950 resultados para Early Gastric Cancer
As neoplasias gástricas são a segunda maior causa de morte por câncer e apesar das descobertas sobre a fisiopatologia das células tumorais, o câncer é considerado como, no melhor das hipóteses, minimamente controlado pela medicina moderna. O carcinoma gástrico é uma das poucas neoplasias malignas nas quais os agentes infecciosos tem um importante papel etiológico. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi pesquisar a prevalência e o grau de associação da infecção por Helicobacter pylori e do vírus de Epstein-Barr em adenocarcinoma gástrico, em uma população do norte do Brasil. Foram analisadas 125 amostras de adenocarcinoma gástrico que foram submetidas à técnica de PCR para detecção de H. pylori e da cepa cagA de H. pylori, à técnica de hibridização in situ para detecção do EBV e à análise histopatológica para determinação de características clínico-patológicas e epidemiológicas. Observou-se o maior acometimento de pacientes do sexo masculino (68%) e de faixa etária acima de 50 anos (78%). A prevalência encontrada para H. pylori foi de 88%, e foi considerada alta quando comparada a estudos anteriores na região norte. A prevalência encontrada para o EBV foi de 9,6%. Os pacientes positivos para H. pylori-cagA+ apresentaram um risco relativo aumentado para adenocarcinoma do tipo intestinal. A frequência para os estádios III e IV foi de 82,4%, evidenciando que o diagnóstico desta neoplasia é geralmente realizado tardiamente. Os casos positivos para urease apresentaram um fator de risco relativo (OR=4,231) maior que quatro vezes, para H. pylori-cagA+, que é a cepa mais virulenta de H. pylori. Não houve significância estatística para a associação entre H. pylori e EBV na população estudada, porém os casos positivos para EBV apresentaram 100% de positividade para H. pylori, sugerindo uma possível atuação sinérgica destes agentes na carcinogênese gástrica.
CONTEXTO: A neoplasia gástrica é a segunda causa mais comum de morte por câncer no mundo e o H. pylori é classificado como carcinógeno humano tipo I pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. Entretanto, apesar da elevada prevalência da infecção pelo H. pylori em todo mundo, menos de 3% de indivíduos portadores dessa bactéria desenvolvem neoplasias gástricas. Tal fato indica que a evolução para malignização possa estar associada a fatores bacterianos, do hospedeiro e do ambiente. OBJETIVOS: Investigou-se a associação do polimorfismo da região promotora do gene IL-8 (-251) e do genótipo do H. pylori, baseado nos alelos vacA e na presença do gene cagA, com a clínica e os dados histopatológicos. MÉTODOS: Em estudo prospectivo, 102 pacientes com câncer gástrico e 103 voluntários saudáveis foram analisados. O polimorfismo da IL-8 (-251) foi determinado pela reação de PCR-RFLP e sequenciamento. Para genotipagem dos alelos vacA e do gene cagA das cepas bacterianas foi utilizada a PCR. As biopsias gástricas foram avaliadas histologicamente. RESULTADOS: A sorologia para o H. pylori foi positiva em 101 (99%) de todos os pacientes analisados, e 98 (97%) deles foram colonizados por apenas uma cepa bacteriana. Em pacientes com monoinfecção, 82 (84%) das cepas bacterianas observadas apresentavam o genótipo s1b/m1. O gene cagA foi detectado em 74 (73%) dos pacientes infectados pelo H. pylori. A presença do gene cagA demonstrou estar associada com a presença do genótipo s1b/m1 do gene vacA (P = 0,002). Quanto ao polimorfismo do gene da IL-8 (-251), observou-se que os genótipos AA (P = 0,026) e AT (P = 0,005) foram mais frequentes no grupo de pacientes com adenocarcinoma gástrico. Comparando os diferentes tipos de cepas bacterianas isoladas, com o polimorfismo do gene da IL-8-251 e dados histopatológicos, observou-se que, portadores do alelo A (AT e AA) infectados por cepas virulentas (m1s1 cagA+), demonstraram risco aumentado de apresentar maior grau de inflamação (OR = 24,75 IC 95% 2,29-267,20 P = 0,004) e aumento da atividade neutrofílica (OR = 28,71 IC 95% 2.62-314 P = 0,002) na mucosa gástrica. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados demonstram que a interação entre o polimorfismo do gene da IL-8, particularmente em portadores do alelo A, e o tipo de cepa infectante do H. pylori (s1m1 cagA positiva) desempenha importante função no desenvolvimento do câncer gástrico.