994 resultados para Digital signatures


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Esta pesquisa foi realizada com a intenção de motivar o estudo da criptografia, mostrando que a matemática e a comunicação estão presentes em diversos momentos, tanto no passado quanto no presente. Este trabalho mostra a origem da criptoanálise e toda a sua evolução dando ênfase nos mecanismos de codificação e decodificação através de exemplos práticos. Além disso, alguns métodos criptográficos são destacados como a cifra de substituição monoalfabética, a cifra de Vigenère, a criptografia RSA que é o método mais conhecido de criptografia de chave pública, as cifras de Hill, o método das transformações lineares e o método de Rabin, devido a sua grande importância para a evolução de sistemas computacionais e assinaturas digitais entre outros. Por fim, mostra-se a importância e a necessidade dos recursos criptográficos nos dias de hoje, na tentativa de impedir que hackers e pessoas que fazem mau uso do conhecimento matemático possam causar danos a sociedade, seja por uma simples mensagem ou até mesmo através de situações mais imprudentes como as transações bancárias indevidas


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Esforços constantes de pesquisa têm sido conduzidos na seleção de materiais, combinando propriedades de interesse (mecânicas, químicas, elétricas ou térmicas), versatilidade de uso, tempo de vida útil elevado e baixo custo de produção. A busca por materiais de elevado desempenho mecânico despertou grande interesse na pesquisa e desenvolvimento dos cerâmicos avançados com aplicações estruturais e funcionais, como o carbeto de silício. Entretanto, a porosidade ainda é vista como fator limitador do alto desempenho destes materiais visto que, acima de determinada porcentagem, reduz largamente sua resistência mecânica. Seu controle atualmente é realizado através de técnicas de alto custo, com a utilização de tomógrafos. Este trabalho buscou validar uma nova técnica, onde a porosidade foi avaliada através de processamento digital de imagens de microscopia ótica do material previamente lixado e polido em diversas profundidades, com controle dos parâmetros de lixamento e polimento. Esta nova metodologia mostrou-se apropriada e menos dispendiosa para a quantificação da porosidade do carbeto de silício, tendo sido validada para o estudo deste material.


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Harbor seals (Phoca fvitulina) are an abundant predator along the west coast of North America, and there is considerable interest in their diet composition, especially in regard to predation on valued fish stocks. Available informationon harbor seal diets, primarily derived from scat analysis, suggests that adult salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), Pacific Herring (Clupea pallasii), and gadids predominate. Because diet assessments based on scat analysis may be biased, we investigated diet composition through quantitative analysis of fatty acid signatures. Blubber samples from 49 harbor seals captured in western North America from haul-outs within the area of the San Juan Islands and southern Strait of Georgia in the Salish Sea were analyzed for fatty acid composition, along with 269 fish and squid specimens representing 27 potential prey classes. Diet estimates varied spatially, demographically, and among individual harbor seals. Findings confirmed the prevalence of previously identified prey species in harbor seal diets, but other species also contributed significantly. In particular, Black (Sebastes melanops) and Yellowtail (S. flavidus) Rockfish were estimated to compose up to 50% of some individual seal diets. Specialization and high predation rates on Black and Yellowtail Rockfish by a subset of harbor seals may play a role in the population dynamics of these regional rockfish stocks that is greater than previously realized.


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Interest in development of offshore renewable energy facilities has led to a need for high-quality, statistically robust information on marine wildlife distributions. A practical approach is described to estimate the amount of sampling effort required to have sufficient statistical power to identify species specific “hotspots” and “coldspots” of marine bird abundance and occurrence in an offshore environment divided into discrete spatial units (e.g., lease blocks), where “hotspots” and “coldspots” are defined relative to a reference (e.g., regional) mean abundance and/or occurrence probability for each species of interest. For example, a location with average abundance or occurrence that is three times larger the mean (3x effect size) could be defined as a “hotspot,” and a location that is three times smaller than the mean (1/3x effect size) as a “coldspot.” The choice of the effect size used to define hot and coldspots will generally depend on a combination of ecological and regulatory considerations. A method is also developed for testing the statistical significance of possible hotspots and coldspots. Both methods are illustrated with historical seabird survey data from the USGS Avian Compendium Database.


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The population structure of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the northeastern Pacific Ocean remains unknown. We examined elemental signatures in the otoliths of larval and juvenile pollock from locations in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska to determine if there were significant geographic variations in otolith composition that may be used as natural tags of population affinities. Otoliths were assayed by using both electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Elements measured at the nucleus of otoliths by EPMA and laser ablation ICP-MS differed significantly among locations. However, geographic groupings identified by a multivariate statistical approach from EPMA and ICP-MS were dissimilar, indicating that the elements assayed by each technique were controlled by separate depositional processes within the endolymph. Elemental profiles across the pollock otoliths were generally consistent at distances up to 100 μm from the nucleus. At distances beyond 100 μm, profiles varied significantly but were remarkably consistent among individuals collected at each location. These data may indicate that larvae from various spawning locations are encountering water masses with differing physicochemical properties through their larval lives, and at approximately the same time. Although our results are promising, we require a better understanding of the mechanisms controlling otolith chemistry before it will be possible to reconstruct dispersal pathways of larval pollock based on probe-based analyses of otolith geochemistry. Elemental signatures in otoliths of pollock may allow for the delineation of fine-scale population structure in pollock that has yet to be consistently revealed by using population genetic approaches.