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The flexoelectro-optic effect describes the rotation of the optic axis of a short-pitch chiral nematic liquid crystal under the application of an electric field. We investigate the effect in the uniform standing helix, or "Grandjean" configuration. An in-plane electric field is applied. The director profile is determined numerically using a static one-dimensional continuum model with strong surface anchoring. The Berreman method is used to solve for plane-wave solutions to Maxwell's equations, and predict the optical properties of the resulting structure in general cases. By using a chiral nematic with short pitch between crossed polarizers an optical switch may be generated. With no applied field the configuration is nontransmissive at normal incidence, but becomes transmissive with an applied field. For this case, numerical results using the Berreman method are supplemented with an analytic theory and found to be in good agreement. The transmitted intensity as a function of tilt, the contrast ratio, and the tilt required for full intensity modulation are presented. The angular dependence of the transmission is calculated and the isocontrast curves are plotted. For typical material and cell parameters a switching speed of 0.017 ms and contrast ratio of 1500:1 at normal incidence are predicted, at a switch-on tilt of 41.5 degrees. Experimental verification of the analytic and numerical models is provided.


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We describe a novel constitutive model of lung parenchyma, which can be used for continuum mechanics based predictive simulations. To develop this model, we experimentally determined the nonlinear material behavior of rat lung parenchyma. This was achieved via uni-axial tension tests on living precision-cut rat lung slices. The resulting force-displacement curves were then used as inputs for an inverse analysis. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm was utilized to optimize the material parameters of combinations and recombinations of established strain-energy density functions (SEFs). Comparing the best-fits of the tested SEFs we found Wpar = 4.1 kPa(I1-3)2 + 20.7 kPa(I1 - 3)3 + 4.1 kPa(-2 ln J + J2 - 1) to be the optimal constitutive model. This SEF consists of three summands: the first can be interpreted as the contribution of the elastin fibers and the ground substance, the second as the contribution of the collagen fibers while the third controls the volumetric change. The presented approach will help to model the behavior of the pulmonary parenchyma and to quantify the strains and stresses during ventilation.


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本研究通过探讨毛乌素沙地主要犀生植物和中生植物的冰分关系。对“翠生植物”的概念作了进一步的分析和阐述,探讨了燕腾作用、光合作用的气孔调节与植物叶片水分平衡的相互关系,并提出了以蒸腾“午休一为基础的关于捌分植物水分生态类型的新概念。上述问题的探讨可作为对中圈毛乌素沙化草地植物环境系统优化模式的水平衡假说的验证。 探讨了为合理确定在研究地区种蕈造林的最佳密度所需进一步研究的内容:水分亏缺对植物量累积的抑制作用。并对该地区主要植物种的季节蒸腾耗水量作了估算。 研究了依赖于主导环境因子的沙生植物蒸腾速率的回归模型。得出结论认为:对手蒸腾速率和叶面积指数,建立多元非线性回归可以取得较好结果。 最后,对几个重要的蒸散预测模型和土壤水分运动的物理模型进行了评述,并探讨了这些模型对于干旱区蒸散预测研究的可行性,作为本研究的未来探讨的课题。


