837 resultados para Delphi panel


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Marine ecosystems are facing a diverse range of threats, including climate change, prompting international efforts to safeguard marine biodiversity through the use of spatial management measures. Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have been implemented as a conservation tool throughout the world, but their usefulness and effectiveness is strongly related to climate change. However, few MPA programmes have directly considered climate change in the design, management or monitoring of an MPA network. Under international obligations, EU, UK and national targets, Scotland has developed an MPA network that aims to protect marine biodiversity and contribute to the vision of a clean, healthy and productive marine environment. This is the first study to critically analyse the Scottish MPA process and highlight areas which may be improved upon in further iterations of the network in the context of climate change. Initially, a critical review of the Scottish MPA process considered how ecological principles for MPA network design were incorporated into the process, how stakeholder perceptions were considered and crucially what consideration was given to the influence of climate change on the eventual effectiveness of the network. The results indicated that to make a meaningful contribution to marine biodiversity protection for Europe the Scottish MPA network should: i) fully adopt best practice ecological principles ii) ensure effective protection and iii) explicitly consider climate change in the management, monitoring and future iterations of the network. However, this review also highlighted the difficulties of incorporating considerations of climate change into an already complex process. A series of international case studies from British Columbia, Canada; central California, USA; the Great Barrier Reef, Australia and the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand, were then conducted to investigate perceptions of how climate change has been considered in the design, implementation, management and monitoring of MPAs. The key lessons from this study included: i) strictly protected marine reserves are considered essential for climate change resilience and will be necessary as scientific reference sites to understand climate change effects ii) adaptive management of MPA networks is important but hard to implement iii) strictly protected reserves managed as ecosystems are the best option for an uncertain future. This work provides new insights into the policy and practical challenges MPA managers face under climate change scenarios. Based on the Scottish and international studies, the need to facilitate clear communication between academics, policy makers and stakeholders was recognised in order to progress MPA policy delivery and to ensure decisions were jointly formed and acceptable. A Delphi technique was used to develop a series of recommendations for considering climate change in Scotland’s MPA process. The Delphi participant panel was selected for their knowledge of the Scottish MPA process and included stakeholders, policy makers and academics with expertise in MPA research. The results from the first round of the Delphi technique suggested that differing views of success would likely influence opinions regarding required management of MPAs, and in turn, the data requirements to support management action decisions. The second round of the Delphi technique explored this further and indicated that there was a fundamental dichotomy in panellists’ views of a successful MPA network depending upon whether they believed the MPAs should be strictly protected or allow for sustainable use. A third, focus group round of the Delphi Technique developed a feature-based management scenario matrix to aid in deciding upon management actions in light of changes occurring in the MPA network. This thesis highlights that if the Scottish MPA network is to fulfil objectives of conservation and restoration, the implications of climate change for the design, management and monitoring of the network must be considered. In particular, there needs to be a greater focus on: i) incorporating ecological principles that directly address climate change ii) effective protection that builds resilience of the marine and linked social environment iii) developing a focused, strong and adaptable monitoring framework iv) ensuring mechanisms for adaptive management.


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El objetivo principal de este trabajo es realizar un estudio preliminar sobre la percepción que tienen los psicólogos del deporte del síndrome de burnout en deportistas. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio utilizando la técnica Delphi en una muestra de 23 expertos en Psicología del Deporte con amplia experiencia en entrenamiento psicológico con deportistas. Se les envió de forma sucesiva tres cuestionarios semiestructurados por correo electrónico sobre el burnout en deportistas, en los que se les preguntaba por diversos aspectos del síndrome como síntomas, consecuencias, relación estrés-burnout, y estrategias o técnicas de intervención psicológicas, elaborándose el segundo y el tercer cuestionario a partir del análisis de la información de las respuestas dadas en los anteriores. Los resultados muestran que la gran mayoría de los expertos plantea el estrés junto con la pérdida de control en la vida del deportista como factores directamente relacionados con el síndrome de burnout, y el 100% considera que el autoconcepto deportivo y extradeportivo es una variable que incide en el burnout. Las consecuencias fisiológicas del burnout en deportistas referidas por los expertos son tensión, fatiga e irritabilidad no acordes con el momento deportivo, dificultad para experimentar emociones positivas como ilusión, expectativas positivas, energía, etc., y tendencia a que desapareciese el entusiasmo en el deporte. Las estrategias de intervención psicológica de elección referidas por los expertos incluyen control emocional, mejora de la autoestima y autoconcepto, establecimiento de objetivos, intervención centrada en necesidades, apoyo social, organización y gestión del tiempo, reestructuración cognitiva, control del estrés, resolución de problemas, y facilitación de actividades alternativas satisfactorias.


