896 resultados para Cross-Sectional Studies


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Early deficits in nutritional status that might require specific treatment and early response to nutritional therapy were studied longitudinally in 25 infants with cystic fibrosis (CF) diagnosed by neonatal screening, using anthropometric and research body composition methodology, and evaluation of pancreatic function. At the time of confirmed diagnosis (mean 5.4 weeks), body mass, length, total body fat (TBF), and total body potassium (TBK) were all significantly reduced. Following diagnosis and commencement of therapy there was a normalization of weight, length, and TBK by 6-12 months of age, indicating catch-up growth. But in some individuals the response was incomplete, and as a group, mean total body fat remained significantly lower than normal at 1 year of age. Seven of 25 (28%) were pancreatic sufficient at diagnosis, and all but one had evidence of declining pancreatic function requiring the institution of pancreatic enzyme therapy during the next 1-9 months. The median age of commencement of enzyme therapy was 10 weeks (range 5 weeks to 11 months). These longitudinal assessments emphasize the dynamic changes occurring in absorptive function, body composition, and nutritional status following neonatal diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and may reflect previously described abnormalities of energy metabolism in this age group. Abnormal body composition is evident in most CF infants following diagnosis by neonatal screening but pancreatic damage may still be evolving. We suggest that early active nutritional therapy and surveillance for changes in pancreatic function are warranted in CF infants diagnosed by neonatal screening.


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To further evaluate the nature of malnutrition, define at-risk groups, and confirm the efficacy of nutritional supplementation on body composition in cystic fibrosis (CF), we have conducted longitudinal and cross-sectional studies of total body potassium (TBK) in 161 unselected CF subjects aged 1 month to 17 years. TBK was determined by measurement of40K in a whole body counter, reflecting body cell mass (BCM), the vital work-performing and growing cellular component of the body. Compared with normal TBK data for age and sex from pooled measurements of 1,629 healthy children aged 1 week to 17 years, CF infants (n = 12) diagnosed by newborn screening were depleted in TBK at diagnosis and showed catch-up with therapy by 1 year; CF children aged 2-17 years (n = 140) showed a tendency for inadequate accretion of TBK (and thus BCM) with increasing age, although the normal correlation between TBK and weight and height was maintained in the majority suggesting a pattern of nutritional stunting of growth; and malnourished CF children (n = 9) showed significant catchup in TBK with long-term nutritional rehabilitation (85-98% of TBK predicted for weight and height). These studies suggest that potentially serious, but possibly correctable deficits, in the growth of the body cell mass as measured by TBK occur commonly in CF. These deficits may be established very early in life and if not corrected lead to progressive nutritional growth retardation with increasing age. © 1989 Raven Press, Ltd., New York.


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In line with major demographic changes in other Northern European and North American countries and Australia, being nonmarried is becoming increasingly common in Finland, and the proportion of cohabiters and of persons living alone has grown in recent decades. Official marital status no longer reflects an individual s living arrangement, as single, divorced and widowed persons may live alone, with a partner, with children, with parents, with siblings, or with unrelated persons. Thus, more than official marital status, living arrangements may be a stronger discriminator of one s social bonds and health. The general purpose of this study was to deepen our current understanding of the magnitude, trends, and determinants of ill health by living arrangements in the Finnish working-age population. Distinct measures of different dimensions of poor health, as well as an array of associated factors, provided a comprehensive picture of health differences by living arrangements and helped to assess the role of other factors in the interpretation of these differences . Mortality analyses were based on Finnish census records at the end of 1995 linked with cause-of-death registers for 1996 2000. The data included all persons aged 30 and over. Morbidity analyses were based on two comparable cross-sectional studies conducted twenty years apart (the Mini-Finland Survey in 1978 80 and the Health 2000 Survey in 2000 01). Both surveys were based on nationally representative samples of Finns aged 30 and over, and benefited from high participation rates. With the exception of mortality analyses, this study focused on health differences among the working-age population (mortality in age groups 30-64 and 65 and over, self-rated health and mental health in the age group 30-64, and unhealthy alcohol use in the age group 30-54). Compared with all nonmarried groups, married men and women exhibited the best health in terms of mortality, self-rated health, mental health and unhealthy alcohol use. Cohabiters did not differ from married persons in terms of self-rated health or mental health, but did exhibit excess unhealthy alcohol use and high mortality, particularly from alcohol-related causes. Compared with the married, persons living alone or with someone other than a partner exhibited elevated mortality as well as excess poor mental