852 resultados para Central giant cell lesion


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In opiate addicts or patients receiving morphine treatment, it has been reported that the immune system is often compromised. The mechanisms responsible for the adverse effects of opioids on responses to infection are not clear but it is possible that central and/or peripheral opioid receptors may be important. We have utilised an experimental immune challenge model in rats, the systemic administration of the human pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) to study the effects of selectively blocking peripheral opioid receptors only (using naloxone methiodide) or after blocking both central and peripheral opioid receptors (using naloxone). Pre-treatment with naloxone methiodide decreased (15%) IL-1 beta-induced Fos-immunoreactivity (Fos-IR) in medial parvocellular paraventricular nucleus (mPVN) corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) neurons but increased responses in the ventrolateral medulla (VLM) C1 (65%) and nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) A2 (110%) catecholamine cell groups and area postrema (136%). However no effect of blocking peripheral opioid receptors was detected in the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) or dorsal bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST). We next determined the effect of blocking both central and peripheral opioid receptors with naloxone and, when compared to the naloxone methiodide pre-treated group, a further 60% decrease in Fos-IR mPVN CRH neurons induced by IL-1 beta was detected, which was attributed to block of central opioid receptors. Similar comparisons also detected decreases in Fos-IR neurons induced by IL-1 beta in the VLM A1, VLM C1 and NTS A2 catecholamine cell groups, area postrema, and parabrachial nucleus. In contrast, pre-treatment with naloxone increased Fos-IR neurons in CeA (98%) and dorsal BNST (72%). These results provide novel evidence that endogenous opioids can influence central neural responses to systemic IL-1 beta and also suggest that the differential patterns of activation may arise because of actions at central and/or peripheral opioid receptors that might be important in regulating behavioural, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and sympathetic nervous system responses during an immune challenge. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The number of cells generated by a proliferating stem or precursor cell can be influenced both by proliferation and by the degree of cell death/survival of the progeny generated. In this study, the extent to which cell survival controls progenitor number was examined by comparing the growth characteristics of neurosphere cultures derived from mice lacking genes for the death inducing Bcl-2 homologue Hara Kiri (Hrk), apoptosis-associated protein 1 (Apaf1), or the prosurvival nuclear factor-kappa B (NF kappa B) subunits p65, p50, or c-rel. We found no evidence that Hrk or Apaf1, and by inference the mitochondrial cell death pathway, are involved in regulating the number of neurosphere-derived progeny. However, we identified the p65p50 NF kappa B dimer as being required for the normal growth and expansion of neurosphere cultures. Genetic loss of both p65 and p50 NF kappa B subunits resulted in a reduced number of progeny but an increased proportion of neurons. No effect on cell survival was observed. This suggests that the number and fate of neural progenitor cells are more strongly regulated by cell cycle control than survival. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Observations of cattle in central and southern Queensland are collated to de. ne the prevalence and area of Stephanofilaria lesions associated with infestations of the buffalo fly, Haematobia irritans exigua. The observations were made on herds that were being used for other purposes. In a survey of similar to 1500 animals at Belmont in central Queensland in 1982, 98% of cows and 70% of calves had lesions. Most lesions were on the neck and dewlap and 10% were raw and weeping at the time of sampling. The total area of lesions per animal was strongly related to cattle breed and age. Old Bos taurus animals had the greatest area of lesions, whereas young Bos indicus had the least. Heritability estimates were low, averaging 0.01 for calves and 0.18 for cows. A smaller survey of cows and steers at Craighoyle in central Queensland in 1986 showed a higher numbers of lesions and positive correlations between the total lesion area and animal size. The lesion area increased with tick survival, suggesting that tick-resistant animals are also resistant to Stephanofilaria infection. Steers had smaller areas of lesions than cows, as found previously with cattle ticks. Long-term monitoring observations in central and southern Queensland between 1981 and 1986 showed that the total area of lesions was seasonal with a peak in late summer, consistent with the seasonal incidence of buffalo fly. Animals segregated into Low and High lesion herds maintained their differences over time. The lesions penetrated the dermis of the cattle hides and rendered the affected area unusable, but few lesions occurred on valuable parts of the hide so such economic effects are likely to be insignificant. One animal nearly died of a haemorrhage from a lesion on the dewlap and had to be treated. The results can inform policy on buffalo fly control, and biosecurity preparations in relation to the potential establishment of the OldWorld screw-worm fly, Chrysomyia bezziana, in Australia, which will be facilitated by the lesions. The results emphasise the significant animal welfare and biosecurity risks posed by the lesions in northern Australia.