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The main objetive of this research is to evaluate the long term relationship between energy consumption and GDP for some Latin American countries in the period 1980-2009 -- The estimation has been done through the non-stationary panel approach, using the production function in order to control other sources of GDP variation, such as capital and labor -- In addition to this, a panel unit root tests are used in order to identify the non-stationarity of these variables, followed by the application of panel cointegration test proposed by Pedroni (2004) to avoid a spurious regression (Entorf, 1997; Kao, 1999)


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Sequential panel selection methods (spsms — procedures that sequentially use conventional panel unit root tests to identify I(0)I(0) time series in panels) are increasingly used in the empirical literature. We check the reliability of spsms by using Monte Carlo simulations based on generating directly the individual asymptotic pp values to be combined into the panel unit root tests, in this way isolating the classification abilities of the procedures from the small sample properties of the underlying univariate unit root tests. The simulations consider both independent and cross-dependent individual test statistics. Results suggest that spsms may offer advantages over time series tests only under special conditions.


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El objetivo principal de este estudio es identificar algunas variables del entorno que afectan los indicadores financieros de morosidad y de liquidez en el sistema bancario costarricense, cuantificar su efecto y determinar el rezago con que dicho efecto se presenta ante cambios en algunas variables del entorno.Mediante la aplicación del enfoque de datos de panel, el estudio brinda los siguientes resultados: i) en general, se determinó para los indicadores de morosidad crediticia y de liquidez que existe una reacción similar a nivel de sistema bancario ante cambios en las variables del entorno; no obstante, entre los bancos se presentan diferencias en su comportamiento particular, las que se asocian con aspectos de capacidad empresarial, políticas internas, eficiencia operativa, experiencia y tecnología, entre otros; ii)las variables que afectan con mayor intensidad la morosidad son: la devaluación, la inflación, las nuevas colocaciones crediticias y el ritmo de la actividad económica local; iii) por su parte, las variables que impactan el indicador de liquidez son: la emisión monetaria, las tasas de interés en colones, la tasa de subasta, la tasa de indiferencia y la morosidad de los bancos; iv) además se efectuó una cuantificación porcentual sobre el impacto en ambos indicadores ante cambios en las variables relevantes, así como el rezago que mostró mayor significancia en cada una de las variables.Desde el punto de vista del Banco Central los resultados permiten identificar qué variables podrían generar problemas sistémicos en cada una de las áreas evaluadas, lo cual debe ser tomado en consideración dentro del Sistema de Indicadores de Alerta Temprana al que da seguimiento la División Económica.


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Nowadays, the development of the photovoltaic (PV) technology is consolidated as a source of renewable energy. The research in the topic of maximum improvement on the energy efficiency of the PV plants is today a major challenge. The main requirement for this purpose is to know the performance of each of the PV modules that integrate the PV field in real time. In this respect, a PLC communications based Smart Monitoring and Communications Module, which is able to monitor at PV level their operating parameters, has been developed at the University of Malaga. With this device you can check if any of the panels is suffering any type of overriding performance, due to a malfunction or partial shadowing of its surface. Since these fluctuations in electricity production from a single panel affect the overall sum of all panels that conform a string, it is necessary to isolate the problem and modify the routes of energy through alternative paths in case of PV panels array configuration.


