993 resultados para Educational statistics


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Objective: To assess the effect of provision of free glasses on academic performance in rural Chinese children with myopia. Design: Cluster randomized, investigator masked, controlled trial.Setting 252 primary schools in two prefectures in western China, 2012-13. Participants: 3177 of 19 934 children in fourth and fifth grades (mean age 10.5 years) with visual acuity <6/12 in either eye without glasses correctable to >6/12 with glasses. 3052 (96.0%) completed the study.Interventions Children were randomized by school (84 schools per arm) to one of three interventions at the beginning of the school year: prescription for glasses only (control group), vouchers for free glasses at a local facility, or free glasses provided in class. Main outcome measures: Spectacle wear at endline examination and end of year score on a specially designed mathematics test, adjusted for baseline score and expressed in standard deviations. Results: Among 3177 eligible children, 1036 (32.6%) were randomized to control, 988 (31.1%) to vouchers, and 1153 (36.3%) to free glasses in class. All eligible children would benefit from glasses, but only 15% wore them at baseline. At closeout glasses wear was 41% (observed) and 68% (self reported) in the free glasses group, and 26% (observed) and 37% (self reported) in the controls. Effect on test score was 0.11 SD (95% confidence interval 0.01 to 0.21) when the free glasses group was compared with the control group. The adjusted effect of providing free glasses (0.10, 0.002 to 0.19) was greater than parental education (0.03, −0.04 to 0.09) or family wealth (0.01, −0.06 to 0.08). This difference between groups was significant, but was smaller than the prespecified 0.20 SD difference that the study was powered to detect. Conclusions: The provision of free glasses to Chinese children with myopia improves children’s performance on mathematics testing to a statistically significant degree, despite imperfect compliance, although the observed difference between groups was smaller than the study was originally designed to detect. Myopia is common and rarely corrected in this setting. Trial Registration: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN03252665.


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OBJECTIVE: To test an educational intervention promoting the purchase of spectacles among Chinese children. DESIGN: Randomized, controlled trial. PARTICIPANTS: Children in years 1 and 2 of all 20 junior and senior high schools (ages 12-17 years) in 3 rural townships in Guangdong, China. METHODS: Children underwent visual acuity (VA) testing, and parents of participants with presenting VA worse than 6/12 in either eye improving by more than 2 lines with cycloplegic refraction were recommended to purchase glasses. Children at 10 randomly selected schools received a lecture, video, and classroom demonstration promoting spectacle purchase. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Self-reported purchase of spectacles (primary outcome) and observed wear or possession of newly purchased glasses (secondary outcome) at follow-up examinations (mean, 219 ± 87 days after the baseline visit). RESULTS: Among 15 404 eligible children, examinations were completed for 6379 (74.6%) at intervention schools and 5044 (73.6%) at control schools. Spectacles were recommended for 2236 (35.1%) children at intervention schools and for 2212 (43.9%) at control schools. Of these, 417 (25.7%) intervention schools children and 537 (34.0%, P = 0.45) control schools children reported buying glasses. Predictors of purchase in regression models included female gender (P = 0.02), worse uncorrected VA (P < 0.001), and higher absolute value of refractive error (P = 0.001). Neither the rate of self-reported purchase of glasses or observed wear or possession of newly purchased glasses differed between control schools and intervention schools in mixed-effect logistic regression models. Among children not purchasing glasses, 21.7% had better-eye VA of worse than 6/18. CONCLUSIONS: An intervention based on extensive pilot testing and focus groups in the area failed to promote spectacle purchase or wear. The high burden of remaining uncorrected poor vision underscores the need to develop better interventions. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S): The author(s) have no proprietary or commercial interest in any materials discussed in this article.


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What is meant by the term random? Do we understand how to identify which type of randomisation to use in our future research projects? We, as researchers, often explain randomisation to potential research participants as being a 50/50 chance of selection to either an intervention or control group, akin to drawing numbers out of a hat. Is this an accurate explanation? And are all methods of randomisation equal? This paper aims to guide the researcher through the different techniques used to randomise participants with examples of how they can be used in educational research.


