799 resultados para CONTINUING EDUCATION
We give a warm welcome to a new issue of the Library. This edition brings together a number (as) author (s) that enrich their new contributions to the discipline and contribute to the upgrading and continuing education and professional work daily with the information and library education.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar resultados preliminares de uma pesquisa de mestrado do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional (PPGDR) da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Câmpus Pato Branco (UTFPR-PB). Essa pesquisa está vinculada ao Programa de Formação Docente Continuada intitulado “Práticas Docentes: dialogar, compartilhar & refletir”, em andamento na mesma Instituição. A fundamentação teórica se respalda em Bakhtin, Vigotski e Clot. A metodologia é desenvolvimentista e o método é o da autoconfrontação simples e cruzada. Os protagonistas da intervenção foram uma dupla de Professores da Área de Informática. Os dados foram gravados audiovisualmente, transcritos e posteriormente analisados.
This article presents an analysis of the results of an action of teacher continuing education in a public Brazilian university. It presents and discusses relations that proved to be necessary between the aforementioned action, the development of classroom pedagogical practices and the promotion of teachers’ health. Its theoretical and methodological foundations consist on a clinic, developmental and dialogic-argumentative character and employ the method of simple and crossed self-confrontation,in order to address professional teaching gestures. The results indicate the necessity of actions related to teachers’ continuing education, focused primarily on the concrete classroom work, which, in addition to allowing the development of pedagogical practices, makes the promotion of teachers’ health itself possible.
This handbook is the original papers on experiences, innovations, reviews, technical advances and trends in theory and practice of professionals in information science (LIS, documentation, information, communication, etc..).Its purpose is to serve as a dissemination tool, discussion forum, a means of supporting the professional development and continuing education, experience-sharing tool, and a window to understanding the changes that occur in the professional environment.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2015.
This text presents a linguistic, discursive and psychological analysis of modes of manifestation of the phenomenon of emergency addressee in a situation of use of the self-confrontation method in an action of university teacher continuing education. The aforementioned phenomenon consists in the subject seeking to justify and validate his professional individual actions by means of practices which would supposedly be common in his work collective. The self-confrontation method consists in the subject observing himself in a video in which he appears working, with the objective of describing and explaining his activity to a researcher, who acts as a mediator of his subjective development.
The objective of this text is to discuss a central question in a doctorate study, in progress, about the learning of the speech genre in self-confrontation situations. This consists of a procedure, which a worker observes your own images, video recorded at the time it performs activities related to their craft; It requests that he comment on what he was doing on the images in order to clarify matters for himself and another - be it a intervenant (simple self-confrontation) or a coworker (crossed self-confrotation). (CLOT, 2008/2010). In the context of this research, the confronted workers are university teachers and students who participate in an action of teacher continuing education. The object of the research is the process of speech genre of learning self-confrontation situation, having as subject a person who conducts self-confrontations training, which initially observed the conduct of dialogues and reflections, and will gradually participating in the self-confrontation activity and becoming also forming another. The theoretical foundations of the research seeks an articulation between sciences such as the Psychology of Labor, the Cultural-historical Psychology and Linguistics. The concepts that are employed come from Clot´s theory of the Psychology of Labor, that is, from the Clinic of Activity and from the activity genre studies (CLOT, 2008/2010); they also come from the Vygotskian theory of human development, with the concepts of thinking and speech (VIGOTSKI, 1934/1998); and from the Bakhtinian dialogic principle (BAKHTIN, 1979/2011). We believe that the formation of the person conducting self-confrontation occurs through learning a gender of speech and a genre of activity.
O PIBID na formação do professor-supervisor e dos licenciados em História: reflexões e contribuições
Esta dissertação visa analisar o PIBID (PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSA DE INICIAÇÃO A DOCÊNCIA) de História da Furg dentro do contexto educacional contemporâneo, em que a formação continuada é vista como uma forma de contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade do ensino. Para isso o professor deve estar consciente que sua formação não termina na graduação. Formar ou (re) formar o educador para a sociedade atual através de uma formação continuada proporcionará ao mesmo, independência profissional com autonomia para decidir sobre o seu trabalho e suas necessidades.