health and unhealthy alcohol use. By all measures of health, men and women living alone tended to be in the worst position. Over the past twenty years, SRH had improved least among single men and women and widowed women, and most among cohabiting women. The association between living arrangements and health has many possible explanations. The health-related selection theory suggests that healthy people are more likely to enter and maintain a marriage or a consensual union than those who are unhealthy (direct selection) or that a variety of health-damaging behavioural and social factors increase the likelihood of ill health and the probability of remaining without a partner or becoming separated from one s partner (indirect selection). According to the social causation theory, marriage or cohabitation has a health-promoting effect, whereas living alone or with others than a partner has a detrimental effect on health. In this study, the role of other factors that are mainly assumed to reflect selection, appeared to be rather modest. Social support, which reflects social causation, contributed only modestly to differences in unhealthy alcohol use by living arrangements, but had a larger effect on differences in poor mental health. Socioeconomic factors and health-related behaviour, which reflect both selection and causation, appeared to play a more important role in the excess poor health of cohabiters and of persons living alone or with someone other than a partner, than of married persons. Living arrangements were strongly connected to various dimensions of ill health. In particular, alcohol consumption appeared to be of great importance in the association between living arrangements and health. To the extent that the proportion of nonmarried persons continues to grow and their health does not improve at the same rate as that of married persons, the challenges that currently nonmarried persons pose to public health will likely increase.


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The aim of the present research was to examine the validity of the RAND-36 measure of health-related quality of life among the working age rehabilitation clients. The research included two cross-sectional studies and one follow-up study. The subjects of the first study (n = 794) participated in the first period of the five following types of rehabilitation: occupationally oriented medical rehabilitation, musculoskeletal rehabilitation, medical rehabilitation for job burnout, rehabilitation for supporting the work ability and capacity of disabled subjects (vocational rehabilitation) and individualized rehabilitation between October 2000 and October 2001. The subjects of the second study (n = 990) participated in the same rehabilitation during their first rehabilitation period between May 2007 and May 2008. The first subjects participated in a follow-up period no later than May 2003 with the exception of the individual rehabilitation clients (n = 588). Based on the ICF classification, the RAND-36 provides a diverse measure of the health-related quality of life and of the capacity for subjective, perceived physical and psycho-social functioning. The construct properties of the RAND-36 measure proved to be very consistent on the basis of both the cluster and confirmatory factor analyses. At the group level, the RAND-36 measure was shown to be illustrative and sensitive in differentiating the clients’ rehabilitation needs. The results of cluster analyses with the two cross-sectional data indicated a consistent five-cluster solution of rehabilitation groups on the basis of the eight subscales of health-related quality of life. Each of these clusters represented a clear difference in their need for rehabilitation. The RAND-36 measure proved to be sensitive to change. The changes observed in the pre- and post-conditions in relation to all the subscales of quality of life were statistically significant. Depending on the rehabilitation type, different changes in the subscales of the measure were observed, and these changes corresponded to the different emphasis and goals of the specific type of rehabilitation intervention. Similarly, changes in the subscales of the measure were observed in relation to the RAND groups formed by cluster analysis, which were logical and corresponded to the problem profiles of these groups. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated a two-factor solution: an index of the capacity for physical functioning (self-rated general health, bodily pain, physical functioning, physical role functioning) and an index of the capacity for psycho-social functioning (psychological well-being, social functioning, psychological role functioning and energy). These two indices describing functional capacity proved also to be sensitive to change. This two-factor solution seems to be usable for group level analyses when assessing the effects of rehabilitation. The moderately strong correlation between the RAND-36 and work ability index suggests that they partly measure the same phenomenon: perceived health-related quality of life, subjective capacity for activity and perceived work ability have strong links. As expected, the capacity for physical functioning had a stronger correlation with work ability index than with the capacity for psycho-social functioning. According to the present research, the RAND-36 measure can be considered as a screening method for rehabilitation orientation in relation to rehabilitation needs and as a follow-up measure for the health-related quality of life among the working age clients. The RAND-36 measure is also shown to be a useful instrument in estimating the benefits of rehabilitation as well as in effectiveness research.


