875 resultados para Community-associated


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We extend the results of spin ladder models associated with the Lie algebras su(2(n)) to the case of the orthogonal and symplectic algebras o(2(n)), sp(2(n)) where n is the number of legs for the system. Two classes of models are found whose symmetry, either orthogonal or symplectic, has an explicit n dependence. Integrability of these models is shown for an arbitrary coupling of XX-type rung interactions and applied magnetic field term.


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A postal health survey was completed by 14761 young women (aged 18-23 years), 14070 middle-aged women (45-50 years) and 12893 older women (70-75 years). The prevalence of constipation was 14.1% (CI 13.5-14.7) in young women, 26.6% (CI 25.9-27.4) in middle-aged women, and 27% (CI 26.9-28.5) in the older women. The prevalence of hemorrhoids was 3.2% (CI 2.9-3.4 young), 17.7% (CI 17.1-18.4 middle-aged) and 18.3% (CI 17.6-19.0 older). In the middle-aged and older women, those who reported previous gynecologic surgery were between 18% and 63% more likely to report constipation; in the younger cohort, women with one or two children were also more likely to report constipation (adjusted OR 1.43-1.46); One-third of the young women and half the middle-aged and older women had sought help for constipation; the majority indicated that they were satisfied with the help available to them.


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Objective: To measure prevalence and model incidence of HIV infection. Setting: 2013 consecutive pregnant women attending public sector antenatal clinics in 1997 in Hlabisa health district, South Africa. Historical seroprevalence data, 1992-1995. Methods: Serum remaining from syphilis testing was tested anonymously for antibodies to HIV to determine seroprevalence. Two models, allowing for differential mortality between HIV-positive and HIV-negative people, were used. The first used serial seroprevalence data to estimate trends in annual incidence. The second, a maximum likelihood model, took account of changing force of infection and age-dependent risk of infection, to estimate age-specific HIV incidence in 1997. Multiple logistic regression provided adjusted odds ratios (OR) for risk factors for prevalent HIV infection. Results: Estimated annual HIV incidence increased from 4% in 1992/1993 to 10% in 1996/1997. In 1997, highest age-specific incidence was 16% among women aged between 20 and 24 years. in 1997, overall prevalence was 26% (95% confidence interval [CI], 24%-28%) and at 34% was highest among women aged between 20 and 24 years. Young age (<30 years; odds ratio [OR], 2.1; p = .001), unmarried status (OR 2.2; p = .001) and living in less remote parts of the district (OR 1.5; p = .002) were associated with HIV prevalence in univariate analysis. Associations were less strong in multivariate analysis. Partner's migration status was not associated with HIV infection. Substantial heterogeneity of HIV prevalence by clinic was observed (range 17%-31%; test for trend, p = .001). Conclusions: This community is experiencing an explosive HIV epidemic. Young, single women in the more developed parts of the district would form an appropriate cohort to test, and benefit from, interventions such as vaginal microbicides and HIV vaccines.


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Background. The Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Well-being was designed to detect and describe psychiatric morbidity, associated disability, service use and perceived need for care. The survey employed a single-phase interview methodology, delivering a field questionnaire to a clustered probability sample of 10641 Australians. Perceived need was sampled with an instrument designed for this survey, the Perceived Need for Care Questionnaire (PNCQ). This questionnaire gathers information about five categories of perceived need, assigning each to one of four levels of perceived need. Reliability and validity studies showed satisfactory performance of the instrument. Methods. Perceived need for mental health care in the Australian population has been analysed using PNCQ data, relating this to diagnostic and service utilization data from the above survey. Results. The survey findings indicate that an estimated 13.8 % of the Australian population have perceived need for mental health care. Those who met interview criteria for a psychiatric diagnosis and also expressed perceived need make up 9.9 % of the population. An estimated 11.0% of the population are cases of untreated prevalence, a minority (3.6% of the population) of whom expressed perceived need for mental health care. Among persons using services, those without a psychiatric diagnosis based on interview criteria (4.4% of the population), showed high levels of perceived met need. Conclusions. The overall rate of perceived need found by this methodology lies between those found in the USA and Canada. The findings suggest that service use in the absence of diagnosis elicited by survey questionnaires may often represent successful intervention. In the survey, untreated prevalence was commonly not accompanied by perceived need for mental health care.


