estancias principales del patio de edificios religiosos o de viviendas islámicas, en el soporte y el marco idóneo de una rica y compleja decoración, y sus gruesas paredes también permitieron un mayor desarrollo y una mejor ejecución de textos epigráficos, que han sido en algunos casos concretos de gran relevancia a nivel histórico y artÃstico. Antes de la época islámica, el brocal, aparecÃa como una pieza escasa, en la mayorÃa de los casos elaborado con un material noble para cubrir pozos de agua sagrada en edificios grandes de carácter religioso. Posteriormente, fue un objeto muy frecuente en sus ejemplares andalusÃes y mudéjares, utilizado en todo tipo de edificios públicos y privados, ejecutado en materiales nobles, como el mármol o la piedra caliza y en materiales comunes y baratos como el barro. En los brocales resulta a veces muy difÃcil determinar con precisión la fecha concreta de su elaboración, teniendo únicamente como referencia las caracterÃsticas fÃsicas del mismo, ya que este objeto ha estado bajo una enorme influencia…….. tanto anterior como posterior al perÃodo estudiado. El estudio presenta datos globales sobre cronologÃa, procedencia, terminologÃa, tipologÃa, materiales, técnicas de elaboración, procedimientos de motivos decorativos y un análisis minucioso de éstos, permitiéndonos tener una raÃz sólida que apoye el estudio preciso de cada brocal, siguiendo estrictamente en todos los casos una misma metodologÃa. La investigación incluye un total de ciento nueve piezas, nueve brocales en material pétreo y cien ejemplos de material cerámico. Ante el número considerable de ejemplos estudiados, hemos decidido ordenar las fichas catalográficas en siete apartados, apareciendo asà los brocales de material pétreo, seguidos de los de material cerámico, divididos éstos a su vez en circunscripciones territoriales, guardando siempre un orden cronológico dentro de cada apartado...
176 p.
The elderly constitute a growing world population group, with more than 200 million people over 60 years of age. This fact has increased the detection of chronic-degenerative diseases, as well as the prescription and consumption of medicines. The elderly are particularly susceptible to adverse drug events or interactions with other drugs due to their physiological changes, genetic predisposition and environmental exposure. It becomes necessary to adapt the health systems with integral and multidisciplinary approaches suitable to this demographic change, as the knowledge about appropriate prescription, clinical pharmacology and medication use in the elderly has become essential. It has been shown that about two thirds of elderly patients receive inappropriate drug doses, and a substantial percentage of their hospital admissions are associated with potentially preventable toxic effects of drugs. To date, expert criteria, error detection tools and educational prescription plans have been developed by expert consensus for the safe use of drugs in the geriatric population. The objective of this study is a brief review of the principal physiological changes in an older adult, and summarize the contributions of the consensuses on prescription.
Introduction: The inadequate reporting of cross-sectional studies, as in the case of the prevalence of metabolic syndrome, could cause problems in the synthesis of new evidence and lead to errors in the formulation of public policies. Objective: To evaluate the reporting quality of the articles regarding metabolic syndrome prevalence in Peruvian adults using the STROBE recommendations. Methods: We conducted a thorough literature search with the terms "Metabolic Syndrome", "Sindrome Metabolico" and "Peru" in MEDLINE/PubMed, LILACS, SciELO, LIPECS and BVS-Peru until December 2014. We selected those who were populationbased observational studies with randomized sampling that reported prevalence of metabolic syndrome in adults aged 18 or more of both sexes. Information was analysed through the STROBE score per item and recommendation. Results: Seventeen articles were included in this study. All articles met the recommendations related to the report of the study’s rationale, design, and provision of summary measures. The recommendations with the lowest scores were those related to the sensitivity analysis (8%, n= 1/17), participant flowchart (18%, n= 3/17), missing data analysis (24%, n= 4/17), and number of participants in each study phase (24%, n= 4/17). Conclusion: Cross-sectional studies regarding the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in peruvian adults have an inadequate reporting on the methods and results sections. We identified a clear need to improve the quality of such studies.
