976 resultados para Constrained network mapping
Community members survey tool from the Improving Transition Outcomes Resource Mapping Workshops
Interview tips developed by Lois Smidt with Beyond Welfare in Ames, Iowa and shared at the Improving Transition Outcomes Resource Mapping Workshops
Information shared at the Improving Transition Outcomes Resource Mapping Workshops
Information about Improving Transition Outcomes statewide resource mapping product.
Objective Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) are paroxysmal events that, in contrast to epileptic seizures, are related to psychological causes without the presence of epileptiform EEG changes. Recent models suggest a multifactorial basis for PNES. A potentially paramount, but currently poorly understood factor is the interplay between psychiatric features and a specific vulnerability of the brain leading to a clinical picture that resembles epilepsy. Hypothesising that functional cerebral network abnormalities may predispose to the clinical phenotype, the authors undertook a characterisation of the functional connectivity in PNES patients. Methods The authors analysed the whole-head surface topography of multivariate phase synchronisation (MPS) in interictal high-density EEG of 13 PNES patients as compared with 13 age- and sex-matched controls. MPS mapping reduces the wealth of dynamic data obtained from high-density EEG to easily readable synchronisation maps, which provide an unbiased overview of any changes in functional connectivity associated with distributed cortical abnormalities. The authors computed MPS maps for both Laplacian and common-average-reference EEGs. Results In a between-group comparison, only patchy, non-uniform changes in MPS survived conservative statistical testing. However, against the background of these unimpressive group results, the authors found widespread inverse correlations between individual PNES frequency and MPS within the prefrontal and parietal cortices. Interpretation PNES appears to be associated with decreased prefrontal and parietal synchronisation, possibly reflecting dysfunction of networks within these regions.
Introdução Hoje em dia, o conceito de ontologia (Especificação explícita de uma conceptualização [Gruber, 1993]) é um conceito chave em sistemas baseados em conhecimento em geral e na Web Semântica em particular. Entretanto, os agentes de software nem sempre concordam com a mesma conceptualização, justificando assim a existência de diversas ontologias, mesmo que tratando o mesmo domínio de discurso. Para resolver/minimizar o problema de interoperabilidade entre estes agentes, o mapeamento de ontologias provou ser uma boa solução. O mapeamento de ontologias é o processo onde são especificadas relações semânticas entre entidades da ontologia origem e destino ao nível conceptual, e que por sua vez podem ser utilizados para transformar instâncias baseadas na ontologia origem em instâncias baseadas na ontologia destino. Motivação Num ambiente dinâmico como a Web Semântica, os agentes alteram não só os seus dados mas também a sua estrutura e semântica (ontologias). Este processo, denominado evolução de ontologias, pode ser definido como uma adaptação temporal da ontologia através de alterações que surgem no domínio ou nos objectivos da própria ontologia, e da gestão consistente dessas alterações [Stojanovic, 2004], podendo por vezes deixar o documento de mapeamento inconsistente. Em ambientes heterogéneos onde a interoperabilidade entre sistemas depende do documento de mapeamento, este deve reflectir as alterações efectuadas nas ontologias, existindo neste caso duas soluções: (i) gerar um novo documento de mapeamento (processo exigente em termos de tempo e recursos computacionais) ou (ii) adaptar o documento de mapeamento, corrigindo relações semânticas inválidas e criar novas relações se forem necessárias (processo menos existente em termos de tempo e recursos computacionais, mas muito dependente da informação sobre as alterações efectuadas). O principal objectivo deste trabalho é a análise, especificação e desenvolvimento do processo de evolução do documento de mapeamento de forma a reflectir as alterações efectuadas durante o processo de evolução de ontologias. Contexto Este trabalho foi desenvolvido no contexto do MAFRA Toolkit1. O MAFRA (MApping FRAmework) Toolkit é uma aplicação desenvolvida no GECAD2 que permite a especificação declarativa de relações semânticas entre entidades de uma ontologia origem e outra de destino, utilizando os seguintes componentes principais: Concept Bridge – Representa uma relação semântica entre um conceito de origem e um de destino; Property Bridge – Representa uma relação