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草原不仅是陆地生态系统重要的一种类型,而且是人类赖以生存的畜牧业基地。由于草原多处于半干旱区,所以研究草原生态系统的水循环、水利用非常重要。本文对我国内蒙古草原区一个典型的群落-羊草群落的水分运动特征进行了定位观测,并在对这些观测结果进行分析的基础上,对土壤-植物-大气连续体(Soil-Plant-Atomosphere Continuum, SPAC)内的水流运动过程进行了仿真。 气孔是草原生态系统SPAC水流运动中最大的阻力项,是制约SPAC内水流通量的“瓶颈”,因此要想对该系统进行仿真首先必须建立精确的气孔导度(阻力)模型。根据1998~1999观测,羊草气孔导度主要受0~40cm土壤含水量的影响,在日的时间尺度上,用普通的线性回归模型对日均气孔导度就可以实现精确的预测,R~2可以达到96%,但是在小时的时间尺度上,仅用0~40cm土壤含水量是不够的,必须同时考虑其它环境因子的作用、构建具有一定机理基础的模型才能达到较为理想的模拟精度。现有的具有机理性质的气孔导度模型大致可以分为“Jarvis-类”和“BWB模型”(或“光合-导度”模型)。但是它们都没有充分考虑土壤水分因素对气孔导度的重要作用,所以这不符和草原区的实际情况。本文构建了一个考虑土壤水分因素的气孔导度模型,并分析了环境因素之间的互作对气孔导度的影响程度,最后这个模型被应用到了SPAC系统能量平衡和蒸散过程的模拟中去。 在降水量正常的情况下,例如1999年(年降水量344mm),羊草群落的显热通量明显高于潜热通量;在特别干旱的情况下,例如 1997年(年降水量仅280mm左右),白天甚至可能出现潜热的逆向传递;但是在湿润的年份,例如1998年(年降水量507mm),潜热通量却与显热通量相当。 在模拟植物蒸腾和群落的蒸散时需要分析叶片和冠层能量平衡,此时,往往需要简化处理,为了使这种简化更符合实际情况,所以根据羊草叶片红外辐射温度的实测结果,对羊草叶片上的能量平衡进行了分析。结果表明,太阳短波辐射对叶片能量总收入的贡献率小于30%,而来自地表和天空的长波辐射却古总收入的约74%。叶片的热辐射为双向,占叶片能量总支出的约90%。显热与潜热交换的总和才占叶片能量总支出的10%,而且在所测的时间点上两者的平均值相近,各占5%左右。在能量平衡的各分量中,长波辐射部分表现为净支出,因而可以假设短波辐射为叶片的唯一能量来源。此时,热辐射消耗其中的59%,显热潜热消耗40.1%。 将冠层分成上中下三层,分别模拟了这三层叶片以及土壤表面的能量平衡动态。与实测的各层红外辐射温度进行了对比,发现模型预测的冠层温度值与实测值的相关性良好,但是对中下层叶片温度的预测偏低。对土壤表面温度的模拟效果不好。 由于1998年降水量很大,根据蒸渗仪的观测,2m土体出现了渗漏。渗漏的出现,使得生长季末0~2m土壤贮水量与生长季初相比不但没有增加,反而减少。由于渗漏使得80~120cm土层内的粗细交界面得以贯通,该层对其上层土壤水头的蓄持能力下降,所以在1999年即使降雨强度不大也会造成渗漏的再次发生,这使得1999年生长季各月份水分平衡表现为较大的净支出。因此,实现SPAC水流成功模拟应该考虑土壤质地的成层性,以及渗漏的问题。 根据1998年波文比、涡度相关和蒸发渗漏仪联合实验的结果,对三种方法监测内蒙古草原群落蒸散的适用性进行了分析。三种仪器逐时、逐日蒸散回归关系极显著(P=0.000),但是涡度相关的测量值往往低于其它两者。分析认为蒸发渗漏仪在逐日或者更长的取样时间间隔上能够达到足够的精度,适合于作为长期监测内蒙古草原群落蒸散量的工具,但是,由于受风压等随机因素的影响,不适用于逐时或逐分的测量。波文比在无对流逆温的天气里可以精确地测定逐刻和逐时的潜热通量,适合于作为短期的监测工具,但在更复杂的气象条件下波动幅度较涡度相关大。涡度相关法能在较复杂的天气条件下稳定地反映逐刻、逐时和逐日的潜热通量变化。但是,在内蒙古草原区现实的野外条件下,涡度相关法尚难以作为长期蒸散监测的工具。 除了对上述三,种观测方法进行比对外,还有波文比与Penman-Moteith公式、涡度相关法与Penman-Moteith公式对蒸散的监测进行了对比,发现Penman-Monteith公式在1998和1999年都低估了蒸散。分析认为,对总蒸散的低估可能来自对土表蒸发的低估。 本文最后还对SPAC系统水流各部分的模拟进行了整合,希望得到一个对整个系统的水流循环进行动态仿真的模型。


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Time scales extracted from high-resolution proxy records and observations indicate that the spectrum of climate variability exhibits significant power in the range of decades to centuries superimposed on a red-noise continuum. The classical view of climate variability is based on the concept that observed fluctuations have their origin in periodic forcings on the same time scale. ... Instead, it is proposed that these fluctuations are linked to interactions within and between the different climate system components.


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The ultrasmoothness of diamond-like carbon coatings is explained by an atomistic/continuum multiscale model. At the atomic scale, carbon ion impacts induce downhill currents in the top layer of a growing film. At the continuum scale, these currents cause a rapid smoothing of initially rough substrates by erosion of hills into neighboring hollows. The predicted surface evolution is in excellent agreement with atomic force microscopy measurements. This mechanism is general, as shown by similar simulations for amorphous silicon. It explains the recently reported smoothing of multilayers and amorphous transition metal oxide films and underlines the general importance of impact-induced downhill currents for ion deposition, polishing, and nanopattering.


