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Background: Maternal occupation as a proxy of environmental exposure has been consistently associated with specific congenital anomalies (CA) in the foetus and newborn. On the other hand, geographical location of the mother such as place of residence and place of work have not been used as proxy for environmental exposures during pregnancy. We designed a pilot study aiming to investigate the association between maternal place of residence and workplace during pregnancy and CA in Portugal. Methods: Cases and controls are identified in the maternity unit. Cases are all live births with at least one CA delivered in the Barreiro hospital located in a heavy industrial area near Lisboa. Controls are the two normal births following each case. Residents outside the study area, stillbirths and women who decline to participate or are incapable of giving consent are excluded. A health professional interviews the mothers using a questionnaire adapted from the registry form of the Portuguese national registry of CA and includes information on places during pregnancy (residence, workplace, leisure), and demographic characterization as place of birth, infant sex, weight, description of CA, age of mother, ethnicity, maternal birth place. Maternal health and obstetric history, education, smoking, alcohol, drugs and medication use is also collected as potential confounders. Results: The pilot study started in January 2016 and at the moment two cases and four controls have been recruited without refusals. The study will continue to be implemented and it is proposed to start in other hospital units during 2016.


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In Portugal, prenatal care guidelines advocate two prenatal ultrasound scans for all pregnant women. Not following this recommendation is considered inadequate prenatal surveillance. The National Registry of Congenital Anomalies (RENAC in Portuguese) is an active population-based registry and an important instrument for the epidemiological surveillance of congenital anomalies (CA) in Portugal. Regarding pregnancies with CA, this study aims to describe the epidemiology of absent prenatal ultrasound scans and factors associated with this inadequate surveillance.


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O vírus Zika (Flavivirus) é um arbovírus transmitido sobretudo por mosquitos, mas também, por transmissão materno-fetal e sexual. Existem evidências que as infeções por vírus Zika podem estar associadas à síndrome de Guillian-Barré e a casos congénitos de microcefalia e outras malformações do sistema nervoso central. As infeções por vírus Zika, Dengue e Chikungunya partilham, atualmente, os mosquitos vetores, a sintomatologia e a distribuição geográfica. O Centro de Estudos de Vetores e Doenças Infeciosas do Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge no seu Laboratório Nacional de Referência de Vírus Transmitidos por Vetores tem desenvolvido o diagnóstico e estudos epidemiológicos de vírus transmitidos por artrópodes desde o princípio dos anos 90. O diagnóstico de Zika foi desenvolvido e padronizado em 2007. O laboratório desenvolveu testes de diagnóstico molecular e serológico tendo identificado vários casos de importação para o território português e feito o diagnóstico diferencial com Dengue e Chikungunya e o despiste de infeção em grávidas e em casos de transmissão sexual.


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Unruptured, asymptomatic arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) lurk in the brains of approximately one person in every thousand; their prevalence, based on four studies of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of 7,359 people without brain disorders, 1-4 was 0.1 % (95% confidence interval [CI] 0% to 0.2%). Some of these brain AVMs may be discovered if and when they cause intracranial haemorrhage, epileptic seizure(s), headache, or a focal neurological deficit, but many brain AVMs may potentially lie dormant from the cradle to the grave.


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Background: Congenital heart diseases cause significant childhood morbidity and mortality. Several restricted studies have been conducted on the epidemiology in Nigeria. No truly nationwide data on patterns of congenital heart disease exists. Objectives: To determine the patterns of congenital heart disease in children in Nigeria and examine trends in the occurrence of individual defects across 5 decades. Method: We searched PubMed database, Google scholar, TRIP database, World Health Organisation libraries and reference lists of selected articles for studies on patterns of congenital heart disease among children in Nigeria between 1964 and 2015. Two researchers reviewed the papers independently and extracted the data. Seventeen studies were selected that included 2,953 children with congenital heart disease. Results: The commonest congenital heart diseases in Nigeria are ventricular septal defect (40.6%), patent ductus arteriosus (18.4%), atrial septal defect (11.3%) and tetralogy of Fallot (11.8%). There has been a 6% increase in the burden of VSD in every decade for the 5 decades studied and a decline in the occurrence of pulmonary stenosis. Studies conducted in Northern Nigeria demonstrated higher proportions of atrial septal defects than patent ductus arteriosus. Conclusions: Ventricular septal defects are the commonest congenital heart diseases in Nigeria with a rising burden.