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Background, Regular physical activity in older adults can facilitate healthy aging, improve functional capacity, and prevent disease. However, factors associated with physical inactivity in older populations are poorly understood. This study attempts to identify social-cognitive and perceived environmental influences associated with physical activity participation in older populations. Methods. In a randomly selected sample of 449 Australian adults age 60 and older, we assessed self-reported physical activity and a range of social-cognitive and perceived environmental factors. Respondents were classified as sufficiently active and inactive based on energy expenditure estimates (kcal/week) derived from self-reported physical activity. Two logistic regression models, with and without self-efficacy included, were conducted to identify modifiable independent predictors of physical activity. Results. Significantly more males than females were physically active. Physical activity participation was related to age with a greater proportion of those age 65-69 being active than those age 60-64 or 70 or older. High self-efficacy, regular participation of friends and family, finding footpaths safe for walking, and access to local facilities were significantly associated with being active. Conclusion. Identifying predictors of physical activity in older populations, particularly social support, facility access, and neighbourhood safety, can inform the development of policy and intervention strategies to promote the health of older people. (C) 2000 American Health Foundation and Academic Press.


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Background and Purpose-Few community-based studies have examined the long-term survival and prognostic factors for death within 5 years after an acute first-ever stroke. This study aimed to determine the absolute and relative survival and the independent baseline prognostic Factors for death over the next 5 years among all individuals and among 30-day survivors after a first-ever stroke in a population of Perth, Western Australia. Methods-Between February 1989 and August 1990, all individuals with a suspected acute stroke or transient ischemic attack of the brain who were resident in a geographically defined region of Perth, Western Australia, with a population of 138 708 people, were registered prospectively and assessed according to standardized diagnostic criteria. Patients were followed up prospectively at 4 months, 12 months, and 5 years after the index event. Results-Three hundred seventy patients with first-ever stroke were registered, and 362 (98%) were followed up at 5 years, by which time 210 (58%) had died. In the first year after stroke the risk of death was 36.5% (95% CI, 31.5% to 41.4%), which was 10-fold (95% CI, 8.3% to 11.7%) higher than that expected among the general population of the same age and sex. The most common cause of death was the index stroke (64%). Between 1 and 5 years after stroke, the annual risk of death was approximately 10% per year, which was approximately 2-fold greater than expected, and the most common cause of death was cardiovascular disease (41%). The independent baseline factors among 30-day survivors that predicted death over 5 years were intermittent clandication (hazard ratio [WR], 1.9; 95% CI, 1.2 to 2.9), urinary incontinence (HR, 2.0; 95% CI, 1.3 to 3.0), previous transient ischemic attack (HR, 2.4; 95% CT, 1.3 to 4.1), and prestroke Barthel Index <20/20 (HR, 2.0, 95% CI, 1.3 to 3.2). Conclusions-One-year survivors of first-ever stroke continue to die over the next 4 years at a rate of approximately 10% per year, which is twice the rate expected among the general population of the same age and sex. The most common cause of death is cardiovascular disease. Long-term survival after stroke may be improved by early, active, and sustained implementation of effective strategies for preventing subsequent cardiovascular events.


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Background: The Perceived Need for Care Questionnaire (PNCQ) was designed for the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing. The PNCQ complemented collection of data on diagnosis and disability with the survey participants' perceptions of their needs for mental health care and the meeting of those needs. The four-stage design of the PNCQ mimics a conversational exploration of the topic of perceived needs. Five categories of perceived need are each assigned to one of four levels of perceived need (no need, unmet need, partially met need and met need). For unmet need and partially met need, information on barriers to care is collected, Methods: Inter-rater reliabilities of perceived needs assessed by the PNCQ were examined in a study of 145 anxiety clinic attenders. Construct validity of these items was tested, using a multi-trait multi-method approach and hypotheses regarding extreme groups, in a study with a sample of 51 general practice and community psychiatric service patients. Results: The instrument is brief to administer and has proved feasible for use in various settings. Inter-rater reliabilities for major categories, measured by the kappa statistic, exceeded 0.60 in most cases; for the summary category of all perceived needs, inter-rater reliability was 0.62. The multi-trait multi-method approach lent support to the construct validity of the instrument, as did findings in extreme groups. Conclusions: The PNCQ shows acceptable feasibility, reliability and validity, adding to the range of assessment tools available for epidemiological and health services research.


