988 resultados para Eduardo Campos
The Spanish region of Campos de Hellin (Albacete) is characterized by a wide range of olive varieties (Arbequina, Benizal, Cornicabra, Cuquillo, Injerta, Manzanilla Local, Manzanilla de Sevilla, Negrilla, Picual), which provides different physicochemical and sensory characteristics to the oils. Thus, the knowledge of these characteristics may help develop more balanced oils. Monovarietal virgin olive oils from the different varieties grown in this area were characterized from the physicochemical and sensory points of view during four consecutive years. Clear differences among the varieties were found when principal component analysis was applied to the data from the studied parameters. The varieties were grouped according to their oleic and linoleic acid content, oxidative stability, and campesterol and total sterols content. The differences were significant with a 95% confidence level. The variety effect on the oil characteristics was stronger than the effect of the crop year. Practical applications: Chemical and sensory characteristics of monovarietal virgin olive oils play an important role in the elaboration of blends. In olive-growing regions where there is more than one variety cultivated, the characterization of monovarietal oils could increase the value of the olive oil produced due to the development of more balanced oils tailored to the preferences of consumers. This work shows that the chemical and sensory differences between varieties make possible the elaboration of a new range of virgin olive oils. This could encourage the development and marketing of quality oils, and thus increase the competitiveness of the mills in the oil market.
A espécie vegetal, Petroselinum sativum Hoff, conhecida como salsa, é amplamente utilizada na medicina popular brasileira como diurético. O objetivo desse estudo é verificar se o uso brasileiro do extrato aquoso da salsa tem efeitos semelhantes com investigações que mostram o efeito diurético da P. sativum em ratos. MÉTODOS: 19 Ratos foram anestesiados e canulamos a traquéia, artéria carótida esquerda (para a medição da pressão arterial) e bexiga urinária (para coletar urina). Depois de 40 minutos para adaptação das condições cirúrgicas, ratos anestesiados foram administrados de acordo com seus grupos: controle (CON), administração oral com 1.0 mL de água filtrada, e grupo tratado (AE), administração oral com extrato aquoso de sementes de salsa 20% (AE). Urina foi coletada três vezes (de 30 em 30 minutos) e então esse material foi utilizado para determinações de sódio e potássio, para avaliar a quantidade excretada desses íons. Pressão arterial foi medida pelo manômetro de mercúrio por 9 vezes. Todos os dados foram estatisticamente avaliados. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÃO: nos parâmetros anestesiados, o grupo CON não mostrou nenhuma diferença; mas o grupo AE mostrou um aumento do fluxo urinário e da quantidade excretada de sódio e potássio, e também uma diminuição da pressão arterial. Todos os parâmetros apresentaram essas modificações após 30 minutos de administração do AE (p<0,05). Esses resultados mostram que o tratamento com o AE leva a efeitos natriurético e hipotensor em ratos Wistar anestesiados, confirmando o uso da população brasileira dessa erva como diurético.
The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether changes in myosin heavy chain (MHC) expression and atrophy in rat skeletal muscle are observed during transition from cardiac hypertrophy to chronic heart failure (CHF) induced by aortic stenosis (AS). AS and control animals were studied 12 and 18 weeks after surgery and when overt CHF had developed in AS animals, 28 weeks after the surgery. The following parameters were studied in the soleus muscle: muscle atrophy index (soleus weight/body weight), muscle fibre diameter and frequency and MHC expression. AS animals presented decreases in both MHC1 and type I fibres and increases in both MHC2a and type IIa fibres during late cardiac hypertrophy and CHF. Type IIa fibre atrophy occurred during CHF. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that skeletal muscle phenotype changes occur in both late cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure; this suggests that attention should be given to the fact that skeletal muscle phenotype changes occur prior to overt heart failure symptoms.
Purpose: To compare clinical and laboratory characteristics, obstetric and perinatal outcomes of patients with pre-eclampsia versus gestational hypertension. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out to analyze medical records of patients diagnosed with pre-eclampsia and gestational hypertension whose pregnancies were resolved within a period of 5 years, for a total of 419 cases. We collected clinical and laboratory data, obstetric and perinatal outcomes. Comparisons between groups were performed using the test suitable for the variable analyzed: unpaired t test, Mann-Whitney U test or χ2test, with the level of significance set at p<0.05. Results: Were evaluated 199 patients in the gestational hypertension group (GH) and 220 patients in the pre-eclampsia group (PE). Mean body mass index was 34.6 kg/m2 in the GH group and 32.7 kg/m2 in the PE group, with a significant difference between groups. The PE group showed higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure and higher rates of abnormal values in the laboratory tests, although the mean values were within the normal range. Cesarean section was performed in 59.1% of cases of PE and in 47.5% of the GH group; and perinatal outcomes in terms of gestational age and birth weight were significantly lower in the PE group. Conclusion: Women with gestational hypertension exhibit epidemiological characteristics of patients at risk for chronic diseases. Patients with pre-eclampsia present clinical and laboratory parameters of greater severity, higher rates of cesarean delivery and worse maternal and perinatal outcomes.