Diskurse und Auseinandersetzungen mit den Fragen von Demokratie und Bildung und den Inhalten demokratischer Bildung sind in Österreich - so es sie überhaupt gibt - häufig verkürzt. Der Fokus liegt meist auf "Mitbestimmung". Fragen der Gestaltung der demokratischen Grundstrukturen und des demokratischen Grundverständnisses werden vernachlässigt. Das ist wohl u.a. auf die wenig aufgearbeitete autoritäre und faschistische Tradition in den meisten institutionellen Kontexten zurückzuführen. Die vorliegende Ausgabe des Magazin erwachsenenbildung.at fragt, was Demokratie kennzeichnet, wie viel und welche Art von Demokratie wir uns vorstellen können und wie viel Demokratie eine Gesellschaft braucht. Die Themenbeiträge entwickeln verschiedene, kritische, oft feministische Zugänge zum Demokratielernen und werden einerseits thematisch (critical science literacy, economic literacy), andererseits methodisch (Psychodrama, Legislatives Theater) mit direkten praktischen Bezügen ausgeführt. Die praxisorientierten Beiträge beschäftigen sich mit spezifischen Ansätzen (Anti-Bias-Ansatz, kritische Radioberichterstattung) und alten neuen Themen des Demokratielernens (politischer Extremismus, Geschlechterstereotype). Resümierend appellieren die Herausgeber, die institutionelle Einbindung zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationsformen in die Erwachsenenbildungslandschaft und auch die verkürzten Diskurse um demokratische Bildung in Österreich genauer zu untersuchen. (DIPF/Orig.)
Vor dem Hintergrund der Flüchtlingsthematik illustriert die Autorin als Auftakt, wie sehr sich die Demokratie in westlichen Gesellschaften, die schon immer Frauen ausschloss, dem Abgrund nähert. Bildung, ob sie es will oder nicht, bildet indirekt oder direkt immer auch politisch-soziale Bedingungen und Verhältnisse ab, bildet in diese hinein, kann nicht unpolitisch sein. Demokratie und Politik finden nicht im Menschen statt, sondern entstehen zwischen den Menschen. Wie kann Bildung nun zum Demokratie lernen oder - um es mit Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak auszudrücken - Demokratie verlernen beitragen? Indem sich jede Bildung immer wieder prozessual einer Selbstprüfung aussetzt, um den Anspruch auf "Erziehung" mündiger BürgerInnen nicht durch die eigene Praxis zu verhindern, lautet die Antwort in diesem kritisch-feministischen und essayistischen Beitrag. Zudem brauche es Bildungsorte, wo es möglich ist, ein BürgerInnensein durch Erfahrung und politische Ideengeschichte zu lernen. (DIPF/Orig.)
Introdução – A frequência de dislipidemia em crianças e adolescentes tem vindo a aumentar rapidamente nos últimos anos, estando o seu aparecimento associado a fatores genéticos e ambientais. Este indicador, associado a outras doenças como a obesidade, constituem a síndrome metabólica e são considerados fatores de risco para doença cardiovascular e diabetes, que quando presentes na infância podem conduzir precocemente ao aparecimento destas doenças. Objetivos – Avaliar o perfil de indicadores de saúde de crianças no início de um Programa de Educação Contínua; Verificar os efeitos do Programa de Educação Contínua aplicado durante 36 meses (ginástica funcional, brincadeiras de rua e das aulas de natação), sobre os resultados dos exames iniciais de colesterol, triglicerídeos e do IMC. Métodos - Estudo quantitativo, exploratório e descritivo de corte transversal, realizado entre 2012 e 2015 numa amostra não probabilística por conveniência de 165 crianças, 70,0% da população-alvo. As crianças tinham entre 7 a 12 anos de idade, 40,59% entre 11 e 12 anos e 54% eram do sexo feminino. Eram beneficiárias de um plano de saúde que integrava um programa de intervenção (educação contínua e atividade física), designado Crescendo com Saúde e foram selecionadas através de critérios, como: dislipidemia (colesterol total e/ou triglicerídeos elevados), sobrepeso e/ou obesidade, e história familiar de HAS e DM. Os dados clínicos foram obtidos na consulta de enfermagem, utilizando-se a recolha de sangue para dosemanento do perfil lipídico no início do programa e a cada 6 meses e avaliação do IMC na fase inicial do programa e semanalmente. Para classificação do estado nutricional foram utilizados os pontos de corte da OMS (2007). Resultados – no início do programa 69% das crianças apresentavam hipercolesterolémia, 32% aumento do colesterol, 45% tinham excesso de peso (sobrepeso e obesidade) e 12% risco de sobrepeso. Após o programa de intervenção, das 53% crianças que participaram de forma regular, 29% apresentaram redução do colesterol, 16% dos triglicerídeos e o excesso de peso reduziu em 9%, aumentando contudo o risco de sobrepeso para 22%. Das que participaram de forma irregular, apenas 3% reduziram o perfil lipídico e 1% o estado nutricional. Conclusões – O programa de intervenção permitiu uma redução dos fatores de risco de doença metabólica e permitiu melhorar os hábitos das crianças estudadas e suas famílias. Estes resultados comprovam a eficácia a curto e médio prazo dos programas de intervenção na comunidade, e realçam o papel das intervenções preventivas de educação contínua e de atividade física regular, para o processo de redução dos indicadores de risco metabólico desde a infância. Palavra-chave: Crianças; Perfil lipídico; Obesidade; Programa de intervenção .