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BACKGROUND: The serotonergic system is thought to play an important role for mediating susceptibility to migraine and depression, which is frequently found comorbid in migraine. The functional polymorphism in the serotonin transporter gene linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR/SLC6A4) was previously associated with attack frequency and, thus, possibly with chronification. OBJECTIVE: We hypothesized that patients with the "s" allele have higher attack frequency and, paralleling results in depression research, higher scores of depression. METHODS: Genetic analysis of the SLC6A4 44 bp insertion/deletion polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) was performed in 293 patients with migraine with and without aura. Self-rating questionnaires were used for assessment of depression. RESULTS: Multinomial logistic regression analysis found no evidence for association of the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism with either depression or migraine attack frequency. CONCLUSION: We were not able to demonstrate any influence of the serotonin transporter 5-HTTLPR polymorphism on migraine phenomenology (attack frequency or comorbid depression), thereby excluding this variant to be a common genetic denominator for chronic migraine and depression.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether a microsatellite polymorphism located towards the 3' end of the low density lipoprotein receptor gene (LDLR) is associated with obesity. DESIGN: A cross-sectional case-control study. SUBJECTS: One hundred and seven obese individuals, defined as a body mass index (BMI) > or = 26 kg/m2, and 163 lean individuals, defined as a BMI < 26 kg/m2. MEASUREMENTS: BMI, blood pressure, serum lipids, alleles of LDLR microsatellite (106 bp, 108 bp and 112 bp). RESULTS: There was a significant association between variants of the LDLR microsatellite and obesity, in the overall tested population, due to a contributing effect in females (chi 2 = 12.3, P = 0.002), but not in males (chi 2 = 0.3, P = 0.87). In females, individuals with the 106 bp allele were more likely to be lean, while individuals with the 112 bp and/or 108 bp alleles tended to be obese. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that in females, LDLR may play a role in the development of obesity.


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Background: Malnutrition is a common problem for residents of nursing homes and long-term care hospitals. It has a negative influence on elderly residents and patients health and quality of life. Nutritional care seems to have a positive effect on elderly individuals nutritional status and well-being. Studies of Finnish elderly people s nutrition and nutritional care in institutions are scarce. Objectives: The primary aim was to investigate the nutritional status and its associated factors of elderly nursing home residents and long-term care patients in Finland. In particular, to find out, if the nursing or nutritional care factors are associated with the nutritional status, and how do carers and nurses recognize malnutrition. A further aim was to assess the energy and nutrient intake of the residents of dementia wards. A final objective was to find out, if the nutrition training of professionals leads to changes in their knowledge and further translate into better nutrition for the aged residents of dementia wards. Subjects and methods: The residents (n=2114) and patients (n=1043) nutritional status was assessed in all studies using the Mini Nutritional Assessment test (MNA). Information was gathered in a questionnaire on residents and patients daily routines providing nutritional care. Residents energy and nutrient intake (n=23; n=21) in dementia wards were determined over three days by the precise weighing method. Constructive learning theory was the basis for educating the professionals (n=28). A half-structured questionnaire was used to assess professionals learning. Studies I-IV were cross-sectional studies whereas study V was an intervention study. Results: Malnutrition was common among elderly residents and patients living in nursing homes and hospitals in Finland. According to the MNA, 11% to 57% of the studied elderly people suffered from malnutrition, and 40-89% were at risk of malnutrition, whereas only 0-16% had a good nutritional status. Resident- and patient-related factors such as dementia, impaired ADL (Activities of Daily Living), swallowing difficulties and constipation mainly explained the malnutrition, but also some nutritional care related factors, such as eating less than half of the offered food portion and not receiving snacks were also related to malnutrition. The intake of energy and some nutrients by the residents of dementia wards were lower than those recommended, although the offered food contained enough energy and nutrients. The proportion of residents receiving vitamin D supplementation was low, although there is a recommendation and known benefits for the adequate intake of vitamin D. Nurses recognized malnutrition poorly, only one in four (26.7%) of the actual cases. Keeping and analysing food diaries and reflecting on nutritional issues in small group discussions were effective training methods for professionals. The nutrition education of professionals had a positive impact on the energy and protein intake, BMIs, and the MNA scores of some residents in dementia wards. Conclusions: Malnutrition was common among elderly residents and patients living in nursing homes and hospitals in Finland. Although residents- and patient related factors mainly explained malnutrition, nurses recognized malnutrition poorly and nutritional care possibilities were in minor use. Professionals nutrition education had a positive impact on the nutrition of elderly residents. Further studies describing successful nutritional care and nutrition education of professionals are needed.