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Germline mutations in TP53 gene are associated with Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) and its variants Li-Fraumeni-like (LFL). They predispose carriers to a wide variety of early onset tumors. In Brazil, there is a high frequency of a germline mutation in this gene (NC_000017.9: c.1010G>A; p.R337H) in Southern and Southeastern regions, due to a founder effect. It is estimated to be present in 0,3% ofthe local population, but only few families have been detected. Due to this significant divergence, the purpose of this study was to verify the effectiveness of wider criteria for detection of these individuals. Herein, clinical criteria were established, DNA samples were collected, analyzed by Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) and sequenced. Thus, assessing the prevalence of this mutation in families with multiple cases of cancer. Based on our proposed criteria, one out of 31 patients (3,22%) was found to carry p.R337H mutation. The patient developed ductal invasive breast cancer at age 47, invasive adenocarcinoma of the lung at age 48 and soft-tissue sarcoma at age 49. In addition, an extensive cancer family history was referred, atypical for LFS, including a case of Ewing’s sarcoma. These outcomes indicate that the proposed criteria may detect probable carriers who did not fit previous LFS criteria. Nevertheless, additional studies, which might include a larger number of families and more stringent parameters, will be useful to improve screening sensibility
The evolution and phenotypic expression of mucosal lesions of the gastric stump were investigated in male rats submitted to gastric resection with reconstruction by the Billroth II technique (BII with biliopancreatic reflux, BPR) or by the Roux-en-Y procedure (without BPR). Animals were studied at 24, 36, 54 and 64 weeks after surgery and the phenotypic expression of lesions analysed using routine hematoxylin and eosin staining, immunohistochemical staining for pepsinogen isoenzyme 1 and histochemical procedures for mucins (paradoxical concanavalin A, galactose oxidase Schiff (GOS) and sialidase GOS reactions). BPR was found to be responsible for the formation of adenomatous hyperplasia (AH), increasing in incidence and size with time, since the Roux-en-Y procedure failed to induce the gastric stump lesions observed after BII reconstruction. AHs always occurred in the transition of the gastrojejunal junction, a site offering special conditions for BPR influence, and were classified as gastric (G), intestinal (I) and G+I types according to their phenotypic expression. No pure I type AH was diagnosed at any time point. The G and G+I types developed at approximately equal incidences (i.e., G type 7/17, G+I type 10/17 at the 64th week). It was suggested that both gastric and intestinal mucosal elements were stimulated to proliferate by BPR, with the gastric mucosa tending to demonstrate AH. Intestinal type components of AH were found adjacent to the jejunum and not at the stomach margin, indicating an origin from intestinal mucosa. No metaplasia of the gastric mucosa was observed in any animal after partial gastric resection. In 101 rats submitted to the BII procedure, 5 mucinous adenocarcinomas were eventually diagnosed, mostly located in the subserosa of the gastrojejunal junction. All carcinomas expressed the phenotype of cells of the small intestine. Evidence of malignant transformation within the gastric components of AH was not observed even at the 64th week. In conclusion, all lesions induced by BPR in the rat remnant stomach are benign, and the few true cancers that arise in association are derived from the small intestine.
Genital bleeding may be a common symptom among women with cervical cancer. Cross-sectional study evaluating whether the prevalence of cervical smear results is different in women with and without clinical information about concurrent genital bleeding. The sample consisted of 2 324 836 smears; of these, 0.4% had clinical information on genital bleeding. When stratified by age group, women with genital bleeding had a higher chance of a cytological result of a high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion [30-49 years odds ratio (OR) 2.38; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.60-3.53 and ≥50 years OR 6.30; 95%CI 3.72-10.67), of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) (30-49 years OR 24.70; 95%CI 11.96-51.03 and ≥50 years OR 48.91; 95%CI 31.28-76.47) and of atypical glandular cells (30-49 years OR 5.72; 95%CI 3.30-9.93 and ≥50 years OR 11.56; 95%CI 5.96-22.45); there was also a higher chance of adenocarcinoma for women ≥50 years (OR 53.13; 95%CI 28.08-100.51). The sensitivity of genital bleeding for women aged 18-29 years was 0.4% for high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL); for women 30-49 years old the rate was 0.9% for HSIL, 8.6% for SCC and 2.1% for atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance (AGUS), while for women aged from 50 years or more the rates were 2.0% for HSIL, 13.7% for SCC, 3.6% for AGUS and 14.7% for adenocarcinoma. Women ≥30 years old with genital bleeding should be referred for colposcopy to rule out the possibility of cervical cancer.
