996 resultados para Complexe "pincer"


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OBJECTIVES: To study the three-dimensional (3D) T1 patterns in different types of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) by utilizing delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of cartilage (dGEMRIC) and subsequent 3D T1 mapping. We used standard grading of OA by Tonnis grade on standard radiographs and morphological grading of cartilage in MRI for comparative analysis. METHODS: dGEMRIC was obtained from ten asymptomatic young-adult volunteers and 26 symptomatic FAI patients. MRI included the routine hip protocol and a dual-flip angle (FA) 3D gradient echo (GRE) sequence utilizing inline T1 measurement. Cartilage was morphologically classified from the radial images based on the extent of degeneration as: no degeneration, degeneration zone measuring <0.75 cm from the rim, >0.75 cm, or total loss. T1 findings were evaluated and correlated. RESULTS: All FAI types revealed remarkably lower T1 mean values in comparison to asymptomatic volunteers in all regions of interest. Distribution of the T1 dGEMRIC values was in accordance with the specific FAI damage pattern. In cam-types (n=6) there was a significant drop (P<0.05) of T1 in the anterior to superior location. In pincer-types (n=7), there was a generalized circumferential decrease noted. High inter-observer (intra-observer) reliability was noted for T1 assessment using intra-class correlation (ICC):intra-class coefficient=0.89 (0.95). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that a pattern of zonal T1 variation does seem to exist that is unique for different sub-groups of FAI. The FA GRE approach to perform 3D T1 mapping has a promising role for further studies of standard MRI and dGEMRIC in the hip joint.


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Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is a pathologic condition of the hip joint in young adults that, if untreated, leads to end-stage osteoarthritis. It is characterized by early pathologic contact between primary osseous prominences of the acetabular rim (so-called pincer FAI) and/or the femoral head-neck junction (cam FAI). Conventional radiographs are often considered normal because classic radiographic signs of osteoarthritis are not present initially. The physician should be aware of the radiographic features for both types of impingement to recognize subtle pathologies.


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Soft tissue damage has been observed in hip joints with pathological geometries. Our primary goal was to study the relationship between morphological variations of the bony components of the hip and resultant stresses within the soft tissues of the joint during routine daily activities. The secondary goal was to find the range of morphological parameters in which stresses are minimized. Computational models of normal and pathological joints were developed based on variations of morphological parameters of the femoral head (Alpha angle) and acetabulum (CE angle). The Alpha angle was varied between 40 degrees (normal joint) and 80 degrees (cam joint). The CE angle was varied between 0 degrees (dysplastic joint) and 40 degrees (pincer joint). Dynamic loads and motions for walking and standing to sitting were applied to all joint configurations. Contact pressures and stresses were calculated and crosscompared to evaluate the influence of morphology. The stresses in the soft tissues depended strongly on the head and acetabular geometry. For the dysplastic joint, walking produced high acetabular rim stresses. Conversely, for impinging joints, standing-to-sitting activities that involved extensive motion were critical, inducing excessive distortion and shearing of the tissue-bone interface. Zones with high von Mises stresses corresponded with clinically observed damage zones in the acetabular cartilage and labrum. Hip joint morphological parameters that minimized were 20 degrees


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Um mit den immer kürzer werdenden Produkteinführungszeiten Schritt halten zu können, die der harte Wettbewerb heute vorgibt, setzt die produzierende Industrie mehr und mehr auf das 3D-Drucken von Prototypen. Mit dieser Produktionsmethode lassen sich technische Probleme schon in der frühen Entwicklungsphase lösen. Dies spart Kosten und beschleunigt die Entwicklungsschritte. Die innovative PolyJetTM-Technologie von Objet setzt neue Maßstäbe im 3D-Drucken. 
Die Besonderheit: Modelle aus hauchdünnen Materialschichten. So können mit der 
PolyJetTM-Technologie detailgetreue Modelle extrem schnell, einfach und sauber realisiert werden – und das mit hervorragender Oberflächenqualität


