862 resultados para Doença de Chagas - genética molecular


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This study aimed to assess the genetic inheritance, determine the better DNA isolation protocol for this species and to identify molecular markers associated with the Wild Poinsettia (Euphorbia heterophylla L.) resistance ALS- and PROTOX- inhibiting herbicides and. The genetic inheritance of resistance was determined from crosses between E. heterophylla biotypes susceptible (S) and resistant (R), backcrosses and F2 generation. The complete dominance of resistance was confirmed with dose response curves. Ten adjusted methods for DNA isolation described in the literature were tested. The specific primers for ALS and PROTOX genes were designed from the consensus DNA sequence of these genes, obtained by aligning the gene sequences of the species Manihot esculenta and Ricinus communis L. Additionally, it was assessed the transferability of twenty SSR (simple sequence repeat) markers designed for Manihot esculenta, because among the species of Euphorbiaceae with more developed SSRs markers, because it is the closest relative phylogenetic species of E. heterophylla. Regarding genetic inheritance, the frequencies observed in the F1, F2, RCs and RCr did not differ significantly from the expected frequencies for a trait controlled by two dominant genes for multiple resistance and a single dominant gene for simple resistance to ALS- and PROTOX-inhibiting herbicides. The similar levels of resistance to dosage up to 2000 g i.a. ha-1 of fomesafen and dosage up to 800 g i.a. ha-1 of imazethapyr observed in F1 (heterozygous) and homozygous R biotype confirm the complete dominance of resistance to PROTOX- and ALS-inhibiting herbicides, respectively. The 0.2%BME protocol allowed the isolation of 7,083 ng μL-1 DNA, significantly (P=0.05) higher than other methods. Co-isolation of phenolic compounds was observed in FENOL and 3%BME+TB methods, but the addition of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP40) in the protocol extraction buffer 3%BME+TA solved this problem. The primers designed for ALS and PROTOX genes amplified but not showed no visible polymorphism in agarose gel between the S and R biotypes of E. heterophylla. Regarding the SSR transferability, ten markers were transferred to E. heterophylla, however, these six primers showed polymorphism among S and R biotypes.


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Palestra a convite


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Streptococcus pneumoniae is a human pathobiont that colonizes the nasopharynx. S. pneumoniae is responsible for causing non-invasive and invasive disease such as otitis, pneumonia, meningitis, and sepsis, being a leading cause of infectious diseases worldwide. Due to similarities with closely related species sharing the same niche, it may be a challenge to correctly distinguish S. pneumoniae from its relatives when using only non-culture based methods such as real time PCR (qPCR). In 2007, a molecular method targeting the major autolysin (lytA) of S. pneumoniae by a qPCR assay was proposed by Carvalho and collaborators to identify pneumococcus. Since then, this method has been widely used worldwide. In 2013, the gene encoding for the ABC iron transporter lipoprotein PiaA, was proposed by Trzcinzki and collaborators to be used in parallel with the lytA qPCR assay. However, the presence of lytA gene homologues has been described in closely related species such as S. pseudopneumoniae and S. mitis and the presence of piaA gene is not ubiquitous between S. pneumoniae. The hyaluronate lyase gene (hylA) has been described to be ubiquitous in S. pneumoniae. This gene has not been used so far as a target for the identification of S. pneumoniae. The aims of our study were to evaluate the specificity, sensitivity, positive predicted value (PPV) and negative predicted value (NPV) of the lytA and piaA qPCR methods; design and implement a new assay targeting the hylA gene and evaluate the same parameters above described; analyze the assays independently and the possible combinations to access what is the best approach using qPCR to identify S. pneumoniae. A total of 278 previously characterized strains were tested: 61 S. pseudopneumoniae, 37 Viridans group strains, 30 type strains from other streptococcal species and 150 S. pneumoniae strains. The collection included both carriage and disease isolates. By Mulilocus Sequence Analysis (MLSA) we confirmed that strains of S. pseudopneumoniae could be misidentified as S. pneumoniae when lytA qPCR assay is used. The results showed that as a single target, lytA had the best combination of specificity, sensitivity, PPV and NPV being, 98.5%, 100.0%, 98.7% and 100.0% respectively. The combination of targets with the best values of specificity, sensibility, PPV and NPV were lytA and piaA, with 100.0%, 93.3%, 97.9% and 92.6%, respectively. Nonetheless by MLSA we confirmed that strains of S. pseudopneumoniae could be misidentified as S. pneumoniae and some capsulated (23F, 6B and 11A) and non-capsulated S. pneumoniae were not Identified using this assay. The hylA gene as a single target had the lowest PPV. Nonetheless it was capable to correctly identify all S. pneumoniae.