La educación es un área prioritaria en el desarrollo de los países y la formación y capacitación del recurso humano fortalece la productividad económica e intelectual y debe convertirse en un importante transmisor de conocimiento. La revolución que se ha producido en el campo de la información y de las tecnologías ha provocado la necesidad de un nuevo profesional que posea los conocimientos apropiados que le permita enfrentar estos cambios con seguridad y eficiencia.La Escuela de Bibliotecología, Documentación e Información de la Universidad Nacional en Costa Rica, dentro de su visión prospectiva plantea extender su plan de estudios al área centroamericana. Con las facilidades que ofrecen las redes de telecomunicaciones y las tecnologías de información se propone ofrecer una opción educativa en la formación de los profesionales de la información a través de la educación virtual. Esta es una propuesta de educación formal y continua que contribuirá al desarrollo bibliotecológico en esta región.
To date, adult educational research has had a limited focus on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) adults and the learning processes in which they engage across the life course. Adopting a biographical and life history methodology, this study aimed to critically explore the potentially distinctive nature and impact of how, when and where LGBT adults learn to construct their identities over their lives. In-depth, semi-structured interviews, dialogue and discussion with LGBT individuals and groups provided rich narratives that reflect shifting, diverse and multiple ways of identifying and living as LGBT. Participants engage in learning in unique ways that play a significant role in the construction and expression of such identities, that in turn influence how, when and where learning happens. Framed largely by complex heteronormative forces, learning can have a negative, distortive impact that deeply troubles any balanced, positive sense of being LGBT, leading to self- censoring, alienation and in some cases, hopelessness. However, learning is also more positively experiential, critically reflective, inventive and queer in nature. This can transform how participants understand their sexual identities and the lifewide spaces in which they learn, engendering agency and resilience. Intersectional perspectives reveal learning that participants struggle with, but can reconcile the disjuncture between evolving LGBT and other myriad identities as parents, Christians, teachers, nurses, academics, activists and retirees. The study’s main contributions lie in three areas. A focus on LGBT experience can contribute to the creation of new opportunities to develop intergenerational learning processes. The study also extends the possibilities for greater criticality in older adult education theory, research and practice, based on the continued, rich learning in which participants engage post-work and in later life. Combined with this, there is scope to further explore the nature of ‘life-deep learning’ for other societal groups, brought by combined religious, moral, ideological and social learning that guides action, beliefs, values, and expression of identity. The LGBT adults in this study demonstrate engagement in distinct forms of life-deep learning to navigate social and moral opprobrium. From this they gain hope, self-respect, empathy with others, and deeper self-knowledge.
