991 resultados para Cellular materials


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In 1998, three different research groups simultaneously reported increased anxiety-related behavior in tests of conflict in their serotonin 1a (5-HT1a) receptor knockout (KO) line with male mice being more severely affected by 5-HT1a receptor deletion than female KO. Similarly, in the hippocampus, we observed increased dendritic complexity in the stratum radiatum of CA1 pyramidal neurons in male but not in female 5-HT1a receptor KO mice. These observations prompted us to investigate gender- dependent differences of 5-HT1a receptor deletion in hippocampal-related behavioral tasks. Testing our mice in anxiety-related paradigms, we reproduced the original studies showing increased anxiety- related behavior in male 5-HT1a receptor KO mice when compared to male WT mice, but no difference between female 5-HT1a receptor KO and WT mice. Similarly, male 5-HT1a receptor KO mice were impaired in association of aversive stimuli fear conditioning paradigms. We argue that increased dendritic complexity and increased synaptic strength of CA3-CA1 synapses in the stratum radiatum impaired proper signal propagation attributed to overactivation of CA1 pyramidal neurons leading to impaired fear memory of male 5-HT1a receptor KO mice. Similar mechanisms in the ventral hippocampus are likely to have contributed to gender-dependent differences in anxiety-related behavior in our and the original studies from 1998. In this study, we started to shed light on the 5-HT1a receptor downstream signaling pathways involved in dendritogenesis of pyramidal neurons during early postnatal development. We could show that NR2B-containing NMDA receptor during development acts downstream of 5-HT1a receptor and is responsible for increased amount of branching in male 5-HT1a receptor KO mice. Conversely, protein and NR2B mRNA expression was increased in 5-HT1a receptor KO mice at P15. Although the exact signaling cascade of 5-HT1a receptor regulating NR2B-containing NMDA receptor has not been determined, CaMKII is a potential downstream effector to influence transportation and removal of NR2B-containing NMDA receptors to and from the synapse. In contrast, Erk1/2 likely acts downstream of NR2B-containing NMDA receptors and was shown to be sufficient to regulate dendritic branching. Moreover, increased NR2B-containing NMDA receptor mediated cell death via excitotoxicity during development and is likely to be involved in reduced survival of adult born neurons in the hippocampus of 5-HT1a receptor KO male. The convergence of 5-HT1a receptor signaling onto NR2B-containing NMDA receptor signaling enables estrogen to interfere with its downstream pathway via G-protein coupled estrogen receptor 1 activation resulting in normalization of branching and behavior in female 5-HT1a receptor mice. In conclusion, our data strongly suggests a hormone- regulated mechanism that by converging on NR2B-containing NMDA receptor signaling is able to normalize morphology of pyramidal neurons and behavior of female 5-HT1a receptor KO mice. Our findings provide a possible explanation for gender-dependent differences in the occurrence of mental disorders with 5-HT1a receptor abnormalities as a strong predisposing factor. -- En 1998, trois équipes de recherche ont décrit un comportement de type anxieux dans des tests de conflit pour leur souris transgéniques avec une délétion du gène pour le récepteur 5-HT1a de la sérotonine. De plus, les trois groupes rapportent un phénotype plus sévère pour le comportement anxieux chez les souris transgéniques mâles que femelles. Dans l'hippocampe, la région avec la densité de récepteur 5-HT1a la plus élevée dans le télencéphale, nous avons observé dans le stratum radiatum une complexité accrue des arborisations dendritiques des neurones pyramidaux du secteur CA1 chez les souris transgénique mâles mais pas chez les femelles. Cette observation nous a encouragés à initier cette étude sur les différences en fonction du genre utilisant les tests comportementaux en rapport avec les fonctions de l'hippocampe chez les souris déficientes pour le récepteur 5-HT1a.Testant nos souris avec des paradigmes associés à l'anxiété, nous avons reproduit les données originales montrant que les souris transgéniques mâles ont un phénotype plus sévère que les souris mâles sauvages, mais qu'aucune différence n'est observée entre les femelles sauvages et transgéniques. De même, les souris mâles déficientes pour le récepteur 5-HT1a sont handicapées dans les tests de conditionnement au stress avec des stimuli aversifs. Nous faisons l'hypothèse que l'augmentation de la complexité de l'arborisation dendritique et l'augmentation de la force du signal synaptique entres les régions CA3 et CA1 de l'hippocampe dans le stratum radiatum perturbe la propagation du signal nerveux qui conduit à l'hyperactivation des neurones du secteur CA1. Ceci conduit à une mémoire de stress altérée chez les souris mâles déficientes pour le récepteur 5-HT1a. Un mécanisme similaire dans l'hippocampe ventral contribue probablement aux différences en fonction du genre dans les tests pour le comportement de type anxieux qui ont été rapportés dans les études originales de 1998. Les mesures de protéine et de mRNA ont mis en évidence une augmentation de l'expression du récepteur NMDA contenant la sous- unité NR2B dans les souris déficientes pour le récepteur 5-HT1a à P15. Dans les cultures organotypiques d'hippocampe, nous avons commencé à disséquer les messagers secondaires à l'activation du récepteur 5-HT1a qui sont impliqués dans la régulation de la croissance dendritique des neurones pyramidaux pendant la période postnatale précoce. Nous avons démontré que les récepteurs NR2B sont en aval de l'activation du récepteur 5-HT1a et qu'ils sont impliqués dans l'accroissement du nombre de dendrites chez la souris mâle déficiente pour le récepteur 5-HT1a. Bien que la cascade de signalisation du récepteur 5-HT1a pour réguler les récepteurs NMDA contenant le NR2B ne soit pas établie, CaMKII est identifié comme un effecteur potentiel pour altérer le transport du récepteur NMDA à la synapse. D'autre part, Erk1/2 est probablement un messager en aval du NR2B du récepteur NMDA, et a été documenté comme suffisant pour réguler l'arborisation dendritique. L'augmentation de NR2B à la synapse des souris déficientes pour le récepteur 5-HT1a peut conduire à une augmentation de l'excitotoxicité dans les cellules. Nous avons observé une augmentation chez la souris déficiente pour le récepteur 5-HT1a de la mort cellulaire dans des tranches d'hippocampe stimulées, ce qui peut être en relation avec la réduction de la survie des neurones générés dans l'hippocampe de la souris mâle transgénique adulte par rapport à la souris mâle sauvage. De plus, la convergence de la signalisation du récepteur 5-HT1a sur la signalisation de la sous-unité NR2B du récepteur NMDA permet à l'oestrogène d'interférer avec sa voie de signalisation du récepteur de l'oestrogène couplé à une protéine G (GPER-1), ceci permettant à l'oestrogène de réduire la taille de l'arborisation des neurones pyramidaux de CA1 chez la femelle de la souris déficiente pour le récepteur 5-HT1a. En conclusion, nos observations suggèrent fortement qu'un mécanisme hormonal convergeant sur la voie de signalisation de la sous-unité NR2B du récepteur NMDA permet la normalisation de l'exubérance des dendrites des neurones CA1 de l'hippocampe et du comportement des souris femelles déficientes pour le récepteur 5-HT1a. Ceci donne une explication possible pour la différence en fonction du genre dans l'apparition de troubles mentaux avec les variations du récepteur 5-HT1a comme facteur de prédisposition important.


