990 resultados para Campos, Augusto de, 1931-
Objective: To compare individuals with and without hyperhidrosis in terms of the intensity of palmar and plantar sweating. Methods: We selected 50 patients clinically diagnosed with palmoplantar hyperhidrosis and 25 normal individuals as controls. We quantified sweating using a portable noninvasive electronic device that has relative humidity and temperature sensors to measure transepidermal water loss. All of the individuals had a body mass index of 20-25 kg/cm(2). Subjects remained at rest for 20-30 min before the measurements in order to reduce external interference. The measurements were carried out in a climate-controlled environment (21-24 degrees C). Measurements were carried out on the hypothenar region on both hands and on the medial plantar region on both feet. Results: In the palmoplantar hyperhidrosis group, the mean transepidermal water loss on the hands and feet was 133.6 +/- 51.0 g/m(2)/h and 71.8 +/- 40.3 g/m(2)/h, respectively, compared with 37.9 +/- 18.4 g/m(2)/h and 27.6 +/- 14.3 g/m(2)/h, respectively, in the control group. The differences between the groups were statistically significant (p < 0.001 for hands and feet). Conclusions: This method proved to be an accurate and reliable tool to quantify palmar and plantar sweating when performed by a trained and qualified professional.
Knowledge of hospital costs is highly important for public health decision-making. This study aimed to estimate direct hospital costs related to pneumococcal meningitis in children 13 years or younger in the city of Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, from January 1999 to December 2008. Data were obtained from medical records. Hospital costs were calculated according to the mixed method for measurement of quantities of items with identified costs and value attribution to items consumed (micro-costing and gross-costing). All costs were calculated according to monetary values for November 2009 and in Brazilian currency (Real). Epi Info 3.5.1 was used for frequencies and means analysis. Forty-one cases were reported. Direct hospital costs varied from R$ 1,277.90 to R$ 19,887.56 (mean = R$ 5,666.43), or 10 to 20 times the mean cost of hospitalization for other diseases. Hospital staff labor was the highest cost, followed by medication, procedures, supplies, and lab tests.
Purpose: The pathophysiology of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) after noncardiac surgery is not established yet. Thrombosis over a vulnerable plaque or decreased oxygen supply secondary to anemia or hypotension may be involved. The purpose of this study was to investigate the pathophysiology of ACS complicating noncardiac surgery. Methods: Clinical and angiographic data were prospectively recorded into a database for 120 consecutive patients that had an ACS after noncardiac surgery (PACS), for 120 patients with spontaneous ACS (SACS), and 240 patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD). Coronary lesions with obstructions greater than 50% were classified based on two criteria: Ambrose's classification and complex morphology. The presence of Ambrose's type II or complex lesions were compared between the three groups. Results: We analyzed 1470 lesions in 480 patients. In PACS group, 45% of patients had Ambrose's type II lesions vs. 56.7% in SACS group and 16.4% in stable CAD group (P < 0.001). Both PACS and SACS patients had more complex lesions than patients in stable CAD group (56.7% vs. 79.2% vs. 31.8%, respectively; P < 0.001). Overall, the independent predictors of plaque rupture were being in the group PACS (P < 0.001, OR 2.86; CI, 1.82-4.52 for complex lesions and P < 0.001, OR 3.43; CI, 2.1-5.6 for Ambrose's type II lesions) or SACS (P < 0.001, OR 8.71; CI, 5.15-14.73 for complex lesions and P < 0.001, OR 5.99; CI, 3.66-9.81 for Ambrose's type II lesions). Conclusions: Nearly 50% of patients with perioperative ACS have evidence of coronary plaque rupture, characterizing a type 1 myocardial infarction. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the immunoexpression of MMP-2, MMP-9 and CD31/microvascular density in squamous cell carcinomas of the floor of the mouth and to correlate the results with demographic, survival, clinical (TNM staging) and histopathological variables (tumor grade, perineural invasion, embolization and bone invasion). Data from medical records and diagnoses of 41 patients were reviewed. Histological sections were subjected to immunostaining using primary antibodies for human MMP-2, MMP-9 and CD31 and streptavidin-biotin-immunoperoxidase system. Histomorphometric analyses quantified positivity for MMPs (20 fields per slide, 100?points grade, ×200) and for CD31 (microvessels <50?µm in the area of the highest vascularization, 5 fields per slide, 100?points grade, ×400). Statistical design was composed by non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test (investigating the association between numerical variables and immunostainings), chi-square frequency test (in contingency tables), Fisher's exact test (when at least one expected frequency was less than 5 in 2×2 tables), Kaplan-Meier method (estimated probabilities of overall survival) and Iogrank test (comparison of survival curves), all with a significance level of 5%. There was a statistically significant correlation between immunostaining for MMP-2 and lymph node metastasis. Factors associated negatively with survival were N stage, histopathological grade, perineural invasion and immunostaining for MMP-9. There was no significant association between immunoexpression of CD31 and the other variables. The intensity of immunostaining for MMP-2 can be indicative of metastasis in lymph nodes and for MMP-9 of a lower probability of survival
