981 resultados para Early Memories
The importance of the process of Neolithization for the genetic make-up of European populations has been hotly debated, with shifting hypotheses from a demic diffusion (DD) to a cultural diffusion (CD) model. In this regard, ancient DNA data from the Balkan Peninsula, which is an important source of information to assess the process of Neolithization in Europe, is however missing. In the present study we show genetic information on ancient populations of the South-East of Europe. We assessed mtDNA from ten sites from the current territory of Romania, spanning a time-period from the Early Neolithic to the Late Bronze Age. mtDNA data from Early Neolithic farmers of the Starcevo Cris culture in Romania (Carcea, Gura Baciului and Negrilesti sites), confirm their genetic relationship with those of the LBK culture (Linienbandkeramik Kultur) in Central Europe, and they show little genetic continuity with modern European populations. On the other hand, populations of the Middle-Late Neolithic (Boian, Zau and Gumelnita cultures), supposedly a second wave of Neolithic migration from Anatolia, had a much stronger effect on the genetic heritage of the European populations. In contrast, we find a smaller contribution of Late Bronze Age migrations to the genetic composition of Europeans. Based on these findings, we propose that permeation of mtDNA lineages from a second wave of Middle-Late Neolithic migration from North-West Anatolia into the Balkan Peninsula and Central Europe represent an important contribution to the genetic shift between Early and Late Neolithic populations in Europe, and consequently to the genetic make-up of modern European populations.
Background: The impact of nano-scaled materials on photosynthetic organisms needs to be evaluated. Plants represent the largest interface between the environment and biosphere, so understanding how nanoparticles affect them is especially relevant for environmental assessments. Nanotoxicology studies in plants allude to quantum size effects and other properties specific of the nano-stage to explain increased toxicity respect to bulk compounds. However, gene expression profiles after exposure to nanoparticles and other sources of environmental stress have not been compared and the impact on plant defence has not been analysed. Results: Arabidopsis plants were exposed to TiO2-nanoparticles, Ag-nanoparticles, and multi-walled carbon nanotubes as well as different sources of biotic (microbial pathogens) or abiotic (saline, drought, or wounding) stresses. Changes in gene expression profiles and plant phenotypic responses were evaluated. Transcriptome analysis shows similarity of expression patterns for all plants exposed to nanoparticles and a low impact on gene expression compared to other stress inducers. Nanoparticle exposure repressed transcriptional responses to microbial pathogens, resulting in increased bacterial colonization during an experimental infection. Inhibition of root hair development and transcriptional patterns characteristic of phosphate starvation response were also observed. The exogenous addition of salicylic acid prevented some nano-specific transcriptional and phenotypic effects, including the reduction in root hair formation and the colonization of distal leaves by bacteria. Conclusions: This study integrates the effect of nanoparticles on gene expression with plant responses to major sources of environmental stress and paves the way to remediate the impact of these potentially damaging compounds through hormonal priming.
Body length measurement is an important part of growth, condition, and mortality analyses of larval and juvenile fish. If the measurements are not accurate (i.e., do not reflect real fish length), results of subsequent analyses may be affected considerably (McGurk, 1985; Fey, 1999; Porter et al., 2001). The primary cause of error in fish length measurement is shrinkage related to collection and preservation (Theilacker, 1980; Hay, 1981; Butler, 1992; Fey, 1999). The magnitude of shrinkage depends on many factors, namely the duration and speed of the collection tow, abundance of other planktonic organisms in the sample (Theilacker, 1980; Hay, 1981; Jennings, 1991), the type and strength of the preservative (Hay, 1982), and the species of fish (Jennings, 1991; Fey, 1999). Further, fish size affects shrinkage (Fowler and Smith, 1983; Fey, 1999, 2001), indicating that live length should be modeled as a function of preserved length (Pepin et al., 1998; Fey, 1999).
