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In this study in urban Brazil we examine, as a predictor of depressive symptoms, the interaction between a single nucleotide polymorphism in the 2A receptor in the serotonin system (-1438G/A) and cultural consonance in family life, a measure of the degree to which an individual perceives her family as corresponding to a widely shared cultural model of the prototypical family. A community sample of 144 adults was followed over a 2-year-period. Cultural consonance in family life was assessed by linking individuals` perceptions of their own families with a shared cultural model of the family derived from cultural consensus analysis. The -1438G/A polymorphism in the 2A serotonin receptor was genotyped using a standard protocol for DNA extracted from leukocytes. Covariates included age, sex, socioeconomic status, and stressful life events. Cultural consonance in family life was prospectively associated with depressive symptoms. In addition, the interaction between genotype and cultural consonance in family life was significant. For individuals with the A/A variant of the -1438G/A polymorphism of the 2A receptor gene, the effect of cultural consonance in family life on depressive symptoms over a 2-year-period was larger (beta = -0.533, P < 0.01) than those effects for individuals with either the G/A (beta = -0.280, P < 0.10) or G/G (beta = -0.272, P < 0.05) variants. These results are consistent with a process in which genotype moderates the effects of culturally meaningful social experience on depressive symptoms. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 21:91-97, 2009. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Objective To compare the demographic features, presenting manifestations, diagnostic investigations, disease course, and drug therapies of children with juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) followed in Europe and Latin America. Methods Patients were inception cohorts seen between 1980 and 2004 in 27 paediatric rheumatology centres. The following information was collected through the review of patient charts: sex; age at disease onset; date of disease onset and diagnosis; onset type; presenting clinical features; diagnostic investigations; course type; and medications received during disease course. Results Four hundred and ninety patients (65.5% females, mean onset age 7.0 years, mean disease duration 7.7 years) were included. Disease presentation was acute or insidious in 57.1% and 42.9% of the patients, respectively. The course type was monophasic in 41.3% of patients and chronic polycyclic or continuous in 58.6% of patients. The more common presenting manifestations were muscle weakness (84.9%), Gottron`s papules (72.9%), heliotrope rash (62%), and malar rash (56.7%). Overall, the demographic and clinical features of the 2 continental cohorts were comparable. European patients received more frequently high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone, cyclosporine, cyclophosphamide, and azathioprine, while methotrexate and antimalarials medications were used more commonly by Latin American physicians. Conclusion The demographic and clinical characteristics of JDM are similar in European and Latin American patients. We found, however, several differences in the use of medications between European and Latin American paediatric rheumatologists.
Nasal allergies in the Latin American population: Results from the Allergies in Latin America survey
Allergies in Latin America is the first cross-national survey that describes the symptoms, impact, and treatment of nasal allergies (NAs) in individuals >= 4 years old in Latin America (LA). In total, 22,012 households across the Latin American countries of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela were screened for children, adolescents, and adults with a diagnosis of NA and either symptoms or treatment in the past 12 months. A total of 1088 adults and 457 children and adolescents were included and the sample was probability based to ensure valid statistical inference to the population. Approximately 7% of the LA population was diagnosed with NAs with two of three respondents stating that their allergies were seasonal or intermittent in nature. A general practice physician or otolaryngologist diagnosed the majority of individuals surveyed. Nasal congestion was the most common and bothersome symptom of NAs. Sufferers indicated that their symptoms affected productivity and sleep and had a negative impact on quality of life. Two-thirds of patients reported taking some type of medication for their NAs, with a roughly equal percentage of patients reporting taking over-the-counter versus prescription medications. Changing medications was most commonly done in those reporting inadequate efficacy. The most common reasons cited for dissatisfaction with current medications were related to inadequate effectiveness, effectiveness wearing off with chronic use, failure to provide 24-hour relief, and bothersome side effects (e.g., unpleasant taste and retrograde drainage into the esophagus). Findings from this cross-national survey on NAs have confirmed a high prevalence of physician-diagnosed NAs and a considerable negative impact on daily quality of life and work productivity as well as substantial disease management challenges in LA. Through identification of disease impact on the LA population and further defining treatment gaps, clinicians in LA may better understand and treat NAs, thus leading to improvements in overall patient satisfaction and quality of life. (Allergy Asthma Proc 31:S9-S27, 2010; doi: 10.2500/aap.2010.31.3347)
