778 resultados para Development Process


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária


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Relatório final apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Dissertação do Relatório de Estágio, apresentado à Escola Superior de educação, do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária


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Relatório final apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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The very nature of computer science with its constant changes forces those who wish to follow to adapt and react quickly. Large companies invest in being up to date in order to generate revenue and stay active on the market. Universities, on the other hand, need to imply same practices of staying up to date with industry needs in order to produce industry ready engineers. By interviewing former students, now engineers in the industry, and current university staff this thesis aims to learn if there is space for enhancing the education through different lecturing approaches and/or curriculum adaptation and development. In order to address these concerns a qualitative research has been conducted, focusing on data collection obtained through semi-structured live world interviews. The method used follows the seven stages of research interviewing introduced by Kvale and focuses on collecting and preparing relevant data for analysis. The collected data is transcribed, refined, and further on analyzed in the “Findings and analysis” chapter. The focus of analyzing was answering the three research questions; learning how higher education impacts a Computer Science and Informatics Engineers’ job, how to better undergo the transition from studies to working in the industry and how to develop a curriculum that helps support the previous two. Unaltered quoted extracts are presented and individually analyzed. To paint a better picture a theme-wise analysis is presented summing valuable themes that were repeated throughout the interviewing phase. The findings obtained imply that there are several factors directly influencing the quality of education. From the student side, it mostly concerns expectation and dedication involving studies, and from the university side it is commitment to the curriculum development process. Due to the time and resource limitations this research provides findings conducted on a narrowed scope, although it can serve as a great foundation for further development; possibly as a PhD research.


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Short time-to-market is a key success factor in the todays’ dynamic business environment and many companies are trying to improve their product development processes. A challenge is to develop products according to the time plan and at the same time keeping the cost low and the quality high. This study focuses on the project management within the product development process in an automotive industry. The background of this study started as a request from the research and development department at the automotive company, which led to the following questions; 1) what are the most crucial factors for project success? 2) How can these factors contribute to a more successful outcome? 3) How can project management decrease product development lead time by sharing knowledge? The research approach is a case study and the data collection consist of interviews and questioners at two companies connected to project management in product development projects. Spider charts are created from the collected data containing eleven dimensions to show similarities and differences between the project managers working within the research and development department as well as between the two companies. The main conclusions are that there is a need to allow a certain level of flexibility when managing projects, in order to more easily handle late changes. Being involved in a project from the concept phase could facilitate the product development activities later on, due to a deeper understanding regarding previous decisions. Further, knowledge sharing methods, such as databases, has to be designed to be suitable for a specific organization and user friendly which enables the users to more easily search for specific types of knowledge. Lastly, a low level on the detailed focus is shown to be another success factor, however, in some cases there is still a need of this detailed focus to solve specific problems but the details may never become a higher focus than the holistic view.


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Il est recommandé que les utilisateurs des outils d’aide à la décision soient impliqués dans le processus de développement, mais à ce jour, on ne sait pas jusqu’à quel point ni de quelle manière les personnes vulnérables sont impliquées. L’objectif était de décrire les enjeux entourant l’implication des populations vulnérables dans le développement d’outils d’aide à la décision et de comparer leur implication avec celle de la population en général. Cette étude s’inscrivait dans un plus vaste projet de recherche débutant par une revue systématique des écrits. Une série de critères a été élaborée afin d’identifier, lors de l’extraction des données, les articles décrivant un outil d’aide à la décision ayant impliqué des personnes vulnérables au cours du développement. Des entrevues téléphoniques semi-dirigées ont également été effectuées avec 10 développeurs de d’outils d’aide à la décision, 6 d’entre eux ont impliquées des populations vulnérables et les 4 autres ont impliqué des membres de la population en général. Les résultats de ce mémoire suggèrent que les pratiques de développement d’outils d’aide à la décision changent lorsque les populations vulnérables sont impliquées dans le processus. Les populations vulnérables sont généralement impliquées dans le même type d’activités de développement, mais un accent est mis sur les activités qui permettent de mieux comprendre leurs besoins et sur les activités qui favorisent une bonne relation de confiance entre elles et l’équipe de développement. Contrairement à l’implication de la population en générale, le recrutement des populations vulnérables se déroule le plus souvent en partenariat avec des groupes communautaires et les activités de recherche prennent place dans la communauté.