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Background: Leprosy can cause severe disability and disfigurement and is still a major health in different parts of the world. Only a subset of those individuals exposed to the pathogen will go on to develop clinical disease and there is a broad clinical spectrum amongst leprosy patients. The outcome of infection is in part due to host genes that influence control of the initial infection and the host´s immune response to that infection. Aim: Evaluate if polymorphisms type SNP in the 17q118q21 chromosomic region contribute to development of leprosy in Rio Grande do Norte population. Material and methods: A sample composed of 215 leprosy patients and 229 controls drawn from the same population were genotyped by using a Snapshot assay for eight genes (NOS2A, CCL18, CRLF3, CCL23, TNFAIP1, STAT5B, CCR7 and CSF3) located in chromosomic region 17q118q21. The genotype and allele frequency were measured and statistical analysis was performed by chi-square in SPSS version 15 and graph prism pad version 4 software. Results: Ours results indicated that the markers NOS2A8277, NOS2A8rs16949, CCR78rs11574663 and CSF38rs2227322 presented strong association with leprosy and their risk genotype were GG, TT, AA and GG respectively. The risk genotypes for all markers associated to leprosy presented recessive inheritance standard. When we compared the interaction among the markers in different combination we find that the marker NOS2A8277 associated with CCR78rs11574663 presented highest risk probability to development of leprosy. When we evaluated the haplotype of the risk markers it was found a haplotype associated with increase of the protection (CSF38rs22273228CC, CCR78 rs115746638GA, NOS2A8rs169498CT and NOS2A82778GA). The association of the clinical forms paucibacilary and multibacilary with markers showed that to the markers NOS2A8 2778GG, CCR78rs115746638AA and CSF38rs22273228GG there were a strong influence to migration to multibacilary pole and to marker NOS2A8rs169498TT the high proportion was found to the paucibacilary form. Conclusions: Changes in the genes NOS2A, CCR7 and CSF3 can influence the immune response against Mycobacterium leprae. The combination among these polymorphisms alters the risk probability to develop leprosy. The markers type SNP associated to development of the leprosy also are linked to clinical forms and its severity being the polymorphism NOS2A8rs169498TT associated with paucibacilar form and the polymorphisms NOS2A82778GG, CCR78rs115746638AA and CSF38rs22273228GG associated to multibacilar form


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Head and Neck Cancers (HNC) are a group of tumours located in the upper aero-digestive tract. Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) represent about 90% of all HNC cases. It has been considered the sixth most malignant tumour worldwide and, despite clinical and technological advances, the five-year survival rate has not improved much in the last years. Nowadays, HNSCC is well established as a heterogeneous disease and that its development is due to accumulation of genetic events. Apart from the majority of the patients being diagnosed in an advanced stage, HNSCC is also a disease with poor therapeutic outcome. One of the therapeutic approaches is radiotherapy. However, this approach has different drawbacks like the radioresistance acquired by some tumour cells, leading to a worse prognosis. A major knowledge in radiation biology is imperative to improve this type of treatment and avoid late toxicities, maintaining patient quality of life in the subsequent years after treatment. Then, identification of genetic markers associated to radiotherapy response in patients and possible alterations in cells after radiotherapy are essential steps towards an improved diagnosis, higher survival rate and a better life quality. Not much is known about the radiation effects on cells, so, the principal aim of this study was to contribute to a more extensive knowledge about radiation treatment in HNSCC. For this, two commercial cell lines, HSC-3 and BICR-10, were used and characterized resorting to karyotyping, aCGH and MS-MLPA. These cell lines were submitted to different doses of irradiation and the resulting genetic and methylation alterations were evaluated. Our results showed a great difference in radiation response between the two cell lines, allowing the conclusion that HSC-3 was much more radiosensitive than BICR-10. Bearing this in mind, analysis of cell death, cell cycle and DNA damages was performed to try to elucidate the motifs behind this difference. The characterization of both cell lines allowed the confirmation that HSC-3 was derived from a metastatic tumour and the hypothesis that BICR-10 was derived from a dysplasia. Furthermore, this pilot study enabled the suggestion of some genetic and epigenetic alterations that cells suffer after radiation treatment. Additionally, it also allowed the association of some genetic characteristics that could be related to the differences in radiation response observable in this two cell lines. Taken together all of our results contribute to a better understanding of radiation effects on HNSCC allowing one further step towards the prediction of patients’ outcome, better choice of treatment approaches and ultimately a better quality of life.


