955 resultados para Common life
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em História Medieval
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Heróis de palmo e meio: a intervenção psicossocial e a relação de ajuda no acolhimento institucional
Os Lares de Infância e Juventude têm como objetivo defender o superior interesse das crianças, desempenhando um papel fundamental no acompanhamento do seu desenvolvimento. Este dever concretiza-se substancialmente na definição e acompanhamento dos seus projetos de vida. Neste sentido, as práticas dos profissionais devem ir ao encontro das reais necessidades dos seus atores, numa ação adequada, desenhada e concertada, tendo sempre como principio básico o respeito pelas idiossincrasias de cada criança e jovem. O presente Relatório tem como objetivo apresentar o desenho e desenvolvimento de um projeto de intervenção psicossocial e relação de ajuda com crianças em acolhimento institucional, intitulado “Heróis de Palmo e Meio. A intervenção psicossocial e a relação de ajuda no acolhimento institucional”. Este projeto teve como grande finalidade a “Participação das crianças e das suas famílias na construção dos seus projetos de vida com base na compreensão da institucionalização”. Priorizando as necessidades e respeitando o critério de urgência, foram desenhados dois subprojectos com duas crianças e suas famílias, tentando sempre responder às suas necessidades individuais. Foram definidos alguns objetivos gerais comuns, assim como objetivos específicos, estratégias e ações adequadas a cada um dos subprojectos. Os resultados deste projeto revelam-se significativos, já que permitiram, quer às crianças, quer às famílias, desenvolver um processo de reflexão e consciencialização em torno da sua história de vida, compreensão da sua realidade e participação ativa no projeto de vida dos filhos, o que veio facilitar o caminho inicial do processo da mudança.
The authors report the clinical case of a 32 years old woman who suffered a spontaneous dissection of the common trunk, anterior descending, intermediary and circumflex coronary arteries, on the 6th post partum day. The diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction was made, through ECG and enzymatic studies and the patient was transferred to a Coronary Unit. Coronary angiography disclosed those lesions and the patient underwent a triple coronary bypass graft, under extracorporeal circulation. The post operative course was uneventful. Eight months after the operation she was found in good condition, free of symptoms and with a normal pattern of life.
Die Luftverschmutzung, die globale Erwärmung sowie die Verknappung der endlichen Ressourcen sind die größten Bedenken der vergangenen Jahrzehnte. Die Nachfrage nach jeglicher Mobilität steigt rapide. Dementsprechend bemüht ist die Automobilindustrie Lösungen für Mobilität unter dem Aspekt der Nachhaltigkeit und dem Umweltschutz anzubieten. Die Elektrifizierung hat sich hierbei als der beste Weg herausgestellt, um die Umweltprobleme sowie die Abhängigkeit von fossilen Brennstoffen zu lösen. Diese Arbeit soll einen Einblick über die Umweltauswirkungen des Hybridfahrzeuges Toyota Prius geben. Hierbei findet eine Gliederung in vier verschiedene Lebensphasen statt. Im Anschluss bietet die Sachbilanz die Möglichkeit die Umweltauswirkungen mit verschiedenen Antriebsmöglichkeiten und Brennstoffen zu vergleichen. Das Modell hat gezeigt, dass der Toyota Prius während der Nutzung einen hohen Einfluss auf das Treibhauspotenzial aufweist. Durch die Nutzung anderer Brennstoffe, wie beispielsweise Ethanol oder Methanol lassen sich die Auswirkungen am Treibhauspotenzial sowie der Verbrauch an abiotischen Ressourcen reduzieren. Vergleicht man die Elektromobilität mit der konventionellen, so ist festzustellen, dass diese Art der Mobilität die derzeit beste Möglichkeit zur Reduzierung der Umweltbelastungen bietet. Die Auswirkungen der Elektromobilität sind im hohen Maße abhängig von der Art des verwendeten Strommixes.