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The welfare sector has seen considerable changes in its operational context. Welfare services respond to an increasing number of challenges as citizens are confronted with life’s uncertainties and a variety of complex situations. At the same time the service-delivery system is facing problems of co-operation and the development of staff competence, as well as demands to improve service effectiveness and outcomes. In order to ensure optimal user outcomes in this complex, evolving environment it is necessary to enhance professional knowledge and skills, and to increase efforts to develop the services. Changes are also evident in the new emergent knowledge-production models. There has been a shift from knowledge acquisition and transmission to its construction and production. New actors have stepped in and the roles of researchers are subject to critical discussion. Research outcomes, in other words the usefulness of research with respect to practice development, is a topical agenda item. Research is needed, but if it is to be useful it needs to be not only credible but also useful in action. What do we know about different research processes in practice? What conceptions, approaches, methods and actor roles are embedded? What is the effect on practice? How does ‘here and now’ practice challenge research methods? This article is based on the research processes conducted in the institutes of practice research in social work in Finland. It analyses the different approaches applied by elucidating the theoretical standpoints and the critical elements embedded in them, and reflects on the outcomes in and for practice. It highlights the level of change and progression in practice research, arguing for diverse practice research models with a solid theoretical grounding, rigorous research processes, and a supportive infrastructure.


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Nail surgery is a special branch of hand and dermatologic surgery. It is not widely performed, and many physicians do not feel at ease to perform it. The objective of this contribution is to give a short overview of the most important surgical procedures in clinical practice. References from the literature and the author's own experiences are condensed to describe what a dermatologic practitioner with knowledge of the nail and some surgical skills can perform. Nail surgery is a precise technique that requires careful administration and attention to details. Proper patient preparation starts with a patient history to identify potential contraindications and to prevent unnecessary complications. The author recommends isopropyl alcohol scrub and chlorhexidine for disinfection and ropivacaine 1% for anesthesia. The technique used for anesthesia depends on the type of surgery. Surgical procedures are described for diagnostic biopsies, nail avulsion in general, onychogryposis, paronychia treatment, hematomas and bone fracture due to trauma, removal of subungual foreign bodies, ingrowing nails, pincer nails, warts, ungual fibrokeratomas, digital myxoid pseudocyst, subungual exostoses, and various tumors. If performed correctly with adequate skills, nail surgery will lead to functionally and aesthetically satisfying results in the majority of instances.


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1865, vier Jahre vor seinem Tod, schenkt der Bieler Sammler Friedrich Schwab seine archäologischen Objekte der Stadt. Er möchte damit den Bewohnern Biels, vor allem der Jugend, einen reichen Fundus zur Verfügung stellen, der einen Einblick in den Alltag der prähistorischen Bewohner der Region bietet. Bis heute ist die Sammlung Schwab ein Studienobjekt für Archäologen geblieben und inspiriert Öffentlichkeit und Schulklassen: So sieht Friedrich Schwab seinen Willen auch nach bald 150 Jahren noch immer erfüllt. Die vorliegende Publikation erläutert die wechselvolle Geschichte des Museums Schwab und bietet gleichzeitig einen Überblick über die archäologische Erforschung der Drei-Seen-Region: von der Entdeckung der ersten Pfahlbausiedlungen bis zu ihrer Aufnahme in das UNESCO Welterbe. Sie folgt den Sammlungen eines Universalmuseums auf ihrer Odyssee, weist auf Details einer einmaligen Architektur hin und zeigt die Zusammenhänge zwischen Kulturpolitik und der aktuellen Bieler Museumslandschaft auf.