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Dietary habits have changed during the past decades towards an increasing consumption of processed foods, which has notably increased not only total dietary phosphorus (P) intake, but also intake of P from phosphate additives. While the intake of calcium (Ca) in many Western countries remains below recommended levels (800 mg/d), the usual daily P intake in a typical Western diet exceeds by 2- to 3-fold the dietary guidelines (600 mg/d). The effects of high P intake in healthy humans have been investigated seldom. In this thesis healthy 20- to 43-year-old women were studied. In the first controlled study (n = 14), we examined the effects of P doses, and in a cross-sectional study (n = 147) the associations of habitual P intakes with Ca and bone metabolism. In this same cross-sectional study, we also investigated whether differences exist between dietary P originating from natural P sources and phosphate additives. The second controlled study (n = 12) investigated whether by increasing the Ca intake, the effects of a high P intake could be reduced. The associations of habitual dietary calcium-to-phosphorus ratios (Ca:P ratio) with Ca and bone metabolism were determined in a cross-sectional study design (n = 147). In the controlled study, the oral intake of P doses (495, 745, 1245 and 1995 mg/d) with a low Ca intake (250 mg/d) increased serum parathyroid hormone (S-PTH) concentration in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, the highest P dose decreased serum ionized calcium (S-iCa) concentration and bone formation and increased bone resorption. In the second controlled study with a dietary P intake of 1850 mg/d, by increasing the Ca intake from 480 mg/d to 1080 mg/d and then to 1680 mg/d, the S-PTH concentration decreased, the S-iCa concentration increased and bone resorption decreased dose-dependently. However, not even the highest Ca intake could counteract the effect of high dietary P on bone formation, as indicated by unchanged bone formation activity. In the cross-sectional studies, a higher habitual dietary P intake (>1650 mg/d) was associated with lower S-iCa and higher S-PTH concentrations. The consumption of phosphate additive-containing foods was associated with a higher S-PTH concentration. Moreover, habitual low dietary Ca:P ratios (≤0.50, molar ratio) were associated with higher S-PTH concentrations and 24-h urinary Ca excretions, suggesting that low dietary Ca:P ratios may interfere with homeostasis of Ca metabolism and increase bone resorption. In summary, excessive dietary P intake in healthy Finnish women seems to be detrimental to Ca and bone metabolism, especially when dietary Ca intake is low. The results indicate that by increasing dietary Ca intake to the recommended level, the negative effects of high P intake could be diminished, but not totally prevented. These findings imply that phosphate additives may be more harmful than natural P. Thus, reduction of an excessively high dietary P intake is also beneficial for healthy individuals.


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Introduction: The pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy remains a matter of debate, although strong evidence suggests that it results from the interaction between susceptibility genes and the diabetic milieu. The true pathogenetic mechanism remains unknown, but a common denominator of micro- and macrovascular complications may exist. Some have suggested that low-grade inflammation and activation of the innate immune system might play a synergistic role in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy. Aims of the study: The present studies were undertaken to investigate whether low-grade inflammation, mannan-binding lectin (MBL) and α-defensin play a role, together with adiponectin, in patients with type 1 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy. Subjects and methods: This study is part of the ongoing Finnish Diabetic Nephropathy Study (FinnDiane). The first four cross-sectional substudies of this thesis comprised 194 patients with type 1 diabetes divided into three groups (normo-, micro-, and macroalbuminuria) according to their albumin excretion rate (AER). The fifth substudy aimed to determine whether baseline serum adiponectin plays a role in the development and progression of diabetic nephropathy. This follow-up study included 1330 patients with type 1 diabetes and a mean follow-up period of five years. The patients were divided into three groups depending on their AER at baseline. As a measure of low-grade inflammation, highly sensitive CRP (hsCRP) and α-defensin were measured with radio-immunoassay, and interleukin-6 (IL-6) with high- sensitivity enzyme immuno-assay. Mannan-binding lectin and adiponectin were determined with time-resolved immunofluorometric assays. The progression of albuminuria from one stage to the other served as a measure of the progression of diabetic nephropathy. Results: Low-grade inflammatory markers, MBL, adiponectin, and α-defensin were all associated with diabetic nephropathy, whereas MBL, adiponectin, and α-defensin per se were unassociated with low-grade inflammatory markers. AER was the only clinical