962 resultados para Cfd


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A number of autonomous underwater vehicles, AUV, are equipped with commercial ducted propellers, most of them produced originally for the remote operated vehicle, ROV, industry. However, AUVs and ROVs are supposed to work quite differently since the ROV operates in almost the bollard pull condition, while the AUV works at larger cruising speeds. Moreover, they can have an influence in the maneuverability of AUV due to the lift the duct generates in the most distant place of the vehicle's center of mass. In this work, it is proposed the modeling of the hydrodynamic forces and moment on a duct propeller according to a numerical (CFD) simulation, and analytical and semi-empirical, ASE, approaches. Predicted values are compared to experimental results produced in a towing tank. Results confirm the advantages of the symbiosis between CFD and ASE methods for modeling the influence of the propeller duct in the AUV maneuverability. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Flow pumps act as important devices in areas such as Bioengineering, Medicine, and Pharmacy, among other areas of Engineering, mainly for delivering liquids or gases at small-scale and precision flow rate quantities. Principles for pumping fluids based on piezoelectric actuators have been widely studied, since they allow the construction of pump systems for displacement of small fluid volumes with low power consumption. This work studies valveless piezoelectric diaphragm pumps for flow generation, which uses a piezoelectric ceramic (PZT) as actuator to move a membrane (diaphragm) up and down as a piston. The direction of the flow is guaranteed by valveless configuration based on a nozzle-diffuser system that privileges the flow in just one pumping direction. Most research efforts on development of valveless flow pump deal either with computational simulations based on simplified models or with simplified physical approaches based on analytical models. The main objective of this work is the study of a methodology to develop a low-cost valveless piezoelectric diaphragm flow pump using computational simulations, parametric study, prototype manufacturing, and experimental characterization. The parametric study has shown that the eccentricity of PZT layer and metal layer plays a key role in the performance of the pump.


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Models of the filtration phenomenon describe the mass balance in bed filtration in terms of particle removal mechanisms, and allow for the determination of global particle removal efficiencies. These models are defined in terms of the geometry and characteristic elements of granule collectors, particles and fluid, and also the composition of the balance of forces that act in the particle collector system. This work analyzes particles collection efficiency comparing downflow and upflow direct filtration, taking into account the contribution of the gravitational factor of the settling removal efficiency in future proposal of initial collection efficiency models for upflow filtration. A qualitative analysis is also made of the proposal for the collection efficiency models for particle removal in direct downflow and upflow filtration using a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tool. This analysis showed a strong influence of gravitational factor in initial collection efficiency (t = 0) of particles, as well as the reasons of their values to be smaller for upflow filtration in comparison with the downflow filtration.


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Small scale fluid flow systems have been studied for various applications, such as chemical reagent dosages and cooling devices of compact electronic components. This work proposes to present the complete cycle development of an optimized heat sink designed by using Topology Optimization Method (TOM) for best performance, including minimization of pressure drop in fluid flow and maximization of heat dissipation effects, aiming small scale applications. The TOM is applied to a domain, to obtain an optimized channel topology, according to a given multi-objective function that combines pressure drop minimization and heat transfer maximization. Stokes flow hypothesis is adopted. Moreover, both conduction and forced convection effects are included in the steady-state heat transfer model. The topology optimization procedure combines the Finite Element Method (to carry out the physical analysis) with Sequential Linear Programming (as the optimization algorithm). Two-dimensional topology optimization results of channel layouts obtained for a heat sink design are presented as example to illustrate the design methodology. 3D computational simulations and prototype manufacturing have been carried out to validate the proposed design methodology.