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A presente dissertação teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento e caracterização de sensores potenciométricos com base em polímeros de impressão molecular (MIP, do inglês, Molecularly Imprinted Polymer) para a determinação da molécula alvo, a acetilcolina. A acetilcolina (ACh) é um neurotransmissor que está associado à doença de Alzheimer. Os materiais biomiméticos desenvolvidos para a interação com a ACh foram obtidos por polimerização em bulk, recorrendo a uma combinação de nanotubos de carbono com monómeros de anilina, dispersos em solvente plastificante oNFOE e PVC. Para aferir sobre o efeito da impressão de ACh na resposta dos materiais MIP, foram igualmente preparados e avaliados materiais de controlo, ou seja, materiais sem impressão molecular (NIP). O controlo da constituição química destes materiais foi realizado recorrendo a Espectroscopia de Raman e Espectroscopia de Infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR, do inglês Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy). Os materiais desenvolvidos foram integrados em membranas seletivas de ião, preparadas com ou sem aditivo iónico lipófilo, de carga negativa ou positiva. A avaliação das características gerais das membranas baseou-se na comparação das caraterísticas dos diversos elétrodos. Estas caraterísticas foram obtidas a partir de curvas de calibração, conseguidas para valores de pH diferentes. Em meio ácido, mais precisamente para pH 4, as membranas com materiais impressos e aditivo aniónico foram as que apresentaram as melhores características analíticas, quer em termos de sensibilidade (+83,86 mV década-1) quer em gama de linearidade (de 3,52×10-5 a 1,73×10-3 M). O estudo de seletividade realizado aos sensores revelou que os elétrodos cuja membrana possuía aditivo aniónico apresentavam menores valores de log KPOT. A presença desse constituinte fez com que a seletividade aumentasse nesses mesmos elétrodos. A espécie menos interferente foi a creatina e a mais interferente a creatinina. Os elétrodos foram, ainda, aplicados em amostras de soro sintético. A qualidade dos resultados obtidos dependeu do nível de concentração em estudo, sendo possível identificar uma região onde os resultados foram exatos e precisos. De uma forma geral, os biossensores com MIP e aditivo aniónico apresentaram um desempenho adequado à prossecução deste estudo em amostras reais.


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Preeclampsia is a multifactorial disease of unknown etiology that features with wide clinical symptoms, ranging from mild preeclampsia to severe forms, as eclampsia and HELLP syndrome. As a complex disease, preeclampsia is also influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Aiming to identify preeclampsia susceptibility genes, we genotyped a total of 22 genetic markers (single nucleotides polymorphisms SNPs) distributed in six candidates genes (ACVR2A, FLT1, ERAP1, ERAP2, LNPEP e CRHBP). By a case-control approach, the genotypic frequencies were compared between normotensive (control group) and preeclamptic women. The case s group was classified according to the disease clinical form in: preeclampsia, eclampsia and HELLP syndrome. As results we found the following genetic association: 1) ACVR2A and preeclampsia; 2) FLT1 and severe preeclampsia; 3) ERAP1 and eclampsia; 4) FLT1 and HELLP syndrome. When stratifying preeclampsia group according to symptoms severity (mild and severe preeclampsia) or according to the time of onset (early and late preeclampsia), it was detected that early preeclampsia is strongly associated to risk preeclampsia, eclampsia and HELLP syndrome have different genetic bases, although FLT1 gene seems to be involved in preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome pathophisiology