variable independently associated with hsCRP. AER, HDL-cholesterol and the duration of diabetes were independently associated with IL-6. HbA1c was the only variable independently associated with MBL. The estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), AER, and waist-to-hip ratio were independently associated with adiponectin. Systolic blood pressure, HDL-cholesterol, total cholesterol, age, and eGFR were all independently associated with α-defensin. In patients with macroalbuminuria, progression to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) was associated with higher baseline adiponectin concentrations. Discussion and conclusions: Low-grade inflammation, MBL, adiponectin, and defensin were all associated with diabetic nephropathy in these cross-sectional studies. In contrast however, MBL, adiponectin, and defensin were not associated with low-grade inflammatory markers per se. Nor was defensin associated with MBL, which may suggest that these different players function in a coordinated fashion during the deleterious process of diabetic nephropathy. The question of what causes low-grade inflammation in patients with type 1 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy, however, remains unanswered. We could observe in our study that glycemic control, an atherosclerotic lipid profile, and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) were associated with low-grade inflammation in the univariate analysis, although in the multivariate analysis, only AER, HDL-cholesterol, and the duration of diabetes, as a measure of glycemic load, proved to be independently associated with inflammation. Notably, all these factors are modifiable with changes in lifestyle and/or with a targeted medication. In the follow-up study, elevated serum adiponectin levels at baseline predicted the progression from macroalbuminuria to ESRD independently of renal function at baseline. This observation does not preclude adiponectin as a favorable factor during the process of diabetic nephropathy, since the rise in serum adiponectin concentrations may remain a mechanism by which the body compensates for the demands created by the diabetic milieu.


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O objetivo principal desta Dissertação foi avaliar as relações entre a Violência Física entre Parceiros Íntimos (VFPI) nos primeiros seis meses após o parto e a utilização de serviços de saúde entre crianças menores de seis meses de idade. Para estudar o construto utilização de serviços de saúde utilizou-se o momento de início do acompanhamento e o número de consultas da criança em Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS). Adicionalmente, estimou-se a prevalência de VFPI nos primeiros seis meses após o parto entre mães de crianças desta faixa etária assistidas nas UBS do Rio de Janeiro. As informações que subjazem a pesquisa originaram-se de um estudo transversal realizado em 27 UBS do Município do Rio de Janeiro, entre junho e setembro de 2007. A população de estudo foi selecionada por meio de amostragem por conglomerado em dois estágios. As UBS unidades primárias de amostragem foram amostradas com probabilidade de seleção proporcional ao volume de consultas pediátricas realizadas conduzindo a uma amostra geograficamente representativa do município. As crianças unidades secundárias de amostragem foram selecionadas de forma sistemática, obedecendo à ordem de saída das consultas. A amostra incluiu 927 crianças nos primeiros seis meses de vida cujas mães relataram ter companheiro na ocasião da entrevista dentre aquelas que buscaram consulta pediátrica ou de puericultura. As informações foram obtidas por meio de entrevista com a mãe da criança utilizando-se um questionário estruturado, contendo escalas previamente validadas, como a Revised Conflict Tatics Scales (CTS2) para a mensuração da VFPI. O artigo inicial apresenta a prevalência de VFPI nos primeiros seis meses após o parto na população estudada e em certos subgrupos de acordo com características sociodemográficas e de saúde de mães e bebês. Elevadas frequências de violência conjugal foram evidenciadas, em especial entre mães em situação socioeconômica desfavorável e que apresentavam falhas no cuidado pré-natal, na amamentação e na utilização do serviço de saúde. Os outros dois artigos apontam que a VFPI após o parto apresenta um sério risco ao acompanhamento regular da criança nos serviços de saúde. O segundo artigo revelou que a VFPI é um fator de risco independente para o início tardio do acompanhamento da criança em UBS em mulheres que possuíam emprego informal ou não trabalhavam e entre aquelas que não haviam realizado um adequado acompanhamento pré-natal. Já o terceiro artigo mostrou que a VFPI aumenta o risco de crianças filhas de mães que não exerciam trabalho remunerado após o parto terem um número de consultas aquém do esperado para a idade nos seus primeiros seis meses de vida. Espera-se que a divulgação dos resultados desta Dissertação possa contribuir para aumentar a sensibilização de profissionais de saúde e dos planejadores de políticas públicas do Setor Saúde para a importância de ações de combate à violência e, assim, colaborar para a promoção da saúde no seu sentido mais amplo.


