999 resultados para ESTRATÉGIA EMPRESARIAL
Diazocarbonyl compounds are a very important class of organic substances which have a long history of useful aplications in organic chemistry. The focus of this report deals with the use of diazocarbonyl compounds in a ariety of important reactions and their application in organic synthesis. These reactions are briefly summarized showing their broad scope.
[spa] Se analiza la "S. A. de Extractos Tánicos" fundada en el Pueblo Nuevo de Barcelona en el año 1909 por los hermanos Pedro Pablo, Fernando y Carlos de Corral y Tomé. El matrimonio de Pedro Pablo de Corral y Tomé con la rosarina Clara Margarita Casado Sastre nos permite reconstruir la vinculación familiar y empresarial entre la empresa barcelonesa dedicada a la importación de la "quiebra hacha" durante la primera mitad del siglo XX, y la "S. A. Carlos Casado Limitada, Compañía de Tierras", dedicada al quebracho colorado del Gran Chaco latinoamericano.
In this article are described examples of the successful use of molecular simplification strategy in the discovery of new drugs from bioactive natural products and synthetic compounds. The discovery of a new cardiotonic derivative (37, 2-thienylidene-3,4-methylenedioxybenzoylhydrazine; LASSBio-294), efficiently synthesized from Brazilian natural product and structurally designed by molecular simplification of active pyridazinone compounds reported in the literature, is described. A brief description of the pharmacological profile of this new cardiotonic lead-compound, belonging to the N-acylhydrazone (NAH) class, is also reported herein.
In this paper we analyse the status of scientific publications in Economics and Business in Spain (1994-2004). We focus our research in showing the preferred journals of the authors affiliated to Spanish universities, the quality of these journals and also the evolution along the decade. Throughout the paper we study deeply the areas of knowledge: which are more productive and also how the articles are distributed among Universities considering the areas of knowledge. The results show an important stability concerning the growth of published articles considering different levels of quality of journals. A second result is the important concentration in a few areas of knowledge: Fundamentals of Economic Analysis and Applied Economics. We observe a degree of specialization of several universities. Last, we display the relationship between journal publication and university’s publication pattern.
Si ens fixem en la recerca bàsica, Catalunya és, sens dubte, líder a l'Estat. És el resultat d'una encertada tasca encetada a principi del decenni passat i que, malgrat les vicissituds pressupostàries negatives, s'ha mantingut i ha donat fruits. Tanmateix, les coses no són iguals quan ens referim al percentatge del PIB invertit pel conjunt de la societat catalana. Segons les darreres dades publicades per l'INE, referides al 2009, Catalunya hi va destinar l'1,68% del PIB regional. A una distància considerable trobem Navarra (2,13%), el País Basc (2,06%) i la Comunitat de Madrid (2,06%).
A very simple spectrophotometric method is described for resolving binary mixture of the food colorants Sunset Yellow (INS 110) and Tartrazine Yellow (INS 102) by using the first derivative spectra with measurements at zero-crossing wavelengths. Before the spectrophotometric measurements, the dyes were sorbed onto polyurethane foam and recovered in N,N-dimethilformamide. Commercial food products (gelatine and juice powder) were analysed by using the proposed method and the HPLC technique. The results are in very good agreement and the differences between the methods is not statistically important. Therefore, the first-order derivative spectrophotometric method is accurate, precise, reliable and could be applied to the routine analysis of food samples.
The Prins cyclization reaction has significantly advanced in the last years as demonstrated by a number of applications described in the literature. The objective of this report is to introduce this powerful synthetic methodology to the undergraduate and graduated student, since it is rarely presented in an organic synthesis formal course. This reaction is, in some cases, the methodology of choice for the preparation of natural products or drugs that present the tetrahydropyrane moiety in their structures. In this report we show some aspects of this reaction, including mechanism, scope and limitations.
Strategies that promote selective activation of prodrugs by enzymes can be divided into two major classes: 1) deliver of a monoclonal antibody-enzyme immunoconjugate that can recognize a specific antigen and promote the prodrug to a citotoxic drug, with a high selectivity for the target cells, and 2) selective gene delivery encoding an enzyme that can promote the prodrug to a citotoxic drug for the target cells. In this article are discussed ADEPT (antibody-directed enzyme prodrug therapy), GDEPT (gene-directed enzyme prodrug therapy), VDEPT (virus-directed enzyme prodrug therapy), GPAT (genetic prodrug activation therapy) and PDEPT (polymer-directed enzyme prodrug therapy) approaches, their clinical trials, advantages, disadvantages and perspectives.