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International audience


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Early life stages of many marine organisms are being challenged by climate change, but little is known about their capacity to tolerate future ocean conditions. Here we investigated a comprehensive set of biological responses of larvae of two commercially important teleost fishes, Sparus aurata (gilthead seabream) and Argyrosomus regius (meagre), after exposure to future predictions of ocean warming (+4 °C) and acidification (ΔpH= 0.5). The combined effect of warming and hypercapnia elicited a decrease in the hatching success (by 26.4 and 14.3 % for S. aurata and A. regius, respectively) and larval survival (by half) in both species. The length for newly-hatched larvae was not significantly affected, but a significant effect of hypercapnia was found on larval growth. However, while S. aurata growth was reduced (24.8–36.4 % lower), A. regius growth slightly increased (3.2–12.9 % higher) under such condition. Under acidification, larvae of both species spent less time swimming, and displayed reduced attack and capture rates of prey. The impact of warming on these behavioural traits was opposite but less evident. While not studied in A. regius, the incidence of body malformations in S. aurata larvae increased significantly (more than tripled) under warmer and hypercapnic conditions. These morphological impairments and behavioural changes are expected to affect larval performance and recruitment success, and further influence the abundance of fish stocks and the population structure of these commercially important fish species. However, given the pace of ocean climate change, it is important not to forget that species may have the opportunity to acclimate and adapt.


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Background Defaulting scheduled rehabilitation therapy may result in increased adverse outcomes such as permanent disability and increased healthcare costs. Concomitantly, there is evidence to suggest that early and continued rehabilitation of children with congenital disabilities can improve outcomes significantly. This study was conducted to determine factors contributing to caregivers’ defaulting scheduled rehabilitation therapy sessions. Methods A descriptive cross sectional study was carried out at Chitungwiza Central Hospital, a tertiary facility offering in and outpatient rehabilitation services in Zimbabwe. Caregivers of children who had congenital disabilities (N=40) and who had a history of defaulting treatment but were available during the data collection period responded to an interviewer administered questionnaire. Data were analysed for means and frequencies using STATA 13. Results Factors that contributed to caregivers defaulting scheduled therapy included economic constraints (52%), child related factors (43%), caregiver related factors (42%), service centred factors (30%) and psychosocial factors (58%). Majority of the caregivers (98%) were motivated to attend therapy by observable improvements in their children. Other motivators were incentives given in the rehabilitation department (45%), availability of rehabilitation personnel to provide the required services (48%) and psychosocial support from fellow caregivers, families and the rehabilitation staff (68%). Although all the caregivers could not distinguish occupational therapy from physiotherapy services they all reported that therapy was important. Conclusions A combination of psychosocial, economic, child centred and service centred factors contributed to caregivers defaulting scheduled therapy. Interventions that may potentially improve caregiver attendance to scheduled therapy include community outreach services, efficient rehabilitation service provision at the hospitals, and facilitation of income generating programmes for caregivers.


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Background Cerebrospinal fluid accumulation in hydrocephalus produces an elevation of intraventricular pressure with pathological consequences on the periventricular brain parenchyma including ischemia, oedema, oxidative stress, and accumulation of metabolic waste products. Here we studied in the hyh mouse, an animal model of congenital hydrocephalus, the role of reactive astrocytes in this clinical degenerative condition. Materials and Methods Wild type and hydrocephalic hyh mice at 30 days of postnatal age were used. Three metabolites related to the oxidative and neurotoxic conditions were analysed in ex vivo samples (glutathione, glutamine and taurine) using High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (HR-MAS). Glutathione synthetase and peroxidase, glutamine synthetase, kidney-type glutaminase (KGA), and taurine/taurine transporter were immunolocated in brain sections. Results Levels of the metabolites were remarkably higher in hydrocephalic conditions. Glutathione peroxidase and synthetase were both detected in the periventricular reactive astrocytes and neurons. Taurine was mostly found free in the periventricular parenchyma and in the reactive astrocytes, and the taurine transporter was mainly present in the neurons located in such regions. Glutamine synthetase was found in reactive astrocytes. Glutaminase was also detected in the reactive astrocytes and in periventricular neurons. These results suggest a possible protective response of reactive astrocytes against oxidative stress and neurotoxic conditions. Conclusions Astrocyte reaction seems to trigger an anti-oxidative and anti-neurotoxic response in order to ameliorate pathological damage in periventricular areas of the hydrocephalic mice.