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The frequency range of interest for ground vibration from underground urban railways is approximately 20 to 100 Hz. For typical soils, the wavelengths of ground vibration in this frequency range are of the order of the spacing of train axles, the tunnel diameter and the distance from the tunnel to nearby building foundations. For accurate modelling, the interactions between these entities therefore have to be taken into account. This paper describes an analytical three-dimensional model for the dynamics of a deep underground railway tunnel of circular cross-section. The tunnel is conceptualised as an infinitely long, thin cylindrical shell surrounded by soil of infinite radial extent. The soil is modelled by means of the wave equations for an elastic continuum. The coupled problem is solved in the frequency domain by Fourier decomposition into ring modes circumferentially and a Fourier transform into the wavenumber domain longitudinally. Numerical results for the tunnel and soil responses due to a normal point load applied to the tunnel invert are presented. The tunnel model is suitable for use in combination with track models to calculate the ground vibration due to excitation by running trains and to evaluate different track configurations. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper proposes a simple method to include superstructure stiffness in foundation analyses. The method involves extracting a small "condensed structural matrix" from finite element models of the superstructure, which can then be incorporated into pile group or piled raft analyses using common approaches such as elastic continuum or load transfer methods. The matrix condensation method directly couples structural and geotechnical analyses, and eliminates the need for iterative analyses between structural and geotechnical engineers. Effectiveness of the approach is illustrated through analyses of several buildings designed with a typical floor plan but with varying heights. The parametric study illustrates that superstructure stiffness can have a significant influence on foundation settlement estimates, and the stiffening effects are dominated by the lower stories of the superstructure. The proposed method aims to bridge the gap between structural and geotechnical analyses. Also, being a computationally simple and accurate approach, it is applicable to parametric or optimization studies that would otherwise involve large amounts of analyses. © 2010 ASCE.


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The origin of eukaryotic flagella has long been a mystery. Here we review the possibility that flagella sprouted evolutionarily from the eukaryotic cell proper seems very unlikely because it is hard to imagine what function and benefit in natural selection the flagella would have provided to the cells when they first emerged as simple buds. Lynn Margulis' 1970 spirochete hypothesis, though popular still, has never been confirmed. Moreover, the absence of tubulin and axonemal dynein in the spirochetes and the incapability of the bacterial and eukaryotic membranes' making a continuum now suggest that the hypothesis is outdated. Tubulin genes were recently identified in a new bacteria division, verrucomicrobia, and microtubules have also been found in one of these species, epixenosomes, the defensive ectosymbionts. On the basis of these data, we propose a new symbiotic hypothesis: that the mid-ancestor of eukaryotic cells obtained epixenosomelike verrucomicrobia as defensive ectosymbionts and the ectosymbionts later became endosymbiotic. They still, however, protruded from the surface of their host to play their role. Later, many genes were lost or incorporated into the host genome. Finally, the genome, the bacterial membrane, and the endosymbiotic vesicle membrane were totally lost, and fingerlike protrusions with microtubules formed. As the cells grew larger, the defensive function of the protrusions eventually weakened and then vanished. Some of the protrusions took on a new role in cell movement, which led them to evolve into flagella. The key step in this process was that the dynein obtained from the host evolved into axonemal dyneins, attaching onto the microtubules and forming motile axonemes. Our hypothesis is unproven, but it offers a possible explanation that is consistent with current scientific thought. We hope that our ideas will stimulate additional studies on the origin of eukaryotic flagella and on investigations of verrucomicrobia. Whether such studies confirm, refine, or replace our hypothesis, they should nevertheless further our understanding of the origin of eukaryotic cells.


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The flexoelectric conversion of mechanical to electrical energy in nematic liquid crystals is investigated using continuum theory. Since the electrical energy produced cannot exceed the mechanical energy supplied, and vice-versa, upper bounds are imposed on the magnitudes of the flexoelectric coefficients in terms of the elastic and dielectric coefficients. For conventional values of the elastic and dielectric coefficients, it is shown that the flexoelectric coefficients may not be larger than a few tens of pC/m. This has important consequences for the future use of such flexoelectric materials in devices and the related energetics of distorted equilibrium structures. © 2011 Author(s).


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Frequency entrainment and nonlinear synchronization are commonly observed between simple oscillatory systems, but their occurrence and behavior in continuum fluid systems are much less well understood. Motivated by possible applications to geophysical fluid systems, such as in atmospheric circulation and climate dynamics, we have carried out an experimental study of the interaction of fully developed baroclinic instability in a differentially heated, rotating fluid annulus with an externally imposed periodic modulation of the thermal boundary conditions. In quasiperiodic and chaotic amplitude-modulated traveling wave regimes, the results demonstrate a strong interaction between the natural periodic modulation of the wave amplitude and the externally imposed forcing. This leads to partial or complete phase synchronization. Synchronization effects were observed even with very weak amplitudes of forcing, and were found with both 1:1 and 1:2 frequency ratios between forcing and natural oscillations.