This paper presents an overview of the Natural Products Research in Brazil in the last five years (2002-2006), and also discusses how some relevant aspects of the Chemical Biology area could create new research opportunities and challenges for the natural product chemists. In addition, some aspects of the scientific policies and their impact on current projects are discussed.
Brazilian science is evolving rapidly and steadly in the last 10 years, reaching the 15º place in the international ranking. Research in nanotechnology is following a similar way generating new scientific and technological knowledge in several frontiers but specially in the interfaces of two or more areas, where Chemistry is consolidating itself as a central science. In this context, the supramolecular approach is a very promissing one because it allows the build-up of a chemical inteligence using all the sistematized knowledge for the design and development of new nanomaterials and products. The great challenge of Chemistry is not decrease the dimensionality of the materials but instead find ways to increase the dimensionality and structural complexity keeping strict control on the interactions between the components, in order to generate materials with new properties and functionalities. Unfortunately, the current vigorous advancement of scientific research has not been followed by the transformation of such know-how into patents and produts. Therefore much efforts should be devoted to build a national science and technology program, joining all the segments of the society involved in the technological development (university, institutes of technological research, industry and government) in order to promote the furtherance of the Brazilian technological base. Only in this way it is possible to evolve to a technological society capable to transform the scientific knowledge into wealthy, thus sustaining the socioeconomic development of the country.
La situación actual del mercado y del sector de las nuevas tecnologías genera la necesidad de que las marcas y las empresas, se comuniquen como entes sociales y a través de medios como las aplicaciones móviles. En este artículo se describe un análisis basado en la valoración de los usuarios de aplicaciones móviles.
Disposar d’informació de qualitat, en el moment oportú i en el volum adequat és el que actualment necessiten les empreses per poder prendre decisions òptimes. L’empresa JCM Technologies no és una excepció i és en la obtenció d’informació del procés productiu de l’empresa on aquest projecte pren part. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte de final de màster ha consistit en desenvolupar un sistema capaç d’aportar a l’empresa informació sobre els resultats obtinguts durant el control de qualitat dels … [+]productes, informació de la qual no disposava. Les dades existien però no es podien convertir en informació valuosa perquè no es disposava d’un mecanisme capaç tractar-les. Per complir els objectius marcats s’ha creat un sistema format pels següents elements: una aplicació per dispositius mòbils Android, una base de dades, un nou programa pel control de la qualitat i aplicatiu servidor. L’aplicació permet obtenir i visualitzar la informació. La base de dades és on es guarda la informació que envia el programa del control de qualitat i finalment, l’aplicatiu servidor habilita la comunicació entre els diferents elements descrits. El fet que dóna valor al sistema és que tots els elements que el formen tenen la capacitat de comunicar-se entre ells mitjançant Internet. Gràcies a això, és possible obtenir informació a temps real de la producció que s’està portant a terme a qualsevol punt del món. En conclusió, cal dir que els objectius s’han complert ja que s’ha aconseguit un sistema ràpid i segur. D’aquesta manera JCM Technologies pot disposar d’una informació molt valuosa que li permet que certes decisions no siguin preses a l’atzar.
Chemical reactions in the solid state are often not included in undergraduate chemistry curricula, due to requirements for special laboratory facilities such as ovens and precision weighing balances. This work aims to describe novel and relatively simple magnetite chemical syntheses in dry medium, which could also be used as an alternative for freshmen chemistry experiments. The proposed reaction was carried out in a muffle furnace by heating (i) a sol-gel preparation and (ii) natural hematite, under nitrogen atmosphere at 400 ºC. The synthesized magnetite was characterized with powder X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Results show that magnetite samples have chemical properties as well as crystalline structure quite similar to those of standard natural magnetite.
Reduction of camphor to a mixture of borneol and isoborneol was performed using NaBH4 as the reducing agent under suitable conditions. Although more effective reduction was accomplished using toxic methanol, an alternative non-toxic ethanolic system is described. This experiment is important to introduce undergraduate students in reductive procedures, and can be used to show details on stereoselective procedures on carbonyl moieties (facial diastereoselectivity, Bürgi-Dunitz trajectory, diastereomeric excess).
Antibiotic resistance has been growing at an alarming rate and consequently the arsenal of effective antibiotics against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria has dropped dramatically. In this sense there is a strong need to produce new substances that not only have good spectrum of activity, but having new mechanisms of action. In this regard, this paper emphasizes the coordination of metals to antibiotics as a strategy for reversing antibiotic resistance and production of new drugs, with a special focus on quinolones, fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides and tetracyclines.