999 resultados para Determinantes de rentabilidade


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O presente trabalho procura descrever o histórico e a trajetória percorrida pela soja em sua expansão pelo território nacional, considerando a utilização da soja transgênica. Explica quais diferenças e melhorias a soja transgênica apresenta em comparação a soja convencional, discutindo-se a liberalização ou não do uso e consumo de produtos derivados de transgênicos. Expõem ainda, quais foram os fatores preponderantes para a escolha do uso dessa técnica: a rede de persuasão e controle criada e coordenada pela Monsanto e a redução do custo de produção, através da diminuição do uso de herbicidas


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo compreender os motivos que podem explicar as altas taxas de juros de empréstimos no Brasil no período de 1999 a 2009. O estudo pretende identificar e caracterizar a evolução, a estrutura e determinantes do spread bancário. Na evolução, mostra-se o comportamento do spread no período. Na estrutura, demonstra-se a decomposição contábil efetuada pelo Bacen. Já os determinantes são a taxa Selic, a concorrência e a concentração bancária e o ambiente legal


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This study aimed to gather the determinants and indicators of environmental innovations through a literature review on the topic. But before it was made a presentation of concepts and typology of eco-innovation, with different points of view. The determinant more found by most authors was regulation, followed by market factors, cost reductions and company image. To highlight these determinants were presented some cases studies, including evidence in Brazil. Due to the short bibliography and case studies, there are few indicators of environmental innovation found, highlighting the investment in environmental R&D and patents


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In this article we aim to discuss the importance of reading, writing and the book in the subject’s performance in society. This discussion tries to put these elements in time and social space. Therefore we want to show how these cultural practices of reading and writing, combined with the book can determine the development of the subject, when able to access these technologies effectively. The expected results are the change of the superficial aspects and common sense about reading, books and writing. Hope that it contributes to the expansion of the discussions on these themes. We hope to collaborate to the discussion which is being developed within the educational context on reading, books and writing, and the relationship resulting from the development of the subject in society and their ability to read and write.


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Soybean cross-seeding tillage came from better spatial arrangement of plants per area, so some producers have opted for this tillage system, which consists in seeding the area in two steps, forming a chessboard with perpendicular lines of tillage. This study aims to analyse the soybean productivity and production costs when it planted in different dispositions of crossed tillage. The experiment was conducted during the harvests 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 at Lageado Farm of the FCA/UNESP, Botucatu-SP, in an area cultivated under no-tillage. The experimental design was in randomized block with five treatments and eight replications. The treatments were: seeding in parallel rows with recommended fertilization and recommended plant population (conventional); cross-seeding with doubled fertilization and doubled plant population; cross-seeding with recommended plant population and doubled fertilization; cross-seeding with doubled plant population and recommended fertilization; cross-seeding with fertilization and recommended plant population. The results showed statistical difference among the treatments, with increased productivity for the cross-seeding with doubled plant population and recommended fertilization. However the conventional tillage with parallel lines shows higher net earnings than soybean cross-seeding, being more profitable for producer.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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As atuais estratégias de formulação exigiram a aplicação de novas ferramentas computacionais, que utilizam a modelagem matemática, dando suporte na tomada de decisão para uma nutrição de precisão. Por este motivo, destaca-se a programação não linear, que não visa apenas formular uma dieta que atenda as necessidades do animal, segundo o custo mínimo, mas também maximizar a margem de lucro. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo validar a utilização do modelo/princípio não linear (PNL), com maximização do retorno econômico, através de estimativas de desempenho das aves e dos custos da ração, segundo a variação de preço do kg do frango de corte (preço médio histórico de 2009 e 2010), as fases de criação e do sexo. Para tanto, foram utilizados 480 pintos de corte, 240 machos e 240 fêmeas de mesma linhagem (Cobb 500), no período de 1 a 56 dias de idade. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, totalizando 6 tratamentos (aumentado ou diminuído em 25% ou 50% o preço médio histórico), com 4 repetições e 10 aves por parcela experimental. As aves foram alimentadas ad libitum com água e rações experimentais, formuladas à base de milho, farelo de soja, óleo de soja, suplemento vitamínico e mineral, calcário e fosfato bicálcico. Foi avaliado o desempenho (ganho de peso, consumo e conversão alimentar), consumo total energético e lucro nas diferentes fases (inicial, crescimento e terminação). O consumo de ração mostrou diferença significativa (P<0,05) entre as dietas que foram formuladas segundo o princípio não linear e linear. O consumo total energético foi significativamente influenciado (P<0,05) tanto pelo princípio de formulação como pela variação do preço histórico do frango, sendo o esperado, uma vez que essa condição é que viabiliza a aplicação do modelo para máximo lucro. Quanto ao lucro foi demonstrado que o princípio de formulação não linear permite minimizar as perdas significativamente (P<0,05), principalmente em condições desfavoráveis do preço do frango no mercado. Conclui-se que a programação não linear favorece a nutrição de precisão, partindo de um principio que este método oferece novas oportunidades para a produção de aves e melhorias de rentabilidade.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi calcular o custo de produção de carqueja cultivada no município de Cajuru (SP) e analisar seus indicadores de rentabilidade. O cultivo de quatro anos compreendeu no primeiro ano a fase de implantação e produção inicial (duas colheitas) e os três anos subsequentes somente produção (três colheitas/ano). Os custos mensurados foram o Custo Operacional Efetivo (COE) e Custo Operacional Total (COT), nos quais se constatou que o gasto com insumos foi o principal fator. Já os indicadores de rentabilidade analisados foram: receita bruta, lucro operacional, margem bruta, lucratividade e ponto de nivelamento. Verificou-se a existência de lucro operacional positivo ao longo do período. O presente estudo demonstrou a rentabilidade do cultivo de carqueja. Sugere-se a ampliação deste tipo de estudo para outras espécies medicinais para melhor compreensão deste importante tipo de cadeia produtiva.


