997 resultados para Constant-weight Codes


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Objective: The processes of change implied in weight management remain unclear. The present study aimed to identify these processes by validating a questionnaire designed to assess processes of change (the P-Weight) in line with the transtheoretical model. The relationship of processes of change with stages of change and other external variables is also examined. Methods: Participants were 723 people from community and clinical settings in Barcelona. Their mean age was 32.07 (SD = 14.55) years; most of them were women (75.0%), and their mean BMI was 26.47 (SD = 8.52) kg/m2. They all completed the P-Weight and the stages of change questionnaire (SWeight), both applied to weight management, as well as two subscales from the Eating Disorders Inventory-2 and Eating Attitudes Test-40 questionnaires about the concern with dieting. Results: A 34-item version of the PWeight was obtained by means of a refinement process. The principal components analysis applied to half of the sample identified four processes of change. A confirmatory factor analysis was then carried out with the other half of the sample, revealing that the model of four freely correlated first-order factors showed the best fit (GFI = 0.988, AGFI = 0.986, NFI = 0.986, and SRMR = 0.0559). Corrected item-total correlations (0.322-0.865) and Cronbach"s alpha coefficients (0.781-0.960) were adequate. The relationship between the P-Weight and the S-Weight and the concern with dieting measures from other questionnaires supported the validity of the scale. Conclusion: The study identified processes of change involved in weight management and reports the adequate psychometric properties of the P-Weight. It also reveals the relationship between processes and stages of change and other external variables.


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Työn tavoitteena oli syventyä filmipäällystimen nippitapahtumaan ja siellä tapahtuviin ilmiöihin. Tämän lisäksi selvitettiin esipäällystysparametrien ja pohjapaperin merkitys filmipäällystimen ajettavuudelle. Erityisesti pyrittiin selvittämään päällystemäärän ja applikointitelojen momenttieron vaikutus ajettavuuteen sekä kiihdytysvaiheessa ilmenevien ajettavuusongelmien syntymekanismit. Työn kokeellinen osa jakaantui kahteen osaan. Ensimmäisessä osassa pyritään löytämään lisäymmärrystä nippitapahtuman ilmiöille joita sitten hyödynnetään toisen osan koeajoissa. Staattisilla kuormituskokeilla tutkittiin telapinnan kokoonpuristumista ja suurnopeus-kamerakuvauksilla nipin geometriaa päällystyskoneen ajon aikana. Applikointitelojen momenttierokoeajoilla pyrittiin selvittämään paperiradan mahdollista luistoa nipissä. MCA-kosteuspitoisuusanalysaattorilla mitattiin nippitapahtuman muutosten vaikutusta filmipäällystimen paluufilmin ominaisuuksiin. Muuttelemalla päällystemäärää ja – jakaumaa sekä applikointitelojen momenttieroa selvitettiin esipäällystysparametrien vaikutus filmipäällystimen ajettavuuteen. Muokkaamalla pohjapaperin absorptiokykyä sekä pastan vedenpidätyskykyä tutkittiin nestepenetraation vaikutusta ajettavuuteen. Telapinnan kokoonpuristuman havaittiin olevan pieni eikä ajon aikana nipin geometriassa havaittu muutoksia. Paperiradan todettiin luistavan nipissä, mutta luistoilmiö oli huomattavasti pienempi mitä nopeuserolukemista voidaan päätellä. Kiihdytysvaiheessa havaittiin selviä muutoksia paluufilmissä, mutta ajon aikana paluufilmi pysyi lähes vakiona. Päällystemäärän todettiin olevan suurin yksittäinen tekijä filmipäällystimen ajettavuudessa ja siihen tulee kiinnittää erityistä huomiota filmipäällystimen kiihdytysvaiheessa. Aukirullauksen levitystelan vaihdon myötä todettiin pohjapaperiin kohdistuvilla kuormituksilla olevan myös suuri merkitys filmipäällystimen ajettavuudelle.


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Extreme weight conditions (EWC) groups along a continuum may share some biological risk factors and intermediate neurocognitive phenotypes. A core cognitive trait in EWC appears to be executive dysfunction, with a focus on decision making, response inhibition and cognitive flexibility. Differences between individuals in these areas are likely to contribute to the differences in vulnerability to EWC. The aim of the study was to investigate whether there is a common pattern of executive dysfunction in EWC while comparing anorexia nervosa patients (AN), obese subjects (OB) and healthy eating/weight controls (HC).