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De acordo com a Organização Mundial da Saúde, o período da adolescência é aquele compreendido entre os 10 e os 19 anos de idade, a população de adolescentes é crescente e um em cada cinco indivíduos encontra-se nessa faixa etária. Anualmente, 60 em cada mil jovens se tornam mães, o que faz da gravidez na adolescência tema de interesse por parte de pesquisadores de todo o mundo. No município do Rio de Janeiro, observou-se o acompanhamento da tendência nacional de aumento de gravidez precoce, com maior variação positiva encontrada na faixa etária de 10 a 14 anos. O objetivo no Artigo I: Determinar a prevalência de transtornos mentais comuns (TMC) em uma população de adolescentes grávidas e avaliar sua associação com características da gravidez e fatores socioeconômicos, demográficos e de rede social de apoio. Artigo II: Determinar a prevalência de desejo de engravidar em uma população de gestantes adolescente, verificar possíveis associações com fatores socioeconômicos, demográficos e de rede social de apoio e avaliar o papel da idade como modificador de efeito dessas associações. Foram utilizados nos Artigos I e II o método de estudo seccional de base ambulatorial realizado com 232 adolescentes grávidas, em qualquer trimestre gestacional, regularmente atendidas nos serviços de pré-natal de dois hospitais públicos especializados do município do Rio de Janeiro, de maio a outubro de 2007. Foi utilizado questionário autopreenchível para a avaliação das características da gravidez, rede social de apoio, idade, renda, escolaridade, abandono escolar, situação conjugal, raça/cor e trabalho. As análises dos TMC foram conduzidas através do GHQ-12. Os resultados no Artigo I foram, a prevalência de TMC foi de 45,3%. O modelo final ajustado mostrou associação com TMC para as seguintes variáveis: renda familiar menor que três salários mínimos (RP = 2,32; IC 95% 1,15 - 4,67), não ter apoio familiar (RP = 2,18; IC 95% 1,69-2,81), não ter amigas para conversar (RP = 1,48; IC 95% 1,13-1,92) e não ter religião (RP = 1,72; IC 95% 1,25 - 2,36). No Artigo II, foram a prevalência de desejo de engravidar entre as gestantes adolescentes foi de 46,2%. No modelo final ajustado, as variáveis que apresentaram razões de prevalência (RP) estatisticamente significantes para associação com desejo de engravidar foram: ser casada ou viver em união estável (RP = 1,80; IC 95% 1,27-2,56), não ter amigas ou amigos com quem conversar (RP = 1,48; IC 95% 1,15-1,90). Adolescentes entre 12 e 16 anos e cursando o primeiro grau desejavam menos a gravidez (RP = 0,57; IC 95% 0,38- 0,88). Artigo I: Os resultados encontrados mostram que, frente à forte associação entre TMC e gravidez em adolescentes, temos a necessidade de implementação de políticas públicas que busquem minimizar os danos decorrentes das gestações em adolescentes, através da promoção de programas que incentivem a participação familiar no processo de aceitação da gravidez, bem como propiciando espaços para discussão, onde essas jovens possam ser ouvidas e orientadas. Artigo II: Os resultados deste estudo comprovam que a gravidez na adolescência não é necessariamente indesejada. Assim, fatores como viver em união estável e não ter amigas(os) para conversar aumentam o desejo de engravidar. Por outro lado, ter entre 12 e 16 anos e ainda estar no primeiro grau diminui este desejo. Tais achados podem ajudar os profissionais de saúde que lidam com essa faixa etária a identificar possíveis situações de risco para a gravidez e assim direcionar sua orientação de forma precisa e adequada.