Lipid rafts are highly ordered membrane domains rich in cholesterol and sphingolipids that provide a scaffold for signal transduction proteins; altered raft structure has also been implicated in cancer progression. We have shown that 25 mu M 10-(octyloxy) decyl-2-(trimethylammonium) ethyl phosphate (ODPC), an alkylphospholipid, targets high cholesterol domains in model membranes and induces apoptosis in leukemia cells but spares normal hematopoietic and epithelial cells under the same conditions. We performed a quantitative (SILAC) proteomic screening of ODPC targets in a lipid-raft-enriched fraction of leukemic cells to identify early events prior to the initiation of apoptosis. Six proteins, three with demonstrated palmitoylation sites, were reduced in abundance. One, the linker for activation of T-cell family member 2 (LAT2), is an adaptor protein associated with lipid rafts in its palmitoylated form and is specifically expressed in B lymphocytes and myeloid cells. Interestingly, LAT2 is not expressed in K562, a cell line more resistant to ODPC-induced apoptosis. There was an early loss of LAT2 in the lipid-raft-enriched fraction of NB4 cells within 3 h following treatment with 25 mu M ODPC. Subsequent degradation of LAT2 by proteasomes was observed. Twenty-five mu M ODPC inhibited AKT activation via myeloid growth factors, and LAT2 knockdown in NB4 cells by shRNA reproduced this effect. LAT2 knockdown in NB4 cells also decreased cell proliferation and increased cell sensitivity to ODPC (7.5X), perifosine (3X), and arsenic trioxide (8.5X). Taken together, these data indicate that LAT2 is an early mediator of the anti-leukemic activity of alkylphospholipids and arsenic trioxide. Thus, LAT2 may be used as a target for the design of drugs for cancer therapy. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 11: 10.1074/mcp.M112.019661, 1898-1912, 2012.
The antidepressant fluoxetine has been under discussion because of its potential influence on cancer risk. It was found to inhibit the development of carcinogen-induced preneoplastic lesions in colon tissue, but the mechanisms of action are not well understood. Therefore, we investigated anti-proliferative effects, and used HT29 colon tumor cells in vitro, as well as C57BL/6 mice exposed to intra-rectal treatment with the carcinogen N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) as models. Fluoxetine increased the percentage of HT29 cells in the G(0)/G(1) phase of cell-cycle, and the expression of p27 protein. This was not related to an induction of apoptosis, reactive oxygen species or DNA damage. In vivo, fluoxetine reduced the development of MNNG-induced dysplasia and vascularization-related dysplasia in colon tissue, which was analyzed by histopathological techniques. An anti-proliferative potential of fluoxetine was observed in epithelial and stromal areas. It was accompanied by a reduction of VEGF expression and of the number of cells with angiogenic potential, such as CD133, CD34, and CD31-positive cell clusters. Taken together, our findings suggest that fluoxetine treatment targets steps of early colon carcinogenesis. This confirms its protective potential, explaining at least partially the lower colon cancer risk under antidepressant therapy.