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Computational fluid dynamics, CFD, is becoming an essential tool in the prediction of the hydrodynamic efforts and flow characteristics of underwater vehicles for manoeuvring studies. However, when applied to the manoeuvrability of autonomous underwater vehicles, AUVs, most studies have focused on the de- termination of static coefficients without considering the effects of the vehicle control surface deflection. This paper analyses the hydrodynamic efforts generated on an AUV considering the combined effects of the control surface deflection and the angle of attack using CFD software based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes formulations. The CFD simulations are also independently conducted for the AUV bare hull and control surface to better identify their individual and interference efforts and to validate the simulations by comparing the experimental results obtained in a towing tank. Several simulations of the bare hull case were conducted to select the k –ω SST turbulent model with the viscosity approach that best predicts its hydrodynamic efforts. Mesh sensitivity analyses were conducted for all simulations. For the flow around the control surfaces, the CFD results were analysed according to two different methodologies, standard and nonlinear. The nonlinear regression methodology provides better results than the standard methodology does for predicting the stall at the control surface. The flow simulations have shown that the occurrence of the control surface stall depends on a linear relationship between the angle of attack and the control surface deflection. This type of information can be used in designing the vehicle’s autopilot system.


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The object of the present study is the process of gas transport in nano-sized materials, i.e. systems having structural elements of the order of nanometers. The aim of this work is to advance the understanding of the gas transport mechanism in such materials, for which traditional models are not often suitable, by providing a correct interpretation of the relationship between diffusive phenomena and structural features. This result would allow the development new materials with permeation properties tailored on the specific application, especially in packaging systems. The methods used to achieve this goal were a detailed experimental characterization and different simulation methods. The experimental campaign regarded the determination of oxygen permeability and diffusivity in different sets of organic-inorganic hybrid coatings prepared via sol-gel technique. The polymeric samples coated with these hybrid layers experienced a remarkable enhancement of the barrier properties, which was explained by the strong interconnection at the nano-scale between the organic moiety and silica domains. An analogous characterization was performed on microfibrillated cellulose films, which presented remarkable barrier effect toward oxygen when it is dry, while in the presence of water the performance significantly drops. The very low value of water diffusivity at low activities is also an interesting characteristic which deals with its structural properties. Two different approaches of simulation were then considered: the diffusion of oxygen through polymer-layered silicates was modeled on a continuum scale with a CFD software, while the properties of n-alkanthiolate self assembled monolayers on gold were analyzed from a molecular point of view by means of a molecular dynamics algorithm. Modeling transport properties in layered nanocomposites, resulting from the ordered dispersion of impermeable flakes in a 2-D matrix, allowed the calculation of the enhancement of barrier effect in relation with platelets structural parameters leading to derive a new expression. On this basis, randomly distributed systems were simulated and the results were analyzed to evaluate the different contributions to the overall effect. The study of more realistic three-dimensional geometries revealed a prefect correspondence with the 2-D approximation. A completely different approach was applied to simulate the effect of temperature on the oxygen transport through self assembled monolayers; the structural information obtained from equilibrium MD simulations showed that raising the temperature, makes the monolayer less ordered and consequently less crystalline. This disorder produces a decrease in the barrier free energy and it lowers the overall resistance to oxygen diffusion, making the monolayer more permeable to small molecules.


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Calcolo della superficie curvilinea di scorrimento di un getto di litio in maniera che la pressione lungo il getto vari in maniera lineare. Formulazione di un codice di calcolo per la determinazione delle diverse possibili superfici. Studio termofluidodinamico del getto con codici CFD. Accoppiamento tra codici di sistema e codici CFD. Valutazioni delle condizioni di Incipient Boiling per il litio.


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The research is aimed at contributing to the identification of reliable fully predictive Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods for the numerical simulation of equipment typically adopted in the chemical and process industries. The apparatuses selected for the investigation, specifically membrane modules, stirred vessels and fluidized beds, were characterized by a different and often complex fluid dynamic behaviour and in some cases the momentum transfer phenomena were coupled with mass transfer or multiphase interactions. Firs of all, a novel modelling approach based on CFD for the prediction of the gas separation process in membrane modules for hydrogen purification is developed. The reliability of the gas velocity field calculated numerically is assessed by comparison of the predictions with experimental velocity data collected by Particle Image Velocimetry, while the applicability of the model to properly predict the separation process under a wide range of operating conditions is assessed through a strict comparison with permeation experimental data. Then, the effect of numerical issues on the RANS-based predictions of single phase stirred tanks is analysed. The homogenisation process of a scalar tracer is also investigated and simulation results are compared to original passive tracer homogenisation curves determined with Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence. The capability of a CFD approach based on the solution of RANS equations is also investigated for describing the fluid dynamic characteristics of the dispersion of organics in water. Finally, an Eulerian-Eulerian fluid-dynamic model is used to simulate mono-disperse suspensions of Geldart A Group particles fluidized by a Newtonian incompressible fluid as well as binary segregating fluidized beds of particles differing in size and density. The results obtained under a number of different operating conditions are compared with literature experimental data and the effect of numerical uncertainties on axial segregation is also discussed.