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PiP software is a powerful computational tool for calculating vibration from underground railways and for assessing the performance of vibration countermeasures. The software has a user-friendly interface and it uses the state-of-the-art techniques to perform quick calculations for the problem. The software employs a model of a slab track coupled to a circular tunnel embedded in the ground. The software calculates the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the vertical displacement at any selected point in the soil. Excitation is assumed to be due to an infinitely-long train moving on a slab-track supported at the tunnel bed. The PSD is calculated for a roughness excitation of a unit value (i.e. "white noise"). The software also calculates the Insertion Gain (IG) which is the ratio between the PSD displacement after and before changing parameters of the track, tunnel or soil. Version 4 of the software accounts for important developments of the numerical model. The tunnel wall is modelled as a thick shell (using the elastic continuum theory) rather than a thin shell. More importantly, the numerical model accounts now for a tunnel embedded in a half space rather than a full space as done in the previous versions. The software can now be used to calculate vibration due to a number of typical PSD roughnesses for rails in good, average and bad conditions.


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Event-sampling and scans were used for collecting data on male-infant-male triadic interactions, and their effects on member spacing respectively in a group of Macaca thibetana at Mt. Emei in 1989. The group was partially provisioned by human visitors in seasons other than winter, and could be observed closely. In addition, a stable linear male-hierarchy among five males existed for two years since the end of 1987, providing a good social condition for this topic. The triadic interactions were specific to the birth season, and recognized as three types being on a continuum functionally changing from passive ''agonistic buffering'' (4.8%) to active spatial cohesion, which resulted in a significant decline of intermale distances. Positive correlations were documented between the triad initiation rate and the number of females in consort with the males in the mating season (MS), and between the triad reception rate and the number of infants in proximity to the males in the MS when maternal care was significantly reduced. Thus the male's mating effort and kin/sexual selection may deeply be involved in the triad of this species. Considering that the two triad-species, M. sylvanus and M. thibetana, had different levels of paternity, but shared similar foraging conditions, and showed similar intensities of male-infant caretaking, the triad was very likely a byproduct of male-infant caretaking, which was probably shaped to compensate heavy maternal investment to young offspring in harsh conditions. Accordingly, the long-term arguments about the triad in M. sylvanus can be united to a model of the way in which ''male-infant caretaking'' hypothesis works ultimately, and ''regulating social relations'' hypothesis does proximately.


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The viscosity-temperature relation is determined for the water models SPC/E, TIP4P, TIP4P/Ew, and TIP4P/2005 by considering Poiseuille flow inside a nano-channel using molecular dynamics. The viscosity is determined by fitting the resulting velocity profile (away from the walls) to the continuum solution for a Newtonian fluid and then compared to experimental values. The results show that the TIP4P/2005 model gives the best prediction of the viscosity for the complete range of temperatures for liquid water, and thus it is the preferred water model of these considered here for simulations where the magnitude of viscosity is crucial. On the other hand, with the TIP4P model, the viscosity is severely underpredicted, and overall the model performed worst, whereas the SPC/E and TIP4P/Ew models perform moderately.


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The vibration response of piled foundations due to ground-borne vibration produced by an underground railway is a largely-neglected area in the field of structural dynamics. However, this continues to be an important aspect of research as it is expected that the presence of piled foundations can have a significant influence on the propagation and transmission of the wavefield produced by the underground railway. This paper presents a comparison of two methods that can be employed in calculating the vibration response of a piled foundation: an efficient semi-analytical model, and a Boundary Element model. The semi-analytical model uses a column or an Euler beam to model the pile, and the soil is modelled as a linear, elastic continuum that has the geometry of a thick-walled cylinder with an infinite outer radius and an inner radius equal to the radius of the pile. The boundary element model uses a constant-element BEM formulation for the halfspace, and a rectangular discretisation of the circular pile-soil interface. The piles are modelled as Timoshenko beams. Pile-soil-pile interactions are inherently accounted for in the BEM equations, whereas in the semi-analytical model these are quantified using the superposition of interaction factors. Both models use the method of joining subsystems to incorporate the incident wavefield generated by the underground railway into the pile model. Results are computed for a single pile subject to an inertial loading, pile-soil-pile interactions, and a pile group subjected to excitation from an underground railway. The two models are compared in terms of accuracy, computation time, versatility and applicability, and guidelines for future vibration prediction models involving piled foundations are proposed.