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O câncer do colo do útero corresponde a cerca de 15% de todos os tipos de câncer em mulheres, no mundo. No Brasil, em 2002, o câncer de colo do útero foi responsável por 7,1% de todas as mortes por câncer em mulheres, ocupando a quarta posição entre os demais. Para o mesmo ano, a taxa de mortalidade por câncer do colo do útero ajustada por idade, pela população padrão mundial, foi de 5,03/100.000. Já as taxas de incidência ajustadas por idade variaram entre 14,3 por 100.000 mulheres em Salvador e 50,7 por 100.000 mulheres no Distrito Federal, para o período compreendido entre 1991 e 2001. O câncer do colo do útero inicia-se a partir de uma lesão pré-invasiva, curável em até 100% dos casos, que geralmente progride lentamente, por anos, antes de atingir o estágio invasor da doença, quando a cura se torna mais difícil, quando não impossível. A abordagem mais efetiva para o controle do câncer do colo do útero continua sendo o rastreamento por meio do exame preventivo de Papanicolaou. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar fatores associados à não realização do exame de Papanicolaou em mulheres de 25 a 59 anos nos três anos anteriores à pesquisa, nos municípios de Fortaleza e Rio de Janeiro. Para cada localidade foi utilizado o delineamento transversal, de base populacional com amostragem por conglomerados com dois estágios de seleção e auto-ponderada. Os dados foram analisados por regressão de Poisson obedecendo a um modelo hierárquico previamente determinado. O percentual de mulheres não submetidas ao exame de Papanicolaou nos três anos anteriores à pesquisa, em Fortaleza e no Rio de Janeiro, foi de 19,1% (IC95%: 16,1-22,1) e 16,5% (IC95%: 14,1-18,9), respectivamente. Mulheres de baixa escolaridade, de menor renda per capita, de maior idade, não casadas, não submetidas a mamografia, ao exame clínico das mamas, aos exames de glicemia e colesterolemia foram as que apresentaram as maiores de razões de prevalências para a não realização do exame de Papanicolaou, em ambas as localidades. As fumantes foram menos submetidas ao exame em relação às demais mulheres, sendo essa diferença estatisticamente significativa somente no Rio de Janeiro. Finalmente, as informações aqui apresentadas apontam para a necessidade de intervenção em um grupo específico de mulheres. Deve-se priorizar atividades de educação para o diagnóstico precoce e rastreamento em mulheres sintomáticas e assintomáticas, respectivamente, além da garantia de acesso aos métodos de diagnóstico e tratamento adequados.


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Essa tese teve como objetivo avaliar a associação do consumo de padrões alimentares e produtos alimentícios ultraprocessados (UP) sobre indicadores antropométricos e sua variação entre adolescentes. Para tal, foram analisados os dados de 1.031 estudantes de quatro escolas privadas e duas escolas públicas da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro que foram acompanhados por três anos consecutivos (2010 a 2012) no Estudo Longitudinal de Avaliação Nutricional de adolescentes (ELANA). Os resultados estão apresentados em três manuscritos que compõem a tese. O primeiro manuscrito identificou três padrões alimentares: Ocidental, composto por massas, embutidos e bacon, carnes, doces, bebidas açucaradas, salgados e fast food, biscoito, pães e cereais, leite e derivados e ovos, o Saudável, caracterizado por peixes, hortaliças, verduras, raízes e feculentos, frutas e sucos e o Arroz/Feijão, composto pelo consumo de arroz, feijão e café. Na análise dos dados na linha de base o padrão Ocidental associou-se a um menor índice de massa corporal (IMC) e não foi observada associação estatisticamente significativa em relação ao percentual de gordura corpórea (%GC) e o padrão em questão. Adicionalmente, foi verificada uma associação negativa entre o padrão Arroz/Feijão e ambos os indicadores antropométricos sugerindo que esse padrão de consumo tradicional possa ser protetor para a obesidade. No segundo manuscrito avaliou-se a relação entre o consumo de UP e indicadores de qualidade da dieta. O consumo de UP foi avaliado em gramas por dia e em gramas/total de calorias. Observou-se um aumento das variáveis marcadoras de alimentação não saudável e saudável com o aumento do consumo de UP. No entanto, quando relacionados ao aumento de consumo de UP/energia observou-se um aumento de marcadores de alimentação não saudável e, com exceção da vitamina C, uma redução de marcadores de alimentação saudável. Assim, a densidade do consumo de UP mostrou-se um bom indicador de qualidade da dieta entre adolescentes. No terceiro manuscrito avaliou-se a associação entre o consumo de UP e a evolução temporal do IMC e %GC. A análise longitudinal por modelos lineares mistos, que levam em conta todas as observações ao longo do tempo, indicou que nas análises não ajustados havia uma associação negativa entre consumo de UP e o IMC e %GC, porém nas análises de UP/energia e nas análises ajustadas por atividade física e uma variável de controle para a qualidade do relato não mais foram observadas associações com o consumo de UP e as medidas antropométricas de adiposidade. Pode-se concluir que não evidenciamos associação do consumo de UP com medidas antropométricas de obesidade uma vez que o consumo elevado de UP associado ao crescimento do %GC nas análises transversais, não se manteve nas análises longitudinais. A discrepância entre os achados dos estudos seccionais e os longitudinais pode decorrer de confundimento residual nos estudos seccionais. Conclui-se, que para redução do ganho excessivo de peso, orientações relativas exclusivamente a um padrão de alimentação saudável que incorpora a ideia de UP, devem ser acompanhadas de redução da quantidade de alimentos consumidos.