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Authigenic carbonate minerals are ubiquitous throughout the Late Permian coal measures of the Bowen Basin, Queensland, Australia. In the northern Bowen Basin, carbonates include the following assemblages: siderite I (delta O-18(SMOW) = +11.4 to + 17%, delta C-13(PDB) = - 5.3 to + 120), Fe-Mg calcite-ankerite-siderite II mineral association (delta O-18(SMOW) = +7.2 to + 10.20, delta C-13(PDB) = 10.9 to - 1.80 for ankerite) and a later calcite (delta O-18(SMOW) = +5.9 to + 14.60, delta C-13(PDB) = -11.4 to + 4.40). In the southern Bowen Basin, the carbonate phase consists only of calcite (delta O-18(SMOW) = +12.5 to + 14.80, delta C-13(PDB) = -19.4 to + 0.80), where it occurs extensively throughout all stratigraphic levels. Siderite I occurs in mudrocks and sandstones and predates all other carbonate minerals. This carbonate phase is interpreted to have formed as an early diagenetic mineral from meteoric waters under cold climate and reducing conditions. Fe-Mg calcite-ankerite-siderite Il occur in sandstones as replacement of volcanic rock fragments. Clay minerals (illite-smectite, chlorite and kaolinite) postdate Ca-Fe-Mg carbonates, and precipitation of the later calcite is associated with clay mineral formation. The Ca-Fe-Mg carbonates and later calcite of the northern Bowen Basin are regarded as having formed as a result of hydrothermal activity during the latest Triassic extensional tectonic event which affected this part of the basin, rather than deep burial diagenesis during the Middle to Late Triassic as previously reported. This hypothesis is based on the timing relationships of the authigenic mineral phases and the low delta O-18 values of ankerite and calcite, together with radiometric dating of illitic clays and recently published regional geological evidence. Following the precipitation of the Ca-Fe-Mg carbonates from strongly O-18-depleted meteoric-hydrothermal fluids, continuing fluid circulation and water-rock interaction resulted in dissolution of these carbonate phases as well as labile fragments of volcaniclastic rocks. Subsequently, the later calcite and day minerals precipitated from relatively evolved (O-18-enriched) fluids. The nearly uniform delta O-18 values of the southern Bowen Basin calcite have been attributed to very low water/rock ratio in the system, where the fluid isotropic composition was buffered by the delta O-18 values of rocks. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objectives. The present study was designed to test the diathesis-stress components of Beck's cognitive theory of depression and the reformulated learned helplessness model of depression in the prediction of postpartum depressive symptomatology. Design and methods. The research used a two-wave longitudinal design-data were collected from 65 primiparous women during their third trimester of pregnancy and then 6 weeks after the birth. Cognitive vulnerability and initial depressive symptomatology were assessed at Time 1, whereas stress and postpartum depressive symptomatology were assessed at Time 2. Results. There was some support for the diathesis-stress component of Beck's cognitive theory, to the extent that the negative relationship between both general and maternal-specific dysfunctional attitudes associated with performance evaluation and Time 2 depressive symptomatology was strongest for women who reported high levels of parental stress. In a similar vein, the effects of dysfunctional attitudes (general and maternal-specific) associated with performance evaluation and need for approval (general measure only) on partner ratings of emotional distress were evident only among those women whose infants were rated as being temperamentally difficult. Conclusion. There was no support for the diathesis-stress component of the reformulated learned helplessness model of depression; however, there was some support for the diathesis-stress component of Beck's cognitive theory.