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The objective of the thesis was to define the quality potential of DIP and hardwood CTMP based raw material furnish for a printing paper production and to define the end product's pulp-based boundary conditions especially when thinking of Chinese markets. Although the Chinese paper industry expands rapidly, the production of some paper grades is still exiguous. Especially the softwood resources are limited in Asia, thus the purpose of the thesis was to find out the possibilities to produce printing paper in China from local raw materials. Bleached CTMP can be produced, for example, from fast-growing hardwood species like eucalyptus and poplar. Therefore in this thesis it was examined if good quality printing paper is possible to produce by using deinked pulp and hardwood CTMP based furnish. In the first section of experimental part, various deinked pulps and chemithermomechanical pulps were compared. The deinked pulps were from China, Central Europe and Finland. Central European was made for magazine papers, and the Chinese as well as the Finnish pulps were made for newsprints. Two of the BCTMPs were from China and those both were made from poplar, whereas one BCTMP was made from eucalyptus in a pilot plant. There were significant differences especially between BCTMPs and their paper properties. In the second section of experimental part, the deinked pulp and eucalyptus BCTMP were blended to produce handsheets. The results show that producing the highest quality printing paper would be difficult from these raw materials. Deinked pulp affected especially the strength and optical properties as well as calender blackening. The BCTMP was found to have effects mostly on the smoothness, strength and optical properties as well as calender blackening.