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Objective:Postsecondary educational attainment is the key for successful transition to adulthood, economic self-sufficiency, and good mental and physical health.Method:Secondary analyses of school leavers’ data were carried out to establish postsecondary educational trajectories of students on the autism spectrum in the United Kingdom.Results:Findings show that students with autism who had attended mainstream secondary schools enter Further Education (post-16 vocational training) and Higher Education (University) institutions at a similar rate to other students to study the full range ofsubjects on offer. However, they are more likely to be younger, study at a lower academic level, and remain living at home.Conclusion:While course completion data were not yet available, attainment data showed that prospects were improving, although more needs to be done to enable these young adults to a achieving their post secondary educational potential.


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A diversidade, complexidade e imprevisibilidade que caracterizam a sociedade actual exigem da Escola uma articulação eficaz entre as aprendizagens e a realidade sociocultural dos alunos, de modo a promover a formação de cidadãos instruídos, competentes, críticos e aptos para aprender a aprender ao longo da vida. Neste sentido, é crucial contextualizar e gerir o currículo, adequando-o à multiplicidade e idiossincrasias dos alunos e seus contextos, assegurando-lhes aprendizagens funcionais e de qualidade. A implementação do processo de Reorganização Curricular do Ensino Básico, consubstanciado através da promulgação do Decreto-Lei n.º 6/2001, de 18 de Janeiro, ambiciona(va) melhorar a eficácia de resposta da escola ao seu mandato social, atribuindo a esta a centralidade na reconceptualização do currículo nacional em função dos contextos com que trabalha. Para tal, a auto-implicação, a negociação e a colaboração são pressupostos indispensáveis a um processo de gestão curricular centrado na escola e operacionalizado no contexto das suas diferentes estruturas. Nesta perspectiva, estruturas de gestão curricular intermédia como o conselho de turma e o departamento curricular, assumem particular ênfase na promoção e desenvolvimento de práticas de colaboração docente fulcrais a processos de gestão curricular. Assim, analisar e aprofundar conhecimento sobre condições facilitadoras, bem como factores de dificultação, do desenvolvimento de práticas de colaboração docente no contexto das referidas estruturas, identificadas na sequência da implementação da orientação de política curricular traduzida no referido decreto-lei constituiu o principal objectivo subjacente a este estudo. Procurou-se relacionar esta análise com dimensões de cultura profissional e organizacional, que a literatura e a investigação revistas documentam como factores relevantes na transformação de práticas curriculares. O presente estudo decorreu em dois momentos: o primeiro, no ano lectivo de 2006/2007, assumiu uma natureza predominantemente quantitativa, privilegiando-se como técnica de recolha de dados o inquérito por questionário aplicado 2718 professores que se encontravam a leccionar Ciências da Natureza, Ciências Naturais ou Ciências Físico-Químicas na rede de escolas públicas com 2º e 3º Ciclos da Direcção Regional de Educação do Norte (DREN) e do Centro de Área Educativa (CAE) de Aveiro, o qual foi complementado com a realização de uma entrevista semi-estruturada a seis professores de Ciências Físicas e Naturais; o segundo momento, realizado no ano lectivo de 2007/2008, adoptou uma metodologia de investigação, essencialmente, qualitativa – estudo de caso – desenvolvido numa escola básica com 2º e 3º ciclos com doze professores pertencentes a um conselho de turma e com oito professores de Ciências Físicas e Naturais afectos ao departamento curricular de Matemática e Ciências Experimentais. Este momento caracterizou-se pela: i) realização de dois percursos formativos, um com professores do conselho de turma e outro com os professores de Ciências Físicas e Naturais; ii) observação de reuniões de trabalho em contexto das estruturas supramencionadas; iii) planificação, implementação e avaliação de uma aula em regime de co-docência, abordando uma temática na perspectiva Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade e iv) realização de entrevistas a todos os professores participantes, aos Presidentes do Conselho Executivo e do Conselho Pedagógico e à Coordenadora do Departamento Curricular de Matemática e Ciências Experimentais. O sistema de análise de dados utilizado visou a compreensão das dinâmicas de trabalho docente desenvolvidas no processo de gestão curricular no contexto das estruturas de gestão intermédia em análise. Neste sentido, privilegiaram-se a análise estatística e de conteúdo como técnicas de tratamento dos dados. Os resultados deste estudo apontam para a prevalência de uma cultura docente fortemente individualizada, balcanizada e burocratizada, facto que restringe o desenvolvimento de práticas de gestão curricular e de dinâmicas de trabalho docente sustentadas e adequadas ao contexto e necessidades específicas dos alunos. Sugerem, igualmente, que o desenvolvimento de práticas de colaboração docente não é consequência directa da decisão espontânea e voluntarismo dos professores ou de uma imposição externa não assumida pelos mesmos, mas sim de uma convergência de factores de responsabilização, reconhecimento da utilidade e eficácia da colaboração, e incentivo organizacional que se revelaram pouco significativos no estudo em causa. Por outro lado, indiciam que uma efectiva colaboração docente implica transformações no plano das culturas, que não decorrem dos normativos, e é potenciada por processos de negociação, onde os diferentes actores educativos partilham responsabilidades e uma autonomia cimentada numa visão colectiva e integradora do projecto educativo e curricular da escola. No sentido de contribuir para a consolidação do conhecimento no domínio em estudo, consideramos necessária a realização de outras investigações centradas no mesmo objecto de estudo, mas desenvolvidas em outros contextos escolares.