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A numerical study using Large Eddy Simulation Coherent Structure Model (LES-CSM), of the flow around a simplified Ahmed body, has been done in this work of thesis. The models used are two salient geometries from the experimental investigation performed in [1], and consist, in particular, in two notch-back body geometries. Six simulation are carried out in total, changing Reynolds number and back-light angle of the model’s rear part. The Reynolds numbers used, based on the height of the models and the free stream velocity, are Re = 10000, Re = 30000 and Re = 50000. The back-light angles of the slanted surface with respect to the horizontal roof surface, that characterizes the vehicle, are taken as B = 31.8◦ and B = 42◦ respectively. The experimental results in [1] have shown that, depending on the parameter B, asymmetric and symmetric averaged flow over the back-light and in the wake for a symmetric geometry can be observed. The aims of the present work of master thesis are principally two. The first aim is to investigate and confirm the influence of the parameter B on the presence of the asymmetry of the averaged flow, and confirm the features described in the experimental results. The second important aspect is to investigate and observe the influence of the second variable, the Reynolds number, in the developing of the asymmetric flow itself. The results have shown the presence of the mentioned asymmetry as well as an influence of the Reynolds number on it.


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La tesi di Dottorato studia il flusso sanguigno tramite un codice agli elementi finiti (COMSOL Multiphysics). Nell’arteria è presente un catetere Doppler (in posizione concentrica o decentrata rispetto all’asse di simmetria) o di stenosi di varia forma ed estensione. Le arterie sono solidi cilindrici rigidi, elastici o iperelastici. Le arterie hanno diametri di 6 mm, 5 mm, 4 mm e 2 mm. Il flusso ematico è in regime laminare stazionario e transitorio, ed il sangue è un fluido non-Newtoniano di Casson, modificato secondo la formulazione di Gonzales & Moraga. Le analisi numeriche sono realizzate in domini tridimensionali e bidimensionali, in quest’ultimo caso analizzando l’interazione fluido-strutturale. Nei casi tridimensionali, le arterie (simulazioni fluidodinamiche) sono infinitamente rigide: ricavato il campo di pressione si procede quindi all’analisi strutturale, per determinare le variazioni di sezione e la permanenza del disturbo sul flusso. La portata sanguigna è determinata nei casi tridimensionali con catetere individuando tre valori (massimo, minimo e medio); mentre per i casi 2D e tridimensionali con arterie stenotiche la legge di pressione riproduce l’impulso ematico. La mesh è triangolare (2D) o tetraedrica (3D), infittita alla parete ed a valle dell’ostacolo, per catturare le ricircolazioni. Alla tesi sono allegate due appendici, che studiano con codici CFD la trasmissione del calore in microcanali e l’ evaporazione di gocce d’acqua in sistemi non confinati. La fluidodinamica nei microcanali è analoga all’emodinamica nei capillari. Il metodo Euleriano-Lagrangiano (simulazioni dell’evaporazione) schematizza la natura mista del sangue. La parte inerente ai microcanali analizza il transitorio a seguito dell’applicazione di un flusso termico variabile nel tempo, variando velocità in ingresso e dimensioni del microcanale. L’indagine sull’evaporazione di gocce è un’analisi parametrica in 3D, che esamina il peso del singolo parametro (temperatura esterna, diametro iniziale, umidità relativa, velocità iniziale, coefficiente di diffusione) per individuare quello che influenza maggiormente il fenomeno.