semântica entre uma ou mais propriedades de origem e uma ou mais propriedades de destino; Service – São aplicados às Semantic Bridges (Property e Concept Bridges) definindo como as instâncias origem devem ser transformadas em instâncias de destino. Estes conceitos estão especificados na ontologia SBO (Semantic Bridge Ontology) [Silva, 2004]. No contexto deste trabalho, um documento de mapeamento é uma instanciação do SBO, contendo relações semânticas entre entidades da ontologia de origem e da ontologia de destino. Processo de evolução do mapeamento O processo de evolução de mapeamento é o processo onde as entidades do documento de mapeamento são adaptadas, reflectindo eventuais alterações nas ontologias mapeadas, tentando o quanto possível preservar a semântica das relações semântica especificadas. Se as ontologias origem e/ou destino sofrerem alterações, algumas relações semânticas podem tornar-se inválidas, ou novas relações serão necessárias, sendo por isso este processo composto por dois sub-processos: (i) correcção de relações semânticas e (ii) processamento de novas entidades das ontologias. O processamento de novas entidades das ontologias requer a descoberta e cálculo de semelhanças entre entidades e a especificação de relações de acordo com a ontologia/linguagem SBO. Estas fases (“similarity measure” e “semantic bridging”) são implementadas no MAFRA Toolkit, sendo o processo (semi-) automático de mapeamento de ontologias descrito em [Silva, 2004]. O processo de correcção de entidades SBO inválidas requer um bom conhecimento da ontologia/linguagem SBO, das suas entidades e relações, e de todas as suas restrições, i.e. da sua estrutura e semântica. Este procedimento consiste em (i) identificar as entidades SBO inválidas, (ii) a causa da sua invalidez e (iii) corrigi-las da melhor forma possível. Nesta fase foi utilizada informação vinda do processo de evolução das ontologias com o objectivo de melhorar a qualidade de todo o processo. Conclusões Para além do processo de evolução do mapeamento desenvolvido, um dos pontos mais importantes deste trabalho foi a aquisição de um conhecimento mais profundo sobre ontologias, processo de evolução de ontologias, mapeamento etc., expansão dos horizontes de conhecimento, adquirindo ainda mais a consciência da complexidade do problema em questão, o que permite antever e perspectivar novos desafios para o futuro.
This paper analyzes the flow of intermediate inputs across sectors by adopting a network perspective on sectoral interactions. I apply these tools to show how fluctuationsin aggregate economic activity can be obtained from independent shocks to individualsectors. First, I characterize the network structure of input trade in the U.S. On thedemand side, a typical sector relies on a small number of key inputs and sectors arehomogeneous in this respect. However, in their role as input-suppliers sectors do differ:many specialized input suppliers coexist alongside general purpose sectors functioningas hubs to the economy. I then develop a model of intersectoral linkages that can reproduce these connectivity features. In a standard multisector setup, I use this modelto provide analytical expressions linking aggregate volatility to the network structureof input trade. I show that the presence of sectoral hubs - by coupling productiondecisions across sectors - leads to fluctuations in aggregates.
Constitutive activation of the nuclear factor-κ B (NF-κB) pathway is a hallmark of the activated B-cell-like (ABC) subtype of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Recurrent mutations of NF-κB regulators that cause constitutive activity of this oncogenic pathway have been identified. However, it remains unclear how specific target genes are regulated. We identified the atypical nuclear IκB protein IκB-ζ to be upregulated in ABC compared with germinal center B-cell-like (GCB) DLBCL primary patient samples. Knockdown of IκB-ζ by RNA interference was toxic to ABC but not to GCB DLBCL cell lines. Gene expression profiling after IκB-ζ knockdown demonstrated a significant downregulation of a large number of known NF-κB target genes, indicating an essential role of IκB-ζ in regulating a specific set of NF-κB target genes. To further investigate how IκB-ζ mediates NF-κB activity, we performed immunoprecipitations and detected a physical interaction of IκB-ζ with both p50 and p52 NF-κB subunits, indicating that IκB-ζ interacts with components of both the canonical and the noncanonical NF-κB pathway in ABC DLBCL. Collectively, our data demonstrate that IκB-ζ is essential for nuclear NF-κB activity in ABC DLBCL, and thus might represent a promising molecular target for future therapies.