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1944/1945 wurde in Cham-Hagendorn eine Wassermühle ausgegraben, die dank ihrer aussergewöhnlich guten Holzerhaltung seit langem einen prominenten Platz in der Forschung einnimmt. 2003 und 2004 konnte die Kantonsarchäologie Zug den Platz erneut archäologisch untersuchen. Dabei wurden nicht nur weitere Reste der Wassermühle, sondern auch Spuren älterer und jüngerer Anlagen geborgen: eine ältere und eine jüngere Schmiedewerkstatt (Horizont 1a/Horizont 3) sowie ein zweiphasiges Heiligtum (Horizonte 1a/1b). All diese Anlagen lassen sich nun in das in den neuen Grabungen erkannte stratigraphische Gerüst einhängen (s. Beil. 2). Dank der Holzerhaltung können die meisten Phasen dendrochronologisch datiert werden (s. Abb. 4.1/1a): Horizont 1a mit Schlagdaten zwischen 162(?)/173 und 200 n. Chr., Horizont 1b um 215/218 n. Chr. und Horizont 2 um 231 n. Chr. Ferner konnten in den neuen Grabungen Proben für mikromorphologische und archäobotanische Untersuchungen entnommen werden (Kap. 2.2; 3.11). In der vorliegenden Publikation werden der Befund und die Baustrukturen vorgelegt, (Kap. 2), desgleichen sämtliche stratifizierten Funde und eine umfassende Auswahl der 1944/1945 geborgenen Funde (Kap. 3). Dank anpassender Fragmente, sog. Passscherben, lassen sich diese zum Teil nachträglich in die Schichtenabfolge einbinden. Die mikromorphologischen und die archäobotanischen Untersuchungen (Kap. 2.2; 3.11) zeigen, dass der Fundplatz in römischer Zeit inmitten einer stark vom Wald und dem Fluss Lorze geprägten Landschaft lag. In unmittelbarer Nähe können weder eine Siedlung noch einzelne Wohnbauten gelegen haben. Die demnach nur gewerblich und sakral genutzten Anlagen standen an einem Bach, der vermutlich mit jenem Bach identisch ist, der noch heute das Groppenmoos entwässert und bei Cham-Hagendorn in die Lorze mündet (s. Abb. 2.4/1). Der antike Bach führte wiederholt Hochwasser ─ insgesamt sind fünf grössere Überschwemmungsphasen auszumachen (Kap. 2.2; 2.4). Wohl anlässlich eines Seehochstandes durch ein Überschwappen der Lorze in den Bach ausgelöst, müssen diese Überschwemmungen eine enorme Gewalt entwickelt haben, der die einzelnen Anlagen zum Opfer fielen. Wie die Untersuchung der Siedlungslandschaft römischer Zeit rund um den Zugersee wahrscheinlich macht (Kap. 6 mit Abb. 6.2/2), dürften die Anlagen von Cham-Hagendorn zu einer in Cham-Heiligkreuz vermuteten Villa gehören, einem von fünf grösseren Landgütern in diesem Gebiet. Hinweise auf Vorgängeranlagen fehlen, mit denen die vereinzelten Funde des 1. Jh. n. Chr. (Kap. 4.5) in Verbindung gebracht werden könnten. Diese dürften eher von einer der Überschwemmungen bachaufwärts weggerissen und nach Cham-Hagendorn eingeschwemmt worden sein. Die Nutzung des Fundplatzes (Horizont 1a; s. Beil. 6) setzte um 170 n. Chr. mit einer Schmiedewerkstatt ein (Kap. 2.5.1). Der Fundanfall, insbesondere die Schmiedeschlacken (Kap. 3.9) belegen, dass hier nur hin und wieder Geräte hergestellt und repariert wurden (Kap. 5.2). Diese Werkstatt war vermutlich schon aufgelassen und dem Verfall preisgegeben, als man 200 n. Chr. (Kap. 4.2.4) auf einer Insel zwischen dem Bach und einem Lorzearm ein Heiligtum errichtete (Kap. 5.3). Beleg für den sakralen Status dieser Insel ist in erster Linie mindestens ein eigens gepflanzter Pfirsichbaum, nachgewiesen mit Pollen, einem Holz und über 400 Pfirsichsteinen (Kap. 3.11). Die im Bach verlaufende Grenze zwischen dem sakralen Platz und der profanen Umgebung markierte man zusätzlich mit einer Pfahlreihe (Kap. 2.5.3). In diese war ein schmaler Langbau integriert (Kap. 2.5.2), der an die oft an Temenosmauern antiker Heiligtümer angebauten Portiken erinnert und wohl auch die gleiche Funktion wie diese gehabt hatte, nämlich das Aufbewahren von Weihegaben und Kultgerät (Kap. 5.3). Das reiche Fundmaterial, das sich in den Schichten der ersten Überschwemmung fand (s. Abb. 5./5), die um 205/210 n. Chr. dieses Heiligtum zerstört hatte, insbesondere die zahlreiche Keramik (Kap. 3.2.4), und die zum Teil auffallend wertvollen Kleinfunde (Kap. 3.3.3), dürften zum grössten Teil einst in diesem Langbau untergebracht gewesen sein. Ein als Glockenklöppel interpretiertes, stratifiziertes Objekt spricht dafür, dass die fünf grossen, 1944/1945 als Stapel aufgefundenen Eisenglocken vielleicht auch dem Heiligtum zuzuweisen sind (Kap. 3.4). In diesen Kontext passen zudem die überdurchschnittlich häufig kalzinierten Tierknochen (Kap. 3.10). Nach