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Corrosion reduces the lifetime of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) superheater tubes more than any other cause. It can be minimized by the careful selection of those materials that are most resistant to corrosion under operating conditions. Since thousands of different materials are already known and many more are developed every year, here the selection methodology developed by Prof. Ashby of the University of Cambridge was used to evaluate the performance of different materials to be used as MSWI superheater tubes. The proposed materials can operate at steam pressures and temperatures over 40 bars and 400ºC, respectively. Two case studies are presented: one makes a balanced selection between mechanical properties and cost per thermal unit; and the other focuses on increasing tube lifetime. The balanced selection showed that AISI 410 martensitic stainless steel (wrought, hard tempered) is the best candidate with a good combination of corrosion resistance, a relatively low price (0.83-0.92 e/kg) and a good thermal conductivity (23-27 W/m K). Meanwhile, Nitronic 50/XM-19 stainless steel is the most promising candidate for longterm selection, as it presents high corrosion resistance with a relatively low price (4.86-5.14 e/kg) compared to Ni-alloys.


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The conversion of cellular prion protein (PrPc), a GPI-anchored protein, into a protease-K-resistant and infective form (generally termed PrPsc) is mainly responsible for Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs), characterized by neuronal degeneration and progressive loss of basic brain functions. Although PrPc is expressed by a wide range of tissues throughout the body, the complete repertoire of its functions has not been fully determined. Recent studies have confirmed its participation in basic physiological processes such as cell proliferation and the regulation of cellular homeostasis. Other studies indicate that PrPc interacts with several molecules to activate signaling cascades with a high number of cellular effects. To determine PrPc functions, transgenic mouse models have been generated in the last decade. In particular, mice lacking specific domains of the PrPc protein have revealed the contribution of these domains to neurodegenerative processes. A dual role of PrPc has been shown, since most authors report protective roles for this protein while others describe pro-apoptotic functions. In this review, we summarize new findings on PrPc functions, especially those related to neural degeneration and cell signaling.


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Background: Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent, pro-inflammatory, pro-angiogenic condition that affects 5 to 10% of women of reproductive age. Its defining feature is the presence of endometrium-like tissue in sites outside the uterine cavity, primarily on the pelvic peritoneum and ovaries. The main clinical features are chronic pain, pain during intercourse and infertility. In patients with endometriosis, inflammatory and immune responses, angiogenesis and apoptosis are altered in favour of the survival and replenishment of endometriotic tissue. These basic pathological processes depend on the excessive formation of estrogen and prostaglandins. Recently, new cellular and molecular mechanisms for the resolution of inflammation have been discovered, revealing key roles for lipid mediators such as lipoxins, resolvins and protectins. It is possible that disequilibrium in the expression of these molecules exists in endometriosis. Objective: To compare the expression of two proteins involved in the synthe sis and in the function of lipid mediators; the Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase (ALOXI5), implicated in the synthesis of lipoxins A4 and B4 and the Formyl peptide receptor 1 (FPRLI), the specific receptor for Lipoxin A4 and B4, between women who suffer from endometriosis and a control group. We wish to demonstrate the cellular localisation of these two molecules and to investigate if their expression is alteted in this pathology. Methods and Materials Using immunohistochemistry we will compare ALOXI5 and FPRLI staining, in endometrium, normal peritoneum and endometriotic lesions. The samples are being collected in the department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Lausanne (CHUV). Women attending the department for laparoscopic investigation of pain/infertility, suspected endometriosis or for a hysterectomy, are invited to participate. Approval of the ethics committee (Commission d'Ethique de la recherché clinique) was obtained in March 2009. Clinical samples will only be obtained from subjects having consented. Expected results and interpretation: No published studies investigating the expression of these two molecules in endometriotic lesions exist. A better understanding of the mechanisms underlying this disease will result in the development of new medical therapies and new diagnostic tests, with the aim of ameliorating the quality of life of endometriosis patients.