The African (Protopterus sp.) and South American lungfish (Lepidosiren paradoxa) inhabit shallow waters, that seasonally dry out, which induces aestivation and cocoon formation in Protopterus. Differently, L. paradoxa has no cocoon, and it aestivates in a simple burrow. In water PaCO(2) is 21.8 +/- 0.4 mmHg (mean values +/- S.E.M.; n = 5), whereas aestivation for 20 days increased PaCO(2) to as much as 37.6 +/- 2.1 mmHg, which remained the same after 40 days (35.8 +/- 3.3 mmHg). Concomitantly. the plasma [HCO(3)(-)]-values for animals in water were 22.5 +/- 0.5 mM, which after 20 days increased to 40.2 +/- 2.3 mM and after 40 days to 35.8 +/- 3.3 mM. Initially in water, PaO(2) was 87.7 +/- 2.0 mmHg, but 20 days in aestivation reduced the value to 80.5 +/- 2.2 and later (40 days) to 77.1 +/- 3.0 mmHg. Meanwhile, aestivation had no effect on pHa and hematocrit. The blood pressures were equal for animals in the water or in the burrow (P(mean) similar to 30 mmHg), and cardiac frequency (f(H)) fell from 31 beats min(-1) to 22 beats min(-1) during 40 days of aestivation. The osmolality (mOsm kg H(2)O(-1)) was elevated after 20 and 40 days of aestivation but declined upon return to water. The transition front activity to aestivation involves new set-points for the variables that determine the acid-base status and PaO(2) of the animals, along with a reduction of cardiac frequency. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Interventional cardiology for paediatric and congenital cardiac disease is a relatively young and rapidly evolving field. As the profession begins to establish multi-institutional databases, a universal system of nomenclature is necessary for the field of interventional cardiology for paediatric and congenital cardiac disease. The purpose of this paper is to present the results of the efforts of The International Society for Nomenclature of Paediatric and Congenital Heart Disease to establish a system of nomenclature for cardiovascular catheterisation for congenital and paediatric cardiac disease, focusing both on procedural nomenclature and on the nomenclature of complications associated with interventional cardiology. This system of nomenclature for cardiovascular catheterisation for congenital and paediatric cardiac disease is a component of The International Paediatric and Congenital Cardiac Code. This manuscript is the first part of a two-part series. Part 1 will cover the procedural nomenclature associated with interventional cardiology as treatment for paediatric and congenital cardiac disease. This procedural nomenclature of The International Paediatric and Congenital Cardiac Code will be used in the IMPACT Registry (TM) (IMproving Pediatric and Adult Congenital Treatment) of the National Cardiovascular Data Registry (R) of The American College of Cardiology. Part 2 will cover the nomenclature of complications associated with interventional cardiology as treatment for paediatric and congenital cardiac disease.
The South American lungfish (Lepidosiren paradoxa) has an arterial P(O2), (Pa(O2)) as high as 70-100 mm Hg, corresponding to Hb-O(2) saturations from 90% to 95%, which indicates a moderate cardiovascular right to left (R-L) shunt. In hyperoxia (50% O(2)), we studied animals in: (1) aerated water combined with aerial hyperoxia, which increased Pa(O2) from 78 +/- 2 to 114 +/- 3 mm Hg and (2) and aquatic hyperoxia (50% O(2)) combined room air, which gradually increased Pa(O2) from 75 +/- 4 mm Hg to as much as 146 +/- 10 mm Hg. Further, the hyperoxia (50%) depressed pulmonary ventilation from 58 +/- 13 to 5.5 +/- 3.0 mLBTPS kg h(-1), and Pa(CO2) increased from 20 +/- 2 to 31 +/- 4 mm Hg, while pHa became reduced from 7.56 +/- 0.03 to 7.31 +/- 0.09. At the same time, venous P(O2) (Pv(O2)) rose from 40.0 +/- 2.3 to 46.4 +/- 1.2 mm Hg and, concomitantly, Pvco, increased from 23.2 +/- 1.1 to 32.2 +/- 0.5 mm Hg. R-L shunts were estimated to about 19%, which is moderate when compared to most amphibians. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective-To evaluate the efficacy of cryosurgery for treatment of skin and subcutaneous tumors in dogs and cats. Study Design-Prospective study. Animals-Dogs (n = 20), cats (10). Methods-Cutaneous or subcutaneous tumors were treated by liquid nitrogen cryosurgical spray (1 cm from target tissue at 90 degrees until a 5-mm halo of frozen tissue was achieved) for 15-60 seconds. Malignant lesions had 3 freeze-thaw cycles benign tumors, 2 cycles. The second or third freeze cycle was performed after complete thaw of the preceding freeze. Wounds healed by second intention. Follow-up was weekly for 1 month and then twice monthly until wounds healed, and final outcome was determined by telephone interview of owners. Results-Tumor size ranged from 0.3 to 11 cm, diameter with 28 (60%) being 0.3-1 cm; 8 (17%) 1.1-3cm, and 11 (23%) >3.4cm. Complications included edema, erythema and for extremity lesions, pain and lameness. Treated lesions (n = 47) had an overall remission of 98% (mean follow-up.. 345 +/- 172.02 days [range, 150-750 days]). One malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor recurred 7 months after cryosurgical treatment. Conclusion-Cryo surgery is an efficient method for treatment of skin and subcutaneous tumors in dogs and cats. Clinical Relevance-Cryosurgical ablation is an effective means of treating small cutaneous or subcutaneous tumors in dogs and cats, especially in older animals where wound closure or cosmetic outcome might limit surgical excision alone. (C) Copyright 2008 by The American College of Veterinary Surgeons.