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Assistimos hodiernamente à automatização de procedimentos nas organizações, dado à inserção das novas tecnologias, e mais em concreto das ferramentas computacionais, no ambiente organizacional. Esta automatização permite a simplificação do processo de tomada de decisão, a manipulação de dados e lidar com o excesso de informação. No seu dia-a-dia, a Guarda Nacional Republicana enfrenta uma elevada diversidade e complexidade de ocorrências, que motiva a utilização de um sistema de informação que se constitua como primeira linha da Gestão das Ocorrências, permitindo ao comandante gerir criteriosamente os seus meios no processo de tomada de decisão. Este trabalho de investigação tem como objetivo descrever de que forma pode o Sistema de Gestão das Salas de Situação influenciar a tomada de decisão. Para tal foi realizado um estudo de caso, reunindo um grupo de sete Chefes de Sala de Situação, reunindo-os num painel de especialistas para aplicar o método de Delphi, visando inferir as potencialidades do sistema e as vulnerabilidades sentidas pelos operadores. Foram também aplicados inquéritos por questionário aos operadores do sistema no sentido de compreender a sua perceção de utilidade desta ferramenta na gestão de meios. A análise de resultados permitiu verificar que o Sistema de Gestão das Salas de Situação é uma importante ferramenta na gestão de ocorrências, ao fornecer informação necessária à tomada de decisão do comandante, embora possua imperfeições que necessitam de ser mitigadas, no sentido de serem exploradas as potencialidades na sua plenitude. Conclui-se com esta investigação que o Sistema de Gestão das Salas de Situação facilita a tomada de decisão ao fornecer informações acerca das ocorrências ativas na zona de ação da sua Unidade, bem como das patrulhas disponíveis. Este sistema, deve ser complementado com a utilização do Sistema de Informação de Gestão dos meios SIRESP, para que o comandante consiga percecionar a localização das patrulhas disponíveis. Desta forma, o comandante consegue tomar decisões de maneira mais sustentada, permitindo a rápida mobilização dos recursos policiais, visando a excelência operacional e o aumento de eficácia da ação policial.


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Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo desarrollar un panel de hormigón prefabricado arquitectónico, que pueda ser utilizado como una alternativa de uso frente a los sistemas constructivos de cerramiento tradicional. Para ello se empleó un material nuevo y poco conocido en Ecuador denominado GRC “GlassFibreReinforcedCement”. Este es un material compuesto por una matriz de micro-hormigón de cemento Portland y fibras de vidrio álcali resistente dispersas en toda su masa. El compuesto resultante presenta una sección aproximada de 10mm con el cual se obtienen paneles de extremada ligereza y de alta resistencia a la flexión, tracción, impactos, fuego y corrosión.


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En este trabajo de investigación, se diseñó y desarrollo un panel prefabricado para aplicaciones arquitectónicas, compuesto por fibras naturales. El panel fue elaborado a partir de una mezcla de fibras vegetales de tamo de arroz y cabuya, con partículas de arena silícea, los cuales, están aglomerados con una resina de silicato de sodio. La mezcla de estos materiales tiene buenas propiedades de trabajabilidad, compactación y con la aplicación de dióxido de carbono CO2, esta mezcla se solidifica rápidamente. Esta técnica, facilita el proceso de producción en serie de los paneles prefabricados de fibras naturales. A través del moldeo con una prensa manual, se obtuvo paneles con buenas propiedades y características de resistencia, módulo de ruptura, densidad y contenido de humedad; además de tener medidas modulares, texturas de agradable aspecto superficial y criterios de reversibilidad. Los paneles también presentan favorables cualidades de aislamiento térmico y acústico. Sus aplicaciones y utilidades son para revestimiento en espacios interiores de: muros, cielo raso y tabiquería liviana o decorativa. Finalmente se generó una propuesta de instalación de los paneles, utilizando de igual forma recursos renovables y sostenibles.