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Rapid manufacturing is an advanced manufacturing technology based on layer-by-layer manufacturing to produce a part. This paper presents experimental work carried out to investigate the effects of scan speed, layer thickness, and building direction on the following part features: dimensional error, surface roughness, and mechanical properties for DMLS with DS H20 powder and SLM with CL 20 powder (1.4404/AISI 316L). Findings were evaluated using ANOVA analysis. According to the experimental results, build direction has a significant effect on part quality, in terms of dimensional error and surface roughness. For the SLM process, the build direction has no influence on mechanical properties. Results of this research support industry estimating part quality and mechanical properties before the production of parts with additive manufacturing, using iron-based powders


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Dendritic cells (DCs) are essential in order to combat invading viruses and trigger antiviral responses. Paradoxically, in the case of HIV-1, DCs might contribute to viral pathogenesis through trans-infection, a mechanism that promotes viral capture and transmission to target cells, especially after DC maturation. In this review, we highlight recent evidence identifying sialyllactosecontaining gangliosides in the viral membrane and the cellular lectin Siglec-1 as critical determinants for HIV-1 capture and storage by mature DCs and for DC-mediated trans-infection of T cells. In contrast, DC-SIGN, long considered to be the main receptor for DC capture of HIV-1, plays a minor role in mature DC-mediated HIV-1 capture and trans-infection.


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Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of visual loss in individuals under the age of 55. Most investigations into the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy have been concentrated on the neural retina since this is where clinical lesions are manifested. Recently, however, various abnormalities in the structural and secretory functions of retinal pigment epithelium that are essential for neuroretina survival, have been found in diabetic retinopathy. In this context, here we study the effect of hyperglycemic and hypoxic conditions on the metabolism of a human retinal pigment epithelial cell line (ARPE-19) by integrating quantitative proteomics using tandem mass tagging (TMT), untargeted metabolomics using MS and NMR, and 13C-glucose isotopic labeling for metabolic tracking. We observed a remarkable metabolic diversification under our simulated in vitro hyperglycemic conditions of diabetes, characterized increased flux through polyol pathways and inhibition of the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. Importantly, under low oxygen supply RPE cells seem to consume rapidly glycogen storages and stimulate anaerobic glycolysis. Our results therefore pave the way to future scenarios involving new therapeutic strategies addressed to modulating RPE metabolic impairment, with the aim of regulating structural and secretory alterations of RPE. Finally, this study shows the importance of tackling biomedical problems by integrating metabolomic and proteomics results.


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Amb el present treball es vol aprofundir en la manera que influeix l’organització d’espais, d’ambients i les característiques dels materials en el procés educatiu. A partir d’una recerca teòrica en base les necessitats educatives de la societat actual, les necessitats evolutives dels infants, i en base a l’observació i anàlisi d’escoles reggianes i catalanes referents que tenen en compte com a agent educador l’espai, els ambients i els materials, es volen reunir quines són les característiques bàsiques de l’organització dels espais, ambients i materials per garantir una educació de qualitat a l’etapa infantil (3-6).


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Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and aggressive primary brain tumor in adults. Despite concerted efforts to improve current therapies and develop novel clinical approaches, patient survival remains poor. As such, increasing attention has focused on developing new therapeutic strategies that specifically target the apoptotic pathway in order to improve treatment responses. Recently, nutlins, small-molecule antagonists of MDM2, have been developed to inhibit p53-MDM2 interaction and activate p53 signaling in cancer cells. Glioma cell lines and primary cultured glioblastoma cells were treated with nutlin-3a. Nutlin-3a induced p53-dependent G1- and G2-M cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in glioma cell lines with normal TP53 status. In addition, nutlin-arrested glioma cells show morphological features of senescence and persistent induction of p21 protein. Furthermore, senescence induced by nutlin-3a might be depending on mTOR pathway activity. In wild-type TP53 primary cultured cells, exposure to nutlin-3a resulted in variable degrees of apoptosis as well as cellular features of senescence. Nutlin-3a-induced apoptosis and senescence were firmly dependent on the presence of functional p53, as revealed by the fact that glioblastoma cells with knockdown p53 with specific siRNA, or cells with mutated or functionally impaired p53 pathway, were completely insensitive to the drug. Finally, we also found that nutlin-3a increased response of glioma cells to radiation therapy. The results provide a basis for the rational use of MDM2 antagonists as a novel treatment option for glioblastoma patients.