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Este estudo pretende analisar as relações entre a educação para a sustentabilidade e a sensibilização à diversidade linguística e cultural no currículo dos primeiros anos de escolaridade através do desenvolvimento de um projeto de intervenção pedagógico-didática. Para tal, refletiu-se sobre as noções de educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável e de sensibilização à diversidade linguística e cultural, explicitando o modo como se podem cruzar. Com este enquadramento, e numa lógica de investigação-ação, desenvolveuse o projeto de intervenção “Do meu mundo vejo o outro e o seu mundo”, em 21 sessões, numa turma do 4º ano do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, de forma colaborativa com a respetiva professora titular, numa escola do distrito de Aveiro, durante o ano letivo de 2008/2009. Recolheram-se dados através da observação direta do(a)s aluno(a)s durante as sessões e de inquéritos por questionário e por entrevista ao(à)s aluno(a)s e à professora participante. Os dados recolhidos durante as sessões foram analisados com recurso à Escala de nível de envolvimento de Leuven (Laevers, 1994) e os inquéritos por questionário e entrevista foram alvo de uma análise estatística descritiva e de uma análise de conteúdo. Identificaram-se os efeitos do projeto no(a)s aluno(a)s em termos do seu nível de envolvimento nas atividades e do desenvolvimento das suas atitudes, conhecimentos e capacidades. A partir das vozes dos participantes, analisouse ainda a apreciação que realizaram do projeto na sua globalidade. Os resultados da análise apontam no sentido de que o projeto de intervenção desenvolvido contribuiu para: ajudar a derrubar barreiras disciplinares entre as àreas do currículo; justificar a necessidade de contemplar a sensibilização à diversidade linguística e cultural em processos de educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável; desenvolver materiais didáticos diversificados construídos numa lógica interdisciplinar, reconhecidos pela professora como inovadores e importantes para aprendizagens significativas e contextualizadas; transformar atitudes do(a)s aluno(a)s face à diversidade e à sustentabilidade, na preparação para uma cidadania planetária; e desenvolver no(a)s aluno(a)s uma consciência sistémica evidenciada na capacidade de relacionamento do global e do local em temas de diferentes áreas do conhecimento. Este estudo apresenta um conjunto de argumentos para a integração do tratamento da diversidade linguística e cultural no quadro de uma educação para um futuro mais sustentável nos primeiros anos de escolaridade, pela consideração de quatro grandes preocupações educativas: educar para compreender o mundo, educar para agir no mundo; educar para conviver com os outros e educar para o nunca-mais.


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Adolescents from areas of high deprivation are often assumed to have low aspirations for the future. However, recent research has suggested otherwise and there have been calls for more substantial investigation into the relationship between poverty and aspiration. This article reports levels and variation in aspiration from 1,214 adolescents (49.5% male; 50.5% female) living in areas of high deprivation across 20 London boroughs. A strength of this study is our large and diverse population of low socio-economic status (SES) adolescents, comprising of white British (22%), black African (21%), black Caribbean (9%), Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi/Other Asian (24%), mixed ethnicity (9%), and 15% defining themselves as Other. Our measures indicated a high group level of reported aspiration with notable variations. Females reported higher educational (but not occupational) aspirations than males; white British students reported lower educational and occupational aspirations than other ethnic groups; and black African children reported the highest educational aspirations. Perceived parental support for education had the largest positive association with aspirations. In contrast to previous findings from studies carried out in the United States, aspirations were found to be negatively associated with perceptions of school and school peer environment. These measures explored feelings of safety, happiness and belonging within the school environment and school peer group. We discuss possible explanations for this unexpected finding within our population of adolescents from UK state schools and how it might affect future policy interventions. This study makes an important contribution to the literature on adolescent aspirations because of the unique nature of the data sample and the multiple domains of functioning and aspiration measured.


