880 resultados para Different social class
La instauración de la dictadura franquista significó la consolidación de un modelo de familia que, mediante la combinación de elementos católicos y falangistas, se convirtió en la base legitimadora del nuevo régimen. Aunque en teoría se trataba de sujetos subordinados, el papel desempeñado por las mujeres en la estructura familiar fue muy destacado. El espacio de la influencia y no del poder fue el destinado para ellas. Este artículo se plantea como principal objetivo conocer la manera en que estas mujeres interiorizaron los postulados de género del régimen y cómo reaccionaron ante ellos. La utilización de la fuente oral, siempre rica en matices, nos guiará en el proceso de construcción subjetiva de cuatro mujeres pertenecientes a distintas clases sociales y que, como hijas, novias, esposas y madres, aprendieron a ser mujeres en el franquismo.
Las ONG de Desarrollo (ONGD) contribuyen a informar sobre lo las distintas realidades sociales del siglo XXI. Sin embargo, en ocasiones, la representación de las personas culturalmente diferentes está llena de prejuicios y de estereotipos, hecho que todavía queda más marcado cuando se trata de mujeres. Así, nuestro objetivo con esta comunicación es observar la representación de mujeres de otras culturas en una muestra de las revistas publicadas por la ONGD Oxfam Intermón desde mayo de 2013 hasta mayo de 2014. El corpus empleado para el análisis serán las portadas de las revistas. Se seleccionaron algunos de estos textos donde aparecían representadas mujeres para llevar a cabo una experiencia didáctica. Se explicó el modo de analizar textos con imagen y se pidió al alumnado que los analizara con el fin de desarrollar su capacidad crítica y su conciencia social. Los marcos teóricos de este estudio serán los principios del Análisis Crítico del Discurso (van Dijk 2005, 2009) y la Gramática Visual (Kress y van Leeuwen, 2006) para explorar las principales estrategias lingüísticas y visuales empleadas para presentar a mujeres. Los resultados del estudio ponen de manifiesto que la práctica docente llevada a cabo hace que el alumnado tome conciencia de que el modo en que las mujeres aparecen representadas en las revistas de Oxfam Intermón contribuye a modificar la imagen negativa que normalmente tenemos sobre éstas. La representación positiva que se observa contribuye a cambiar la percepción del alumnado. Como conclusiones podemos señalar la importancia del emplear textos sobre temas sociales para que el alumnado adquiera competencias emocionales y mejore su capacidad crítica. Además, estos textos señalan que las mujeres van avanzando hacia el empoderamiento en todos los lugares del planeta de modo que se cumplen progresivamente los objetivos del milenio.
No presente artigo, apresenta-se um registo sobre o atual universo do Fado, reflexo da sua adaptação à contemporaneidade e, como tal, enquadrando multiplicidade e fusão de géneros musicais. Tal como qualquer outro género musical, o Fado foi tocado pelo tempo, marcado por diferentes conjunturas sociais, culturais e estéticas, mantendo, contudo, uma forte ligação à sua genuinidade (o fado tradicional), no imaginário coletivo de públicos e intérpretes. Reflete-se, a partir da diversidade estética que o Fado nos oferece, sobre o seu percurso evolutivo num passado próximo. De igual modo se reflete sobre a grande diversidade deste universo muito próprio e destaca-se a capacidade de partilhar os mesmos tempos, os mesmos espaços e os mesmos públicos, sinónimo de vitalidade, dinâmica e atualidade.