Abstract Background Hepatitis C chronic liver disease is a major cause of liver transplant in developed countries. This article reports the first nationwide population-based survey conducted to estimate the seroprevalence of HCV antibodies and associated risk factors in the urban population of Brazil. Methods The cross sectional study was conducted in all Brazilian macro-regions from 2005 to 2009, as a stratified multistage cluster sample of 19,503 inhabitants aged between 10 and 69 years, representing individuals living in all 26 State capitals and the Federal District. Hepatitis C antibodies were detected by a third-generation enzyme immunoassay. Seropositive individuals were retested by Polymerase Chain Reaction and genotyped. Adjusted prevalence was estimated by macro-regions. Potential risk factors associated with HCV infection were assessed by calculating the crude and adjusted odds ratios, 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) and p values. Population attributable risk was estimated for multiple factors using a case–control approach. Results The overall weighted prevalence of hepatitis C antibodies was 1.38% (95% CI: 1.12%–1.64%). Prevalence of infection increased in older groups but was similar for both sexes. The multivariate model showed the following to be predictors of HCV infection: age, injected drug use (OR = 6.65), sniffed drug use (OR = 2.59), hospitalization (OR = 1.90), groups socially deprived by the lack of sewage disposal (OR = 2.53), and injection with glass syringe (OR = 1.52, with a borderline p value). The genotypes 1 (subtypes 1a, 1b), 2b and 3a were identified. The estimated population attributable risk for the ensemble of risk factors was 40%. Approximately 1.3 million individuals would be expected to be anti-HCV-positive in the country. Conclusions The large estimated absolute numbers of infected individuals reveals the burden of the disease in the near future, giving rise to costs for the health care system and society at large. The known risk factors explain less than 50% of the infected cases, limiting the prevention strategies. Our findings regarding risk behaviors associated with HCV infection showed that there is still room for improving strategies for reducing transmission among drug users and nosocomial infection, as well as a need for specific prevention and control strategies targeting individuals living in poverty.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of the urinary excretion of BKV and JCV in HIV-infected patients without neurological symptoms. METHODS: Urine samples from HIV-infected patients without neurological symptoms were tested for JC virus and BK virus by PCR. Samples were screened for the presence of polyomavirus with sets of primers complementary to the early region of JCV and BKV genome (AgT). The presence of JC virus or BK virus were confirmed by two other PCR assays using sets of primers complementary to the VP1 gene of each virus. Analysis of the data was performed by the Kruskal-Wallis test for numerical data and Pearson or Yates for categorical variables. RESULTS: A total of 75 patients were included in the study. The overall prevalence of polyomavirus DNA urinary shedding was 67/75 (89.3%). Only BKV DNA was detected in 14/75 (18.7%) urine samples, and only JCV DNA was detected in 11/75 (14.7%) samples. Both BKV and JCV DNA were present in 42/75 (56.0%) samples. CONCLUSION: In this study we found high rates of excretion of JCV, BKV, and simultaneous excretion in HIV+ patients. Also these results differ from the others available on the literature.
O conhecimento dos custos hospitalares é de grande importância para os processos de tomada de decisão em saúde pública. O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar os custos hospitalares diretos relacionados à meningite pneumocócica em crianças com até 13 anos (inclusive), na cidade de São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brasil, de janeiro de 1999 a dezembro de 2008. Foram obtidos dados de prontuários médicos. O cálculo foi realizado pelo método misto de mensuração das quantidades dos itens de custos e atribuição de valor aos itens consumidos (micro-costing e gross-costing). Os valores monetários referem-se a novembro de 2009, sendo expressos em reais. A análise das frequências e médias foi realizada pelo programa Epi Info versão 3.5.1. Foram notificados 41 casos. Os custos hospitalares diretos variaram de R$ 1.277,90 a R$ 19.887,56 (média = R$ 5.666,43), ou seja, 10 a 20 vezes maiores que o custo médio de internações pago pelo SUS. Os custos dos honorários profissionais foram os mais relevantes, seguidos pelos custos dos medicamentos, procedimentos, materiais e exames laboratoriais.