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Background: Impairments in social communication are the hallmark feature of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Operationalizing ‘severity’ in ASD has been challenging; thus stratifying by functioning has not been possible. Purpose: To describe the development of the Autism Classification System of Functioning: Social Communication (ACSF:SC) and evaluate its consistency within and between parent and professional ratings. Methodology: (1)ACSF:SC development based on focus groups and surveys involving parents, educators and clinicians familiar with preschoolers with ASD; and (2)Evaluation of the intra- and inter-rater agreement of the ACSF:SC using weighted kappa(кw). Results: Seventy-six participants were involved in the development process. Core characteristics of social communication were ascertained: communicative intent; communicative skills and reciprocity; and impact of environment. Five ACSF:SC levels were created and content-validated across participants. Best capacity and typical performance agreement ratings varied as follows: intra-rater on 41 children was кw=0.61-0.69 for parents and кw=0.71-0.95 for professionals; inter-rater between professionals were кw=0.47-0.61 and between parents and professionals кw=0.33-0.53. Conclusions: Perspectives from parents, and professionals informed ACSF:SC development, providing common descriptions of the levels of everyday communicative abilities of children with ASD to complement DSM-5. Rater agreement demonstrates the ACSF:SC can be utilized with acceptable consistency in comparison to other functional classification systems.


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El problema del narcotráfico generó cambios estructurales en diversos ámbitos de la sociedad colombiana, alterando la escena política, las dinámicas económicas y marcando a la población del país por medio de sus actos terroristas. Además, esta problemática se convirtió en un tema principal en la agenda de la política exterior colombiana, exponiendo al país como una amenaza a la estabilidad regional. Por lo anterior, este trabajo tiene el objetivo de identificar, desde las teorías del Realismo Subalterno y la Interdependencia Compleja, cómo la evolución del narcotráfico modificó el proceso de inserción de Colombia en el sistema internacional durante los años 1994 -2002.


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Cartonería Mosquera S.A. es una empresa familiar, que se encarga de la producción y distribución de diferentes empaques de cartón. La compañía pertenece al sector de artes gráficas colombiano, que se desagrega en las siguientes categorías: empaques y etiquetas; publicidad y comercial; editoriales, periódicos y revistas. Cartonería Mosquera S.A. se encuentra en la categoría de empaques y etiquetas. A 2016 la empresa cuenta con un área que administra tanto el mercadeo como la parte comercial conjuntamente y que tiene como objetivo final la gestión de la publicidad, la satisfacción del cliente y la fidelización del mismo. Aunque desde sus inicios, la compañía ha venido trabajando con esta estructura y ha cumplido hasta ahora con algunos de los resultados esperados, los nuevos retos del mercado tales como; el compromiso con el medio ambiente, la necesidad de realizar registros que avalen la calidad de la compañía, la entrada de competidores internos como externos al mercado y el desarrollo de nuevos insumos, ha creado la necesidad de buscar nuevas herramientas que mejoren el desempeño del área comercial y promover así el incremento de las ventas. Este Trabajo surgió inicialmente con la idea de realizar un plan de mercadeo a fin de incentivar y proponer una estrategia que generara un impacto positivo en las ventas de la empresa. Sin embargo, en el proceso de desarrollo, se vio la necesidad de realizar primero un plan de mejoramiento con una orientación a la parte comercial de la compañía. Es importante resaltar que el enfoque de este documento investigativo no solo proveerá herramientas para el mejoramiento de las ventas y financiero, sino también pretende mejorar la percepción de los asesores comerciales hacia su trabajo, sus jefes y la compañía.


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ResumenEste trabajo aborda el proceso de desarrollo del frente de colonización agrícola en El General, Pérez Zeledón, entre la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y la primera mitad del siglo XX. Se analizan las características del espacio, así como los elementos constitutivos y las transformaciones que durante el período experimentaron las unidades y los sistemas de producción ubicados en dichos territorios. Junto a una revaloración de la complejidad agrícola presente en la región durante esta etapa, este artículo pone de manifiesto el papel de las políticas estatales en la ocupación y la vinculación de la zona sur al entorno económico nacional.AbstractThis work addresses the development process of the agricultural front in El General, Pérez Zeledón, that took place during the second half of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century. Here, spatial characteristics are analyzed, as well as the components of the production units and systems in these territories and the transformations they experienced. Along with a revaluation of the agricultural complexity present in the region during this period, this article highlights the role of governmental policies pertaining to the settlement of the southern region and its connection with the national economic framework


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La colonización de la península de Osa por Hispanoamericanos, y su desarrollo durante más de un siglo, se consideran en este informe desde la perspectiva de la ecología cultural, poniendo de relieve las relaciones entre la población humana y los recursos naturales que esta utiliza. Se puede resumir en cuatro etapas principales el proceso de desarrollo en que se hace cada vez más intensa la explotación de dichos recursos y el aumento de la población colonizadora.   SUMMARY The colonization and development of the Osa peninsula by Hispano-Americans during more than a century are considered in this article from the perspective of cultural ecology. Emphasis is put on the relations between the human population and the natural resources used by the same population. Four stages are summarized in the development process which is the result of the intensification of the exploitation of the natural resources and of the increase in the colonizing population.   RESUME On présente l’impact de la colonisation de la péninsule d’Osa par les hispano-américains ainsi que du processus de développement qui s étend sur plus d’un  siècle, dans la perspective de l’écologie culturelle, en insistant sur les interrelations entre population et ressources naturelles. Suivant la croissante exploration de ces ressources qu’a signifiée ce processus on peub y distinguer 4 étapes.