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Introdução - As anemias hipocrómicas e microcíticas, não sideropénicas, são, na sua maioria, de origem talassémica. As talassémias são hemoglobinopatias caraterizadas pela redução ou ausência da produção de cadeias globínicas, provocadas por mutações nos genes globínicos. A β-talassémia está mais frequentemente associada a mutações pontuais e pequenas deleções ou inserções no gene HBB, enquanto que a α-talassémia normalmente resulta de deleções que eliminam os genes HBA2 e/ou HBA1. Deleções de um só gene, -α3.7 e -α4.2, são frequentes entre africanos, mediterrânicos e asiáticos enquanto que grandes deleções que removem ambos os genes alfa, como a deleção do Sudeste Asiático (--SEA), são comuns nas populações asiáticas. Grandes deleções nos clusters alfa e beta são condições raras, geralmente associadas a fenótipos severos. A identificação destas deleções é realizada através da técnica de MLPA (multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification). Objetivos - O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi estudar um grupo de indivíduos com hipocromia e microcitose e Hb A2 normal, com suspeita de possuirem deleções nos clusters α ou β. Pretendeu-se, ainda, caraterizar a extensão das deleções encontradas e, quando possível, determinar a localização dos seus breakpoints. Materiais e Métodos - Cinquenta e oito indivíduos (28 homens e 30 mulheres), com hipocromia e microcitose de origem desconhecida, seguidos na Consulta de Hematologia do Hospital Pediátrico e do Hospital Geral do CHC, ou enviados de outros centros, foram testados para a presença de deleções nos clusters α e β. Foram efetuados hemogramas a todas as amostras e os estudos de hemoglobina foram realizados por cromatografia líquida de alta performance (HPLC). Os estudos moleculares incluiram GAP-PCR, MLPA, sequenciação genética e PCR / hibridização reversa. Resultados - Foi possível obter o padrão do rácio das sondas MLPA para as deleções α e β conhecidas ou já caraterizadas. Foram encontradas 6 deleções HBA desconhecidas que removem os genes α ou as regiões reguladoras desse cluster. Detetou-se, também, uma deleção no cluster β, que elimina praticamente todos os seus genes. Conclusões - A identificação de grandes delções nos clusters α e β-globínicos em indivíduos com hipocromia e microcitose, com HbA2 normal, é crucial para o aconselhamento genético. A metodologia de MLPA é uma abordagem simples e fiável, muito útil para o diagnóstico de casos de talassemia, em que não são detetadas mutações α ou β através das técnicas convencionais


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A descrição do papel da medicina no Livro III da República pode facilmente deixar o leitor constrangido. O trecho defende que a medicina deveria se espelhar nas práticas do tempo de Asclépio. Neste tempo, a medicina tinha um papel político de não prolongar a vida dos cidadãos tomados pela doença, nem deixá-los procriar. Frente a estas declarações, surgiram várias interpretações que vão desde o totalitarismo de Popper até a ironia de Strauss. Para uma melhor compreensão do texto, seria necessária a interlocução com a medicina hipocrática e com as práticas médicas do tempo dos séculos V e IV aEN. Contudo, a passagem em questão não se reduz ao contexto histórico, mas apresenta uma crítica válida ainda na atualidade. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Veterinárias na especialidade de Sanidade Animal


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Veterinárias na Especialidade de Ciências Biológicas e Biomédicas


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Mestrado em Engenharia Florestal e dos Recursos Naturais - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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O debate sobre ética em pesquisa pode ser aplicado tanto ao âmbito da metodologia científica como a outras áreas do saber, como é o caso dos esportes. No campo da saúde esportiva brasileira, têm sido comuns pesquisas que fazem testes genéticos para identificar atletas com traço falciforme. Apesar da persistência de confederações esportivas brasileiras em discriminar atletas com essa característica hereditária, o traço falciforme não é uma doença. Este artigo relata o caso de uma atleta de futebol vítima de discriminação genética: identificada com o traço falciforme, ela foi considerada inapta a participar de um campeonato pela Confederação Brasileira de Futebol. O artigo analisa as repercussões da pesquisa genética para identificação do traço falciforme na ausência de cuidados éticos voltados à preservação dos direitos de quem se submete aos testes. Além disso, mostra a situação de vulnerabilidade à qual estão expostas pessoas envolvidas em pesquisas que fazem testes genéticos sem cuidados éticos ou mesmo justificativas razoáveis e cujos resultados são interpretados sob a racionalidade do determinismo biológico e do reducionismo genético. As confederações esportivas brasileiras interessadas em identificar atletas com o traço falciforme deveriam submeter esse objetivo de estudo à avaliação de Comitês de Ética em Pesquisa, pois esse é um procedimento com potencial de acarretar prejuízos aos atletas. O teste genético não pode ser considerado um ato de assistência em saúde, visto que não há doença a ser tratada. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar o levantamento dos principais fitonematoides nas lavouras de bananeira, obter populações para estudos da diversidade genética e obtenção de genótipos contrastantes para resistência com base em marcadores moleculares.