Investments in training measures can only be considered effective if the transfer of the learned contents to practical situations is continuously successful. In this context the scientific and professional discourse regarding the effectiveness of further education, especially regarding training transfer, has intensified considerably. This analysis provides a systematic and comprehensive overview of the current state of international empirical research regarding major influencing factors of learning transfer in the context of formalized further vocational training. Our review of literature differentiates the most important influencing factors on the micro-level of the specific individual characteristics of the participants, the meso-level of measure-specific characteristics of the field of learning, as well as institutional characteristics of the work environment at the macro-level. Decades of transfer research brings forth a wealth of information regarding factors which influence the learning transfer. The current analysis systematizes these results and clarifies that the current state of research regarding the determinants of the process of learning transfer shows clear trends. But there are also some inconsistent findings. Thus the question of which factors positively influence the success of learning transfer is well-studied for the micro-level in particular. The article shows that there is still a research deficit concerning the major determinants of learning transfer at the meso- and macro-level. Finally, in this context this article identifies promising directions for future research. (DIPF/Orig.)
L’objectif de la présente thèse est de générer des connaissances sur les contributions possibles d’une formation continue à l’évolution des perspectives et pratiques des professionnels de la santé buccodentaire. Prônant une approche centrée sur le patient, la formation vise à sensibiliser les professionnels à la pauvreté et à encourager des pratiques qui se veulent inclusives et qui tiennent compte du contexte social des patients. L’évaluation de la formation s’inscrit dans le contexte d’une recherche-action participative de développement d’outils éducatifs et de transfert des connaissances sur la pauvreté. Cette recherche-action aspire à contribuer à la lutte contre les iniquités sociales de santé et d’accès aux soins au Québec; elle reflète une préoccupation pour une plus grande justice sociale ainsi qu’une prise de position pour une santé publique critique fondée sur une « science des solutions » (Potvin, 2013). Quatre articles scientifiques, ancrés dans une philosophie constructiviste et dans les concepts et principes de l’apprentissage transformationnel (Mezirow, 1991), constituent le cœur de cette thèse. Le premier article présente une revue critique de la littérature portant sur l’enseignement de l’approche de soins centrés sur le patient. Prenant appui sur le concept d’une « épistémologie partagée », des principes éducatifs porteurs d’une transformation de perspective à l’égard de la relation professionnel-patient ont été identifiés et analysés. Le deuxième article de thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre du développement participatif d’outils de formation sur la pauvreté et illustre le processus de co-construction d’un scénario de court-métrage social réaliste portant sur la pauvreté et l’accès aux soins. L’article décrit et apporte une réflexion, notamment sur la dimension de co-formation entre les différents acteurs des milieux académique, professionnel et citoyen qui ont constitué le collectif À l’écoute les uns des autres. Nous y découvrons la force du croisement des savoirs pour générer des prises de conscience sur soi et sur ses préjugés. Les outils développés par le collectif ont été intégrés à une formation continue axée sur la réflexion critique et l’apprentissage transformationnel, et conçue pour être livrée en cabinet dentaire privé. Les deux derniers articles de thèse présentent les résultats d’une étude de cas instrumentale évaluative centrée sur cette formation continue et visant donc à répondre à l’objectif premier de cette thèse. Le premier consiste en une analyse des transformations de perspectives et d’action au sein d’une équipe de 15 professionnels dentaires ayant participé à la formation continue sur une période de trois mois. L’article décrit, entre autres, une plus grande ouverture, chez certains participants, sur les causes structurelles de la pauvreté et une plus grande sensibilité au vécu au quotidien des personnes prestataires de l’aide sociale. L’article comprend également une exploration des effets paradoxaux dans l’apprentissage, notamment le renforcement, chez certains, de perceptions négatives à l’égard des personnes prestataires de l’aide sociale. Le quatrième article fait état de barrières idéologiques contraignant la transformation des pratiques professionnelles : 1) l’identification à l’idéologie du marché privé comme véhicule d’organisation des soins; 2) l’attachement au concept d’égalité dans les pratiques, au détriment de l’équité; 3) la prédominance du modèle biomédical, contraignant l’adoption de pratiques centrées sur la personne et 4) la catégorisation sociale des personnes prestataires de l’aide sociale. L’analyse des perceptions, mais aussi de l’expérience vécue de ces barrières démontre comment des facteurs systémiques et sociaux influent sur le rapport entre professionnel dentaire et personne prestataire de l’aide sociale. Les conséquences pour la recherche, l’éducation dentaire, le transfert des connaissances, ainsi que pour la régulation professionnelle et les politiques de santé buccodentaire, sont examinées à partir de cette perspective.