The Argentine sandperch Pseudopercis semifasciata (Pinguipedidae) sustains an important commercial and recreational fishery in the northern Patagonian gulfs of Argentina. We describe the morphological features of larvae and posttransition juveniles of P. semifasciata and analyze the abundance and distribution of early life-history stages obtained from 19 research cruises conducted on the Argentine shelf between 1978 and 2001. Pseudopercis semifasciata larvae were distinguished from other larvae by the modal number of myomeres (between 36 and 38), their elongated body, the size of their gut, and by osteological features of the neuro- and branchiocranium. Pseudopercis semifasciata and Pinguipes brasilianus (the other sympatric species of pinguipedid fishes) posttransition juveniles were distinguished by their head shape, pigmentation pattern, and by the number of spines of the dorsal fin (five in P. semifasciata and seven in P. brasilianus). The abundance and distribution of P. semifasciata at early stages indicate the existence of at least three offshore reproductive grounds between 42−43°S, 43−44°S, and 44−45°S, and a delayed spawning pulse in the southern stocks.
The U.S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross made its first cruise to Alaska in 1888 primarily to research the Pacific cod, Gadus macrocephalus; however, Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp., was also to be studied, if time permitted. In 1889, concern for salmon overharvesting prompted Congress to authorize an investigation into the habits, abundance, and distribution of Alaska’s salmon, and in 1890 the Albatross returned to Alaska. Over the next 20+ years the Albatross made many other productive and pioneering research voyages to Alaska, the last in 1914.
William Francis Thompson (1888–1965) was a preeminent fishery scientist of the early to mid twentieth century. Educated at Stanford University in California (B.A. 1911, Ph.D. 1930), Thompson conducted pioneering research on the Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis, from 1914 to 1917 for the British Columbia Provincial Fisheries Department. He then directed marine fisheries research for the State of California from 1917 to 1924, was Director of Investigations for the International Fisheries Commission from 1924 to 1939, and Director of the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission from 1937 to 1942. He was also Director of the School of Fisheries, University of Washing-ton, Seattle, from 1930 to 1947. Thompson was the founding director in 1947 of the Fisheries Research Institute at the University of Washington and served in that capacity until his retirement in 1958. He was a dominant figure in fisheries research of the Pacific Northwest and influenced a succession of fishery scientists with his yield-based analysis of fishery stocks, as opposed to studying the fishes’environment. Will Thompson was also a major figure in education, and many of his former students attained leadership positions in fisheries research and administration.
Spencer Fullerton Baird (Fig. 1), a noted systematic zoologist and builder of scientific institutions in 19th century America, persuaded the U.S. Congress to establish the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries1 in March 1871. At that time, Baird was Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. Following the death of Joseph Henry in 1878, he became head of the institution, a position he held until his own demise in 1887. In addition to his many duties as a Smithsonian official, including his prominent role in developing the Smithsonian’s Federally funded National Museum as the repository for governmental scientific collections, Baird directed the Fish Commission from 1871 until 1887. The Fish Commission’s original mission was to determine the reasons and remedies for the apparent decline of American fisheries off southern New England as well as other parts of the United States. In 1872, Congress further directed the Commission to begin a large fish hatching program aimed at increasing the supply of American food f
A tese aqui apresentada tem como objeto de estudo a trajetória profissional da educadora Astrogildes Delgado de Carvalho, ao longo de um período situado entre as décadas de 1940 a 1980. A educadora em questão, católica militante, praticamente desconhecida no campo educacional, desenvolveu importantes ações tendo como foco, de modo particular, a educação infantil, área ainda pouco valorizada nos primeiros tempos de seu trabalho como educadora. Entre essas ações, situam-se a fundação de duas instituições educacionais que tiveram destaque na cidade de Petrópolis, entre as décadas de 1940 e 1960, a Escola Chapelinho Vermelho e o Externato Delgado de Carvalho, e a atuação na Organização Mundial de Educação Pré-escolar (OMEP), nas décadas de 1970 e 1980, como formadora de educadoras de creches e como responsável pelos Centros de Atendimento ao Pré-Escolar (CAPEs) criados pela instituição, em localidades habitadas por populações menos favorecidas. Este estudo de caráter biográfico pretende lançar luz sobre uma importante figura do campo educacional brasileiro, e contribuir, através da análise de sua trajetória, articulada, por sua vez, à história da OMEP, para a ampliação do conhecimento sobre ações direcionadas à educação infantil e, em particular, a crianças menos favorecidas da sociedade brasileira, nas décadas focalizadas. Na pesquisa, apoiada em uma base documental diversificada, incluindo de modo valorizado o acervo pessoal da educadora, a pretensão foi a de dar destaque a vozes, papeis, memórias vivas e deslindar os fios que foram sendo tecidos ao longo desses anos, valorizando a participação de Astrogildes Delgado de Carvalho na promoção e garantia dos direitos da criança de zero a seis anos.
