981 resultados para Diâmetro
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do espaçamento entre fileiras e da população de plantas sobre a produtividade e outras características agronômicas da mamoneira de porte baixo, para a colheita mecanizada, na safra de verão. O experimento foi realizado durante os anos agrícolas 2007/2008 e 2008/2009, em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, em Botucatu, SP, com uso da cultivar FCA-PB. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso com parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. As parcelas foram constituídas por quatro espaçamentos entre fileiras (0,45, 0,60, 0,75 e 0,90m), e as subparcelas por quatro populações iniciais de plantas (25.000, 40.000, 55.000 e 70.000 plantas por hectare). O aumento da população de plantas, independentemente do espaçamento entre fileiras, diminuiu a sobrevivência de plantas, o diâmetro do caule, o número de racemos por planta e de frutos por racemo. As maiores produtividades de grãos e de óleo da cultivar FCA-PB são obtidas com populações iniciais entre 55.000 e 70.000 plantas por hectare, nos espaçamentos entre fileiras de 0,45 a 0,75 m.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento e a produtividade de cultivares de nogueira-macadâmia (Macadamia integrifolia), em sistema de cultivo consorciado com café (Coffea arabica) irrigado. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com dez repetições. Seis cultivares de macadâmia foram utilizadas, das quais três nacionais (IAC 4-12B, IAC 4-20 e IAC 9-20) e três havaianas (HAES 344, HAES 660 e HAES 816). Nos quatro primeiros anos de produção, foram feitas avaliações de: altura de planta, diâmetro de copa e de tronco, número de nozes por planta, peso médio de noz, peso médio de amêndoa, produção de nozes por planta, taxa de recuperação e produção de amêndoas por planta. As cultivares nacionais apresentaram menor crescimento em altura, com destaque para IAC 4-20, porém, com copas de maior diâmetro. As cultivares nacionais são mais produtivas, com destaque para a IAC 4-12B.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This work purposes the application of a methodology to optimize the implantation cost of an wind-solar hybrid system for oil pumping. The developed model is estimated the implantation cost of system through Multiple Linear Regression technique, on the basis of the previous knowledge of variables: necessary capacity of storage, total daily energy demand, wind power, module power and module number. These variables are gotten by means of sizing. The considered model not only can be applied to the oil pumping, but also for any other purposes of electric energy generation for conversion of solar, wind or solar-wind energy, that demand short powers. Parametric statistical T-student tests had been used to detect the significant difference in the average of total cost to being considered the diameter of the wind, F by Snedecor in the variance analysis to test if the coefficients of the considered model are significantly different of zero and test not-parametric statistical by Friedman, toverify if there is difference in the system cost, by being considered the photovoltaic module powers. In decision of hypothesis tests was considered a 5%-significant level. The configurations module powers showed significant differences in total cost of investment by considering an electrical motor of 3 HP. The configurations module powers showed significant differences in total cost of investment by considering an electrical motor of 5 HP only to wind speed of 4m/s and 6 m/s in wind of 3 m, 4m and 5 m of diameter. There was not significant difference in costs to diameters of winds of 3 m and 4m. The mathematical model and the computational program may be used to others applications which require electrical between 2.250 W and 3.750 W. A computational program was developed to assist the study of several configurations that optimizes the implantation cost of an wind-solar system through considered mathematical model
An solar alternative system for water heating is presented. Is composed for one low cost alternative collector and alternative thermal reservoir for hot water storing. The collector of the system has box confectioned in composite material and use absorption coils formed for PVC tubes. The box of hot water storage was confectioned from a plastic polyethylene drum used for storage of water and garbage, coated for a cylinder confectioned in fiber glass. The principle of functioning of the system is the same of the conventionally. Its regimen of work is the thermosiphon for a volume of 250 liters water. The main characteristic of the system in considered study is its low cost, allowing a bigger socialization of the use of solar energy. It will be demonstrated the viabilities thermal, economic and of materials of the system of considered heating, and its competitiveness in relation to the available collectors commercially. Relative aspects will be boarded also the susceptibility the thermal degradation and for UV for the PVC tubes. It will be shown that such system of alternative heating, that has as main characteristic its low cost, presents viabilities thermal, economic and of materials