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Fig production evolution registered an enormous decrease in Portugal on the last decades. In what concerns any agricultural production and its evolution we have to look to the structural issues affecting the culture trying to understand what is going on and where to act. This paper will begin to show the decrease on Portuguese fig production, according to FAO statistics. Then, we will look to this evolution in parallel with the evolution of farm structure on the last decades that has been quite strong, in Portugal, even if in what concerns farm area and the distribution of farms among area classes there has been only slight modifications. The population evolution is also a matter of importance and we will try to characterize the Portuguese agricultural population, in what concerns educational level and age and then move to fig producers, trying to understand what is the age and educational level of those who produce rig in Portugal. Finally, we will briefly focus on the economics of production. As a conclusion, there will be some appointments on the fig production future in Portugal.


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This paper presents a new rate-control algorithm for live video streaming over wireless IP networks, which is based on selective frame discarding. In the proposed mechanism excess 'P' frames are dropped from the output queue at the sender using a congestion estimate based on packet loss statistics obtained from RTCP feedback and from the Data Link (DL) layer. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated through computer simulation. This paper also presents a characterisation of packet losses owing to transmission errors and congestion, which can help in choosing appropriate strategies to maximise the video quality experienced by the end user. Copyright © 2007 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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The IfBB – Institute for Bioplastics and Biocomposites is a research institute within the Hochschule Hannover, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, which was established in 2011 to respond to the growing need for expert knowledge in the area of bioplastics. With its practice-oriented research and its collaboration with industrial partners, the IfBB is able to shore up the market for bioplastics and, in addition, foster unbiased public awareness and understanding of the topic. As an independent research-led expert institution for bioplastics, the IfBB is willing to share its expertise, research findings and data with any interested party via the Internet, online and offline publications or at fairs and conferences. In carrying on these efforts, substantial information regarding market trends, processes and resource needs for bioplastics is being presented here in a concise format, in addition to the more detailed and comprehensive publication and “Engineering Biopolymers”1. One of our main concerns is to furnish a more rational basis for discussing bioplastics and use fact-based arguments in the public discourse. Furthermore, “Biopolymers – facts and statistics” aims to provide specific, qualified answers easily and quickly for decision-makers in particular from public administration and the industrial sector. Therefore, this publication is made up like a set of rules and standards and largely foregoes textual detail. It offers extensive market-relevant and technical facts presented in graphs and charts, which means that the information is much easier to grasp. The reader can expect comparative market figures for various materials, regions, applications, process routes, agricultural land use or resource consumption, production capacities, geographic distribution, etc.


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This report by the State Development Board and the Anderson Chamber of Commerce is a survey of present labor availability and future labor supply in Anderson County. Statistics include employment status, school enrollment including college, projection of school dropouts, and projection of new entries in work force with and without high school education.


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The bulletin presents an outline for an educational talk for speakers promoting education in South Carolina.


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The ecological sciences have experienced immense growth over the course of this century, and chances are that they will continue to grow well on into the next millennium. There are some good reasons for this – ecology encompasses some of the most pressing concerns facing humanity. With recent advances in data collection technology and ambitious field research, ecologists are increasingly calling upon multivariate statistics to explore and test for patterns in their data. The goal of FISH 560 (Applied Multivariate Statistics for Ecologists) at the University of Washington is to introduce graduate students to the multivariate statistical techniques necessary to carry out sophisticated analyses and to critically evaluate scientific papers using these approaches. It is a practical, hands-on course emphasizing the analysis and interpretation of multivariate analysis, and covers the majority of approaches in common use by ecologists. To celebrate the hard work of past students, I am pleased to announce the creation of the Electronic Journal of Applied Multivariate Statistics (EJAMS). Each year, students in FISH 560 are required to write a final paper consisting of a statistical analysis of their own multivariate data set. These papers are submitted to EJAMS at the end of quarter and are peer reviewed by two other class members. A decision on publication is based on the reviewers’ recommendations and my own reading the paper. In closing, there is a need for the rapid dissemination of ecological research using multivariate statistics at the University of Washington. EJAMS is committed to this challenge.