1000 resultados para Chemistry -- Mathematics


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Time-resolved optical absorption spectroscopy techniques were used to study Ba, metastable Ba+, and YO absorptions in the laser-produced plasma plume from a YBa2Cu3O7 target. Results obtained indicate an initial explosive removal of material from the target sur-face followed by a subsequent evaporation process. Some YO is ejected from the target in molecular form, particularly at laser fluence


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Abstract: Critical source area approaches to catchment management are increasingly being recognised as effective tools to mitigate sediment and nutrient transfers. These approaches often assume hydrological connectivity as a driver for environmental risk, however this assumption has rarely been tested. Using high resolution monitoring, 14 rainfall events of contrasting intensity were examined in detail for spatial and temporal dynamics of overland flow generation at a hydrologically isolated grassland hillslope in Co. Down, Northern Ireland. Interactions between overland flow connectivity and nutrient transfers were studied to test the critical source area hypothesis. While total and soluble phosphorus loads were found to be representative of the size of the overland flow contributing area (P=


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We present a theoretical analysis of a novel scheme for optical cooling of particles that does not in principle require a closed optical transition. A tightly confined laser beam interacting with a trapped particle experiences a phase shift, which upon reflection from a mirror or resonant microstructure produces a time-delayed optical potential for the particle. This leads to a nonconservative force and friction. A quantum model of the system is presented and analyzed in the semiclassical limit.


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The importance of accurately measuring gas diffusivity in porous materials has led to a number of methods being developed. In this study the Temporal Analysis of Products (TAP) reactor and Flux Response Technology (FRT) have been used to examine the diffusivity in the washcoat supported on cordierite monoliths. Herein, the molecular diffusion of propane within four monoliths with differently prepared alumina/CeZrOx washcoats was investigated as a function of temperature. Moment-based analysis of the observed TAP responses led to the calculation of the apparent intermediate gas constant, Kp, that characterises adsorption into the mesoporous network and apparent time delay, tapp, that characterises residence time in the mesoporous network. Additionally, FRT has been successfully adapted as an extensive in situ perturbation technique in measuring intraphase diffusion coefficients in the washcoats of the same four monolith samples. The diffusion coefficients obtained by moment-based analysis of TAP responses are larger than the coefficients determined by zero length column (ZLC) analysis of flux response profiles with measured values of the same monolith samples between 20 and 100 °C ranging from 2–5×10-9 m2 s-1 to 4–8×10-10 m2 s-1, respectively. The TAP and FRT data, therefore, provide a range of the lower and upper limits of diffusivity, respectively. The reported activation energies and diffusivities clearly correlate with the difference in the washcoat structure of different monolith samples.


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In two experiments, we tested some of the central claims of the empathizing-systemizing (E-S) theory. Experiment 1 showed that the systemizing quotient (SQ) was unrelated to performance on a mathematics test, although it was correlated with statistics-related attitudes, self-efficacy, and anxiety. In Experiment 2, systemizing skills, and gender differences in these skills, were more strongly related to spatial thinking styles than to SQ. In fact, when we partialled the effect of spatial thinking styles, SQ was no longer related to systemizing skills. Additionally, there was no relationship between the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) and the SQ, or skills and interest in mathematics and mechanical reasoning. We discuss the implications of our findings for the E-S theory, and for understanding the autistic cognitive profile.


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This study examined performance on transitive inference problems in children with developmental dyscalculia (DD), typically developing controls matched on IQ, working memory and reading skills, and in children with outstanding mathematical abilities. Whereas mainstream approaches currently consider DD as a domain-specific deficit, we hypothesized that the development of mathematical skills is closely related to the development of logical abilities, a domain-general skill. In particular, we expected a close link between mathematical skills and the ability to reason independently of one's beliefs. Our results showed that this was indeed the case, with children with DD performing more poorly than controls, and high maths ability children showing outstanding skills in logical reasoning about belief-laden problems. Nevertheless, all groups performed poorly on structurally equivalent problems with belief-neutral content. This is in line with suggestions that abstract reasoning skills (i.e. the ability to reason about content without real-life referents) develops later than the ability to reason about belief-inconsistent fantasy content.A video abstract of this article can be viewed at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90DWY3O4xx8.


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The authors have much experience in developing mathematics skills of first-year engineering students and attempting to ensure a smooth transition from secondary school to university. Concerns exist due to there being flexibility in the choice of modules needed to obtain a secondary level (A-level) mathematics qualification. This qualification is based on some core (pure maths) modules and a selection from mechanics and statistics modules. A survey of aerospace and mechanical engineering students in Queen’s University Belfast revealed that a combination of both mechanics and statistics (the basic module in both) was by far the most popular choice and therefore only about one quarter of this cohort had studied mechanics beyond the basic module within school maths. Those students who studied the extra mechanics and who achieved top grades at school subsequently did better in two core, first-year engineering courses. However, students with a lower grade from school did not seem to gain any significant advantage in the first-year engineering courses despite having the extra mechanics background. This investigation ties in with ongoing and wider concerns with secondary level mathematics provision in the UK.