O foco principal no estudo da Internet of Things tem sido a integração de dispositivos digitais com o mundo físico e vice-versa. Os dispositivos inteligentes têm vindo a ganhar uma forte presença na nossa vida diária e cada vez mais, tendem a integrar o sistema de uma casa, automatizando processos comuns como o controlo de temperatura ambiente ou mesmo a percentagem de luminosidade de uma divisão. A visão da IoT contempla um mundo interconectado, recolhendo informações de forma automática e possibilitando a comunicação entre dispositivos. Contudo, as tecnologias existentes para a criação de redes que albergam estes novos dispositivos carecem de padrões bem definidos, dificultando a interoperabilidade entre as diversas soluções existentes. Neste projeto são estudadas e aplicadas as tecnologias mais promissoras aplicáveis ao paradigma Internet of Things, com o objetivo de encontrar um conjunto de protocolos padrão para a implementação de sistemas de automação em casas inteligentes.1 Como objetivo final deste projeto, pretende-se criar uma rede de dispositivos com capacidades sensoriais que tenham a capacidade de comunicar com o mundo externo, permitindo o acesso à rede por qualquer tipo de utilizador. Com isso, espera-se caminhar para mais perto da padronização dos protocolos inerentes à IoT e habilitar interoperabilidade entre as mais diversas soluções. São apresentados e utilizados os protocolos que mais se adaptam ao tema escolhido, tentando simplificar a rede para que esta possa ser incluída em qualquer ambiente doméstico, recorrendo a hardware de custo reduzido. Os protocolos apresentados são o 6LoWPAN, utilizando o protocolo IEEE 802.15.4 como interface de rede juntamente com endereçamento IPv6. É também utilizado o protocolo CoAP na troca de mensagens entre os dispositivos.
Quality of life is a concept influenced by social, economic, psychological, spiritual or medical state factors. More specifically, the perceived quality of an individual's daily life is an assessment of their well-being or lack of it. In this context, information technologies may help on the management of services for healthcare of chronic patients such as estimating the patient quality of life and helping the medical staff to take appropriate measures to increase each patient quality of life. This paper describes a Quality of Life estimation system developed using information technologies and the application of data mining algorithms to access the information of clinical data of patients with cancer from Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck services of an oncology institution. The system was evaluated with a sample composed of 3013 patients. The results achieved show that there are variables that may be significant predictors for the Quality of Life of the patient: years of smoking (p value 0.049) and size of the tumor (p value < 0.001). In order to assign the variables to the classification of the quality of life the best accuracy was obtained by applying the John Platt's sequential minimal optimization algorithm for training a support vector classifier. In conclusion data mining techniques allow having access to patients additional information helping the physicians to be able to know the quality of life and produce a well-informed clinical decision.
Depression is a common and disabling disease that affects over 100 million people worldwide and can have a significant impact on physical and mental health, reducing their quality of life. Thus, the aim of this article was to provide information on research results and key chains related to the therapeutic effects of chronic aerobic exercise compared with other types of interventions to treat depression, which may become a useful clinical application in a near future. Researches have shown the effectiveness of alternative treatments, such as physical exercise, minimizing high financial costs and minimizing side effects. In this review, the data analyzed allows us to claim that alternative therapies, such as exercise, are effective on controlling and reducing symptoms. 69.3% of the studies that investigated the antidepressant effects of exercise on depressive were significant, and the other 30.7% of the studies improved only in general physiological aspects, such as increased oxygen uptake, increased use of blood glucose and decreased body fat percentage, with no improvement on symptoms of depression. From the sample analyzed, 71.4% was composed of women, and regarding the severity of symptoms, 85% had mild to moderate depression and only 15% had moderate to severe depression. However, there is still disagreement regarding the effect of exercise compared to the use of antidepressants in symptomatology and cognitive function in depression, this suggests that there is no consensus on the correct intensity of aerobic exercise as to achieve the best dose-response, with intensities high to moderate or moderate to mild.