Background Androgen suppression therapy and radiotherapy are used to treat locally advanced prostate cancer. 3 years of androgen suppression confers a small survival benefit compared with 6 months of therapy in this setting, but is associated with more toxic effects. Early identification of men in whom radiotherapy and 6 months of androgen suppression is insufficient for cure is important. Thus, we assessed whether prostate-specific antigen (PSA) values can act as an early surrogate for prostate cancer-specific mortality (PCSM). Methods We systematically reviewed randomised controlled trials that showed improved overall and prostate cancer-specific survival with radiotherapy and 6 months of androgen suppression compared with radio therapy alone and measured lowest PSA concentrations (PSA nadir) and those immediately after treatment (PSA end). We assessed a cohort of 734 men with localised or locally advanced prostate cancer from two eligible trials in the USA and Australasia that randomly allocated participants between Feb 2, 1996, and Dec 27, 2001. We used Prentice criteria to assess whether reported PSA nadir or PSA end concentrations of more than 0.5 ng/mL were surrogates for PCSM. Findings Men treated with radiotherapy and 6 months of androgen suppression in both trials were significantly less likely to have PSA end and PSA nadir values of more than 0.5 ng/mL than were those treated with radiotherapy alone (p<0.0001). Presence of candidate surrogates (ie, PSA end and PSA nadir values >0.5 ng/mL) alone and when assessed in conjunction with the randomised treatment group increased risk of PCSM in the US trial (PSA nadir p=0.0016; PSA end p=0.017) and Australasian trial (PSA nadir p<0.0001; PSA end p=0.0012). In both trials, the randomised treatment group was no longer associated with PCSM (p >= 0.20) when the candidate surrogates were included in the model. Therefore, both PSA metrics satisfied Prentice criteria for surrogacy. Interpretation After radiotherapy and 6 months of androgen suppression, men with PSA end values exceeding 0.5 ng/mL should be considered for long-term androgen suppression and those with localised or locally advanced prostate cancer with PSA nadir values exceeding 0.5 ng/mL should be considered for inclusion in randomised trials investigating the use of drugs that have extended survival in castration-resistant metastatic prostate cancer.
In the clinical setting, the early detection of myocardial injury induced by doxorubicin (DXR) is still considered a challenge. To assess whether ultrasonic tissue characterization (UTC) can identify early DXR-related myocardial lesions and their correlation with collagen myocardial percentages, we studied 60 rats at basal status and prospectively after 2mg/Kg/week DXR endovenous infusion. Echocardiographic examinations were conducted at baseline and at 8,10,12,14 and 16 mg/Kg DXR cumulative dose. The left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF), shortening fraction (SF), and the UTC indices: corrected coefficient of integrated backscatter (IBS) (tissue IBS intensity/phantom IBS intensity) (CC-IBS) and the cyclic variation magnitude of this intensity curve (MCV) were measured. The variation of each parameter of study through DXR dose was expressed by the average and standard error at specific DXR dosages and those at baseline. The collagen percent (%) was calculated in six control group animals and 24 DXR group animals. CC-IBS increased (1.29 +/- 0.27 x 1.1 +/- 0.26-basal; p=0.005) and MCV decreased (9.1 +/- 2.8 x 11.02 +/- 2.6-basal; p=0.006) from 8 mg/Kg to 16mg/Kg DXR. LVEF presented only a slight but significant decrease (80.4 +/- 6.9% x 85.3 +/- 6.9%-basal, p=0.005) from 8 mg/Kg to 16 mg/Kg DXR. CC-IBS was 72.2% sensitive and 83.3% specific to detect collagen deposition of 4.24%(AUC=0.76). LVEF was not accurate to detect initial collagen deposition (AUC=0.54). In conclusion: UTC was able to early identify the DXR myocardial lesion when compared to LVEF, showing good accuracy to detect the initial collagen deposition in this experimental animal model.