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Essa tese teve como objetivo avaliar a associação do consumo de padrões alimentares e produtos alimentícios ultraprocessados (UP) sobre indicadores antropométricos e sua variação entre adolescentes. Para tal, foram analisados os dados de 1.031 estudantes de quatro escolas privadas e duas escolas públicas da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro que foram acompanhados por três anos consecutivos (2010 a 2012) no Estudo Longitudinal de Avaliação Nutricional de adolescentes (ELANA). Os resultados estão apresentados em três manuscritos que compõem a tese. O primeiro manuscrito identificou três padrões alimentares: Ocidental, composto por massas, embutidos e bacon, carnes, doces, bebidas açucaradas, salgados e fast food, biscoito, pães e cereais, leite e derivados e ovos, o Saudável, caracterizado por peixes, hortaliças, verduras, raízes e feculentos, frutas e sucos e o Arroz/Feijão, composto pelo consumo de arroz, feijão e café. Na análise dos dados na linha de base o padrão Ocidental associou-se a um menor índice de massa corporal (IMC) e não foi observada associação estatisticamente significativa em relação ao percentual de gordura corpórea (%GC) e o padrão em questão. Adicionalmente, foi verificada uma associação negativa entre o padrão Arroz/Feijão e ambos os indicadores antropométricos sugerindo que esse padrão de consumo tradicional possa ser protetor para a obesidade. No segundo manuscrito avaliou-se a relação entre o consumo de UP e indicadores de qualidade da dieta. O consumo de UP foi avaliado em gramas por dia e em gramas/total de calorias. Observou-se um aumento das variáveis marcadoras de alimentação não saudável e saudável com o aumento do consumo de UP. No entanto, quando relacionados ao aumento de consumo de UP/energia observou-se um aumento de marcadores de alimentação não saudável e, com exceção da vitamina C, uma redução de marcadores de alimentação saudável. Assim, a densidade do consumo de UP mostrou-se um bom indicador de qualidade da dieta entre adolescentes. No terceiro manuscrito avaliou-se a associação entre o consumo de UP e a evolução temporal do IMC e %GC. A análise longitudinal por modelos lineares mistos, que levam em conta todas as observações ao longo do tempo, indicou que nas análises não ajustados havia uma associação negativa entre consumo de UP e o IMC e %GC, porém nas análises de UP/energia e nas análises ajustadas por atividade física e uma variável de controle para a qualidade do relato não mais foram observadas associações com o consumo de UP e as medidas antropométricas de adiposidade. Pode-se concluir que não evidenciamos associação do consumo de UP com medidas antropométricas de obesidade uma vez que o consumo elevado de UP associado ao crescimento do %GC nas análises transversais, não se manteve nas análises longitudinais. A discrepância entre os achados dos estudos seccionais e os longitudinais pode decorrer de confundimento residual nos estudos seccionais. Conclui-se, que para redução do ganho excessivo de peso, orientações relativas exclusivamente a um padrão de alimentação saudável que incorpora a ideia de UP, devem ser acompanhadas de redução da quantidade de alimentos consumidos.


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The oxidation dynamics and morphology of undoped and heavily phosphorus-doped polycrystalline silicon films oxidized at a wide temperature and time range in dry and wet O2 atmosphere have been investigated. It is shown that the oxidation rates of polycrystalline silicon films are different from that of single-crystal silicon when the oxidation temperature is below 1000-degrees-C. There is a characteristic oxidation time, t(c), under which the undoped polysilicon oxide is not only thicker than that of (100)-oriented single-crystal silicon, but also thicker than that of (111)-oriented single-crystal silicon. For phosphorus-doped polycrystalline silicon films, the oxide thickness is thinner not only than that of (111)-oriented, single-crystal silicon, but also thinner than that of (100)-oriented, single-crystal silicon. According to TEM cross-sectional studies, these characteristics are due to the enhanced oxidation at grain boundaries of polycrystalline silicon films. A stress-enhanced oxidation model has been proposed and used to explain successfully the enhanced oxidation at grain boundaries of polycrystalline silicon films. Using this model, the oxidation linear rate constant of polysilicon (B/A)poly has been calculated and used in the modeling of the oxidation dynamics. The model results are in good agreement with the experimental data over the entire temperature and time ranges studied.