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Questo lavoro di tesi, svolto presso AVIO S.P.A, sede di Colleferro (RM), divisione spazio, si inserisce all'interno del progetto Theseus, che ha come scopo finale lo sviluppo di un dimostratore di un motore ibrido a combustibile solido e ossidante gassoso. In particolare, in questo momento è richiesto un codice di calcolo, preciso ma allo stesso tempo abbastanza contenuto nei tempi di calcolo, che permetta l'analisi e le previsioni della balistica interna di tale motore ibrido. Il codice di calcolo si basa su una versione già esistente per i motori a solido (CUBIC) scritto in ambiente FORTRAN, ed è stato riadattato ai motori ibridi. In particolare è stata scritta una routine per il calcolo della velocità di combustione che tiene conto di diversi fattori, tra cui blowing e il fenomeno di entrainment presente in superficie. Sempre per quanto riguarda la velocità di combustione, nel suo calcolo si tiene conto dell'impingement dell'iniettore sul grano e del valore locale (per quanto riguarda la temperatura di fiamma) dell'O/F. Inoltre è stato anche modellato il comportamento termodinamico delle eventuali protezioni termiche presenti internamente al motore, considerando tutti i fenomeni di pirolisi e ablazione che caratterizzano tali materiali. In fine il modello completo è stato testato e validato grazie al fatto che si disponeva di alcuni tiri al banco di un motore ibrido, effettuati presso il dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale dell'Università di Napoli Federico II.


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Das Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht darin, die Möglichkeiten der Sprühtrocknung für die Generierung von Inhalationspulvern zur Therapie von Lungenkrankheiten zu nutzen. Die Erzeugung von physikalisch stabilen und leicht dispergierbaren Partikeln steht hierbei im Vordergrund. Aufgrund von physiko-chemischen Untersuchungen (Glasübergangstemperatur, Fragilität, Relaxationsverhalten, Hygroskopizität) unterschiedlicher amorpher Hilfsstoffe (Lactose, Raffinose, Dextrane, Cyclodextrine) ist für Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin das größte Potential für die Stabilisierung eines Wirkstoffes innerhalb einer amorphen Matrix erkennbar. Sprühgetrocknete Partikel weisen im Vergleich zu strahlgemahlenen Partikeln günstigere Dispergier- und Depositionseigenschaften auf. Dies ist vorrangig auf größere Berührungsflächen zwischen strahlgemahlenen Partikeln zurückzuführen. Kugelförmige sprühgetrocknete Partikel besitzen dagegen aufgrund einer punktförmigen Berührung geringere Haftkräfte. Versuche mit unterschiedlich stark gefalteten Partikeloberflächen weisen auf geringere Haftkräfte hin, wenn sich die Partikel an Stellen geringerer Krümmungsradien berühren. Dispergierversuche in einer definierten Rohrströmung (Deagglomerator) lassen auf einen kaskadenartigen Agglomeratzerfall schließen. Durch Sprüheinbettung unterschiedlicher Modellwirkstoffe (Salbutamolsulfat, Ipratropiumbromid, Budesonid) in Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin konnten sowohl Einzelformulierungen als auch eine Kombinationsformulierung mit allen drei Wirkstoffen erzeugt werden. Diese weisen bei einem Wirkstoffgehalt bis max. 14% selbst nach vierwöchiger Offenlagerung bei 40°C und 75% r.F. keine bzw. nur geringfügige Veränderungen in der „Fine Particle Dose“ (FPD) auf. Die „Fine Particle Fraction“ (FPF) liegt bei diesen Formulierungen im Bereich von 40% bis 75%. In Verbindung mit einem geeigneten Pack- bzw. Trockenmittel, ist hierbei mit einer physikalischen Stabilität zu rechnen, die eine sinnvolle Produktlaufzeit eines Inhalationspulvers ermöglicht. Formulierungen mit höheren Wirkstoffkonzentrationen zeigen dagegen stärkere Veränderungen nach Stresslagerung. Als Beispiel einer kristallinen Sprühtrocknungsformulierung konnte ein Pulver bestehend aus Mannitol und Budesonid erzeugt werden.