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Pheochromocytomas are tumors of the adrenal medulla originating in the chromaffin cells derived from the neural crest. Ten % of these tumors are associated with the familial cancer syndromes multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2, von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL), and rarely, neurofibromatosis type 1, in which germ-line mutations have been identified in RET, VHL, and NF1, respectively. In both the sporadic and familial forms of pheochromocytoma, allelic loss at 1p, 3p, 17p, and 22q has been reported, yet the molecular pathogenesis of these tumors is largely unknown. Allelic loss at chromosome 1p has also been reported in other endocrine tumors, such as medullary thyroid cancer and tumors of the parathyroid gland, as well as in tumors of neural crest origin including neuroblastoma and malignant melanoma, In this study, we performed fine structure mapping of deletions at chromosome 1p in familial and sporadic pheochromocytomas to identify discrete regions likely housing tumor suppressor genes involved in the development of these tumors. Ten microsatellite markers spanning a region of similar to 70 cM (Ipter to 1p34.3) were used to screen 20 pheochromocytomas from 19 unrelated patients for loss of heterozygosity (LOH). LOH was detected at five or more loci in 8 of 13 (61%)sporadic samples and at five or more loci in four of five (80%) tumor samples from patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2. No LOH at 1p was detected in pheochromocytomas from two VHL patients, Analysis of the combined sporadic and familial tumor data suggested three possible regions of common somatic loss, designated as PCI (D1S243 to D1S244), PC2 (D1S228 to D1S507), and PC3 (D1S507 toward the centromere). We propose that chromosome Ip may be the site of at least three putative tumor suppressor loci involved in the tumorigenesis of pheochromocytomas. At least one of these loci, PC2 spanning an interval of <3.8 cM, is Likely to have a broader role in the development of endocrine malignancies.


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Purpose: Cyclophilin 40 (CyP40) is an estrogen receptor-associated protein which appears to modify receptor function. The aim of this study was to determine the extent of allelic loss at the CyP40 locus in a panel of breast carcinomas using a newly characterized microsatellite marker located upstream of the CyP40 gene and then to correlate this with losses at chromosomal sites for cancer-associated genes. Methods: Allelic loss at CyP40 was determined from patients' matched tumor and normal breast tissue using Genescan 672 software analysis of fluorescently labeled, PAGE-separated PCR products incorporating the marker. For each patient, allelic loss at CyP40 was then assessed and compared with losses at markers for various cancer-associated genes. Results: Allelic loss was detected in 30% of breast carcinomas from patients heterozygous for the CyP40 marker. All carcinomas demonstrating allelic loss were grade II or III invasive ductal carcinomas and generally showed multiple losses at other sites near known cancer-associated genes. Conclusions: The polymorphic marker which we characterized was useful in determining allelic loss at the CyP40 locus in breast cancer patients and when applied in these studies in conjunction with various cancer-associated gene markers, suggests that deletions in the region of the CyP40 gene might be a late event in breast tumor progression.


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Background: The first set of aims of the present study was to determine the prevalence of personality disorders (PDs) in a nation, and gender differences in the types and numbers of PDs endorsed. The second set of aims was to establish the relationship of PD to other, non-PD disorders, physical conditions, and disability. Method: Data were obtained from the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, conducted between May and August 1997. A stratified random sample of households was generated, from which all those aged 18 or over were considered potential interviewees. There were 10,641 respondents to the survey, and this represented a response rate of 78%. Each interviewee was asked 59 questions indexing specific ICD-10 PD criteria. Results: Of the total survey sample, 704 persons had at least one PD. Using weighted replicate weights, it was estimated that approximately 6.5% of the adult population of Australia have one or more PDs (lifetime prevalence). Persons with PD were more likely to be younger, male, and not married, and to have an anxiety disorder, an affective disorder, a substance use disorder, or a physical condition. They were also more likely to have greater disability than those without PD. Conclusion: The study is the first nationwide survey of mental disorders conducted within Australia. It provides an estimate of the prevalence of the various types of PD. The survey has considerable limitations, however, and these are discussed.


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Two integrable quantum spin ladder systems will be introduced associated with the fundamental su(2 \2) solution of the Yang-Baxter equation. The first model is a generalized quantum Ising system with Ising rung interactions. In the second model the addition of extra interactions allows us to impose Heisenberg rung interactions without violating integrability. The existence of a Bethe ansatz solution for both models allows us to investigate the elementary excitations for antiferromagnetic rung couplings. We find that the first model does not show a gap whilst in the second case there is a gap for all positive values of the rung coupling.