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Cette thèse rassemble une série de méta-analyses, c'est-à-dire d'analyses ayant pour objet des analyses produites par des sociologues (notamment celles résultant de l'application de méthodes de traitement des entretiens). Il s'agit d'une démarche réflexive visant les pratiques concrètes des sociologues. Celles-ci sont envisagées comme des activités gouvernées par des règles. Une part importante de cette thèse sera donc consacrée au développement d'un outil d'analyse « pragmatologique » (E. Durkheim), c'est-à-dire permettant l'étude des pratiques et des règles en rapport avec elles. Pour aborder les règles, la philosophie analytique d'inspiration wittgensteinienne apporte plusieurs propositions importantes. Les règles sont ainsi considérées comme des concepts d'air de famille : il n'y a pas de définitions communes recouvrant l'ensemble des règles. Pour étudier les règles, il convient alors de faire des distinctions à partir de leurs usages. Une de ces distinctions concerne la différence entre règles constitutives et règles régulatives : une règle constitutive crée une pratique (e.g. le mariage), alors qu'une règle régulative s'applique à des activités qui peuvent exister sans elle (e.g. les règles du savoir-vivre). L'activité méthodologique des sociologues repose et est contrainte par ces types de règles, qui sont pour l'essentiel implicites. Cette thèse vise donc à rendre compte, par la description et la codification des règles, du caractère normatif des méthodes dans les pratiques d'analyse de la sociologie. Elle insiste en particulier sur les limites logiques qu'instituent les règles constitutives, celles-ci rendant impossibles (et non pas interdites) certaines actions des sociologues. This thesis brings together a series of meta-analyzes, that is, analyzes that tackle analyzes produced by sociologists (notably those resulting from the application of methods in treating interviews). The approach is reflexive and aimed at the concrete practices of sociologists, considered as activities governed by rules. An important part of this thesis is therefore devoted to the development of a "pragmatological" analytical tool (Durkheim) to conduct a study of such practices and of the rules that govern them. To approach these rules, Wittgenstein-inspired analytic philosophy offers several important proposals. The rules are, at first, seen as concepts of family resemblance, assuming that there is no common definition accounting for all rules. In order to conduct the study of such rules, it is therefore necessary to discern how they are respectively used. One of these distinctions concerns the difference between constitutive rules and regulative rules: a constitutive rule creates a practice (for example marriage), while a regulative rule applies to activities that can exist outside of the rule (for example, the rules of etiquette). The methodological activity of sociologists relies on, and is constrained by these types of rules, which are essentially implicit. Through the description and codification of rules, this thesis aims to account for the normative character of methods governing analytical practices in sociology. Particular emphasis is on the logical limits established by constitutive rules, limits that render several of the sociologist's actions impossible (rather than forbidden).


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By modifying a domain first suggested by Ruth Goodman in 1935 and by exploiting the explicit solution by Fedorov of the Polyá-Chebotarev problem in the case of four symmetrically placed points, an improved upper bound for the univalent Bloch-Landau constant is obtained. The domain that leads to this improved bound takes the form of a disk from which some arcs are removed in such a way that the resulting simply connected domain is harmonically symmetric in each arc with respect to the origin. The existence of domains of this type is established, using techniques from conformal welding, and some general properties of harmonically symmetric arcs in this setting are established.


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The computer simulation of reaction dynamics has nowadays reached a remarkable degree of accuracy. Triatomic elementary reactions are rigorously studied with great detail on a straightforward basis using a considerable variety of Quantum Dynamics computational tools available to the scientific community. In our contribution we compare the performance of two quantum scattering codes in the computation of reaction cross sections of a triatomic benchmark reaction such as the gas phase reaction Ne + H2+ %12. NeH++ H. The computational codes are selected as representative of time-dependent (Real Wave Packet [ ]) and time-independent (ABC [ ]) methodologies. The main conclusion to be drawn from our study is that both strategies are, to a great extent, not competing but rather complementary. While time-dependent calculations advantages with respect to the energy range that can be covered in a single simulation, time-independent approaches offer much more detailed information from each single energy calculation. Further details such as the calculation of reactivity at very low collision energies or the computational effort related to account for the Coriolis couplings are analyzed in this paper.