Purpose/Objective(s): Primary bone lymphoma (PBL) represents less than 1% of all malignant lymphomas, and 4-5% of all extranodal lymphomas. In this study, we assessed the disease profile, outcome, and prognostic factors in patients with stage I and II PBL.Materials/Methods: Between 1987 and 2008, 116 consecutive patients with PBL treated in 13 RCNinstitutions were included in this study. Inclusion criteriawere: age.17 yrs, PBLin stage I and II, andminimum6months follow-up. The median agewas 51 yrs (range: 17-93).Diagnosticwork-up included plain boneXray (74%of patients), scintigraphy (62%), CT-scan (65%),MRI (58%), PET (18%), and bone-marrow biopsy (84%).All patients had biopsy-proven confirmation of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). The histopathological type was predominantly diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (78%) and follicular lymphoma (6%), according to theWHOclassification. One hundred patients had a high-grade, 7 intermediate and 9 low-gradeNHL. Ninety-three patients had anAnn-Arbor stage I, and 23 had a stage II. Seventy-seven patients underwent chemoradiotherapy (CXRT), 12 radiotherapy (RT) alone, 10 chemotherapy alone (CXT), 9 surgery followed by CXRT, 5 surgery followed by CXT, and 2 surgery followed by RT. One patient died before treatment.Median RT dosewas 40Gy (range: 4-60).Themedian number ofCXTcycleswas 6 (range, : 2-8).Median follow-upwas 41months (range: 6-242).Results: Following treatment, the overall response rate was 91% (CR 74%, PR 17%). Local recurrence was observed in 12 (10%) patients, and systemic recurrence in 17 (15%) patients. Causes of death included disease progression in 16, unrelated disease in 6, CXT-related toxicity in 1, and secondary cancer in 2 patients. The 5-yr overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS), lymphoma- specific survival (LSS), and local control (LC) were 76%, 69%, 78%, and 92%, respectively. In univariate analyses (log-rank test), favorable prognostic factors for survival were: age\50 years (p = 0.008), IPI score #1 (p = 0.009), complete response (p\0.001), CXT (p = 0.008), number of CXT cycles $6 (p = 0.007), and RT dose . 40 Gy (p = 0.005). In multivariate analysis age, RT dose, complete response, and absence of B symptoms were independent factors influencing the outcome. There were 3 patients developing grade 3 or more (CTCAE.V3.0) toxicities.Conclusions: This large multicenter study, confirms the relatively good prognosis of early stage PBL, treated with combined CXRT. Local control was excellent, and systemic failure occurred infrequently. A sufficient dose of RT (. 40 Gy) and completeCXT regime (. 6 cycles) were associated with a better outcome. Combined modality appears to be the treatment of choice.Author Disclosure: L. Cai, None; M.C. Stauder, None; Y.J. Zhang, None; P. Poortmans, None; Y.X. Li, None; N. Constantinou, None; J. Thariat, None; S. Kadish, None; M. Ozsahin, None; R.O. Mirimanoff, None.
In spite of its relative importance in the economy of many countriesand its growing interrelationships with other sectors, agriculture has traditionally been excluded from accounting standards. Nevertheless, to support its Common Agricultural Policy, for years the European Commission has been making an effort to obtain standardized information on the financial performance and condition of farms. Through the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), every year data are gathered from a rotating sample of 60.000 professional farms across all member states. FADN data collection is not structured as an accounting cycle but as an extensive questionnaire. This questionnaire refers to assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses, and seems to try to obtain a "true and fair view" of the financial performance and condition of the farms it surveys. However, the definitions used in the questionnaire and the way data is aggregated often appear flawed from an accounting perspective. The objective of this paper is to contrast the accounting principles implicit in the FADN questionnaire with generally accepted accounting principles, particularly those found in the IVth Directive of the European Union, on the one hand, and those recently proposed by the International Accounting Standards Committees Steering Committeeon Agriculture in its Draft Statement of Principles, on the other hand. There are two reasons why this is useful. First, it allows to make suggestions how the information provided by FADN could be more in accordance with the accepted accounting framework, and become a more valuable tool for policy makers, farmers, and other stakeholders. Second, it helps assessing the suitability of FADN to become the starting point for a European accounting standard on agriculture.
Perceptual maps have been used for decades by market researchers to illuminatethem about the similarity between brands in terms of a set of attributes, to position consumersrelative to brands in terms of their preferences, or to study how demographic and psychometricvariables relate to consumer choice. Invariably these maps are two-dimensional and static. Aswe enter the era of electronic publishing, the possibilities for dynamic graphics are opening up.We demonstrate the usefulness of introducing motion into perceptual maps through fourexamples. The first example shows how a perceptual map can be viewed in three dimensions,and the second one moves between two analyses of the data that were collected according todifferent protocols. In a third example we move from the best view of the data at the individuallevel to one which focuses on between-group differences in aggregated data. A final exampleconsiders the case when several demographic variables or market segments are available foreach respondent, showing an animation with increasingly detailed demographic comparisons.These examples of dynamic maps use several data sets from marketing and social scienceresearch.