der Überschwemmung befestigte man für 215 n. Chr. (Kap. 4.2.4) das unterspülte Bachufer mit einer Uferverbauung (Kap. 2.6.1). Mit dem Bau eines weiteren, im Bach stehenden Langbaus (Kap. 2.6.2) stellte man 218 n. Chr. das Heiligtum auf der Insel in ähnlicher Form wieder her (Horizont 1b; s. Beil. 7). Von der Pfahlreihe, die wiederum die sakrale Insel von der profanen Umgebung abgrenzte, blieben indes nur wenige Pfähle erhalten. Dennoch ist der sakrale Charakter der Anlage gesichert. Ausser dem immer noch blühenden Pfirsichbaum ist es ein vor dem Langbau aufgestelltes Ensemble von mindestens 23 Terrakottafigurinen (s. Abb. 3.6/1), elf Veneres, zehn Matres, einem Jugendlichen in Kapuzenmantel und einem kindlichen Risus (Kap. 3.6; s. auch Kap. 2.6.3). In den Sedimenten der zweiten Überschwemmung, der diese Anlage um 225/230 n. Chr. zum Opfer gefallen war, fanden sich wiederum zahlreiche Keramikgefässe (Kap. 3.2.4) und zum Teil wertvolle Kleinfunde wie eine Glasperle mit Goldfolie (Kap. 3.8.2) und eine Fibel aus Silber (Kap. 3.3.3), die wohl ursprünglich im Langbau untergebracht waren (Kap. 5.3.2 mit Abb. 5/7). Weitere Funde mit sicherem oder möglichem sakralem Charakter finden sich unter den 1944/1945 geborgenen Funden (s. Abb. 5/8), etwa ein silberner Fingerring mit Merkurinschrift, ein silberner Lunula-Anhänger, eine silberne Kasserolle (Kap. 3.3.3), eine Glasflasche mit Schlangenfadenauflage (Kap. 3.8.2) und einige Bergkristalle (Kap. 3.8.4). Im Bereich der Terrakotten kamen ferner mehrere Münzen (Kap. 3.7) zum Vorschein, die vielleicht dort niedergelegt worden waren. Nach der zweiten Überschwemmung errichtete man um 231 n. Chr. am Bach eine Wassermühle (Horizont 2; Kap. 2.7; Beil. 8; Abb. 2.7/49). Ob das Heiligtum auf der Insel wieder aufgebaut oder aufgelassen wurde, muss mangels Hinweisen offen bleiben. Für den abgehobenen Zuflusskanal der Wassermühle verwendete man mehrere stehen gebliebene Pfähle der vorangegangenen Anlagen der Horizonte 1a und 1b. Obwohl die Wassermühle den 28 jährlichen Überschwemmungshorizonten (Kap. 2.2) und den Funden (Kap. 4.3.2; 4.4.4; 45) zufolge nur bis um 260 n. Chr., während gut einer Generation, bestand, musste sie mindestens zweimal erneuert werden – nachgewiesen sind drei Wasserräder, drei Mühlsteinpaare und vermutlich drei Podeste, auf denen jeweils das Mahlwerk ruhte. Grund für diese Umbauten war wohl der weiche, instabile Untergrund, der zu Verschiebungen geführt hatte, so dass das Zusammenspiel von Wellbaum bzw. Sternnabe und Übersetzungsrad nicht mehr funktionierte und das ganze System zerbrach. Die Analyse von Pollen aus dem Gehhorizont hat als Mahlgut Getreide vom Weizentyp nachgewiesen (Kap. 3.11.4). Das Abzeichen eines Benefiziariers (Kap. 3.3.2 mit Abb. 3.3/23,B71) könnte dafür sprechen, dass das verarbeitete Getreide zumindest zum Teil für das römische Militär bestimmt war (s. auch Kap. 6.2.3). Ein im Horizont 2 gefundener Schreibgriffel und weitere stili sowie eine Waage für das Wägen bis zu 35-40 kg schweren Waren aus dem Fundbestand von 1944/1945 könnten davon zeugen, dass das Getreide zu wägen und zu registrieren war (Kap. 3.4.2). Kurz nach 260 n. Chr. fiel die Wassermühle einem weiteren Hochwasser zum Opfer. Für den folgenden Horizont 3 (Beil. 9) brachte man einen Kiesboden ein und errichtete ein kleines Gebäude (Kap. 2.8). Hier war wohl wiederum eine Schmiede untergebracht, wie die zahlreichen Kalottenschlacken belegen (Kap. 3.9), die im Umfeld der kleinen Baus zum Vorschein kamen. Aufgrund der Funde (Kap. 4.4.4; 4.5) kann diese Werkstatt nur kurze Zeit bestanden haben, höchstens bis um 270 n. Chr., bevor sie einem weiteren Hochwasser zum Opfer fiel. Von der jüngsten Anlage, die wohl noch in römische Zeit datiert (Horizont 4; Beil. 10), war lediglich eine Konstruktion aus grossen Steinplatten zu fassen (Kap. 2.9.1). Wozu sie diente, muss offen bleiben. Auch der geringe Fundanfall spricht dafür, dass die Nutzung des Platzes, zumindest für die römische Zeit, allmählich ein Ende fand (Kap. 4.5). Zu den jüngsten Strukturen gehören mehrere Gruben (Kap. 2.9.2), die vielleicht der Lehmentnahme dienten. Mangels Funden bleibt ihre Datierung indes ungewiss. Insbesondere wissen wir nicht, ob sie noch in römische Zeit datieren oder jünger sind. Spätestens mit der fünften Überschwemmung, die zur endgültigen Verlandung führte und wohl schon in die frühe Neuzeit zu setzen ist, wurde der Platz aufgelassen und erst mit dem Bau der bestehenden Fensterfabrik Baumgartner wieder besetzt.