An cylinder-parabolic solar concentrator is presented to produce steam for different applications. This prototype was built in glass fiber with dimensions that follow a study of optimization of parameters inherent in the optical reflection of sunlight by the surface of reflection and absorption of the same by tubing that leads the fluid of work. The surface of the concentrator of 2.24 m² has been covered by layers of mirror with 1.0 m of lenght and 2.0 cm wide. The absorb tubing consists of a copper tube diameter equal to 28 mm. The concentrator is moving to follow the apparent motion of the sun. It will be presented the processes of manufacturing and assembly of the concentrator proposed, which has as main characteristics the facilities construction and assembly, in addition to reduced cost. Will be presented data from tests performed to produce steam setting up some parameters that diagnose the efficiency of the concentrator. It will be demonstrated the viabilities thermal, economic and of materials of the proposed system.The maximum temperature achieved in the vacuum tube absorber was 232.1°C and average temperature for 1 hour interval was 171.5°C, obtained in a test with automation. The maximum temperature achieved in the output of water was 197.7°C for a temperature of 200.0°C in the absorber tube. The best average result of the water exit temperature to interval of 1 hour was 170.2°C for a temperature of 171.2°C, in the absorber tube, obtained in test with automation. Water exit mean temperatures were always above of the water steaming temperature. The concentrator present a useful efficiency of 38% and a production cost of approximately R$ 450,00 ( $ 160.34)
A cultura da melancia é uma atividade explorada regionalmente, sendo uma das mais importantes fontes de renda familiar de pequenos municípios do médio Paranapanema, onde mudanças significativas no processo produtivo são atualmente constatadas, passando de mão-de-obra intensiva para uso de tecnologias promissoras, como é o caso do manejo de plantas daninhas. Um experimento foi conduzido no município de Oscar Bressani (SP), em área de produção comercial, com objetivo de estudar a interferência de plantas daninhas, no cultivo da melancia, na safra 2002/2003. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso com dez tratamentos e quatro repetições, representadas por parcelas com área útil de 18 m², contendo quatro plantas de melancia e infestação prevalecente das espécies Sidaspp, Brachiaria humidicola, Commelina benghalensise Portulaca oleracea. A infestação das plantas daninhas foi estimada através de amostragens aleatórias das parcelas utilizando-se quadro vazado de ferro com 0,5 m de lado. Os tratamentos constaram de testemunhas capinadas e sem capina e diferentes épocas de controle da infestação, de forma que a cultura foi mantida na presença ou ausência das plantas daninhas até 7; 14; 28; 56 e 63 dias após a sua emergência (DAE). A ocorrência do período inicial de convivência possível maior que o período final estabeleceu o Período Crítico de Prevenção da Interferência do 9º ao 13º dias (PCPI= 9-13 DAE). A redução média da produtividade em função da interferência das plantas daninhas durante todo o ciclo da melancia foi de 41,4%. As características diâmetro e espessura da casca dos frutos também foram influenciadas pela convivência com a infestação durante todo o ciclo com decréscimos, de 7,9% e 23,3%, respectivamente, em média, ao contrário do comprimento e diâmetro de ramas e do ºBrix da polpa dos frutos, onde não foram constatadas diferenças significativas.
A solar alternative system for water heating is presented. It work on a thermosiphon, consisting of one or two alternative collectors and a water storage tank also alternative, whose main purpose is to socialize the use of energy mainly to be used by people of low income. The collectors were built from the use of pets bottles, cans of beer and soft drinks and tubes of PVC, ½ " and the thermal reservoirs from a drum of polyethylene used for storage of water and garbage placed inside cylinder of fiber glass and EPS ground between the two surfaces. Such collectors are formed by three elements: pet bottles, cans and tubes absorbers. The heating units, which form the collector contains inside the cans that can be closed, in original form or in the form of plate. The collectors have an absorber grid formed by eight absorbers PVC tube, connected through connections at T of the same material and diameter. It will be presented data of the thermal parameters which demonstrate the efficiency of the heating system proposed. Relative aspects will be boarded also the susceptibility the thermal degradation and for UV for the PVC tubes. It will be demonstrated that this alternative heating system, which has as its main feature low cost, presents thermal, economic and materials viabilities
Avaliou-se a densidade básica da madeira e casca de sete espécies (E. saligna, E. grandis, E. urophylla, E. camaldulensis, E. citriodora, E. paniculata e E. pellita) e três clones de eucalipto (híbridos de E. grandis x E. urophylla) antes e durante o cultivo das linhagens LE-95/01 e LE-96/18 de shiitake (Lentinula edodes) em toras. Cada linhagem de shiitake foi inoculada em nove toras de cada tipo de eucalipto com 1 m de comprimento e 9 a 14 cm de diâmetro. Assim, o delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com 20 tratamentos e 9 repetições, sendo cada repetição correspondente a uma tora. As toras foram mantidas em estufa climatizada, com temperatura de 25 ± 5ºC e umidade relativa do ar entre 60-80% durante 12 meses. Para a determinação da densidade básica, analisaram-se cunhas de discos e cascas de eucalipto recém-cortadas (sem inoculação das linhagens de L. edodes) e em cunhas de discos retirados de toras já inoculadas com as linhagens de L. edodes após 8 e 12 meses de incubação. Verificou-se que a densidade básica da madeira, ao longo do ciclo de cultivo, foi reduzida em todos os tipos de eucalipto.