Alterations in the gene expression profile in epithelial cells during breast ductal carcinoma (DC) progression have been shown to occur mainly between pure ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) to the in situ component of a lesion with coexisting invasive ductal carcinoma (DCIS-IDC) implying that the molecular program for invasion is already established in the preinvasive lesion. For assessing early molecular alterations in epithelial cells that trigger tumorigenesis and testing them as prognostic markers for breast ductal carcinoma progression, we analyzed, by reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction, eight genes previously identified as differentially expressed between epithelial tumor cells populations captured from preinvasive lesions with distinct malignant potential, pure DCIS and the in situ component of DCIS-IDC. ANAPC13 and CLTCL1 down-regulation revealed to be early events of DC progression that anticipated the invasiveness manifestation. Further down-regulation of ANAPC13 also occurred after invasion appearance and the presence of the protein in invasive tumor samples was associated with higher rates of overall and disease-free survival in breast cancer patients. Furthermore, tumors with low levels of ANAPC13 displayed increased copy number alterations, with significant gains at 1q (1q23.1-1q32.1), 8q, and 17q (17q24.2), regions that display common imbalances in breast tumors, suggesting that down-regulation of ANAPC13 contributes to genomic instability in this disease.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the prognostic implications of the sonographic appearance of prostate cancers. All patients with biopsy-proven prostate cancer between January 2003 and July 2004 (and at least 5 years of follow-up) were selected retrospectively. After exclusions, 101 patients constituted our study population and were divided into isoechoic (or nonvisible) and hypoechoic (or visible) lesion. The clinical outcomes of these two groups were compared. The outcomes for the two groups were significantly different (p < 0.01). For nonvisible lesions, 37 of the 41 patients (90.2%) had no disease relapse and 2 (4.9%) had biochemical failure. For the visible lesions, 37 of the 60 (61.6%) patients were free of recurrence, 7 (11.7%) had systemic metastases and 10 (16.7%) died of complications related to prostate cancer. Our data show that patients with nonvisible prostate cancer had significantly better outcomes than patients with visible lesions during a five-year period of evaluation. (E-mail: fmuglia@fmrp.usp.br) (c) 2012 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.
Purpose: To estimate the metabolic activity of rectal cancers at 6 and 12 weeks after completion of chemoradiation therapy (CRT) by 2-[fluorine-18] fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose-labeled positron emission tomography/computed tomography ([18 FDG] PET/CT) imaging and correlate with response to CRT. Methods and Materials: Patients with cT2-4N0-2M0 distal rectal adenocarcinoma treated with long-course neoadjuvant CRT (54 Gy, 5-fluouracil-based) were prospectively studied (ClinicalTrials. org identifier NCT00254683). All patients underwent 3 PET/CT studies (at baseline and 6 and 12 weeks fromCRT completion). Clinical assessment was at 12 weeks. Maximal standard uptakevalue (SUVmax) of the primary tumor wasmeasured and recorded at eachPET/CTstudy after 1 h (early) and3 h (late) from 18 FDGinjection. Patientswith an increase in early SUVmax between 6 and 12 weeks were considered " bad" responders and the others as "good" responders. Results: Ninety-one patients were included; 46 patients (51%) were "bad" responders, whereas 45 (49%) patients were " good" responders. " Bad" responders were less likely to develop complete clinical response (6.5% vs. 37.8%, respectively; PZ. 001), less likely to develop significant histological tumor regression (complete or near-complete pathological response; 16% vs. 45%, respectively; PZ. 008) and exhibited greater final tumor dimension (4.3cmvs. 3.3cm; PZ. 03). Decrease between early (1 h) and late (3 h) SUVmax at 6-week PET/CTwas a significant predictor of " good" response (accuracy of 67%). Conclusions: Patients who developed an increase in SUVmax after 6 weeks were less likely to develop significant tumor downstaging. Early-late SUVmax variation at 6-week PET/CT may help identify these patients and allow tailored selection of CRT-surgery intervals for individual patients. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc.
Background. The long control region (LCR) of human papillomavirus (HPV) regulates early gene transcription by interaction with several viral and cellular transcription factors (TFs). Methods. To identify novel TFs that could influence early expression of HPV type 18 (HPV-18) and HPV type 16 (HPV-16), a high-throughput transfection array was used. Results. Among the 704 TFs tested, 28 activated and 36 inhibited the LCR of HPV-18 by more than 2-fold. For validation, C33 cells were cotransfected with increasing amounts of selected TF expression plasmids in addition to LCR-luciferase vectors of different molecular variants of HPV-18 and HPV-16. Among the TFs identified, only GATA3, FOXA1, and MYC have putative binding sites within the LCR sequence, as indicated using the TRANSFAC database. Furthermore, we demonstrated FOXA1 and MYC in vivo binding to the LCR of both HPV types using chromatin immunoprecipitation assay. Conclusions. We identified new TFs implicated in the regulation of the LCR of HPV-18 and HPV-16. Many of these factors are mutated in cancer or are putative cancer biomarkers and could potentially be involved in the regulation of HPV early gene expression.