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Fitness to drive in elderly drivers is most commonly discussed with a focus on cognitive impairment. Therefore, this article is focussing on mental illness and the use of psychotropic drugs in elderly drivers, which can both interfere with fitness to drive. Based on a detailed literature review and on clinical judgement, we propose signposts and "red flags" to judge the individual risks. Health professionals dealing with elderly patients should in particular be aware of the dangers related to cumulative risks and need to inform the patients appropriately. For medico-legal reasons the information provided to patients must be written down in the medical record. Individual counselling is important as fitness to drive is a complex topic.


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Since October 2011, the enzymatic lysis of Dupuytren's cord was introduced in Switzerland (Xiapex(®), Auxilium Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer). Here we present our first university experience and underline the major role of ultrasound during the injection. Between December 2011 and February 2013, 52 injections were performed to eliminate 43 Dupuytren's cords in 33 patients. The mean age of the patients was 64.4 ± 8.5 years. Complications were documented for each patient. Before, directly after and after a minimum of 6 months post-injection, the contracture of the treated joint was measured with use of a goniometer. The DASH score was evaluated after a minimum of 6 months and the patients were asked to subjectively evaluate the outcome of the treatment (very good, good, mild, poor) and whether they would reiterate it if necessary. Four skin defects, one lymphangitis, and one CRPS were responsible for a complication rate of 18%. There was no infection and no tendon rupture in the series. The mean MCP joint contracture was respectively 36.8 ± 27.4°, 3.5 ± 7.8° (gain of mobility compared to the preoperative situation 33.3°, P<0.001), and 8.4 ± 13.9° (gain 28.4°, P<0.001) respectively before, just after and at the long-term clinical control. The mean PIP joint contracture was respectively 36.5 ± 29.1°, 5.9 ± 6.7° (gain 30.6°, P<0.001), and 15.1 ± 13.8° (gain 21.4°, P<0.001) respectively before injection, just after and at the long-term clinical control. The DASH score decreased from 24 ± 14 to 7 ± 9 (P<0.001). Eighty-one per cent of the patients were satisfied or very satisfied of the treatment. All but two would reiterate the treatment if necessary. Ultrasound is able to target the injection of collagenase in order to reduce complications. The short-term results of this non-invasive therapy are very promising however comparison with conventional procedures is difficult as the long-term results are lacking.