O âmbito deste trabalho envolve o teste do modelo BIM numa obra em construção pela Mota-Engil – Engenharia, na extração experimental de peças desenhadas de preparação e apoio à execução de obra. No capítulo 1 deste relatório são definidos o âmbito e os objetivos deste trabalho, é feito um enquadramento histórico do tema e abordados conceitos e atividades da preparação de obra, na sua forma tradicional. O estado do conhecimento da preparação de obras e mais em concreto da tecnologia BIM a nível nacional e internacional é abordado no capítulo 2. Nesse sentido procura-se definir os conceitos principais inerentes a esta nova metodologia, que passa por identificar e caraterizar a tecnologia envolvida e o seu nível de desenvolvimento. Com suporte em casos práticos de preparação de obra na sua forma tradicional, identificados e desenvolvidos no capítulo 3, foi compilado um processo tipo de peças desenhadas de suporte identificadas e caracterizadas no capítulo 4, frequentes e comuns à execução de diversos tipos de obras de edifícios. Assente na compilação baseada em casos práticos e no estudo do projeto de execução da empreitada que sustenta o presente trabalho, com base no qual o modelo BIM foi concebido, identificou-se um conjunto de peças desenhadas de preparação e apoio à execução dos trabalhos, em 2D, a extrair do modelo. No capítulo 5, é feita uma descrição do modo como foi estudado o projeto da obra, com evidência para os fatores mais relevantes, especificando os desenhos a extrair. Suportada pelo programa de modelação ArchiCAD, a extração do conjunto de desenhos identificados anteriormente foi conseguida com recurso às funcionalidades disponíveis no software, que permite a criação de desenhos 2D atualizáveis ou não automaticamente a partir do modelo. Qualquer alteração introduzida no modelo virtual é automaticamente atualizada nos desenhos bidimensionais, caso o utilizador assim o pretenda. Ao longo desse trabalho foram detetados e analisados os condicionalismos inerentes ao processo de extração, referidos no capítulo 6, para estabelecimento de regras de modelação padrão a adotar em futuras empreitadas, que possam simplificar a obtenção dos elementos desenhados de preparação necessários à sua execução. No ponto 6.3 são identificadas melhorias a introduzir no modelo. Em conclusão no capítulo 7 são abordadas especificidades do setor da construção que sustentam e evidenciam cada vez mais a necessidade de utilizar as novas tecnologias com vista à adoção de práticas e ferramentas padrão de apoio à execução de obras. Sendo a tecnologia BIM, transversal a todo o setor, a sua utilização com regras padrão na conceção dos modelos e na extração de dados, potencia a otimização dos custos, do tempo, dos recursos e da qualidade final de um empreendimento, ao longo de todo o seu ciclo de vida, para além de apoiar com elevada fiabilidade as tomadas de decisão ao longo desse período. A tecnologia BIM, possibilita a antevisão do edifício a construir com um elevado grau de pormenor, com todas as vantagens que daí advêm.
Background: Children with spina bifida represent the major risk group for latex sensitization. Purpose: To determine the prevalence of latex sensitization in these children and to identify risk factors. Material and methods: We studied 57 patients with spina bifida. The mean age was 5.6 years and the male/female ratio was 0.8/1. In all patients a questionnaire, skin prick test (SPT) with latex (UCBStallergènes, Lofarma and ALK-Abelló), common aeroallergens and fruits (UCB-Stallergènes) and serum determination of total IgE (AlaSTAT) were performed. Results: The prevalence of latex sensitization was 30 %; only two sensitized children (12 %) had symptoms after exposure. Risk factors for latex sensitization were age 5 years (p = 0.008; OR = 6.0; 95% CI = 1.7-22.1), having at least four previous surgical interventions (p < 0.0001; OR = 18.5; 95% CI = 3.6-94.8), having undergone surgery in the first 3 months of life (p = 0.008; OR = 5.4; 95% CI = 0.7-29.2) and total serum IgE 44 IU/ml (p = 0.03; OR = 3.8; 95 %CI = 1.1-13.1). Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that only a history of four or more surgical interventions (p < 0.0001; OR = 26.3; 95 %CI = 2.9-234.2) and total serum IgE 44 IU/ml (p = 0.02; OR = 8.6; 95% CI = 1.4-53.4) were independently associated with latex sensitization. Sex, family and personal allergic history, hydrocephalus with ventriculoperitoneal shunt, cystourethrograms, intermittent bladder catheterization and atopy were not related to latex sensitization. Conclusions: In children with spina bifida, significant and independent risk factors identified for latex sensitization were multiple interventions and higher levels of total serum IgE. A prospective study will clarify the clinical evolution of assymptomatic children sensitized to latex.