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Enhancement of oligodendrocyte survival through activation of leukemia inhibitory factor receptor (LIFR) signaling is a candidate therapeutic strategy for demyelinating disease. However, in other cell types, LIFR signaling is under tight negative regulation by the intracellular protein suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3). We, therefore, postulated that deletion of the SOCS3 gene in oligodendrocytes would promote the beneficial effects of LIFR signaling in limiting demyelination. By studying wild-type and LIF-knockout mice, we established that SOCS3 expression by oligodendrocytes was induced by the demyelinative insult, that this induction depended on LIF, and that enclogenously produced LIF was likely to be a key determinant of the CNS response to oligodendrocyte loss. Compared with wild-type controls, oligo-dendrocyte-specific SOCS3 conditional-knockout mice displayed enhanced c-fos activation and exogenous LIF-induced phosphorylation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3. Moreover, these SOCS3-deficient mice were protected against cupri-zone-induced oligodendrocyte loss relative to wild-type animals. These results indicate that modulation of SOCS3 expression could facilitate the endogenous response to CNS injury.


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Overcoming dendritic cell (DC) dysfunction is a prerequisite for successful active immunotherapy against breast cancer. CD40 ligand (CD40L), a key molecule in the interface between T-lymphocytes and DCs, seems to be instrumental in achieving that goal. Commenting on our data that CD40L protects circulating DCs from apoptosis induced by breast tumor products, Lenahan and Avigan highlighted the potential of CD40L for immunotherapy. We expand on that argument by pointing to additional findings that CD40L not only rescues genuine DCs but also functionally improves populations of immature antigen-presenting cells that fill the DC compartment in patients with breast cancer.


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Oral granular cell tumour is a rare soft tissue tumour of mesenchymal origin. The most frequently affected site in the oral cavity is the tongue, followed by the floor of mouth, and buccal mucosa. In paediatric patients, 25% of cases have been reported to occur in the lip, but this presentation in adults is extremely rare. We report a case of oral granular cell tumour in a 35 year-old female, located in the lower lip. Histopathological examination revealed eosinophilic granular cells which stained positively for S-100 protein; a finding supportive of a neural origin. A history of trauma was elicited in this case, and the lesion was treated with surgical excision.


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Throughout the process of development and continuing into adulthood, stem cells function as a reservoir of undifferentiated cell types, whose role is to underpin cell genesis in a variety of tissues and organs. In the adult, they play an essential homeostatic role by replacing differentiated tissue cells "worn off" by physiological turnover or lost to injury or disease. As such, the discovery of such cells in the adult mammalian central nervous system (CNS), an organ traditionally thought to have little or no regenerative capacity, was most unexpected. Nonetheless, by employing a novel serum-free culture system termed the neurosphere assay, Reynolds and Weiss demonstrated the presence of neural stem cells in both the adult (Reynolds and Weiss, 1992) and embryonic mouse brain (Reynolds et al., 1992). Here we describe how to generate, serially passage, and differentiate neurospheres derived from both the developing and adult brain, and provide more technical details that will enable one to achieve reproducible cultures, which can be passaged over an extended period of time.


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Biomolecules are susceptible to many different post-translational modifications that have important effects on their function and stability, including glycosylation, glycation, phosphorylation and oxidation chemistries. Specific conversion of aspartic acid to its isoaspartyl derivative or arginine to citrulline leads to autoantibody production in models of rheumatoid disease, and ensuing autoantibodies cross-react with native antigens. Autoimmune conditions associate with increased activation of immune effector cells and production of free radical species via NADPH oxidases and nitric oxide synthases. Generation of neo-antigenic determinants by reactive oxygen and nitrogen species ROS and RNS) may contribute to epitope spreading in autoimmunity. The oxidation of amino acids by peroxynitrite, hypochlorous acid and other reactive oxygen species (ROS) increases the antigenicity of DNA, LDL and IgG, generating ligands for which autoantibodies show higher avidity. This review focuses on the evidence for ROS and RNS in promoting the autoimmune responses observed in diseases rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). It considers the evidence for ROS/RNS-induced antigenicity arising as a consequence of failure to remove or repair ROS/RNS damaged biomolecules and suggests that an associated defect, probably in T cell signal processing or/or antigen presentation, is required for the development of disease.