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desenvolvimento de Software e Sistemas Interactivos, realizada sob a orientação científica do Doutor Arminda Guerra Lopes Professor Doutor do Departamento de Informática do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco
In today's internet world, web browsers are an integral part of our day-to-day activities. Therefore, web browser security is a serious concern for all of us. Browsers can be breached in different ways. Because of the over privileged access, extensions are responsible for many security issues. Browser vendors try to keep safe extensions in their official extension galleries. However, their security control measures are not always effective and adequate. The distribution of unsafe extensions through different social engineering techniques is also a very common practice. Therefore, before installation, users should thoroughly analyze the security of browser extensions. Extensions are not only available for desktop browsers, but many mobile browsers, for example, Firefox for Android and UC browser for Android, are also furnished with extension features. Mobile devices have various resource constraints in terms of computational capabilities, power, network bandwidth, etc. Hence, conventional extension security analysis techniques cannot be efficiently used by end users to examine mobile browser extension security issues. To overcome the inadequacies of the existing approaches, we propose CLOUBEX, a CLOUd-based security analysis framework for both desktop and mobile Browser EXtensions. This framework uses a client-server architecture model. In this framework, compute-intensive security analysis tasks are generally executed in a high-speed computing server hosted in a cloud environment. CLOUBEX is also enriched with a number of essential features, such as client-side analysis, requirements-driven analysis, high performance, and dynamic decision making. At present, the Firefox extension ecosystem is most susceptible to different security attacks. Hence, the framework is implemented for the security analysis of the Firefox desktop and Firefox for Android mobile browser extensions. A static taint analysis is used to identify malicious information flows in the Firefox extensions. In CLOUBEX, there are three analysis modes. A dynamic decision making algorithm assists us to select the best option based on some important parameters, such as the processing speed of a client device and network connection speed. Using the best analysis mode, performance and power consumption are improved significantly. In the future, this framework can be leveraged for the security analysis of other desktop and mobile browser extensions, too.
Dans ce texte, l’auteur poursuit deux objectifs. Première- ment, il tente de montrer que, désormais, les compétences cognitives priment la classe sociale lorsqu’il s’agit d’obtenir un emploi prestigieux. Pour ce faire, il examine cinq aspects : le statut social et les compétences cognitives, l’effet Flynn, l’interaction entre l’héritabilité et l’environne- mentalité, l’homogamie éducationnelle et la mondialisation. Deuxièmement, l’auteur présente quelques conséquences sociales de cet état de fait aux plans social et éducatif, dont l’idéologie méritocratique.
In order to evaluate the success of a society, measuring well-being might be a fruitful avenue. For a long time, governments have trusted economic measures, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in particular, to assess their success. However GDP is only a limited measure of economic success, which is not enough to show whether policies implemented by governments have a positive perceived impact on the people they represent. This paper belongs to the studies of the relationship between measures of well-being and economic factors. More precisely, it tries to evaluate the decrease in happiness and life satisfaction that can be observed in European countries in the 2000-2010 decade. It asks whether this deterioration is mainly due to microeconomic factors, such as income and individual characteristics, or rather to environmental (macroeconomics) factors such as unemployment, inflation or income inequality. Such aggregate factors could impact individual happiness per se because they are related to the perception of an aggregate risk of unemployment or income fall. In order to strengthen this interpretation, this paper checks whether the type of social protection regime existing in different countries mediates the impact of macroeconomic volatility on individual well-being. To go further, adopting the classification of welfare regimes proposed by Esping-Andersen (1990), it verifies whether the decreasing pattern of subjective well-being varies across these regimes. This is partly due to the aggregate social protection expenditure. Hence, this paper brings some additional evidence to the idea that macroeconomic uncertainty has a cost in terms of well-being. More protective social regimes are able to reduce this cost. It also proposes an evaluation of the welfare cost of unemployment and inflation (in terms of happiness and life satisfaction), in each of the different social protection regimes. Finally different measures of well-being, i.e. cognitive, hedonic and eudaimonic, are used to confirm the above mentioned result.
The concept of citizenship is one of the most complicated in political and social sciences. Its long process of historical development makes dealing with it particularly complicated. Citizenship is by nature a multi-dimensional concept: there is a legal citizenship, referring first to the equal legal status of individuals, for instance the equality between men and women. Legal citizenship also refers to a political dimension, the right to start and/or join political parties, or political participation more broadly. Thirdly, it has a religious dimension relating to the right of all religious groups to equally and freely practice their religious customs and rituals. Finally, legal citizenship possesses a socio-economic dimension related to the non-marginalisation of different social categories, for instance women. All of these dimensions, far from being purely objects of legal texts and codifications, are emerging as an arena of political struggle within the Egyptian society. Citizenship as a concept has its roots in European history and, more specifically, the emergence of the nation state in Europe and the ensuing economic and social developments in these societies. These social developments and the rise of the nation state have worked in parallel, fostering the notion of an individual citizen bestowed with rights and obligations. This gradual interaction was very different from what happened in the context of the Arab world. The emerging of the nation state in Egypt was an outcome of modernisation efforts from the top-down; it coercively redesigned the social structure, by eliminating or weakening some social classes in favour of others. These efforts have had an impact on the state-society relation at least in two respects. First, on the overlapping relation between some social classes and the state, and second, on the ability of some social groups to self-organise, define and raise their demands. This study identifies how different political parties in Egypt envision the multi-dimensional concept of citizenship. We focus on the following elements: Nature of the state (identity, nature of the regime) Liberties and rights (election laws, political party laws, etc.) Right to gather and organise (syndicates, associations, etc.) Freedom of expression and speech (right to protest, sit in, strike, etc.) Public and individual liberties (freedom of belief, personal issues, etc.) Rights of marginalised groups (women, minorities, etc.)