Perinatal mortality rate is an important mark to evaluate women and perinatal health care. It is of utmost importance to know causes and the evolution of its two components aiming to improve health care in different fields – sanitary conditions, diagnosis and treatment of infectious disease, immunisations, diagnosing and caring for medical diseases induced by pregnancy or directly related to it, providing skilled birth attendance, preventing birth asphyxia, preventing preterm birth complications and infections. In high-income countries the epidemiology varies mainly with social and economic conditions; in low-income countries, paired with poverty, undernutrition, superstition, lack of medical care, deficient basic sanitary conditions are also found. Also, in rich countries, responsible for 1% of deaths, data are published and improvements evaluated, while in low-income countries responsible for 99% of deaths numbers and causes are unknown, making difficult to implement cost effective interventions, a reason why “stillbirth rates in low-income countries are now where they were in high-income countries 50 to 100 years ago”. Knowledge on causes of death are very important as often what is needed are “simple” measures as improvement of sanitary conditions and immunisation programmes rather than high technologies. About four million babies dye each year in the first 28 days of life and another 3 million dye before birth in the third-trimester, with 98% occurring in low-income and middle income countries and more than 1 million occurring during labour and delivery. Classically stillbirths are the major component of perinatal mortality rate. Causes of death are even more difficult to know. In low-income countries a great proportion of women give birth at home. Worldwide the main causes of stillbirth are asphyxia due to obstructed labour, eclampsia, abruption placenta and umbilical cord complications - making valid the assumption that skilled birth attendance would decrease stillbirth; and infection - chorioamnioitis, syphilis and malaria. In high-income countries placental pathology and infection, congenital anomalies, complications of preterm birth and post term delivery, are the most common. If in low-income countries famine and lack of provisions and health care are common, in high-income countries, advanced maternal age and diabetes, obesity, hypertension, smoking, are frequent findings.
Introduction: Rhinoscleroma is a rare, chronic, granulomatous disease that most frequently affects the upper respiratory tract, especially the nasal cavity and sometimes extends through the lower respiratory tract. Is associated with Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis, which is endemic in certain geographic regions namely Central America. The pathogenesis and risk factors remain unclear. Clinical case: We report a five years Old Portuguese boy, previously healthy, brought to the Emergency Department with epistaxis, without other accompanying signs or symptoms. The Otorhinolaryngologist (ORL) performed rhinoscopy and identified an intranasal bleeding mass. The MRI revealed an intranasal mass with extension to the ethmoid bone sinus, and performed biopsy. The histopathology was vital, making the diagnosis of Rhinoscleroma. The child had traveled abroad for the first time on vacations a year before to Dominican Republic. The bacteriologic exam identified a Klebsiella spp. sensible to the association of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Blood test performed excluded association of immunodeficiency. Since it’s a rare disease genetic study are under course. Monthly evaluation by ORL and pediatrician was performed which documented progressive reduction until total disappearing of the macro and microscopic lesion, and negative bacteriologic exam. Six months of antibiotic therapy were completed without any known secondary effects. The child remained asymptomatic up to the last visit, 3 months following treatment and has shown no evidence of recurrence. Conclusion: Globalization and free transit of people to areas far from origin countries here some rare diseases are endemic brings a new challenge to modern medicine. Sometimes vacations bring more than memories.
Speech interfaces for Assistive Technologies are not common and are usually replaced by others. The market they are targeting is not considered attractive and speech technologies are still not well spread. Industry still thinks they present some performance risks, especially Speech Recognition systems. As speech is the most elemental and natural way for communication, it has strong potential for enhancing inclusion and quality of life for broader groups of users with special needs, such as people with cerebral palsy and elderly staying at their homes. This work is a position paper in which the authors argue for the need to make speech become the basic interface in assistive technologies. Among the main arguments, we can state: speech is the easiest way to interact with machines; there is a growing market for embedded speech in assistive technologies, since the number of disabled and elderly people is expanding; speech technology is already mature to be used but needs adaptation to people with special needs; there is still a lot of R&D to be done in this area, especially when thinking about the Portuguese market. The main challenges are presented and future directions are proposed.