To compare clinical and laboratory characteristics, obstetric and perinatal outcomes of patients with pre-eclampsia versus gestational hypertension. A retrospective study was carried out to analyze medical records of patients diagnosed with pre-eclampsia and gestational hypertension whose pregnancies were resolved within a period of 5 years, for a total of 419 cases. We collected clinical and laboratory data, obstetric and perinatal outcomes. Comparisons between groups were performed using the test suitable for the variable analyzed: unpaired t test, Mann-Whitney U test or χ2 test, with the level of significance set at p<0.05. Were evaluated 199 patients in the gestational hypertension group (GH) and 220 patients in the pre-eclampsia group (PE). Mean body mass index was 34.6 kg/m2 in the GH group and 32.7 kg/m2 in the PE group, with a significant difference between groups. The PE group showed higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure and higher rates of abnormal values in the laboratory tests, although the mean values were within the normal range. Cesarean section was performed in 59.1% of cases of PE and in 47.5% of the GH group; and perinatal outcomes in terms of gestational age and birth weight were significantly lower in the PE group. Women with gestational hypertension exhibit epidemiological characteristics of patients at risk for chronic diseases. Patients with pre-eclampsia present clinical and laboratory parameters of greater severity, higher rates of cesarean delivery and worse maternal and perinatal outcomes.
The objective of the present work was to study the control of the dynamics of diatomic heteronuclear molecules interacting with electric fields created by lasers. Specifically in this work, the molecular photoassociation phenomenon will be analyzed. At this phenomenon, the atom's relative movement is described by a particle that moves in a morse potential well under the influence of an external time dependant force related to the external field. Based on the optimum control theory (OCT), it is presented at the present work laser pulses that alternate a given initial molecular state to a desirable end state, wich in this work was represented by the minimization of a cost functional that indicates how close. To do so, a computational sistem know as Genetic Algorithm (GA) was developed that can be characterizes as an extremelly eficient technique capable of scanning the solutions space and find results close to the optimum solutions
Recent bonding systems have been advocated as multi-purpose bonding agents. The aim of this study was to determine if some of these bonding systems could be associated to composite resins from different manufacturers. This investigation was conducted to test lhe shear bond strength of three bonding systems: Scotchbond Multi-Purpose (3M Dental Products), Optibond Light Cure (Kerr) and Optibond Dual Cure (Kerr), when each of them was associated to lhe composite resins: Z1 00 (3M Dental Products), Prisma - APH (Dentsply) and Herculite XRV (Kerr). Seventy-two flat dentin bonding sites were prepared to 600 grit on human premolars mounted using acrilic resins. The teeth were assigned at random to 9 groups of 8 samples each. A split die with a 3mm diameter was placed over lhe surface of lhe dentin treated with one of lhe adhesive systems, and lhe selected composite resin was inserted and light cured. The split mold was removed and all samples were termocycled and stored in 37ºC water for 24 hours before testing. Shear bond strength was determined using an lnstron Universal testing machine. Some failures were examined under lhe S.E.M. Data was analysed by one-way analysis of variance, that demonstrated a significant difference (p<0,05) in the mean shear bond strength among Optibond Light Cure (15,446 MPa), Scotchbond Multi-Purpose (13,339 MPa) and Optibond Dual Cure (10,019 MPa). These values did not depend on the composite resin used. The association between bonding system/composite resin was statistycally significant (p<0,05) and the best results were obtained when the composite resins Z100 and Herculite were used with the adhesive system Optibond Light Cure, and when the composite resin APH was used with the adhesive system Scotchbond Multi-Purpose
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
Pós-graduação em Geologia Regional - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA
The disadvantages generated by the acid etching of the dentin, such as an increase in its permeability, in the surface moisture and in the potential to denature the external dentinal collagen, the formation of a fragility zone and the citotoxicity of the adhesive monomers; which are all aggravated by the depth of the dentin, have stimulated new and different treatment philosophies of the dentin. The purpose of the present study, therefore, was to investigate the effects of three dentin treatments: laser irradiation, acid etching and hypermineralization, in the shear bond strength of the SMP Plus bonding system. Sixty bovine incisors were extracted and randomly selected immediatly alter the animal's death. They were kept frozen (-18°C) for no longer than 14 days. After buccal dentinal surface had been exposed, X-Rays were taken to control the dentin thickness. The specimens were separated into two groups: (1) Control, kept in distilled water at 4ºC; (2) Mineralized, kept in hypermineralized solution at 4°C for 14 days. Each group was divided into three sub-groups according to the type of dentin treatment used: group F - followed the manufacturer instructions (acid-etching + primer + bond), group AL (acid-etching + primer + bond + laser) and group LA (laser + (laser + acid-etching + primer + bond). A composite resin standard cylinder (Z100-3M) was bond to the dentinal surface and the shear bond strength performed on a Universal lnstron machine 4301, with 500 Kg load and at 0,5mm/min. speed. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) determined that the treatments influenced the shear bond strength values (p<0,05) with the following average shearing load at failure: AL (9,96 MPa), F (7,28MPa) e LA (4,87 MPa). The interaction between the two factors analyzed Group (control and mineralized) and treatment (F, AL, LA) also influenced the shear bond strength (p<0,05). The highest values were obtained...