Introduction: The inadequate reporting of cross-sectional studies, as in the case of the prevalence of metabolic syndrome, could cause problems in the synthesis of new evidence and lead to errors in the formulation of public policies. Objective: To evaluate the reporting quality of the articles regarding metabolic syndrome prevalence in Peruvian adults using the STROBE recommendations. Methods: We conducted a thorough literature search with the terms "Metabolic Syndrome", "Sindrome Metabolico" and "Peru" in MEDLINE/PubMed, LILACS, SciELO, LIPECS and BVS-Peru until December 2014. We selected those who were population-based observational studies with randomized sampling that reported prevalence of metabolic syndrome in adults aged 18 or more of both sexes. Information was analysed through the STROBE score per item and recommendation. Results: Seventeen articles were included in this study. All articles met the recommendations related to the report of the study’s rationale, design, and provision of summary measures. The recommendations with the lowest scores were those related to the sensitivity analysis (8%, n= 1/17), participant flowchart (18%, n= 3/17), missing data analysis (24%, n= 4/17), and number of participants in each study phase (24%, n= 4/17). Conclusion: Cross-sectional studies regarding the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in peruvian adults have an inadequate reporting on the methods and results sections. We identified a clear need to improve the quality of such studies.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de BrasÃlia, Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 2015.
Resumo RIPOLL, Eloy Torres. Melhoria da Atenção à saúde da mulher para Detecção precoce do Câncer de Colo de Útero e do Câncer de Mama na UBS /ESF Lélio Silva, Macapá/AP. 2015. 85 folhas. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Curso de Especialização em Saúde da FamÃlia) - Departamento de Medicina Social, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, 2015. De acordo com a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), as estratégias para a detecção precoce são o diagnóstico precoce e o rastreamento. O rastreamento do câncer do colo do útero se baseia na história natural da doença e no reconhecimento de que o câncer invasivo evolui a partir de lesões precursoras, que podem ser detectadas e tratadas adequadamente, impedindo a progressão para o câncer. O método principal e mais amplamente utilizado para rastreamento do câncer do colo do útero é o teste de Papanicolau (exame citopatológico do colo do útero). Segundo a OMS, com uma cobertura da população-alvo de, no mÃnimo, 80% e a garantia de diagnóstico e tratamento adequados dos casos alterados, é possÃvel reduzir, em média, de 60 a 90% a incidência do câncer cervical invasivo O câncer de mama é um tumor maligno que se desenvolve na mama como consequência de alterações genéticas em algum conjunto de células da mama, que passam a se dividir descontroladamente. Ocorre o crescimento anormal das células mamárias, tanto do ducto mamário quanto dos glóbulos mamários. O câncer da mama é o tipo de câncer que mais acomete as mulheres em todo o mundo, sendo 1,38 milhões de novos casos e 458 mil mortes pela doença por ano, de acordo com a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS). No Brasil, o Ministério da Saúde estima 52.680 casos novos em um ano, com um risco estimado de 52 casos a cada 100 mil mulheres. Segundo dados da Sociedade Brasileira de Mastologia, cerca de uma a cada 12 mulheres terão um tumor nas mamas até os 90 anos de idade. Neste trabalho e tratado da intervenção realizada através de planejamento de ações programadas de atendimentos à s mulheres na faixa etárias de risco para os canceres do colo do útero (25 a 64 anos) e de mama (50 a 69 anos) na área adstrita da Unidade Básica de Saúde Dr. Lélio Silva, Macapá/Amapá, concretizando classificação de dados e avaliação ou interpretação estadÃstica dos mesmos, registrando nos prontuários as ações desenvolvidas bem como os resultados da mamografia e do preventivo do câncer do colo do útero (PCCU), procurando a melhoria dos atendimentos à detecção precoce dos canceres do colo do útero e mama. Na UBS, os integrantes das duas equipes de saúde da famÃlia, concretizaram ações para a assistência na população alvo de acordo com os quatro eixos preconizados para a intervenção: monitoramento e avaliação, organização e gestão do serviço, engajamento público e qualificação da prática clÃnica, de acordo com o protocolo do Ministério da saúde 2013