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Tea waste (TW) and Date pits (DP) were investigated for their potential to remove toxic Cr(VI) ions from aqueous solution. Investigations showed that the majority of the bound Cr(VI) ions were reduced to Cr(III) after biosorption at acidic conditions. The electrons for the reduction of Cr(VI) may have been donated from the TW and DP biomasses. The experimental data obtained for Cr(VI)-TW and Cr(VI)-DP at different solution temperatures indicate a multilayer type biosorption, which explains why the Sips isotherm accurately represents the experimental data obtained in this study. The Sips maximum biosorption capacities of Cr(VI) onto TW and DP were 5.768 and 3.199 mmol/g at 333 K, respectively, which is comparatively superior to most other low-cost biomaterials. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic analysis of the metal loaded biosorbents confirmed the participation of -COOH, -NH and O-CH groups in the reduction and complexation of chromium. Thermodynamic parameters demonstrated that the biosorption of Cr(VI) onto TW and DP biomass was endothermic, spontaneous and feasible at 303-333 K. The results evidently indicated that tea waste and date pits would be suitable biosorbents for Cr(VI) in wastewater under specific conditions.


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Many reactions involving phosphorus reagents require highly anhydrous and inert conditions for their successful implementation. In particular, the use of PCl3 and its derivatives for synthesis is often hampered by the inherent sensitivity of the materials themselves. Ionic liquids are emerging as green alternative solvents for a range of processes, and in particular have proven to be excellent media for highly sensitive phosphorus reagents without the need for anhydrous or inert conditions. Herein, we report the use of ionic liquids as both storage and reaction media which allows difficult and sensitive chemistry to be achieved in a more accessible manner.


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The transport properties (adsorption and aggregation behavior) of virus-like particles (VLPs) of two strains of norovirus ("Norwalk" GI.1 and "Houston" GII.4) were studied in a variety of solution chemistries. GI.1 and GII.4 VLPs were found to be stable against aggregation at pH 4.0-8.0. At pH 9.0, GI.1 VLPs rapidly disintegrated. The attachment efficiencies (a) of GI.1 and GII.4 VLPs to silica increased with increasing ionic strength in NaCl solutions at pH 8.0. The attachment efficiency of GI.1 VLPs decreased as pH was increased above the isoelectric point (pH 5.0), whereas at and below the isoelectric point, the attachment efficiency was erratic. Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) dramatically increased the attachment efficiencies of GI.1 and GII.4 VLPs, which may be due to specific interactions with the VLP capsids. Bicarbonate decreased attachment efficiencies for both GI.1 and GII.4 VLPs, whereas phosphate decreased the attachment efficiency of GI.1, while increasing GII.4 attachment efficiency. The observed differences in GI.1 and GII.4 VLP attachment efficiencies in response to solution chemistry may be attributed to differential responses of the unique arrangement of exposed amino acid residues on the capsid surface of each VLP strain.


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Concentrations of major ions, silicate and nutrients (total N and P) were measured in samples of surface water from 28 lakes in ice-free areas of northern Victoria Land (East Antarctica). Sixteen lakes were sampled during austral summers 2001/02, 2003/04, 2004/05 and 2005/06 to assess temporal variation in water chemistry. Although samples showed a wide range in ion concentrations, their composition mainly reflected that of seawater. In general, as the distance from the sea increased, the input of elements from the marine environment (through aerosols and seabirds) decreased and there was an increase in nitrate and sulfate concentrations. Antarctic lakes lack outflows and during the austral summer the melting and/or ablation of ice cover, water evaporation and leaching processes in dry soils determine a progressive increase in water ion concentrations. During the five-year monitoring survey, no statistically significant variation in the water chemistry were detected, except for a slight (hardly significant) increase in TN concentrations. However, Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) indicated that other factors besides distance from the sea, the presence of nesting seabirds, the sampling time and percentage of ice cover affect the composition of water in Antarctic cold desert environments.


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New methods of synthesis and reactions of formylphosphonate have been investigated. Attempts to deprotect the corresponding diethyl acetal with Ti-IV halides led instead to the formation of halo(ethoxy)methylphosphonates which undergo substitution reactions with a wide range of nucleophiles. The products of reactions of formylphosphonate with bifunctional nucleophiles are determined in most cases by Baldwin's Roles, while the imines derived from formylphosphonate undergo Diels-Alder reactions only in those cases which carry a strongly electron-withdrawing N-substituent.