Iowa Department of Transportation Fiscal Year 2007 Report of Savings by Using Video Conferencing Through Iowa Communications Network to the Iowa General Assembly Pursuant to Chapter II 84 Acts and Joint Resolutions Enacted at the 1994 Regular Session of the 75th General Assembly of the State of Iowa Code section 8D.10 Report of Savings by State Agencies Iowa Code section 8D.10 requires certain state agencies prepare an annual report to the General Assembly certifying the identified savings associated with that state agency’s use of the Iowa Communications Network (ICN). This report covers estimated cost savings related to video conferencing via ICN for the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT). In FY 2007, the DOT conducted two sessions utilizing ICN’s video conferencing system. These two sessions included DOT employees in Ames with non-DOT participants at remote ICN sites. Since the cost savings is calculated based on DOT staff savings, no cost savings from these conferences were gained because the public participants were attending from the ICN sites.
Les décisions de gestion des eaux souterraines doivent souvent être justiffées par des modèles quantitatifs d'aquifères qui tiennent compte de l'hétérogénéité des propriétés hydrauliques. Les aquifères fracturés sont parmi les plus hétérogènes et très difficiles à étudier. Dans ceux-ci, les fractures connectées, d'ouverture millimètrique, peuvent agir comme conducteurs hydrauliques et donc créer des écoulements très localisés. Le manque général d'informations sur la distribution spatiale des fractures limite la possibilité de construire des modèles quantitatifs de flux et de transport. Les données qui conditionnent les modèles sont généralement spatialement limitées, bruitées et elles ne représentent que des mesures indirectes de propriétés physiques. Ces limitations aux données peuvent être en partie surmontées en combinant différents types de données, telles que les données hydrologiques et de radar à pénétration de sol plus commun ément appelé géoradar. L'utilisation du géoradar en forage est un outil prometteur pour identiffer les fractures individuelles jusqu'à quelques dizaines de mètres dans la formation. Dans cette thèse, je développe des approches pour combiner le géoradar avec les données hydrologiques affn d'améliorer la caractérisation des aquifères fracturés. Des investigations hydrologiques intensives ont déjà été réalisées à partir de trois forage adjacents dans un aquifère cristallin en Bretagne (France). Néanmoins, la dimension des fractures et la géométrie 3-D des fractures conductives restaient mal connue. Affn d'améliorer la caractérisation du réseau de fractures je propose dans un premier temps un traitement géoradar avancé qui permet l'imagerie des fractures individuellement. Les résultats montrent que les fractures perméables précédemment identiffées dans les forages peuvent être caractérisées géométriquement loin du forage et que les fractures qui ne croisent pas les forages peuvent aussi être identiffées. Les résultats d'une deuxième étude montrent que les données géoradar peuvent suivre le transport d'un traceur salin. Ainsi, les fractures qui font partie du réseau conductif et connecté qui dominent l'écoulement et le transport local sont identiffées. C'est la première fois que le transport d'un traceur salin a pu être imagé sur une dizaines de mètres dans des fractures individuelles. Une troisième étude conffrme ces résultats par des expériences répétées et des essais de traçage supplémentaires dans différentes parties du réseau local. En outre, la combinaison des données de surveillance hydrologique et géoradar fournit la preuve que les variations temporelles d'amplitude des signaux géoradar peuvent nous informer sur les changements relatifs de concentrations de traceurs dans la formation. Par conséquent, les données géoradar et hydrologiques sont complémentaires. Je propose ensuite une approche d'inversion stochastique pour générer des modèles 3-D de fractures discrètes qui sont conditionnés à toutes les données disponibles en respectant leurs incertitudes. La génération stochastique des modèles conditionnés par géoradar est capable de reproduire les connexions hydrauliques observées et leur contribution aux écoulements. L'ensemble des modèles conditionnés fournit des estimations quantitatives des dimensions et de l'organisation spatiale des fractures hydrauliquement importantes. Cette thèse montre clairement que l'imagerie géoradar est un outil utile pour caractériser les fractures. La combinaison de mesures géoradar avec des données hydrologiques permet de conditionner avec succès le réseau de fractures et de fournir des modèles quantitatifs. Les approches présentées peuvent être appliquées dans d'autres types de formations rocheuses fracturées où la roche est électriquement résistive.
In this paper a p--median--like model is formulated to address theissue of locating new facilities when there is uncertainty. Severalpossible future scenarios with respect to demand and/or the travel times/distanceparameters are presented. The planner will want a strategy of positioning thatwill do as ``well as possible'' over the future scenarios. This paper presents a discrete location model formulation to address this P--Medianproblem under uncertainty. The model is applied to the location of firestations in Barcelona.