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This study aimed at comparing the efficiency of various sampling materials for the collection and subsequent analysis of organic gunshot residues (OGSR). To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that sampling devices were investigated in detail for further quantitation of OGSR by LC-MS. Seven sampling materials, namely two "swab"-type and five "stub"-type collection materials, were tested. The investigation started with the development of a simple and robust LC-MS method able to separate and quantify molecules typically found in gunpowders, such as diphenylamine or ethylcentralite. The evaluation of sampling materials was then systematically carried out by first analysing blank extracts of the materials to check for potential interferences and determining matrix effects. Based on these results, the best four materials, namely cotton buds, polyester swabs, a tape from 3M and PTFE were compared in terms of collection efficiency during shooting experiments using a set of 9 mm Luger ammunition. It was found that the tape was capable of recovering the highest amounts of OGSR. As tape-lifting is the technique currently used in routine for inorganic GSR, OGSR analysis might be implemented without modifying IGSR sampling and analysis procedure.


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The discovery that stem cells isolated from different organs have the ability to differentiate into mature beating cardiomyocytes has fostered considerable interest in developing cellular regenerative therapies to treat cardiac diseases associated with the loss of viable myocardium. Clinical studies evaluating the potential of stem cells (from heart, blood, bone marrow, skeletal muscle, and fat) to regenerate the myocardium and improve its functional status indicated that although the method appeared generally safe, its overall efficacy has remained modest. Several issues raised by these studies were notably related to the nature and number of injected cells, as well as the route and timing of their administration, to cite only a few. Besides the direct administration of cardiac precursor cells, a distinct approach to cardiac regeneration could be based upon the stimulation of the heart's natural ability to regenerate, using pharmacological approaches. Indeed, differentiation and/or proliferation of cardiac precursor cells is controlled by various endogenous mediators, such as growth factors and cytokines, which could thus be used as pharmacological agents to promote regeneration. To illustrate such approach, we present recent results showing that the exogenous administration of the natriuretic peptide BNP triggers "endogenous" cardiac regeneration, following experimental myocardial infarction.


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Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and aggressive primary brain tumor in adults. Despite concerted efforts to improve current therapies and develop novel clinical approaches, patient survival remains poor. As such, increasing attention has focused on developing new therapeutic strategies that specifically target the apoptotic pathway in order to improve treatment responses. Recently, nutlins, small-molecule antagonists of MDM2, have been developed to inhibit p53-MDM2 interaction and activate p53 signaling in cancer cells. Glioma cell lines and primary cultured glioblastoma cells were treated with nutlin-3a. Nutlin-3a induced p53-dependent G1- and G2-M cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in glioma cell lines with normal TP53 status. In addition, nutlin-arrested glioma cells show morphological features of senescence and persistent induction of p21 protein. Furthermore, senescence induced by nutlin-3a might be depending on mTOR pathway activity. In wild-type TP53 primary cultured cells, exposure to nutlin-3a resulted in variable degrees of apoptosis as well as cellular features of senescence. Nutlin-3a-induced apoptosis and senescence were firmly dependent on the presence of functional p53, as revealed by the fact that glioblastoma cells with knockdown p53 with specific siRNA, or cells with mutated or functionally impaired p53 pathway, were completely insensitive to the drug. Finally, we also found that nutlin-3a increased response of glioma cells to radiation therapy. The results provide a basis for the rational use of MDM2 antagonists as a novel treatment option for glioblastoma patients.


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The process of coarsening of an ensemble of clusters is investigated for the case that elastic strains due to matrix - cluster interactions change the process qualitatively as compared with dependencies established theoretically first by Lifshitz and Slezov. Such a qualitatively different behavior occurs always when the energy of elastic deformation in cluster growth increases more rapidly than linear with the volume of a cluster. Analytic solutions, for limiting cases, as well as numerical solutions, for the general case of coarsening in an ensemble of pores with a given pore size distribution, are presented. Possible applications are discussed.