Operational modifications based on recreational angler activity patterns can be successfully formulated to increase creel survey efficiency without a significant loss of information. This study was conducted to estimate the amount of Texas marine sport-boat angler interview and retained fish data (bay and Gulf) that would be missed both coastwide and within each bay system if surveys were terminated early when no angler interviews were conducted by a specified time. Using this method, <3 percent of the total interviews and retained fish would be missed coastwide by terminating surveys at 1400 hours on weekends and 1600 hours on weekdays throughout the survey year. This would result in the early termination of 14 percent of the weekend surveys and 23 percent of the weekday surveys, thus allowing an annual redirection of 440 work-hours and $6,063 in operating expenses.
O livro Lições de Pedagogia (1915) foi produzido por Manoel José do Bomfim (1868-1932). Médico, formado pela Faculdade de Medicina do Rio de Janeiro no ano de 1890, com a tese Das nefrites, Bomfim iniciou seus trabalhos em Educação no ano de 1896 na instituição Pedagogium como subdiretor, órgão no qual atuou como diretor por longa data, entre os finais do século XIX e princípios do século XX. Nesse período também foi professor da Escola Normal do Distrito Federal, tendo publicado vários livros, entre eles o que foi convertido em núcleo central desta dissertação. Bomfim relata que os resumos de suas aulas na Escola Normal foram transformados em livro no ano de 1915 como preocupação de não que se perdessem os conteúdos lecionados durante o período em que foi professor na Escola citada. Precisava guardar memória do trabalho que fora desenvolvido enquanto docente do curso de Pedagogia. Reformas curriculares estavam sendo realizadas naquela instituição, voltadas para unificar os cursos de Pedagogia e Psicologia. Com isso, muito do conteúdo referente ao campo de Psicologia foi retirado do programa, medida que autor discordava. Assim, percebemos que o livro em seu formato material nunca adentrou as salas de aula de Manoel Bomfim, embora seu conteúdo tenha sido ministrado. Neste trabalho, analisamos aspectos gerais do livro Lições de Pedagogia (1915) como documento de memória da prática educativa do autor como professor de futuros professores destinados à Educação Primária ou Educação Elementar de crianças, com idade entre 6 e 15 anos, no Rio de Janeiro, Distrito Federal, capital da República do Brasil. Para esta reflexão, agregamos a leitura de quatro teses apresentadas à Faculdade de Medicina do Rio de Janeiro no ano de 1890. Com esta leitura, buscamos relacionar traços da formação médica do autor com as prescrições para a Escola Normal, materializadas no livro, com três edições nos anos de 1915, 1917 e 1926; sendo esta última a edição trabalhada nesta dissertação. Outro trabalho considerado de forma incidental nesta reflexão corresponde ao do livro Pensar e Dizer (2006, [1923]), em que Bomfim estuda as relações entre símbolo e linguagem, conceitos que também apresentavam desdobramentos para o campo da Educação, indício das teses que procurava legitimar orientadas pela perspectiva médica à qual Manoel Bomfim se encontrava associado