The pragmatics of computer-mediated communication between South African and Mexican drug traffickers
South Africa and Mexico are ripe with drug trafficking. The gangs and syndicates running the drug businesses in these two countries collaborate occasionally. Communication between these international drug business partners takes place on social media. Their main language of communication is English, mixed with some limited use of Spanish and Afrikaans. The key purpose of the interactions between the South African and Mexican parties is the organisation of their business activities. This study aims at examining how the drug traffickers position each other and themselves regarding their common business interest and how their relationship evolves throughout their interactions. Moreover, it is of interest to look at how these people make use of different social media and their affordances. For this a qualitative analysis of the interaction between two drug traffickers (one South African and one Mexican) on Facebook, Threema and PlayStation 4 was performed. Computer-mediated communication between these two main informants was studied at various stages of their relationship. Results show that at first the interaction between the South African and Mexican drug traffickers consists of interpersonal negotiations of power. The high risk of the drug business and gang/syndicate membership paired with intercultural frictions causes the two interlocutors to be extremely cautious and at the same time to mark their position. As their relationship develops and they gain trust in each other a shift to interpersonal negotiations of solidarity takes place. In these discursive practices diverse linguistic strategies are employed for creating relational effects and for positioning the other and the self. The discursive activities of the interactants are also identity practices. Thus, the two drug traffickers construct identities through these social practices, positioning and their interpersonal relationship.
O objetivo dessa dissertação é analisar como as ideias sobre a juventude, representadas pelos discursos oriundos de diferentes materiais empíricos – documentos governamentais e de organizações da sociedade civil e entrevistas não-estruturadas – e a forma pela qual os jovens são reconhecidos como sujeitos de direitos influenciaram o processo de formação das políticas de juventude no Brasil e institucionalização do tema em âmbito federal, assim como a escolha pelas estratégias administrativas que constituem as principais formas de ação e de gestão governamental no tema. Para isso, adotamos como ponto de partida a reflexão sobre o uso da retórica, por meio de metáforas e narrativas na formação e trajetória das políticas, a existência de coalizões discursivas em seu desenvolvimento e a utilização de frames (enquadramentos interpretativos) no exame dos pontos de inflexão das ações para a juventude no Brasil. Em seguida, identificamos as principais ideias sobre as juventudes presentes no campo e analisamos como elas alimentaram o reconhecimento dos jovens enquanto segmento social diferenciado dos demais em função da sua “condição juvenil” e enquanto sujeitos de direitos integrais. Com base nessas concepções, examinamos a criação e a definição as principais funções da Secretaria Nacional de Juventude, a partir de um debate sobre o conceito de transversalidade, e a formulação e trajetória do Programa Nacional de Inclusão de Jovens (PROJOVEM), adentrando o debate sobre a intersetorialidade nas políticas públicas. A principal contribuição dessa pesquisa foi relacionar como as ideias e discursos influem não apenas na formação de políticas, mas também como as construções sociais que emergem do campo, balizadas pelo reconhecimento dos sujeitos de direitos, também impactam nas estratégias de gestão. Conclui-se, ainda, que apesar da crescente importância atribuída à gestão transversal e à articulação intersetorial na gestão das políticas de juventude no Brasil, são as próprias concepções que orientam sua escolha como estratégias administrativas das quais decorrem os principais limites para a sua operacionalização cotidiana pela administração pública brasileira em nível federal.