A produtividade do milho safrinha pode ser aumentada com a adubação nitrogenada em cobertura mesmo quando cultivado em sucessão à soja. No entanto, existem inconsistências dos resultados especialmente quanto às fontes e doses a serem empregadas nessa modalidade de cultivo. Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de fontes e doses de nitrogênio em cobertura no milho safrinha, cultivado após soja no sistema plantio direto, conduziu-se o experimento em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, em Chapadão do Céu (GO). O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 4 x 4, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pela combinação de quatro fontes (uréia, sulfato de amônio, uréia extrusada com produtos amiláceos (Amiréia® 180S) e sulfonitrato de amônio com inibidor de nitrificação (Entec® 26)) e quatro doses de nitrogênio (0; 30; 60 e 120 kg ha-1). A interação fonte x dose não foi significativa para nenhuma das variáveis avaliadas. A aplicação de nitrogênio na forma de entec proporcionou maiores teores de nitrogênio na folha do milho safrinha que o sulfato de amônio e a amiréia. A produtividade de grãos do milho safrinha foi maior quando o nitrogênio em cobertura foi fornecido na forma de sulfato de amônio, em comparação com a amiréia. A aplicação de nitrogênio em cobertura aumentou os teores de nitrogênio e enxofre na folha, altura da planta, diâmetro do colmo, número de espigas por planta e grãos por espiga, massa de 1.000 grãos e produtividade de grãos do milho safrinha, em sucessão à soja, independentemente da fonte utilizada.
The use of plant regulators that stimulate root growth can increase phosphorus uptake by upland rice. The objective of this study was to evaluate shoot and root growth of upland rice fertilized with different phosphorus doses with and without biostimulant. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse in the Faculdade de Ciencias Agronomicas-UNESP, in Botucatu-SP. The treatments consisted of six phosphorus doses applied in sowing (0, 12,5, 25, 50, 100 and 200 mg dm(-3)), with and without Stimulate (R) applied in the seeds (cv. Primavera). The plants were grown for 78 days and then cut at soil level to evaluate leaf area and leaves and collar dry matter. Root samples that were harvested on the same day had their root diameter and dry matter evaluated. The experimental design was the completely randomized, with three replications, arranged as a factorial 2x6. Variance analysis and regression were used to data evaluation. Linear and quadratic equations were adjusted at a probability level of 5%, using those with higher determination coefficient (R(2)). The increase on the phosphorus dose contributed to the lower matter production and leaf area of the plants when the biostimulant was applied. For shoot phosphorus accumulation and root evaluations, the same behavior was observed. It was concluded that the use of Stimulate (R) in seeds, for fitomass production or root system evaluation, was only efficient in low phosphorus doses.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The research had as purpose to evaluate the fruits physical-chemical characteristics of peach cultivars (CP-9553 CYN, CP951 C, Tropic Beauty, Cascata 953, Cascata 797, Cascata 587, Precocinho, Conserva 693, Diamante Mejorado, Turmalina e Marli and Sun Blaze nectarine at Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil region. It were evaluated the fruits fresh matter, longitudinal and transversal diameters, and the crop period. In relation the physical-chemical characteristics of fruits, it was evaluated the texture, the pH, tritatable acid and soluble solids. The results showed significant differences between the cultivars where the fruits fresh matter were 68,6g ('CP-9553 CYN') and 141,35g ('Cascata 953'); the fruits longitudinal diameter were 50,32mm ('Marli') and 72,12mm ('Conserva 693') and the fruits transversal diameter were 50,50mm ('CP-9553 CYN') and 62,90mm ('Cascata 953'). The post-harvest characteristics also had significant differences. The texture had changes at 517,00gf ('Marli') and 168,47gf ('Precocinho'); the soluble solids were 9,73 degrees Brix on Marli cultivar. The pH was about 3,36 on 'Diamante Mejorado' until 4,48 on CP-9553 CYN cultivar and the acidity was 0,96g of citric acid 100g(-1) fruits juice on Tropic Beauty cultivar. The crop period of the cultivars evaluated were the end of September month until 15(th) November month, being the earliest cultivars Tropic Beauty, CP-951 and CP-951 CYN and the latest cultivar were Marli. It was observed that the news cultivars, until in observations, with Cascata 953, Cascata 797 and Cascata 587, showed crops potential at Botucatu/SP region.
The correlations between the characters seen in experimental trials are generated by genetic and environmental factors and are estimated for the purpose of measuring the change in a character when the selection is practised in another. The objective was to correlate bunch weight with characteristics of growth and production of 4 genomic groups of banana: 'Nanicao-IAC-2001', 'Grand Naine', 'Caipira' and 'Nam' ( AAA); 'Ma a', 'Thap Maeo', 'Prata Ana' and 'Prata Zulu' (AAB), 'Fhia 01', 'Fhia 18', 'Prata Grauda' and 'Maca Tropical' (AAAB) and 'Figo Cinza' (ABB), Botucatu, Brazil. Some growth characteristics were evaluated such as: plant heights, the pseudostem circumference, number of leaves, number of days between planting and flowering, number of days between flowering and harvest and number of days from planting to harvest. These characteristics were measured at the flowering time. The production characteristics such as the bunch weigth, number of fruits, average weigth of the fruits, productivity, number of hands and weight, number, length and diameter of the fruits of the 2(nd) hand. The correlations between the characteristics studied varied for each genotype, but they all showed significant correlation between the bunch weight and the characteristics fruit weigth and productivity. The correlations involving all genotypes were predominantly positive and significant.