880 resultados para California. Supreme Court.


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"A bicentennial series."


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Title Varies: Preliminary Draft of Proposed Amendments To Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts of the United States


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Description based on: 1958/59


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"Tables of cases": p. 1295-1301. "Table of statutes, constitutional provisions and rules of court": p. 1303-1309


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Includes the decisions of the Supreme Courts of Massachusetts, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, and Court of Appeals of New York; May/July 1891-Mar./Apr. 1936, Appellate Court of Indiana; Dec. 1926/Feb. 1927-Mar./Apr. 1936, Courts of Appeals of Ohio.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Subtitle varies.


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At head of title, v. 11-300; 2nd ser., v. 1-52: Permanent edition.


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"Containing a selection of cases affecting railways recently dedided by the judicial committee of the Privy Council, the Supreme Court and the Exchequer Court of Canada, and the courts of the provinces of Canada, including decisions of the Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada"


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his article addresses two aspects of Australia's soft secular government. The first aspect explains how, and asks why, judges have been inactive in helping to draw the contours of secular government in Australia. The principal reason is that much of the social regulation that provokes the interest of faith-based groups is the constitutional concern of the States, and no State Constitution claims to coordinate relations between church and state. Moreover, the electorate has twice refused to pass referenda, in 1944 and 1988, for extending a constitutional demand of secular governance to the States. However, this is not so for the Commonwealth. It falls under the restrictions of section 116 of the federal Constitution, which states: The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion ('the establishment clause') or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion ('the free exercise clause'), and no religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust under the Commonwealth. As will be explained, while methods of legal interpretation suggest that section 116's establishment clause could place mild demands of non-discrimination on the federal Parliament, judicial inactivity in policing such demands on the Commonwealth, paradoxically, has arguably been secured by judicial activism in the High Court. A second aspect of secular government addressed is the High Court's disposal of 'the separation of church and state' as a constitutional principle in Australia. The contrast, of course, is to the United States, where for sixty years 'separation' has been given uneven recognition as a rule of constitutional law, and has undoubtedly driven the development of hard forms of secular governance in that country. The centrepiece of American secular government is the 1971 decision in Lemon v Kurtzman, where the US Supreme Court held that valid legislation had to pass three tests, ie: First, the statute must have a secular legislative purpose; second, its principal or primary effect must be one that neither advances nor inhibits religion .. . finally, the statute must not foster 'an excessive government entanglement with religion. The third 'entanglement' prong of Lemon is the modern, less ambitious, form of the 'wall of separation', prohibiting too close an engagement between church and state. As this paper will demonstrate, 'entanglement's' destiny shows how unlikely it is that 'separation' can survive as a meaningful constitutional principle in the USA. And, it will also be argued that 'separation' has even poorer prospects for import to Australia.


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Pesquisa realizada nos principais veículos da mídia impressa nacional, entre os meses de julho e dezembro de 2007, com o objetivo de verificar qual é a imagem do Poder Judiciário Brasileiro divulgada pelos veículos, interpretando os principais temas abordados nas publicações e a angulação das matérias. Utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo e a ferramenta da auditoria de imagem na mídia. Concluiu-se na pesquisa que o Poder Judiciário Brasileiro é foco da mídia impressa principalmente quando analisa processos relativos a pessoas públicas, especialmente parlamentares. Também por esse motivo, observou-se que a maior parte das matérias citava a atuação do Supremo Tribunal Federal, órgão máximo da justiça brasileira e responsável pelo julgamento de senadores, principais focos das matérias e autoridades com di-reito a foro privilegiado. Além disso, chegou-se à conclusão de que a maioria das matérias re-fere-se a processos ainda em curso, evidenciando-se que não há um acompanhamento fre-qüente das decisões e sentenças dos órgãos do judiciário. Embora a análise seja referente a um período delimitado, evidenciaram-se falhas na comunicação do judiciário e foram apresenta-das sugestões para aprimorar essa comunicação. (AU)


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Considers if and how a beneficial joint tenancy arising under the presumption of joint beneficial entitlement following the Supreme Court rulings in Stack v Dowden and Jones v Kernott can come to be severed.


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Jones v Kernott [2011] UKSC 53 (SC) Stack v Dowden [2007] UKHL 17; [2007] 2 A.C. 432 (HL). Casenote explores the implications of the ruling in Jones v Kernott by the Supreme Court and assesses its implications for English Property Law. Building on the commonwealth experience the casenote calls for the intorduction of a statutory scheme so as to allow courts to reallocate property rights to unmarried cohabitants in the event of relationship breakdown.


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A kiskereskedelmi árrögzítés évtizedek óta vitatott kérdés a közgazdasági elméletben. Az Egyesült Államok legfelsőbb bíróságának közelmúltbeli döntése - megszüntetve az ilyen típusú árkorlátozások önmagában törvénytelennek ítélését - ismételten felhívta a figyelmet az adott problémakörre. Cikkünkben az árrögzítés eddig mellőzött versenyfokozó hatásával foglalkozunk. A megszokott statikus modellek helyett dinamikus környezetet feltételezve, arra a következtetésre jutunk, hogy egy profitmaximalizáló termelőnek számos esetben célszerű kiskereskedelmi árrögzítést alkalmazni egy esetlegesen kialakuló forgalmazói kartell megelőzésére, amelynek egyértelműen pozitív hatása van nemcsak a termelő profitjára, hanem a kialakuló fogyasztói többletre nézve is. Amellett érvelünk, hogy indokolatlan a még mindig uralkodó, a legtöbb ország versenyszabályozásában tetten érhető, önmagában törvénytelennek minősített megítélés a vertikális árkorlátozásokkal kapcsolatban. / === / Retail price fixing has been a disputed issue in theoretical economics for decades, to which attention was drawn again by a recent decision by the US Supreme Court ending the illegality of such price restrictions as such. Assuming a dynamic environment instead of the customary static model leads to the conclusion that it is frequently advantageous to a profit-maximizing producer to use retail price maintenance to avert the possible appearance of a reseller cartel. This will have a clearly positive effect on producer profits, and also in terms of increasing consumption. It is also argued in the study that it is unjustified to qualify such vertical pricing restrictions as essentially illegal, after the manner of the competition rules in most countries.