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Twenty-four masters swimmers participated in the study (42.0 ± 7.4 years, 1.74 ± 0.09 m, 74.8 ± 14.1 kg). Countermovement jump (CMJ) and 3 kg medicinal ball throwing (BM) were performed. At a 25 m swimming pool, each subject completed a maximal 50 m front crawl swim with in water start, 25 and 50 m performances (T25, T50) were recorded. Anaerobic critical velocity (AnCV) was determined by the slope of the distance-time relationship (Dd-t) in the two swimming distances. T25 and T50 (respectively 19.0 ± 2.7-sec and 38.8 ± 6.4-sec) were correlated with CMJ (27.2 ± 5.0 m) (respectively, r = -0.78 and -0.73, p < 0.01), and BM (4.3 ± 1.0 m) (r = -0.68 and - 0.58, p < 0.01). AnCV25,50 (1.31 ± 0.23 m.s-1 ) was correlated with T25 (r = -0.92, p < 0.01 ) and T50 (r = -0.98, p < 0.01). The strength parameters turn out to be important in aquatic performance in masters swimmers and AnCV may be relevant in the training of masters swimmers.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Sexual - FCLAR


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The objective of this study was to dimension the economic risks and returns on adopters of genetically modified (GM) maize in one of the major corn producing regions of São Paulo state. We performed analysis of variation of the quantities and prices of insecticides used, productivity gains, and variation in the price differentials between GM maize and conventional hybrids seeds, according to account to the maize prices oscillation during the period studied. The net benefits methodology was used, in other words, the economic gains minus the costs of GM technology under risk conditions were calculated. The net benefits was calculated as a function of four critical variables: 1) GM maize productivity; 2) costs of pest control; 3) maize price; 4) GM seeds cost. The probability distribution functions of these critical variables were estimated and included in the net benefit equation. Using the Monte Carlo simulation methodology, the following indicator sets were estimated: central tendency measurements, variability in net benefits (total benefits minus total costs), sensitivity analysis of the net benefits in relation to the critical variables, and finally, a map of the risk to GM technology adopters. These indicators allow one to design economic scenarios associated with their probability of occurring. The results showed probability of 85% to positive gains to the farmers who adopted the transgenic maize seed cultivation. The variable with the greatest impact on the farmers' income was the reduction in productivity loss, that means, as higher is the maize productivity, higher will be the net income. The average gain was US$ 137,41 (R$ 2.45/US$)per hectare with the adoption of transgenic maize seed when compared to conventional maize seed.


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This study was to evaluate the profitability of land use for production of sugar cane in the São Paulo North Region, under risk conditions, from two views: the owner operator and the cash rental operator. The owner operators have higher levels of profitability comparing to cash rental owners, but with higher levels of risk. The land owners aversive to risk fits better to rent system, since the minimum return is greater than the profitability of owners operators. Moreover, if the producer is willing to production risk, the income may reach approximately 3 times that one obtained by the tenants.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)