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DI Diesel engine are widely used both for industrial and automotive applications due to their durability and fuel economy. Nonetheless, increasing environmental concerns force that type of engine to comply with increasingly demanding emission limits, so that, it has become mandatory to develop a robust design methodology of the DI Diesel combustion system focused on reduction of soot and NOx simultaneously while maintaining a reasonable fuel economy. In recent years, genetic algorithms and CFD three-dimensional combustion simulations have been successfully applied to that kind of problem. However, combining GAs optimization with actual CFD three-dimensional combustion simulations can be too onerous since a large number of calculations is usually needed for the genetic algorithm to converge, resulting in a high computational cost and, thus, limiting the suitability of this method for industrial processes. In order to make the optimization process less time-consuming, CFD simulations can be more conveniently used to generate a training set for the learning process of an artificial neural network which, once correctly trained, can be used to forecast the engine outputs as a function of the design parameters during a GA optimization performing a so-called virtual optimization. In the current work, a numerical methodology for the multi-objective virtual optimization of the combustion of an automotive DI Diesel engine, which relies on artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms, was developed.


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L'elimodellismo è una passione che lega un numero sempre maggiore di persone: nuove manifestazioni vengono organizzate in tutto il mondo e nuove discipline vengono continuamente proposte. Questo è il caso della disciplina speed in cui i piloti si sfidano a far volare i propri elimodelli alle massime velocità. L'azienda SAB Heli Division s.r.l., come produttore di pale per elimodelli e della serie di elicotteri Goblin, ha interesse a sostenere i propri piloti con le proprie macchine, facendo sì che siano veloci e competitive. Per questo ha voluto sviluppare una pala che, montata sul proprio elicottero specifico per questa disciplina, possa vincere la concorrenza con l'ambizione di stabilire un primato di velocità a livello internazionale. Il problema è quindi quello di sviluppare una pala che ottimizzasse al meglio le caratteristiche dell'elimodello Goblin Speed, in modo da sfruttare al meglio la potenza installata a bordo. Per via dei limiti sui mezzi a disposizione l'ottimizzazione è stata portata avanti mediante la teoria dell'elemento di pala. Si è impostato il calcolo determinando la potenza media su una rotazione del rotore in volo avanzato a 270 km/h e quindi attraverso gli algoritmi di ottimizzazione globale presenti nel codice di calcolo MATLAB si è cercato il rotore che permettesse il volo a tale velocità al variare del raggio del disco del rotore, dello svergolamento della pala e della distribuzione di corda lungo la pala. Per far sì che si abbiano risultati più precisi si sono sfruttati alcuni modelli per stimare il campo di velocità indotta o gli effetti dello stallo dinamico. Inoltre sono state stimate altre grandezze di cui non sono noti i dati reali o di cui è troppo complesso, per le conoscenze a disposizione, avere un dato preciso. Si è tuttavia cercato di avere stime verosimili. Alcune di queste grandezze sono le caratteristiche aerodinamiche del profilo NACA 0012 utilizzato, ottenute mediante analisi CFD bidimensionale, i comandi di passo collettivo e ciclico che equilibrano il velivolo e la resistenza aerodinamica dell'intero elimodello. I risultati del calcolo sono stati confrontati innanzitutto con le soluzioni già adottate dall'azienda. Quindi si è proceduto alla realizzazione della pala e mediante test di volo si è cercato di valutare le prestazioni della macchina che monta la pala ottenuta. Nonostante le approssimazioni adottate si è osservato che la pala progettata a partire dai risultati dell'ottimizzazione rispecchia la filosofia adottata: per velocità paragonabili a quelle ottenute con le pale prodotte da SAB Heli Division, le potenze richieste sono effettivamente inferiori. Tuttavia non è stato possibile ottenere un vero e proprio miglioramento della velocità di volo, presumibilmente a causa delle stime delle caratteristiche aerodinamiche delle diverse parti del Goblin Speed.