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BACKGROUND Acetabular retroversion is associated with pincer-type femoroacetabular impingement and can lead to hip osteoarthritis. We report the ten-year results of a previously described patient cohort that had corrective periacetabular osteotomy for the treatment of symptomatic acetabular retroversion. METHODS Clinical and radiographic parameters were assessed preoperatively and at two and ten years postoperatively. A Kaplan-Meier survivorship analysis of the twenty-two patients (twenty-nine hips) with a mean follow-up (and standard deviation) of 11 ± 1 years (range, nine to twelve years) was performed. In addition, a univariate Cox regression analysis was done with conversion to total hip arthroplasty as the primary end point and progression of the osteoarthritis, a fair or poor result according to the Merle d'Aubigné score, or the need for revision surgery as the secondary end points. RESULTS The mean Merle d'Aubigné score improved significantly from 14 ± 1.4 points (range, 12 to 17 points) preoperatively to 16.9 ± 0.9 points (range, 15 to 18 points) at ten years (p < 0.001). There were also significant improvements with regard to hip flexion (p = 0.003), internal rotation (p = 0.003), and adduction (p = 0.002) compared with the preoperative status. No significant increase of the mean Tönnis osteoarthritis score was seen at ten years (p = 0.06). The cumulative ten-year survivorship, with conversion to a total hip arthroplasty as the primary end point, was 100%. The cumulative ten-year survivorship in achievement of one of the secondary end points was 71% (95% confidence interval, 54% to 88%). Predictors for poor outcome were the lack of femoral offset creation and overcorrection of the acetabular version resulting in excessive anteversion. CONCLUSIONS Anteverting periacetabular osteotomy for acetabular retroversion leads to favorable long-term results with preservation of the native hip at a mean of ten years. Overcorrection resulting in excessive anteversion of the hip and omitting concomitant offset creation of the femoral head-neck junction are associated with an unfavorable outcome.


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Defects of androgen biosynthesis cause 46,XY disorder of sexual development (DSD). All steroids are produced from cholesterol and the early steps of steroidogenesis are common to mineralocorticoid, glucocorticoid and sex steroid production. Genetic mutations in enzymes and proteins supporting the early biosynthesis pathways cause adrenal insufficiency (AI), DSD and gonadal insufficiency. The classic androgen biosynthesis defects with AI are lipoid CAH, CYP11A1 and HSD3B2 deficiencies. Deficiency of CYP17A1 rarely causes AI, and HSD17B3 or SRD5A2 deficiencies only cause 46,XY DSD and gonadal insufficiency. All androgen biosynthesis depends on 17,20 lyase activity of CYP17A1 which is supported by P450 oxidoreductase (POR) and cytochrome b5 (CYB5). Therefore 46,XY DSD with apparent 17,20 lyase deficiency may be due to mutations in CYP17A1, POR or CYB5. Illustrated by patients harboring mutations in SRD5A2, normal development of the male external genitalia depends largely on dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is converted from circulating testicular testosterone (T) through SRD5A2 in the genital skin. In the classic androgen biosynthetic pathway, T is produced from DHEA and androstenedione/-diol in the testis. However, recently found mutations in AKR1C2/4 genes in undervirilized 46,XY individuals have established a role for a novel, alternative, backdoor pathway for fetal testicular DHT synthesis. In this pathway, which has been first elucidated for the tammar wallaby pouch young, 17-hydroxyprogesterone is converted directly to DHT by 5α-3α reductive steps without going through the androgens of the classic pathway. Enzymes AKR1C2/4 catalyse the critical 3αHSD reductive reaction which feeds 17OH-DHP into the backdoor pathway. In conclusion, androgen production in the fetal testis seems to utilize two pathways but their exact interplay remains to be elucidated.