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Congenital fiber-type disproportion myopathy causes impaired muscle maturation or development. It is characterized by moderate to severe hypotonia and generalized muscle weakness at birth or during the first year of life, especially in the lower extremities. It is inherited as an autosomal recessive, dominant and X-linked. It is diagnosed by clinical data confirmation, generalized hypotonia and a muscle biopsy in which muscle fibers type I are smaller in caliber, 12% smaller than those of type II and type I fibers are more common than type II. Treatment is multidisciplinary. The following describes the case of a patient who was born in the ‘‘Dr. José Eleuterio González’’ University Hospital in Monterrey, N.L, who presented clinical and muscle biopsy compatible with this myopathy.


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Introduction: Cayler cardio-facial syndrome is a rare syndrome associated with asymmetric crying faces with congenital heart disease. We report a newborn that was diagnosed as case of Cayler Cardio-facial syndrome based on clinical features and was confirmed with FISH analysis. Case Presentation: A term male baby, born to non-consanguineous couple through normal vaginal delivery was diagnosed to have asymmetric crying faces with deviation of angle of mouth to left side at the time of birth. The baby had normal faces while sleeping or silent. Mother was known case of hypothyroidism and was on treatment. Baby was diagnosed as case of Cayler Cardio-facial Syndrome and was investigated with echocardiogram, brain ultrasound, total body X-ray examination, X-ray of cervico-thoracic vertebral column and fundus examination. Echocardiogram showed muscular VSD, brain ultrasound was normal and fundus examination showed tortuous retinal vessels. Whole body X-ray and lateral X-ray of cervico-thoracic vertebral column were not suggestive of any skeletal abnormalities. The other associated malformation was right ear microtia. Baby FISH karyotype analysis showed deletion of 22q11.2 deletion. Baby was discharged and now on follow-up. Conclusions: Cayler syndrome is a rare syndrome which must be suspected if a baby has asymmetrical cry pattern and normal facies when baby sleeps. Patient must be evaluated with echocardiography to find out associated cardiac malformations. These infants should undergo FISH analysis for 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.


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Introduction: Congenital mirror movement disorder designates involuntary movements on one side of the body that occur as mirror of the intentional movements on the contralateral side. Colpocephaly is described as persistence of fetal configuration of lateral ventricles. Case Presentation: A two-month old male infant was brought to the hospital due to bilateral identical movements of the hands. Except for bilateral involuntary synkinetic imitative movements in hands, neurological and physical examination was normal. Cranial MRI showed corpus callosum dysgenesis, hypogenesis and dilation of bilateral lateral ventricular posterior horns (colpocephaly). At the age of 7 years, he was started to use metylphenydate to mitigate attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. The mirror movements were decreasing in amplitude by years and were not so serious to affect normal life activities. Conclusions: Mirror movements, diagnosed usually during childhood, may be congenital or secondary to neurological diseases. Although they generally do not affect normal life activities, in some cases severity of mirror movements causes a real debilitating disease. In our case the patient was diagnosed at the age of 2 months and on follow-up no debilitating problems were observed. This is the first case to describe the association of colpocephaly and mirror movements. The exact mechanism of this association is not known. Although it is known that mirror movements may be in relation with some pychiatric pathologies, this is the first report of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in conjunction with mirror movements and/or colpocephaly. Managing comorbidities, either physical or psyhchological, will help the patient to live in good health without trying to cope with other pathological diseases.