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This flyer promotes a panel discussion titled "Confiscated Properties in Cuba: Revisiting the Issue of Legal Settlements after D17". The panelists will discuss the legal and economic implications of dealing with the private properties confiscated by the Cuban revolutionary government from both Cuban and non-Cuban actors. Confirmed participants include: Rolando Anillo, President, Cuban Claims Association Pedro G. Menocal, Partner, Gutierrez Bergman Boulris, PLLC Jose Gabilondo, Associate Professor of Law, FIU Matias F. Travieso-Diaz, retired partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP. This event was held on November 12, 2015 FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus, Rafael Diaz Balart Hall 1000


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El movimiento cooperativo vivió en el año 2012 un impulso renovado con la celebración del Año Internacional de las Cooperativas de Naciones Unidas (ONU), siendo su objetivo fomentar y dar visibilidad al papel que juegan las cooperativas en el desarrollo. En este trabajo, se presentan los resultados cualitativos de las entrevistas realizadas a expertos del sector en el ámbito internacional siguiéndose la metodología Delphi, con la que se recaban valoraciones expertas de la situación y retos del movimiento en distintos países, de los logros de la celebración ese Año Internacional y de las posibilidades de cumplimiento de los objetivos marcados para la próxima década por las organizaciones representativas del sector a nivel internacional.


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The uncertainty of the future of a firm has to be modelled and incorporated into the evaluation of companies outside their explicit period of analysis, i.e., in the continuing or terminal value considered within valuation models. However, there is a multiplicity of factors that influence the continuing value of businesses which are not currently being considered within valuation models. In fact, ignoring these factors may cause significant errors of judgment, which can lead models to values of goodwill or badwill, far from the substantial value of the inherent assets. Consequently, these results provided will be markedly different from market values. So, why not consider alternative models incorporating life expectancy of companies, as well as the influence of other attributes of the company in order to get a smoother adjustment between market price and valuation methods? This study aims to provide a contribution towards this area, having as its main objective the analysis of potential determinants of firm value in the long term. Using a sample of 714 listed companies, belonging to 15 European countries, and a panel data for the period between 1992 and 2011, our results show that continuing value cannot be regarded as the current value of a constant or growth perpetuity of a particular attribute of the company, but instead be according to a set of attributes such as free cash flow, net income, the average life expectancy of the company, investment in R&D, capabilities and quality of management, liquidity and financing structure.


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The aim of this study was to establish guidelines for the optimization of biologic therapies for health professionals involved in the management of patients with RA, AS and PsA. Recommendations were established via consensus by a panel of experts in rheumatology and hospital pharmacy, based on analysis of available scientific evidence obtained from four systematic reviews and on the clinical experience of panellists. The Delphi method was used to evaluate these recommendations, both between panellists and among a wider group of rheumatologists. Previous concepts concerning better management of RA, AS and PsA were reviewed and, more specifically, guidelines for the optimization of biologic therapies used to treat these diseases were formulated. Recommendations were made with the aim of establishing a plan for when and how to taper biologic treatment in patients with these diseases. The recommendations established herein aim not only to provide advice on how to improve the risk:benefit ratio and efficiency of such treatments, but also to reduce variability in daily clinical practice in the use of biologic therapies for rheumatic diseases


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To develop a disease activity index for patients with uveitis (UVEDAI) encompassing the relevant domains of disease activity considered important among experts in this field. The steps for designing UVEDAI were: (a) Defining the construct and establishing the domains through a formal judgment of experts, (b) A two-round Delphi study with a panel of 15 experts to determine the relevant items, (c) Selection of items: A logistic regression model was developed that set ocular inflammatory activity as the dependent variable. The construct “uveitis inflammatory activity” was defined as any intraocular inflammation that included external structures (cornea) in addition to uvea. Seven domains and 15 items were identified: best-corrected visual acuity, inflammation of the anterior chamber (anterior chamber cells, hypopyon, the presence of fibrin, active posterior keratic precipitates and iris nodules), intraocular pressure, inflammation of the vitreous cavity (vitreous haze, snowballs and snowbanks), central macular edema, inflammation of the posterior pole (the presence and number of choroidal/retinal lesions, vascular inflammation and papillitis), and global assessment from both (patient and physician). From all the variables studied in the multivariate model, anterior chamber cell grade, vitreous haze, central macular edema, inflammatory vessel sheathing, papillitis, choroidal/retinal lesions and patient evaluation were included in UVEDAI. UVEDAI is an index designed to assess the global ocular inflammatory activity in patients with uveitis. It might prove worthwhile to motorize the activity of this extraarticular manifestation of some rheumatic diseases.