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Background Both acetabular undercoverage (hip dysplasia) and overcoverage (pincer-type femoroacetabular impingement) can result in hip osteoarthritis. In contrast to undercoverage, there is a lack of information on radiographic reference values for excessive acetabular coverage. Questions/purposes (1) How do common radiographic hip parameters differ in hips with a deficient or an excessive acetabulum in relation to a control group; and (2) what are the reference values determined from these data for acetabular under- and overcoverage? Methods We retrospectively compared 11 radiographic parameters describing the radiographic acetabular anatomy among hip dysplasia (26 hips undergoing periacetabular osteotomy), control hips (21 hips, requiring no rim trimming during surgical hip dislocation), hips with overcoverage (14 hips, requiring rim trimming during surgical hip dislocation), and hips with severe overcoverage (25 hips, defined as having acetabular protrusio). The hips were selected from a patient cohort of a total of 593 hips. Radiographic parameters were assessed with computerized methods on anteroposterior pelvic radiographs and corrected for neutral pelvic orientation with the help of a true lateral radiograph. Results All parameters except the crossover sign differed among the four study groups. From dysplasia through control and overcoverage, the lateral center-edge angle, acetabular arc, and anteroposterior/craniocaudal coverage increased. In contrast, the medial center-edge angle, extrusion/acetabular index, Sharp angle, and prevalence of the posterior wall sign decreased. The following reference values were found: lateral center-edge angle 23° to 33°, medial center-edge angle 35° to 44°, acetabular arc 61° to 65°, extrusion index 17% to 27%, acetabular index 3° to 13°, Sharp angle 38° to 42°, negative crossover sign, positive posterior wall sign, anterior femoral head coverage 15% to 26%, posterior femoral head coverage 36% to 47%, and craniocaudal coverage 70% to 83%. Conclusions These acetabular reference values define excessive and deficient coverage. They may be used for radiographic evaluation of symptomatic hips, may offer possible predictors for surgical outcomes, and serve to guide clinical decision-making.


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BACKGROUND In some hips with cam-type femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), we observed a morphology resembling a more subtle form of slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE). Theoretically, the morphology in these hips should differ from hips with a primary cam-type deformity. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES We asked if (1) head-neck offset; (2) epiphyseal angle; and (3) tilt angle differ among hips with a slip-like morphology, idiopathic cam, hips after in situ pinning of SCFE, and normal hips; and (4) what is the prevalence of a slip-like morphology among cam-type hips? METHODS We retrospectively compared the three-dimensional anatomy of hips with a slip-like morphology (29 hips), in situ pinning for SCFE (eight hips), idiopathic cam deformity (171 hips), and 30 normal hips using radial MRI arthrography. Normal hips were derived from 17 asymptomatic volunteers. All other hips were recruited from a series of 277 hips (243 patients) seen at a specialized academic hip center between 2006 and 2010. Forty-one hips with isolated pincer deformity were excluded. Thirty-six of 236 hips had a known cause of cam impingement (secondary cam), including eight hips after in situ pinning of SCFE (postslip group). The 200 hips with a primary cam were separated in hips with a slip-like morphology (combination of positive fovea sign [if the neck axis did not intersect with the fovea capitis] and a tilt angle [between the neck axis and perpendicular to the basis of the epiphysis] exceeding 4°) and hips with an idiopathic cam. We evaluated offset ratio, epiphyseal angle (angle between the neck axis and line connecting the center of the femoral head and the point where the physis meets the articular surface), and tilt angle circumferentially around the femoral head-neck axis. Prevalence of slip-like morphology was determined based on the total of 236 hips with cam deformities. RESULTS Offset ratio was decreased anterosuperiorly in idiopathic cam, slip-like, and postslip (eg, 1 o'clock position with a mean offset ranging from 0.00 to 0.14; p < 0.001 for all groups) compared with normal hips (0.25 ± 0.06 [95% confidence interval, 0.13-0.37]) and increased posteroinferiorly in slip-like (eg, 8 o'clock position, 0.5 ± 0.09 [0.32-0.68]; p < 0.001) and postslip groups (0.55 ± 0.12 [0.32-0.78]; p < 0.001) and did not differ in idiopathic cam (0.32 ± 0.09 [0.15-0.49]; p = 0.323) compared with normal (0.31 ± 0.07 [0.18-0.44]) groups. Epiphyseal angle was increased anterosuperiorly in the slip-like (eg, 1 o'clock position, 70° ± 9° [51°-88°]; p < 0.001) and postslip groups (75° ± 13° [49°-100°]; p = 0.008) and decreased in idiopathic cam (50° ± 8° [35°-65°]; p < 0.001) compared with normal hips (58° ± 8° [43°-74°]). Posteroinferiorly, epiphyseal angle was decreased in slip-like (eg, 8 o'clock position, 54° ± 10° [34°-74°]; p < 0.001) and postslip (44° ± 11° [23°-65°]; p < 0.001) groups and did not differ in idiopathic cam (76° ± 8° [61°-91°]; p = 0.099) compared with normal (73° ± 7° [59°-88°]) groups. Tilt angle increased in slip-like (eg, 2/8 o'clock position, 14° ± 8° [-1° to 30°]; p < 0.001) and postslip hips (29° ± 10° [9°-48°]; p < 0.001) and decreased in hips with idiopathic cam (-7° ± 5° [-17° to 4°]; p < 0.001) compared with normal (-1° ± 5° [-10° to 8°]) hips. The prevalence of a slip-like morphology was 12%. CONCLUSIONS The slip-like morphology is the second most frequent pathomorphology in hips with primary cam deformity. MRI arthrography of the hip allows identifying a slip-like morphology, which resembles hips after in situ pinning of SCFE and distinctly differs from hips with idiopathic cam. These results support previous studies reporting that SCFE might be a risk factor for cam-type FAI.