INTRODUÇÃO: O choque cardiogênico é a maior causa de morte em pacientes com infarto agudo do miocárdio com supradesnivelamento do segmento de ST (IAMCSST). O presente estudo avaliou pacientes com IAMCSST e choque cardiogênico submetidos a intervenção coronária percutânea primária com o objetivo de estabelecer seu perfil e os preditores de mortalidade hospitalar. MÉTODOS: Registro unicêntrico, incluindo 100 pacientes avaliados no período de 2001 a 2009 quanto a características clínicas, angiográficas e do procedimento, e a desfechos intra-hospitalares. Por análise multivariada foram determinados preditores independentes da mortalidade hospitalar. RESULTADOS: Com relação às características clínicas, foi observada alta prevalência de fatores de risco, sendo a taxa de sucesso angiográfico de 92%, apesar da complexidade das lesões (83,1% do tipo B2/C). A artéria mais acometida foi a descendente anterior (45%), tendo o padrão multiarterial ocorrido em 73% dos casos. A taxa de mortalidade foi de 45%, sendo seus preditores independentes o padrão multiarterial [odds ratio (OR) 2,62; intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC 95%) 1,16-5,90] e o fluxo coronário TIMI < 3 ao final do procedimento (OR 2,11, IC 95% 1,48-3,02). CONCLUSÕES: Os pacientes com IAMCSST complicado por choque cardiogênico apresentaram características clínicas e angiográficas de alto risco e, apesar do alto sucesso angiográfico do procedimento, altas taxas de mortalidade. Foram preditores independentes de mortalidade o padrão multiarterial e fluxo TIMI < 3 ao final do procedimento.
O estudo buscou avaliar diferenças florísticas e estruturais entre os componentes adulto e regenerante de trecho de Floresta Ombrófila Mista em Campos do Jordão, a fim de levantar hipóteses sobre sua trajetória sucessional. Para amostragem do componente adulto (CAP > 15 cm) foram instaladas 50 parcelas permanentes de 10 × 20 m e, em cada uma dessas, cinco subparcelas de 1 × 1 m para amostragem do componente regenerante (h > 30 cm e CAP < 15 cm). No componente adulto foram amostrados 1.770 indivíduos, distribuídos em 58 espécies, 38 gêneros e 26 famílias (H' = 3,08 e J = 0,73). Já entre os regenerantes foram observados 576 indivíduos, 55 espécies, 39 gêneros e 23 famílias (H' = 3,41 e J = 0,84). Constatou-se que são necessárias ações de manejo para a conservação in situ das coníferas locais.
Relata o estudo, a instalação e implantação de ferramenta de descoberta e entrega do Portal de Busca Integrada, para o Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas da Universidade de São Paulo (SIBiUSP). Esta nova interface denominada Portal de Busca Integrada possibilita uma nova experiência de pesquisa científica ao usuário final pela recuperação de literatura em diferentes fontes de informação.
A exploração do Brasil-Colônia pelos portugueses, franceses e holandeses teve por intuito contrabandear espécies de fauna e da flora, além de pedras e metais preciosos. Esses povos colaboraram intensamente pela devastação do meio ambiente brasileiro nas fases do ciclo do pau-brasil, dos metais preciosos, da canade- açúcar e do gado. E o Direito brasileiro não poderia ficar alheio a esses dilemas socioculturais com tendência de infinita e crescente transformação ao País. O maior avanço coercitivo foi o advento da Lei n. 9.605, de 1998, à defesa e à proteção do meio ambiente, por meio da criação de novos crimes, instituindo-se, assim, um sistema de proteção penal-administrativo eficaz; porém, um dos maiores obstáculos que vem sendo enfrentado pela Polícia Federal brasileira, considerada uma das melhores corporações do mundo, e o Ministério Público é a fragilidade do único tipo penal versado ao combate ao tráfico dos animais.
A Academia de Direito de São Paulo, fundada em 1827 por Decreto Imperial, em toda a sua jornada de grade disciplinar evoluiu em consonância aos necessários procedimentos, caminhando na construção de uma tutela doutrinal e jurisprudencial, atendendo não-só a sociedade como, também, à correta busca de uma nação voltada à segurança no intuito de assegurar uma democracia plena de Direito. Desde a criação dos cursos jurídicos não há uma cadeira em seu currículo - incluso as extintas por decretos governamentais - que não fosse de suma importância no período de sua vigência, a exemplo da intitulada Hygiene Publica lecionada por Augusto Cezar de Miranda Azevedo, Catedrático por Decreto de 21 de março de 1891, dando origem ao Direito Sanitário atualmente vinculado à Medicina, área de Saúde Pública, ou Direito Nacional e Direito Natural, dando margem ao Direito do Estado e à Introdução à Ciência do Direito. A Cadeira de Direito das Gentes, inicialmente inserida em parceria ao Direito Natural, deu margem ao Direito Internacional Público lecionada por José Maria Avelar Brotero, em 1828, tornando-se, na História da Academia de Direito como das mais importantes disciplinas da grade curricular.