This work reports free-living opossums (Didelphis aurita and Didelphis albiventris) and a rodent species (Thrichomys laurentius) naturally infested by the immature stages of Amblyomma fuscum Neumann, 1907 in Brazil. Previously the only host record for the A. fuscum immature stages was for a single nymph collected on an opossum D. aurita in the state of Sao Paulo. Herein are presented two new host records (D. albiventris and T. laurentius) for A. fuscum. Our results indicate that opossums (Didelphis spp.), and one small rodent species (T. laurentius) are major hosts for immature stages of A. fuscum in Brazil. Based on the known feeding habits of immature stages of A. fuscum. coupled with previous reports of the adult stage parasitizing humans, A. fuscum is a potential vector of spotted fever group rickettsiae.
Hammondia heydorni is a cyst forming coccidia closely related to other apicomplexans, such as Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Hammondia hammondi with a two-host life cycle. Dogs and other canids as red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and coyotes (Canis latrans) may serve as definitive hosts for H. heydorni. Sporulated oocysts are infective for cattle, sheep and goats, which may serve as intermediate hosts. Herein, we describe the ability of crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous), a wild carnivore that is commonly found from northern Argentina to northern South America, to serve as definitive host of H. heydorni. The whole masseter muscle and brain from two 2-year-old bovines were collected, minced and pooled together for the fox infection. The bovine pooled tissues were equally administered to four foxes, in two consecutive days. Two foxes shed subspherical unsporulated oocysts measuring 10-15 mu m, after 8 and 9 days post-infection, respectively. One of the foxes eliminated oocysts for 5 days, while the other fox shed oocysts for 9 days. A DNA sample of oocysts detected at each day of oocyst elimination was tested by two PCRs, one of them carried out employing primers directed to the common toxoplasmatiid 18S and 5.8S ribosomal RNA coding genes (PCR-ITS1) and the other based on heat-shock protein 70 kDa coding gene (PCR-HSP70). These samples were also submitted to a N. caninum specific nested-PCR protocol based on a N. caninum specific gene (Nc5-nPCR). All of them were positive by PCR-ITS1 and PCR-HSP70 but negative by Nc5-nPCR. The PCR-ITS1 and PCR-HSP70 nucleotide sequences amplified from the oocysts shed by the foxes revealed 100% identity with homologous sequences of H. heydorni. In conclusion, it is clear that H. heydorni also uses the crab-eating fox as a definitive host. The crab-eating fox is usually reported to live in close contact with livestock in several regions of Brazil. Therefore, it is reasonable to infer that such carnivores may play an important role in the sylvatic and domestic cycles of H. heydorni infection. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The tick Amblyomma parkeri Fonseca and Arago was described in 1952, based on female and immature ticks collected in the states of So Paulo and Santa Catarina, Brazil. Thereafter, there has been no further report of A. parkeri, and the male has remained unknown. Herein, we examined ticks collected on porcupines from a locality in the state of So Paulo. Some of the ticks were identified as Amblyomma longirostre (Koch, 1844), whereas others as A. parkeri, including male specimens, for which we provide the first description. We also provide additional reports of A. parkeri after examining collections of A. longirostre and Amblyomma geayi Neumann, 1899 from different tick collections. Morphological evidence to support the original description of A. parkeri is presented, supported by molecular analyses of portions of the 16S rRNA and 12S rRNA mitochondrial genes. Morphological particularities to separate A. parkeri, A. longirostre, and A. geayi are provided.