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BACKGROUND The iliocapsularis muscle is an anterior hip structure that appears to function as a stabilizer in normal hips. Previous studies have shown that the iliocapsularis is hypertrophied in developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). An easy MR-based measurement of the ratio of the size of the iliocapsularis to that of adjacent anatomical structures such as the rectus femoris muscle might be helpful in everyday clinical use. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES We asked (1) whether the iliocapsularis-to-rectus-femoris ratio for cross-sectional area, thickness, width, and circumference is increased in DDH when compared with hips with acetabular overcoverage or normal hips; and (2) what is the diagnostic performance of these ratios to distinguish dysplastic from pincer hips? METHODS We retrospectively compared the anatomy of the iliocapsularis muscle between two study groups with symptomatic hips with different acetabular coverage and a control group with asymptomatic hips. The study groups were selected from a series of patients seen at the outpatient clinic for DDH or femoroacetabular impingement. The allocation to a study group was based on conventional radiographs: the dysplasia group was defined by a lateral center-edge (LCE) angle of < 25° with a minimal acetabular index of 14° and consisted of 45 patients (45 hips); the pincer group was defined by an LCE angle exceeding 39° and consisted of 37 patients (40 hips). The control group consisted of 30 asymptomatic hips (26 patients) with MRIs performed for nonorthopaedic reasons. The anatomy of the iliocapsularis and rectus femoris muscle was evaluated using MR arthrography of the hip and the following parameters: cross-sectional area, thickness, width, and circumference. The iliocapsularis-to-rectus-femoris ratio of these four anatomical parameters was then compared between the two study groups and the control group. The diagnostic performance of these ratios to distinguish dysplasia from protrusio was evaluated by calculating receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and the positive predictive value (PPV) for a ratio > 1. Presence and absence of DDH (ground truth) were determined on plain radiographs using the previously mentioned radiographic parameters. Evaluation of radiographs and MRIs was performed in a blinded fashion. The PPV was chosen because it indicates how likely a hip is dysplastic if the iliocapsularis-to-rectus-femoris ratio was > 1. RESULTS The iliocapsularis-to-rectus-femoris ratio for cross-sectional area, thickness, width, and circumference was increased in hips with radiographic evidence of DDH (ratios ranging from 1.31 to 1.35) compared with pincer (ratios ranging from 0.71 to 0.90; p < 0.001) and compared with the control group, the ratio of cross-sectional area, thickness, width, and circumference was increased (ratios ranging from 1.10 to 1.15; p ranging from 0.002 to 0.039). The area under the ROC curve ranged from 0.781 to 0.852. For a one-to-one iliocapsularis-to-rectus-femoris ratio, the PPV was 89% (95% confidence interval [CI], 73%-96%) for cross-sectional area, 77% (95% CI, 61%-88%) for thickness, 83% (95% CI, 67%-92%) for width, and 82% (95% CI, 67%-91%) for circumference. CONCLUSIONS The iliocapsularis-to-rectus-femoris ratio seems to be a valuable secondary sign of DDH. This parameter can be used as an adjunct for clinical decision-making in hips with borderline hip dysplasia and a concomitant cam-type deformity to identify the predominant pathology. Future studies will need to prove this finding can help clinicians determine whether the borderline dysplasia accounts for the hip symptoms with which the patient presents. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Level III, prognostic study.