L'activité physique améliore la santé, mais seulement 4.8% des Canadiens atteignent le niveau recommandé. La position socio-économique est un des déterminants de l'activité physique les plus importants. Elle est associée à l’activité physique de manière transversale à l’adolescence et à l’âge adulte. Cette thèse a tenté de déterminer s'il y a une association à long terme entre la position socio-économique au début du parcours de vie et l’activité physique à l’âge adulte. S'il y en avait une, un deuxième objectif était de déterminer quel modèle théorique en épidémiologie des parcours de vie décrivait le mieux sa forme. Cette thèse comprend trois articles: une recension systématique et deux recherches originales. Dans la recension systématique, des recherches ont été faites dans Medline et EMBASE pour trouver les études ayant mesuré la position socio-économique avant l'âge de 18 ans et l'activité physique à ≥18 ans. Dans les deux recherches originales, la modélisation par équations structurelles a été utilisée pour comparer trois modèles alternatifs en épidémiologie des parcours de vie: le modèle d’accumulation de risque avec effets additifs, le modèle d’accumulation de risque avec effet déclenché et le modèle de période critique. Ces modèles ont été comparés dans deux cohortes prospectives représentatives à l'échelle nationale: la 1970 British birth cohort (n=16,571; première recherche) et l’Enquête longitudinale nationale sur les enfants et les jeunes (n=16,903; deuxième recherche). Dans la recension systématique, 10 619 articles ont été passés en revue par deux chercheurs indépendants et 42 ont été retenus. Pour le résultat «activité physique» (tous types et mesures confondus), une association significative avec la position socio-économique durant l’enfance fut trouvée dans 26/42 études (61,9%). Quand seulement l’activité physique durant les loisirs a été considérée, une association significative fut trouvée dans 21/31 études (67,7%). Dans un sous-échantillon de 21 études ayant une méthodologie plus forte, les proportions d’études ayant trouvé une association furent plus hautes : 15/21 (71,4%) pour tous les types et toutes les mesures d’activité physique et 12/15 (80%) pour l’activité physique de loisir seulement. Dans notre première recherche originale sur les données de la British birth cohort, pour la classe sociale, nous avons trouvé que le modèle d’accumulation de risque avec effets additifs s’est ajusté le mieux chez les hommes et les femmes pour l’activité physique de loisir, au travail et durant les transports. Dans notre deuxième recherche originale sur les données canadiennes sur l'activité physique de loisir, nous avons trouvé que chez les hommes, le modèle de période critique s’est ajusté le mieux aux données pour le niveau d’éducation et le revenu, alors que chez les femmes, le modèle d’accumulation de risque avec effets additifs s’est ajusté le mieux pour le revenu, tandis que le niveau d’éducation ne s’est ajusté à aucun des modèles testés. En conclusion, notre recension systématique indique que la position socio-économique au début du parcours de vie est associée à la pratique d'activité physique à l'âge adulte. Les résultats de nos deux recherches originales suggèrent un patron d’associations le mieux représenté par le modèle d’accumulation de risque avec effets additifs.
Background: Nicotine use has been reported to ameliorate symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Furthermore, adults with ADHD have a relatively high prevalence of cigarette smoking and greater difficulty abstaining from smoking. Overall, though, there is scant literature investigating the beliefs, perceptions and experiences of smokers with ADHD regarding smoking cessation and withdrawal. Methods: Our participants (n = 20) fulfilling criteria for ADHD and a past or current dependence from nicotine were recruited from the in- and outpatient clinic of the Zurich University Psychiatric Hospital and the Psychiatric Services Aargau (Switzerland). We conducted in-depth interviews to explore their motivations to quit, past experiences with and expectations about quitting using a purposeful sampling plan. The sample was selected to provide diversity in relation to level of nicotine dependence, participation in a smoking-cessation program, gender, age, martial status and social class. Mayring’s qualitative content analysis approach was used to evaluate findings. Results: Adult smokers with ADHD had made several attempts to quit, experienced intense withdrawal symptoms, and relapsed early and often. They also often perceived a worsening of ADHD symptoms with nicotine abstinence. We identified three motives to quit smoking: 1) health concerns, 2) the feeling of being addicted, and 3) social factors. Most participants favored a smoking cessation program specifically designed for individuals with ADHD because they thought ADHD complicated their nicotine withdrawal and that an ADHD-specific smoking cessation program should address specific symptoms of this disorder. Conclusions: Since treatment initiation and adherence associate closely with perception, we hope these findings will result in better cessation interventions for the vulnerable subgroup of smokers with ADHD. Keywords: ADHD, Nicotine, Withdrawal, Subjective, Qualitative, Narrative
Mode of access: Internet.
Sadleir, M. 19th cent. fiction,
Pagination: pt. 1: 14, [2] p.; pt. 2: 10, [2] p.; pt. 3-4: 30 p.